Fool for Love

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Fool for Love Page 28

by Beth Ciotta

“Did you find her?”


  “Is she okay?”

  He glanced over. “Car slid off the road. Some bumps and bruises, but other than that, fine. Do me a favor. Let Monica and Leo know.”

  “They’re right here. We gathered at the Shack. Sam, too. He came over after fixing the leak at J.T.’s. We’ve been waiting to hear from you or Chloe. Feels like that scene out of A Perfect Storm. You know? The one where the women gather in the local bar waiting for news about their fisherman husbands lost at sea?”

  He hadn’t seen the movie but understood the sentiment. It also occurred to him that he wasn’t the only one who thought of Chloe as family. That she’d warmed her way into their lives in such a short time said a lot about her character. To think, after hearing Jayce’s report, he’d instantly assumed the worst. What did that say about him?

  “Tell her not to worry about the photo shoot,” Rocky said. “I contacted everyone in the club. We’re pretty sure Tasha sent her on that mission knowing she’d be delayed by the weather. Sam put it simply: She’s threatened by Chloe and didn’t want her offering her professional advice at the session.”

  “Makes sense.” Thinking Tasha had merely wanted Chloe out of the way was more palatable than assuming she’d intended physical harm. Then again, she’d fooled him before.

  “Let Chloe know we’re boycotting the shoot. That should make her feel better.”

  “Will do. Is Luke handy?”

  “Hold on.”

  “I knew she was all right,” Devlin’s younger brother said into the phone. “Chloe may be a sweet city girl by circumstance, but she’s a tough country girl at heart. What’s up?”

  “Roads are bad and I need to get Chloe warm and dry. What’s the latest news on conditions? Should I return to Sugar Creek or push on?”

  “Where are you exactly?”

  He relayed their location.

  “Road’s closed ahead of you, Dev, and you’d be crazy to utilize one of the logging routes. I’d say turn back, but there were reports a few minutes ago about Sugar Creek swelling and overflowing. By the time you get that far, roads might be impassible. Best advice: Hunker down for the night.”

  He racked his mind for the nearest resorts or vacation homes. “Suggestions?”

  “Closest, safest bet? Backtrack half a mile, make a right at the sign marked Private, and muscle the Hummer up the gravel drive. You’ll come to a cabin owned by the Brody brothers. Mostly they use it during the winter, snow excursions. Although I think Kane said he was up there just last week.”

  “Electricity? Hot water?”

  “You won’t be roughing it. I’ve been there a couple of times. Small, but comfortable. They keep a key under the mat. I’ll let them know you’re crashing for the night. As long as this storm passes, the roads should be clear by tomorrow.”

  Devlin glanced at Chloe, who looked like she was nodding off. “Sounds like a plan, Luke. Thanks.” He pocketed his phone, then smoothed his fingers over her chilled, muddy cheek. “How’s a hot bath sound?”

  She quirked a shaky smile. “Like heaven.”


  It only took a few minutes to reach the cabin Devlin had told her about. By that time, Chloe was thinking straighter, but her muscles ached and she couldn’t seem to shake the chill that had seeped beneath her skin. She was still unclear how long she’d lain in the mud and rain before regaining consciousness. And she had no idea what had happened to that moose. Although she supposed it was possible Bullwinkle had been a hallucination. The shock of the wreck, the bumps to her noggin. Not to mention the bone-jarring fall and slide down the hill. She’d only roused a few minutes before Devlin’s arrival. Seeing him standing there, like some superhero savior, had been one of the happiest moments of her life. But in the next second she’d felt like an idiot and maybe even a little resentful.

  “What made you come after me?” she asked when he cut the engine.

  “Concerned calls from Rocky, Monica, and Gram, along with my own gut feeling that something was wrong.”

  “That’s the second time you’ve rescued me from a dicey encounter. First the river. Now this.”

  He met her gaze. “I kind of like being your hero.”

  “I don’t.” She furrowed her brow. “I mean, I’m grateful. Of course. I just don’t want you to think I’m helpless. I would’ve eventually dug myself out. I would’ve survived just fine even if I’d been alone all night.”

  “I believe you.”

  “Do you?” She licked dry lips, searching for the right words, and instead blurted her mind. “I need you to know that I can take care of myself. That I don’t need you emotionally or financially.” Putting herself in that position again would be disastrous and, with someone as competent and controlling as Devlin Monroe, all too easy to do.

  He angled his head and studied her hard. “I have every confidence in your abilities, Chloe. Spinning out, falling down that mud-slick hill, could’ve happened to anyone in this weather.”

  “I don’t just mean—”

  “I know. I get it. I get you.”

  Her heart thudded against her aching chest. She quirked a small smile. “There you go again with the romantic talk.”

  He smiled and tugged at her blanket. “Pull that jacket hood over your head. We’re bravin’ the storm.” With that he slid outside and rounded the hood of the Hummer.

  By the time he opened her door, she’d organized her thoughts. “I just realized something. You’re going to miss your employee meeting.”

  “I had Chris reschedule it.”

  “But it was important.”

  “So are you.”


  “I’m exactly where I want to be, Chloe.” He put his arm around her waist and together they sloshed through the mud and downpour, finding shelter beneath the roof of the cabin’s porch. “I can hear your wheels turning. Stop worrying about it. Everything’s under control.”

  But of course it was. Devlin was one of those people proficient at juggling a lot of balls. She had to admire that, and she wasn’t too proud to acknowledge that she was glad he was here. Yes, she could have survived the night alone, but this was so much better.

  He reached under a mat, produced a key.

  Chloe scoffed at the obvious hiding place. “They may as well have left the door unlocked.”

  “Welcome to Vermont.” He ushered her inside and, though it wasn’t overly warm, it was dry.

  “Are you sure they won’t mind us staying here?”

  “The Brodys are good guys,” he said, feeling along the wall for a light switch. “Especially Adam. Just ask Rocky.”

  “She told you about the two of them?” Chloe blurted.

  He switched on a table lamp and caught her gaze. “You knew?”

  “Only recently. She was troubled about…” Did he know about Jayce, too? Then Chloe remembered how adamant Rocky had been about keeping that secret. Oh yes, that damned secret.


  “About blurring the lines of their relationship. He offered to invest in the inn.”

  “She decided not to go that route. In fact, she broke off with him altogether.”

  “That I didn’t know.” But it didn’t come as a surprise. No matter what Rocky said, Chloe believed she was still in love with Jayce.

  Devlin looked around, frowned. “Do you think Adam ever brought her up here?”

  She smiled a little at his big-brother tone. “Rocky’s a grown woman.”

  “Right.” He blew out a breath, then focused back on Chloe, angled his head.


  “How do you feel?”

  She clutched at the blanket still wrapped around her shoulders and counted her blessings. Daisy had sustained far worse injuries in her bicycle accident. “Achy. Cold. But considering, okay.”

  “Good.” He moved in, trapping her between his hunky, soaked body and the pine-knotted door. “There’s something I’ve been wanting to do ever
since I found you in the woods.”

  She felt his sizzling kiss to her toes, even before his mouth touched hers. Those expressive blue eyes telegraphed his desire. His tender touch, as he cradled her face, initiated a fire in her belly. When he brushed his lips across hers, sane thoughts turned to ash.

  Chloe loosened her hold on the blanket, allowing it to fall away as she wrapped her arms around Devlin and leaned into an openmouthed kiss. Hot yet tender. Possessive. Sexy. Delicious sensations stole throughout her body, causing her to shiver with delight.

  He eased back and regarded her with a concerned expression. “We’ve got to warm you up.”

  She caressed the side of his gorgeous face, traced her thumb across his sexy lower lip. “I was getting there.”

  He arched a playful brow. “I’m ahead of you,” he said, and pressed his lower half against her.

  Feeling bold, she palmed his arousal, scraped her thumbnail over his zipper. “There are perks to being stranded in the middle of nowhere with you.”

  “Lots of perks,” he said, sliding off her rain slicker. “But first, a hot bath.”

  Noting the mud on her clothes and legs and the ache in her muscles, she didn’t argue.

  He took her hand as they explored the cabin together. Small, rustic, but clean and comfortable. The highlight of the living room—an oversized couch and a wood-burning stove. She eyed a steel basket full of logs. Thank God. A compact kitchen and two bedrooms—one with a queen-sized bed, the other with two twins—and finally the bathroom.

  Devlin flicked on a dim wall sconce, then stepped away from her to turn on the faucets of the claw-footed tub. “Might take a couple of minutes to heat up.”

  She hugged herself, missing the warmth of his body. “My purse. I have a travel kit. Toothpaste and deodorant.”

  “I’ll get it. As soon as that water’s warm, slide in.” He glanced over his shoulder, before leaving. “You okay?”

  She resisted the urge to palm her aching head. The bump had started to throb. “Fine.”

  He didn’t look like he believed her, but he left anyway.

  Suddenly weary, she pulled off her muddy boots and socks and inspected her filthy, already-soaked clothes. Shut off the tub faucet and instead moved to the corner shower stall and turned on the water full blast. As soon as she saw wisps of steam, she stepped in and under the showerhead. Bracing her hands on the tiled wall, she bent her head and allowed the pulsing water to pound her body, clothes and all. She watched, half-exhausted, half-mesmerized, as dirt washed to the tiles and swirled down the drain.

  She stood there quite a while soaking in the heat, knowing she should move but not finding the strength. A knock on the door caused her to at least lift her head. “Come in.”

  “Here’s your purse,” he said as he entered. “I started a fire in the … What are you doing?”

  She felt the moment he spied her through the transparent stall. Her body hummed from the intensity of his gaze. Her compromised senses danced. “My clothes were dirty and I’ll have to wear them again tomorrow.”

  “We could have washed them in the sink.”

  “This seemed easier.”

  “There’s a warped logic to that.” He eased open the glass door. “They look pretty clean now, honey.”

  “I know, but … the water’s so relaxing. I feel like if I let go of the wall I’ll wilt.”

  He stepped in with her, fully clothed. Mostly. He’d shed his rain jacket and shoes.

  “Your clothes aren’t dirty,” she remarked as he pressed against her and placed his hands over hers.

  “Maybe not,” he said close to her ear, “but my thoughts are. Does that count?”

  She laughed. It was weak and a little nervous, but it felt good.

  “Let me help.” He eased her hands off the wall, absorbed her weight.

  First he peeled her sweater off, draping it over the top of the stall. Then he unbuttoned the front of her dress, slowly easing her arms from the sleeves, then pushing the bodice to her waist. One more tug and the dress fell in a soaked heap at her feet. She found the strength to kick it aside. Which left her in her bra and thong.

  “I’ve spent several sleepless nights fantasizing about you in your underwear. Got my first glimpse at Oslow’s. The first day we met. Pink.”

  She groaned with embarrassment.

  “Then that day at the river. Pink and red flowered bra. Matching thong. Almost distracted me from your perfect body.”

  She melted more with every word.

  “Now,” he said, unclasping the hooks of her lacy black bra, “you’re killing me.”

  She felt the straps brush off her shoulders, felt the bra fall away, leaving her breasts exposed. Even though the water was ultrawarm, the air steamy, her nipples puckered and an erotic shiver stole through her nearly naked body. She closed her eyes and moaned, relaxing against Devlin as his palms stroked her arms and his mouth grazed her ear.

  “How do you feel?” he asked gently.

  “Like I’m going to die if you don’t touch me.” She felt his smile, her breath catching when his hands caressed her breasts.

  “Like this?”

  “More,” she whispered.

  His fingers skimmed her nipples, then plucked and rolled. At the same time he nipped and suckled her earlobe, igniting a firestorm of lust.

  She could scarcely breathe. “More.”

  Her belly coiled even tighter as one hand continued to fondle her breast and the other slid south, his fingers teasing the waistband of her thong, then dipping lower, touching her intimately.

  The hot water pelted and excited. His fingers probed and played.

  Chloe quivered with need, with anticipation. She’d fantasized about Devlin touching her like this. The reality trumped her wildest imaginings as she felt an orgasm building … building.… “Dying here.”

  “Can’t have that.” Increasing the pressure, the intensity of his touch, he incited a heady rush of sensations, blurring her thoughts and blowing away even the most high-powered, jet-pulsing, masturbating showerhead.

  Chloe cried out with an explosive climax. Heaven. Stars imploded behind her closed lids. Her body quaked, then wilted. “Oh, my God.”

  “You okay?” he asked with a smile in his voice.

  “Yes. I mean wow.” She laughed a little as pure bliss and relief surged through her blood. “Just need to catch my breath.”

  “Feeling a little light-headed myself,” he teased while holding her steady. “Pleasuring you is an intense turn-on.”

  She willed her legs steady as he brushed aside her long, drenched hair, then kissed the back of her neck. Her pulse refused to settle as he kissed and licked his way down her spine, his hands sliding over her wet curves, his fingers hooking the waistband of her lacy thong. He peeled away the wisp of fabric, nipped her butt, then, in a heartbeat, was again standing and silently soaping up her body.

  “Wait.” She knew he was taking it slow because he was worried about her injuries, but just now a sensual ache outweighed all others. She turned in his arms and unbuttoned the drenched shirt that clung to every muscle of his toned torso. “I’ve been fantasizing about you, too.”

  She also thought back on that moment at the river. How amazing he’d looked in his soaked clothes. The intensity of the erotic thrill when he’d peeled off his wet shirt. But the biggest turn-on had been before that, when he’d dove in and rescued her. Yes, she was being hypocritical. She didn’t want to be saved and yet, with Devlin, it had been the ultimate aphrodisiac. She couldn’t imagine Ryan diving into a river fully clothed or braving flooded roads to rescue her. She couldn’t imagine Ryan at all.

  She pushed Devlin’s shirt off of his broad shoulders, reveled in hot, bare skin, but only a moment before unzipping his pants.


  “When I was trapped in the woods, all sorts of insane thoughts went through my head. But mostly I focused on things undone. Things I very much wanted.” She shoved his pants down his legs. �
�I want you.”

  He grasped her forearms and pulled her to her feet, face-to-face. “You … are dangerous.”

  She smiled a little as she wrapped her soapy hand around his erection and stroked. “How do you feel about that?”

  Groaning with pleasure, he met her lusty gaze, “Bring it on.”

  * * *

  Making love with Devlin was as close to perfection as Chloe had ever experienced. No moment rushed. No sensation spared. She’d felt cherished, in the shower and after when he toweled her dry, then carried her to the bed. She’d been hot, slick and ready and she knew she’d driven him to the edge minutes before with her hand, but instead of entering her right away, he’d turned her onto her stomach and trailed his fingertips over her shoulders and back, her sides and hips, a feather-soft touch that tickled and excited. Her butt and inner thighs. Her calves. Her feet.

  Sensuous delirium.

  Then he flipped her onto her back and started on her front. Could a person die of want? “Devlin,” she panted. “Please.”

  “Savoring the moment,” he said in a husky voice.


  He silenced her protest with his deep kiss, then continued his feather-light assault, skimming his fingertips and mouth over her neck and collarbone. Her breast and stomach. Then …

  “Oh, God.” She arched her back and moaned as he pleasured her with his mouth. So thrilling. So intimate. Suddenly he was there, his palms on her thighs, his tongue flicking over her most sensitive place, and she was helpless to resist. She almost climaxed twice, but each time he eased away, prolonging a delicious agony. Now … now her body quaked beneath his touch, his teeth and tongue as he drove her closer … closer … Lungs burning. Heart pounding. Muscles quivering. Chloe cried out with her second orgasm, certain she’d died and gone to heaven.

  Only it got better.

  Devlin shifted on top of her, cradled her face, and, while gazing intently into her eyes, slid deep inside. The friction, the rhythm, the erotic and overwhelmingly tender sensations … She climaxed within seconds. Breathless, embarrassed, she whispered, “Wow. Sorry.”

  “Wow. Lucky me. Are you always this—”



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