Freshman Firsts (Connerton Academy Book 1)

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Freshman Firsts (Connerton Academy Book 1) Page 8

by Cassie Hargrove

  “Just curious. I forgot to ask when your dad was here and dropped the wing bomb on me.” I shrug my shoulders and lean into him. “I think I’m done talking about this now. I got all the answers I needed, and the rest will come as it comes right?” He nods as he maneuvers us under the covers to lay together.

  “Do you want to cuddle and sleep? Or would you rather we watched a movie?”

  Sleep. Definitely sleep. I sigh and he laughs at me

  “I love when you do that. It’s like you let your guard down and just don’t care about filters in that moment.” I really needed to work on that, it was a new habit I’d picked up since coming here and I didn’t like it. Sometimes I think the stupidest shit, that’s the last thing I need someone using against me.

  I give up caring about that though and lean into his warmth and fall asleep listening to his heartbeat.


  After Harleigh and I spent the night answering as many questions as she had, we made a decision to just live our lives as we were before without letting this new knowledge change us as a dynamic. We were close friends and now we are dating. I do my best to keep her away from Colten and vice versa.

  I can see it in her eyes whenever they are near each other. She hates him and wants to destroy him for trying to possess her, for thinking she could be his little toy and I don’t blame her, but I also don’t want her to succumb to the darkness that he seems to call to inside of her.

  I know that she has to make her own decisions, but as her angel, I also need to make sure she has the information required to make that all to important decision. She doesn’t think I see the darkness in her, thinks I see her as purely good but that’s a lie. I do see it and I love it about her.

  I know that given the right knowledge that she will make the right decision for herself in the end, but if Colten or anyone else tries to pull that from her too soon, she won’t be ready and she may end up doing something she will hate herself for later.

  I see her, I see all of her and I think she knows that but refuses to accept it. She’s scared of what having any sort of evil inside her makes her capable of.

  I’m not. I love her, I know her and if I felt like she was going to be a danger to anyone, I would sense it. Heaven would also sense it and warn my lovestruck ass. She is completely protected, and I will always be there for her, whether she chooses good or evil, I am there with her.

  She is my life, my soul, my purpose. I knew it the day I met her. Dad confirming Heaven knew it too was just a bonus.

  That conversation was weeks ago now. We just got back to campus from Christmas break and she’s not handling the stress of keeping this from her parents very well. They had a long talk and admitted she was adopted, but she is so unsure of how to tell her parents about this world, or even if they would believe her.

  It’s starting to slowly eat her up inside. She’s going to have to tell them soon if she wants them to continue to be in her life, and Dad and I will help her if she needs it.



  “Thank God! Bry I’m starving, what the hell took you so long?!”

  “Awe beautiful, that’s such a nice greeting.” I chuckle at her rolling her eyes as I wrap my arm around her waist and head into the cafeteria. “You know you can start lunch without me.”

  She seriously gives me a death glare. She’s really been on edge since we got back from break and I hate seeing her like this. I know she’s worried about telling her loved ones, but I know that she’s close to losing it on Colten. The fact that she already kneed him in the nuts once is enough of a sign of that, but every time he gets near us, she looks like she wants to jump on him and strangle him to within an inch of his life.

  It’s kinda hot, but definitely not great for her sanity.

  “Yeah no thanks. Last thing I need is Colten and his crew of idiots seeing me alone. I hate him Bry.” I nod as we grab our food and find a seat.

  She does hate him, but there is something more there as well I’m just not exactly sure what it is. She already admitted to being attracted to his darkness, but she doesn’t look at him with caring and fondness the way she does me.

  What Dad said about soulmates is always on my mind. I will do whatever I have to, to make her happy and to help her feel complete, even if that means sharing her with that asshat. That doesn’t seem like it will happen anytime soon though. Not with her wound up tighter than a fucking eight-day alarm clock.

  Their current loathing of one another is tangible for everyone around to feel.

  “Sorry beautiful, art took a bit longer because we’ve been given a partner assignment and my partner just so happens to hate being around other people. Should be fun…speaking of, here he comes.” I nod in his general direction as he stalks towards us.

  As Harleigh turns to look I see a wave of panic flit across her face and I cringe. I forgot she knew him or at least saw him. I know his staring freaked her out that day. It’s something we should discuss at some point, but it hasn’t happened since so I’m not anxious to bring it up.

  “Hey Darren, how’s it going?”

  “It’s fine. Look, I hate dealing with people” he glances over at Harleigh taking her in before turning back to me. “it’s nothing personal, I just prefer being alone, always have. How do you want to divide this up?” Yeah, his people skills really need some work, but I get it. It’s who he is, and people make him uncomfortable. Can’t judge someone for that.

  “Do you prefer drawing or painting?” I ask him. Me, I personally don’t like to share artwork with anyone. I like to be in complete control of my creations coming to life, but I’m also not willing to fail a class because I don’t like to play well with others when it comes to artistic creations.

  “Drawing.” Huh, I probably should have guessed that. That’s fine with me.

  “Ok, draw something that means a lot to you. Then we will discuss it and I will try and bring it to life with colour. Sound good?” He gives a short nod, turns to Harleigh to acknowledge her and then takes off.


  How rude and dismissive can one guy get?

  Ok we get it, you don’t like people, doesn’t mean you have to be an ass about it. Guess he could have been worse though, at least he was nice enough to acknowledge that I was sitting here.

  While they stood there talking, I took the sight of him in. He scared the hell out of me the last time I saw him even though it was brief. Just like he doesn’t like people being around, I don’t like people staring. Having seen him just interacting with Bry though, I figure he didn’t actually mean to stare and draw attention.

  “You have to work with him huh? Joy.” I need to find a release for this tension I’m feeling and soon. I’ve barely been sleeping because I hate keeping anything from my parents and Addy, but they just can’t know about this yet. I’m not ready.

  “Yeah, Conners isn’t a bad guy, he just prefers to be alone. Sorry I forgot to tell you he was going to be meeting me in here. I know he kinda freaked you out before.” He’s so sweet to notice that. Conners must be his last name, it suits him.

  Darren Conners is the epitome of tall, dark, handsome and dangerous. He has these bright blue eyes that remind me of a bright sunny sky. A complete contrast to his look and demeaner. He’s bald with just the shadow of hair that would be there if he allowed it to grow. My guess is his natural hair is probably a dark brown but not dark enough to seem black. He has a square jaw that lends to the dangerous look he gives off with his clothes and loner attitude. He’s a scary looking dude.

  “I think you’re right…Bry,” I take a deep breath realizing I am beyond exhausted and need to be honest with him. He’s been dealing with my cranky ass for weeks and weeks, and he deserves an explanation. “I haven’t been sleeping well since before the holidays. I’m exhausted.”

  “Why didn’t you say something sooner? I knew you were stressed, but not sleeping is a very bad idea for so many reasons Harleigh. What can I do to help?” The level of c
oncern on his face has a ball of emotion getting stuck in my throat. I love this guy so much it is insane to even think about.

  “Umm, I know this technically isn’t allowed and we could both get into some serious shit for it, but I was wondering if maybe you could sleep in my room with me for a while? Like at night, not just tonight.” I shy away from looking at him, afraid he will think I’m weak. In reality I just can’t seem to shut my brain off when I’m alone. Too many thoughts keeping me awake.

  “Of course beautiful. Always. I can even call dad. If we get into trouble, I’m sure he can pull some strings. Your safety is my main concern. I love you Harleigh. Thank you for finally asking.” I let out a quiet sob at the look of pure love and adoration he holds for me.

  “I need to skip the rest of today and sleep. I don’t know if you can get out of class, but I will tell mom I’m not feeling well and she will get me at least the rest of today off. She’s worried about me since I confronted them about being adopted so she won’t fight me on it.”

  “Ok then. Let’s get you to bed and get some rest. I will sort it out so I can be there to help you sleep alright?” We stand up and head out of the school towards the dorms while Bry calls his dad and tells him something.

  To be honest I quit paying attention and kind of zoned out until someone stepped into my view, effectively blocking the entrance into the dorms. Ugh people are so fucking rude! Can’t a girl just get some damn sleep around here?!

  Looking up to move past them, I stop short when I realize who stopped us.


  I thought he had learned his lesson when I sacked him, but apparently, he was just buying time or some shit.

  “What the fuck do you want?!” I snap at him as Bry grabs my arm to hold me back. I am way too tired for this shit and I seriously hate this asshole. Can’t he take a hint?!

  “Awe baby, don’t talk like that” He coos like I’m some child he needs to sooth. “What has your panties in such a bind hmm? Need to get laid? Is that where you and your boy toy are headed? To have some boring vanilla sex in your room?” Oh FUCK NO HE DIDN’T!!!! I am fuming.

  I’m seriously going to kill this son of a bitch!

  “Uh Harleigh beautiful, I know you want to, but you need to chill out. Saying shit like that just gives him more power hun.” He turns a dark eye on Colten. “Dude, what the fuck is your problem?! Can’t you take a hint? She doesn’t like you or want you around and I gotta say, I’m with her on that.”

  Colten looks between us for a moment, studying us.

  “What do you mean she can’t say things like that? She didn’t say anything.” So he’s deaf too, great.

  “Yeah she did. You don’t have to be a dick about it either. She’s tired and just needs to sleep if you would just get out of our way.” Bry is losing patience with him as they have a stare down. I really am too tired for these games right now.

  “Brian, I am telling you right now, she did not say a single word out loud. What did you hear? Because the last thing she spoke to me was to ask me what the fuck I wanted, quite rudely I might add.” I huff out a breath, but I don’t remember saying anything out loud other than that either.

  Then again, half the time I say shit I don’t realize around Bry. He just brings it out in me…but is it more than that?

  “You’re saying I didn’t say anything out loud? You didn’t hear me say that I’m going to seriously kill you, you son of a bitch?” I know I should be angry, but I need to know. If I didn’t say it out loud, then what could that mean. Could Bry hear my thoughts? A blush creeps up my neck that I stomp down. No way is this asshole seeing that side of me.

  He laughs so loud I’m sure he would draw attention if everyone else wasn’t already in class. Why isn’t he in class?

  “I mean, I could totally see it in your face babe, but no you didn’t say a damn thing.” He’s still laughing. “Would be hot to see you try though. I’m faster than you.” Ugh I want to throttle him.

  “You are such a sexist asshole!” I scream into his face. Whether he’s playing with Bry and I or not, I think it’s something we should figure out alone.

  It makes sense. I always had a filter before coming here, I just thought Brian pulled the words out of me because I’m so at ease around him.

  It’s going to take some sleep, patience and practice to see if he actually can here my thoughts, but first I need to fucking sleep.

  “Move Colten. I’m either going to easily pass you, or I’m going to break your fucking nose and then move past. Your choice, BABE.” I say the last word sneering at him. “And if you keep insisting on calling me that, your balls are going to get well acquainted with my knee. You know my name. Use it.” I say before pushing him out of the way and yanking the door open. I don’t even look to see if Bry is following me, but I know he will. I just need to get the fuck out of here and away from him.


  By the time we get to Harleigh’s room my mind is on overdrive. Could that asshole be onto something? Can I hear things that she’s thinking, or is he just playing us? Either way I think we need to explore it.

  If I can hear her thoughts, it’s only some of the time so how does that work? I’m not sure, but I do know that she needs to rest. This can wait until her brain is clearer and her anger has dissipated so she’s able to concentrate easier.

  “Do you think he was screwing with us? Did I say that out loud?” I try to look back and see if I can ever remember a time where she’s said something she didn’t mean to and try to remember her lips moving, but I can’t see it. It’s not something I thought I ever needed to pay attention to before.

  “I don’t know, but right now isn’t the time to explore it. You need to get some rest and I will be right here with you. When you wake up and are less exhausted and angry, we can experiment if you want?” She nods. “While you get settled, I’m going to shoot off a text to dad and get him to help us out with some techniques for testing this theory okay?” She agrees, already heading over to the bed to undress into her t-shirt and panties and I try my hardest not to stare at her. Just knowing she’s half naked in the same room is enough on my self-control.

  We haven’t really gone any farther than we did that morning in my room. We decided to take it slow and stick to just kissing for a while, but I miss the feel of her against me and on top of me. I can’t even begin to imagine how incredible being inside her would feel. Not that I have anything other than my hand to compare it to, but people wouldn’t rave about it if it wasn’t incredible.

  Shaking those thoughts out of my head, I turn away from her and shoot dad a text.

  Me: Hey Dad, Harleigh and I have come across something that we need to test farther but it’s not something common. I haven’t read much about it or experienced it. Can you help us out?

  It doesn’t take him long at all to respond thankfully.

  Dad: Ok, what is it? An ability of hers come out of the woodwork?

  I roll my eyes at his phrase but whatever.

  Me: Maybe? I’m actually not sure if it’s her, me, or something we share just together.

  My phone rings within a few seconds and its him.


  “Alright, what is it. Everything alright?” He sounds gruff as always, but the concern in his voice is there. Being in the dark about what Harleigh is capable of has him on edge. He knows she is a good person, but that unknown element has all of us on edge, her more than anyone I think.

  “Apparently I can hear her thoughts, or at least some of them it would seem.”

  “Interesting. Did this happen while I was there?” I try to think back and maybe it did, but I have no way of knowing for sure. That day was all about her, I don’t remember the finer details.

  “It may have but I can’t be sure. I always assumed she was just talking out loud, but someone pointed out to us today that she didn’t speak a word.”

  “I am fairly certain it happened when I was there with you. I asked you what had happened in that
moment but you both looked like I was crazy, so I didn’t think anymore on it. How long has this been going on?”

  “If it’s true, then since the day I met her. First day of school. How do we know if that’s what is happening? How do we test it out, see why I can hear only certain thoughts and how?”

  “Let me get some resources together and I will email you some things. You both just relax until then. No point in worrying about it. It’s not dangerous in any way if it is only between the two of you.”

  “Ok. Thanks.”

  “You’re welcome. I have to get back into my meeting. I will be in touch.” And he hangs up.

  Pocketing my phone, I crawl into bed with an already passed out Harleigh. She is so beautiful, but I can see why she isn’t getting sleep. Even while she’s asleep, her face is scrunched up in confusion. I pull her into me, rubbing her hair and soothing her with soft sounds until her breathing evens out and her face is relaxed.



  “Ugh! It’s not working Bry! I think Colten was just being a lying asshole.” We’ve been trying different things for hours that his father suggested, and I am ready to quit. If he can hear my thoughts, we should have figured it out by now.

  “Harleigh, it’s going to take time and I think you’re too stressed to let your walls down. Every time I have heard you, it is when your defenses are down and you’re not so guarded. Why don’t we take a break and do something else? How can I help you relax?” That is such a loaded question I don’t even know how to answer. I have been incredibly stressed lately and the unknown element isn’t helping. I wish so much that I could just go back to being the human girl I grew up thinking I was.


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