Forged in Fire (The Forged Chronicles Book 3)

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Forged in Fire (The Forged Chronicles Book 3) Page 12

by Alyssa Rose Ivy

  “I will not promise you, but that is not where we are starting.”

  “Where are we starting?” I knew it was unlikely I would like any answer he gave.

  “At my mother’s cottage.”

  “Your mom?” I froze. I never liked meeting moms. I knew Elron wasn’t a boyfriend or anything, but it didn’t matter. Mothers were intimidating. It always felt like they were judging you in some way.

  “She is pleasant and will know what direction to lead us in.”

  “And she won’t freak out about the mark?” I reached around and touched my shirt above it.

  “I already told you, Elves can tell if your heart is light or dark.”

  “Is their sense ever wrong?”

  “Not that I know of.”

  “I really hope you are right.” At least he wasn’t using the word probably.

  “For both of our sakes I need to be.”

  “For both of our sakes?” I glanced around the woods apprehensively. I had once again entered a new world without really thinking through the consequences.

  “I brought you here.” His expression turned stony. “If I brought someone dangerous in, I would be facing the consequences as much as you.”

  “As much as me?” I narrowed my eyes. “I kind of doubt that.”

  “You do not know the way of Elves.”

  “There is a lot I don’t know.” And I was discovering that more and more each day. “But to be fair I didn’t think Elves actually existed until I met you last night.” It felt longer though. Time felt completely different now.

  “I did not mean that as a criticism. I am trying to put you at ease.”

  “Which you may be doing to make it easier to lure me into trouble.” I sincerely hoped that wasn’t the case. Then I’d not only be in trouble myself, but pretty much everyone I knew and loved would be too—including my family. And James.

  “Do you believe I would have gone through such lengths to bring you here just to kill you?”

  “Who said anything about kill?” Danger came in all sorts of shapes and sizes.

  “You will remain unharmed. I cannot promise this will be enjoyable, but somehow I do not think most of your time in Energo would qualify as enjoyable either. Well, aside from certain activities.” He reddened.

  “Yeah, let’s not discuss that.” I was sure my cheeks matched the red shade in his. I’d never been comfortable discussing sex, and it was even worse discussing it with a non-human male.

  “We will have to be honest about that because it relates to the poison.”

  I groaned. “I suppose that’s technically true.”

  “That is why you told me.”

  “True. I certainly wouldn’t have brought it up otherwise.” Sex was one of those conversations best saved for your partner or your best friends.

  “Are you calm enough for us to continue?” He gestured to a well-worn path that wove through the woods.

  Every poem I had ever read about paths in the woods flew through my head as I contemplated his question. “I think so. We don’t have time to waste either way.”

  “No, we do not.” His face grew serious again, and I decided I didn’t like when Elron was tense. He was far more pleasant when he was relaxed. I was pretty sure people would say the same thing about me.

  I stayed close to his side as we followed the path. I was tired of spending time in woods. I was forever paranoid about trees trying to kill me, not to mention the other dangers that likely lurked behind the trees. I had enjoyed some light hiking before, but I wasn’t so sure I would ever want to do it again. Everywhere I went seemed to be wooded now.

  “Hello, Elron.” An Elf with long blond hair seemed to appear out of thin air. He was dressed in a light green tunic and pants. He bowed slightly.

  Elron didn’t bow in return which made me wonder if he was more important than he made it sound, but then why was he the one living alone in Energo? “Hello, Arlo.”

  “Who is the human?” Arlo looked me over in a non-sexual way. Platonic interest or not, it made me uncomfortable.

  “This is Ainsley.” Elron pointed to me. “She needs my help.”

  “Are you headed to your mother’s?” Arlo nodded toward a path in the woods.

  “Yes.”Elron nodded. “I believe she is the best source of assistance at the moment.”

  “You should be aware that Malton is going to want to speak with you. He was getting ready to send someone to retrieve you.”

  “Why?” Elron tensed. “I had months left of my mission.”

  “Because he needs you for a special assignment.” Arlo watched me warily. “Is she urgent business, or should I take her to your mother to wait?”

  I exhaled loudly. He was talking about me as if I was a thing. Urgent business? I bit my tongue to stop myself from saying something to get myself in trouble.

  Elron nodded. “Very. I will find Malton later.”

  “If you are sure.” Arlo bowed slightly again.

  “Very sure. If you see him assure him I will speak with him as soon as possible.”

  “If you wish.” Arlo bowed for the third time before hurrying down another path in the woods I hadn’t noticed.

  I waited until we were far out of earshot before voicing my questions. “Who is Malton?”

  Elron rested his chin in his hands and said nothing at first. I was about to repeat my question when he finally replied, “Our king.”

  “Oh.” I wasn’t sure what to make of it. All this royalty stuff was really foreign to me.

  “And my dad.”

  “Oh.” That changed things. “Your dad is the king?” My sense that Elron was important hadn’t been wrong.

  “Yes.” Elron shrugged. “He is.”

  “But your mom lives in a cottage. Does that mean she isn’t the queen?”

  “She chose not to follow him to the castle.”

  “It was a choice? Or they aren’t together still?” I tried to be tactful. Family dynamics were delicate things.

  “They are very much together, but she refused to move into the castle. She prefers her cottage.”

  “Oh, ok.” Maybe his mom wasn’t quite as scary as I feared. But I thought of something else. “But you’re a prince.”

  “Yes.” He nodded. “I suppose I could have rejected the position when I came of age, but I saw no reason to. If I have the means to help lead my people, why not take the opportunity?”

  “So why is the price working as a watcher?”

  “Being royal does not mean others do the hard work for you.” As if to prove his point he held back a branch for me.

  I nodded in thanks. “I wasn’t implying that. Just that it seemed odd you’d be living alone.”

  “If it makes it easier for you to understand, I selected the duty.”

  “Oh.” It didn’t make it easier to understand, but that ruled out it being a punishment or anything. “Why?”

  He laughed. “Why not? It was a chance to help my people and get a break.”

  “Life as a prince gets tiring?”

  “You could say that.” His lips twisted into a faint smile. “I craved a change in scenery and some time for reflection. I cannot get either of those things when I am here.”

  I understood the whole wanting a change in life thing. “On some level I get that, but it’s still surprising.”

  “There is nothing wrong with doing things that are surprising. I am sure your current predicament is not something you could have predicted.”

  “But as you said, it is a predicament. Not a choice.”

  “Yet getting involved with James was a choice. I know you are his kindred, but on some level there was a choice to be made, and you made it.”

  “Do you always make things sound so wise?”

  He chuckled. “I am not sure too many people would agree with you on that. I am only trying to show you that we are not as different as you think.”

  “Does it matter to you what I think?” The question wasn’t fair in that the
answer didn’t matter, but I wanted to hear it.

  “It matters. Your opinion matters very much.” He stopped short.

  I stopped next to him. “Is everything okay?”

  “Yes. I only. I wanted to express my gratitude that you trusted me.”

  “You are the one doing me the favor. At least that’s what I thought.”

  “Dragging you here against your will would have been possible, but it would have been unpleasant. I am glad it did not come to that.”

  “You and me both.”

  “It would not have been as bad as the corpses.”

  I shivered remembering the cold, hard hands. “No, very little could be.”

  We arrived in what appeared to be a small bustling village—but not like one I’d never seen. Buildings were built into trees—like intricate and permanent tree houses. Some of the wood buildings were several stories high, but they appeared completely sturdy and secure. They were made from a dark wood that if I had to guess was mahogany. They were the most beautiful homes I had ever seen. “You live in the trees.”

  Elron gazed up in the direction of the houses. “Mostly.”

  “That’s cool.” I looked up again to take in the architecture. “Really cool. I’ve never seen anything quite like it.”

  “If you think these are cool, wait until you see the castle.”

  “I’m not going to see it.” Seeing the Elven king sounded intimidating. It was bad enough that I was meeting the queen. At least she lived in a house.

  “You might. If my mother thinks you should.”

  “Oh.” I was saying that word with greater frequency now. I had never been one to be at a loss for words, but as the experiences I faced got further and further away from the reality I knew, I found I couldn’t come up with effective responses. Either that or I was exhausted. Most likely it was a mixture of both. Luckily the haze was gone, but the ache for James was starting to return. I needed him, and I wasn’t sure how long I was going to have to wait to see him again.

  Elron led the way to a spiral staircase that climbed up the side of one of the trees. I followed his lead, trying not to look down on my way up. Between the stairs in the tower and these in the trees, my slight fear of heights was getting a run for its money. But at least these stairs were surrounded by rope railings. I held onto the ropes tightly as we climbed.

  We reached a wooden plank walkway flanked by ropes, but they were only handholds. There was nothing to stop you from slipping off the planks and down the thirty feet to the forest floor.

  I kept my eyes fixed straight ahead.

  “You all right?” Elron glanced back at me.


  “You should have told me you fear heights.”

  “It never came up.”

  He chuckled. “Along that same thinking I should have mentioned we live in trees.”

  “Yes, but then again it would have been yet another reason for me to try to get out of coming, and you made coming seem pretty important.”

  “Very important for you and everyone else.”

  Several other Elves bowed slightly and moved off of the plank so we could pass them. I wasn’t sure if the etiquette dictated that one route of travel got priority, or if it was because Elron was royalty. Either way, I followed Elron and kept my mouth shut. I couldn’t trust that what came out of my mouth wouldn’t somehow be offensive.

  A young female Elf smiled shyly and curtsied. Elron smiled lightly and continued. If I wasn’t mistaken, there might have been something between the two. It wasn’t my place to get involved in that, and it definitely wasn’t the time.

  I followed as he continued to weave his way across the trees. I got braver and decided to look down. The ground looked frightening far away. I took a deep breath and caught up with where Elron had moved ahead. Finally he stopped in front of the doorway of one of the simpler looking cottages. He knocked three times—quickly as if in a rhythmic pattern.

  “Come on in,” a strong female voice called.

  Elron grabbed onto my hand before I could change my mind and turn back.



  Elron opened the door and my breath caught as I followed him into an absolutely exquisite looking room. It was nothing like the austere exterior.

  Bright colored tapestries covered the walls while the floors were made with a rich red toned hardwood. But neither of those things were what really got my attention. Instead it was the crystal chandeliers that hung from the ceiling in such a way to give the appearance of a thousand diamonds suspended in air.

  “They are pretty, are they not?” A female voice broke me from my staring.

  “Yes.” I struggled to compose myself and adjust my eyes now that I had finally stopped staring at the lights.

  “Mother, this is Ainsley.” Elron bowed to a beautiful young woman with long jet black hair that reached her waist.

  “I wondered when you would get here.” She walked toward me, and I realized that although she looked young, there was something about her deep emerald green eyes that suggested she’d lived through far more than most people.

  “You saw a vision of her?” Elron asked.

  “Yes. Of you bringing her here.”

  “Then I did the right thing.” Elron nodded. “I am glad.”

  “Of course you did.” She smiled at her son before turning her attention back to me. “I am Adaline.” She held out a hand. “Welcome to North Loriet, Ainsley.”

  “It is a pleasure to meet you.” I attempted to curtsey, but I had a feeling it just made me look silly. I straightened up.

  “No need to show deference. You are of royal blood as well.” Adaline put a hand on my shoulder. “We are equals.”

  “Yeah… I don’t know about that.” I wasn’t an equal of the regal woman in front of me. Although on the surface she looked like a normal person—well aside from the ears that marked her as an Elf—there was an air about her that screamed importance.

  “She is royal.” Elron stood at my side. “I am sure of it, and I think she is Monty’s daughter.”

  Adaline smiled. “She is a Winthrop. I can see it in her eyes, but whether she was Monty’s or Theodore’s or some other’s I would not know.”

  Elron nodded. “The timing makes sense. Monty had been living in the lost world at the time she must have been conceived.”

  “But that is not why you brought her.” Adaline dropped her hand from my shoulder.

  “No.” Elron shook his head. “It is not time for an alliance yet.”

  An alliance? I looked between them.

  Adaline noticed my confusion. “We have talked about an alliance between the Elves and humans of Energo. Your royal blood would have made you a suitable match for my son, but I know that was not his reason for bringing you here.”

  “Oh.” There went that word again. As if Elron would have brought me there as some bride or something. Crazy.

  “Not so crazy.” Adaline smiled.

  “Did you just read my mind?”

  “No.” She shook her head. “I read your expression.”

  “Good.” I felt a wave of relief. My thoughts were things I preferred to keep private.

  “You did not believe anyone would consider you a match for a prince.” It was a statement and not a question.

  “I’m not sure about this whole royal blood thing, but I’m just a girl.” A girl who desperately needed help.

  “You are not just a girl, although to be of average blood is nothing to be ashamed of. But an alliance could only be formed between royals.” There was nothing condescending in her words. She meant them.

  “Will you show her the mark?” Elron asked gently.

  I nodded. My fear had dissipated now that I’d met Adaline. The aura about her made me feel safer than I’d felt since leaving James’ side. I walked closer and pulled down on my shirt slightly to show her the mark. I closed my eyes, not sure I was ready to watch her reaction.

  “The Mendel crest,” Adaline said

  “Yeah…” I opened my eyes.

  Adaline’s eyes were kind when I met them. “And how did you come to have this branded on your skin?”

  “I slept with James Mendel.” The words sounded bitter on my tongue. What James and I shared went far beyond sleeping together.

  “You are his kindred.” She smiled lightly. “That is a rare thing.”

  “I am.”

  She brushed her fingers along the mark. Her touch was gentle, a caress. “You are more than his kindred.”

  “She is a vessel.” Elron spoke solemnly.

  Adaline nodded. “Yes, that is clear.”

  “So how do I stop being a vessel?” That was the million dollar question, wasn’t it?

  “It is more of an if.” Adaline’s lips formed a frown. “I will not promise that which may not come to pass.”

  “What?” My chest clenched. “Please tell me you’re joking.”

  “I would be lying if I did, and I choose not to lie.”

  “Great.” I turned to Elron. “I thought you said she could help. This was a waste of time.”

  Adaline shook her head. “I can help. But it may not work in the way you want.”


  “Meaning everything we try may have dire consequences.”

  “This conversation isn’t leaving me feeling all warm and fuzzy.”

  “You have darkness spreading through you.” Elron rubbed the back of his neck. “Where are the warm and fuzzies going to come from?”

  “Elron.” Adaline shook her head. “She is our guest.”

  “You know that phrase?” I asked with surprise.

  “I understand it.”

  Adaline gestured to a large dining table. “I believe there is far more to the story than you have told me so far. Why don’t we sit?”

  “We haven’t even started to scratch the surface.”

  Adaline smiled. “Well then, why don’t you start?”

  I nodded and took a seat at the table. Adaline sat to my right. I had expected her to sit across from me or something.

  Elron remained standing. “Maybe she should have some spirits first. She had a difficult time telling me.”

  “I don’t need anything to drink.” I shook my head. “But thanks.”


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