Something Wicked This Way Comes

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Something Wicked This Way Comes Page 4

by Jenika Snow

  She was really doing this, allowing herself to not be afraid of what she wanted. It was freeing in the best of ways.

  Maybe it was the mark he gave her that made her feel like this, that intensified her emotions for him? The fact she knew she was his mate had her feeling ultrasensitive to him, to his feelings. Nothing else mattered except right now, because being with him made her feel alive.

  Lathan had superpowers, one only an otherworldly being possessed. In his arms she felt mortal, fragile and weak, but compared to him, his dual species makeup, she was the weakest of the bunch.

  They were on the bed seconds later, Lathan at her throat again, growling, licking, and sucking at her flesh. She was wet, so damn wet, she felt the cream move along her inner thighs. His big body was on top of hers, pinning her to the mattress, making her feel small, feminine. The feel of his erection, so big and long, thick and powerful, prodded between her thighs. God, she’d never wanted a cock as much as she wanted Lathan’s.

  But when he pulled away, breaking the spell he had over her, allowing her to breathe, she reached for him, wanting him back on her. She couldn’t think, couldn’t even comprehend all of this. And then Lathan was taking off his clothes, bared for her. His skin was smoothed to perfection, with a slight trail of dark hair leading below his belly button and down to the monster between his thighs. His skin was pale, but that also had to do with the moonlight shining through the window, casting shadows and light along his hard, animalistic body.

  Abbi pressed her thighs together, wanting him back on her, his cock pressed to her slit.

  When he was back against her, his slightly chilled body on her much warmer one, a gasp left her.

  “You are so beautiful,” his voice was distorted, like his wolf was right there. “You’re so mine.”

  She closed her eyes and moaned, feeling drunk and high. He ran his finger along the edge of her breast, just teasing—only teasing. He smoothed his hands down her ribs, along her waist, and then under her ass. And in one swift move lifted her bottom slightly and was grinding his cock into her pussy.

  On instinct Abbi spread her legs to accommodate his big body, his erection pressing against her clit and causing her to gasp at the sheer size of him. His dick was hot and hard, and she wanted it inside of her so badly she couldn’t breathe, let alone think straight.

  “Do you want me here, mate?”

  He ran his finger down her slit to rest at the entrance of her pussy. And when he dipped his finger into her, gathering her moisture before moving his finger up, she had to bite her lip to steam off the moan.

  She nodded, unable to find her voice.

  He moved back up and circled her clit, but his gaze was riveted to her face, never moving, never wavering. She bit her lip harder, so hard she felt the skin split and tasted blood.

  “I want you everywhere.” And she was surprised at the truth behind those words. He leaned down, shocking her to the point she stiffened, and ran his tongue over her lip, gathering her blood. His face was now mere inches from hers, his breathing haggard, his cock jerking against her pussy. Feeling bold, Abbi ran her tongue along his lips and arched her hips, moaning as her clit pressed against him harder this time.

  “I’m going to claim you as my mate tonight, Abbi.” He leaned his forehead against hers and breathed out deeply, his hot and sweet but slightly metallic breath laced that way because of her blood, tickling her lips.

  Lathan leaned back and stared down at her, lifted his hand, and ran his finger along the side of her neck. His breathing came harder this time, more intense from his desire. She felt so engrained with him, so in tune to his needs.

  “Are you ready for me?”

  She could only nod, because she’d never been more ready for anything in her life than she was for Lathan.

  Chapter Seven

  He reached between their bodies and grabbed his cock, and all she could do was stare down the length of her belly and watch him do the act. He stroked himself a few times before placing the tip at the entrance of her pussy. A drop of clear fluid leaked from the slit, the sight causing her to lick her lips in arousal.

  When he was poised at her entrance, just staring at her, not moving a muscle, she rose up slightly and ran her tongue along the underside of his jaw. Abbi had never felt so wanton, so bold before.

  “It’s because you’re my mate,” he said in a guttural groan.

  She realized she’d spoken out loud.

  And then he finally he pushed in, so slowly it was agonizing. The head of his erection went in smoothly, her cream leading his way effortlessly as he gripped her hips and clenched his jaw. His nails were now claws because of his werewolf side, digging into her flesh, causing a sting of pain but a flash of pleasure as well.

  He pushed in slowly, her body stretching around his girth and causing a delicious burn to travel through her. She gripped his forearms, her nails digging into his flesh and causing him to growl deep in his throat. God, she loved him growling like that, showing off his animal side.

  The noise he made every time he slid into her had goosebumps pop out along her skin, her flesh overly sensitive as he continued to push inch after huge inch inside of her. He pushed the last remaining inch into her, both of their moans moving through the room as if thunder had just cracked in the sky.

  Lathan started moving his hips back and forth, the head of his cock stopping at the entrance of her pussy right before he shoved back inside. She arched her back and gripped the bars of her headboard, preparing herself for what was to come, for what he was giving to her.

  His rhythm soon became fast and frantic, the sound of their combined sexes slapping together reaching her ears and causing fresh moisture to slip out of her pussy. Lathan gripped her breast, his fingers and claws teasing her nipples, pulling at the tips, tweaking them, making her gasp in pleasure. The peaks became stiff, eager for his mouth.

  “You were made for me, your body perfect for me, mate.” He moved his head lower, dragged his tongue around one of her nipples, and then sucked it into his mouth. His fangs scraped along the engorged beads, back and forth. Over and over he sucked and nipped at her nipples and breasts. She shivered at the feeling and tilted her head to the side, telling him without words what she wanted, what she needed.

  “Lathan,” she breathed out his name, her passion rising, her heart beating faster, and her orgasm rushing to the surface.

  “You’re so hot and tight, making me lose my mind, making me lose control. Do you know how good you feel to me, Abbi?”

  She shook her head; his words vibrated through her flesh. He licked at her nipples again, his tongue rasping over her engorged flesh.

  “Your pussy is so fucking tight, gripping me with abandon. You drive me wild, mate.”

  She closed her eyes and groaned, her orgasm so close she could taste it. His hand slipped between their bodies, his thumb once again finding her clit and strumming it with expert precision. Her mouth opened in a silent scream as her body lit up like a firework, her pussy gripping his shaft with such force it stunned her, made her gasp in agony and ecstasy.

  He groaned above her, moved his mouth to her neck again, and ran his tongue over his mark. His pleasurable hunger was a force she could feel, a living, breathing entity that consumed them both. And when she felt his fangs run over her skin, the pleasure/pain of it causing her climax to continue without reprieve, she opened her mouth and cried out.

  “I want it. Do it, Lathan. Bite me.” This wasn’t about him needing her blood to survive, but about them becoming one. God, she knew that like she knew she needed him, and she hadn’t realized any of that until right now.

  His fangs punctured her neck, the pain making her pleasure reach higher than it ever had before. Lathan started thrusting his cock into her so hard, so fast, all she could do was hold on and absorb it all. He gripped her hip and anchored her to the bed, for his passion, the sound of him swallowing her blood loud to her ears, vibrated her entire body.

  His body tensed
above hers, and then he groaned again. She felt his cum fill her, felt the hard, hot jets of his semen fill her pussy. It made every cell in her body quake.

  His mouth broke from her neck, his breathing ragged. She felt him move his tongue along the mark he left, sealing the twin puncture wounds. He rolled off of her, the loss of his body making her shiver in response. But in the next second he was on his back with her on top of him. They stayed quiet for the longest time, the only sound in the room their matched and even breathing.

  “I’m not letting you go, Abbi.”

  “I know.” They were silent for several more minutes. “But I don’t want you to let me go.” And she didn’t.

  “You’re mine as much as I’m yours.”

  It was strange hearing him say something so permanent because they barely knew each other.

  It just felt… right, and she wasn’t going to fight it.


  One year later

  Abbi was at home. She felt like that as soon as she’d allowed herself to be with Lathan. Since the days, weeks, and months had passed she’d explored every part of Lathan’s home—the place she called home now as well. She’d found places where she could just go and think, give herself time to absorb everything. Because even after a year of being here with him, she still felt like she was dreaming.

  Standing on the stone patio, she covered her brow with her hand and looked at the back property. Everything was so beautiful, so immaculate. They were isolated, away from the city, from everything. But because they were so far from people, when Lathan needed to feed he had to venture away. But she was safe here, felt that deep in her body. She didn’t think about that night a year ago, didn’t worry that she’d be targeted again. She may not be as strong as Lathan, or any paranormal for that matter, but she’d fight with her last breath to never be in that situation again.

  She touched her throat, wanting to be able to feed Lathan, but because she was his mate he refused her. There was a gentleman quality in his gesture, in his refusal, and she couldn’t help but feel loved because of that.

  Staring at the back property again, she felt peace fill her. The grass was greener than anything she had ever seen—the blooming flowers looked healthy and thriving. It was certainly different from the city. Turning and heading back inside after the sun fully set, she headed upstairs to the room she shared with Lathan, and stepped onto the balcony. Sitting down, she smiled, feeling solitude consume her.

  It was hard to believe twelve months had passed already, but here was Abbi, standing on the balcony of a home that was older than her ten times over, waiting for the man, the paranormal creature, she’d fallen in love with. She thought of Lathan, about the danger he posed to others, the strength and power he emitted just by standing, being, in a room. He might be half werewolf and half vampire, could break bones as if they were nothing more than toothpicks, but with her, and only with her, he showed this gentler side.

  She could remember that first night he drank from her, the compulsion he used wearing off because she was his mate, because it wouldn’t work on her fully. She was afraid of him, scared of the creature he was, the destruction he could bring. But that didn’t matter now, didn’t matter when she had thought about where her life was going, how her life had been.

  Having no one meant she couldn’t lose anything. She’d been alone for so long, went through life without purpose, just going day by day, doing the mundane things that people were supposed to do. She’d felt so hollow inside, so empty that it felt as if a piece of her was broken, just snapped right in half and there was no chance of repair.

  What they’d shared had been fast, crazy, and even scary. But Lathan had shown her she wasn’t alone, had protected from others, even herself. It was strange to picture herself without him in her life, strange to think that just a year ago she had no purpose, no hope that she’d ever find happiness.

  She heard the bedroom door opening, turned and looked over her shoulder, and this wave of warmth and safety filled her when she saw Lathan moving toward her. He stepped out onto the patio, the sun already setting an hour before. They were far enough out of the city that the only lights that illuminated their surroundings came from the moon and what shone from the house.

  He stepped closer to her. The size of him, even a year later, startled her, made her feel small, petite… mortal. Although Lathan wanted to change her into a vampire, let her drink his blood, convert her, and change her into an immortal so they could be together forever, Abbi wanted to take her time. Lathan was an immortal, had centuries of experience in this world, and she was so young compared to him, a blip in the timeline of his life. At twenty-eight she knew she wanted to take her time in thinking about what to do with her life, how to proceed. Being immortal wasn’t something that could ever be changed, clearly, and that is why she was giving herself the time to fully weigh her options.

  What she knew without a doubt was that she wanted to be with Lathan. She loved him.

  He was fully clothed, and the way he stalked toward her reminded her of a feral animal, a beast in the jungle. He stopped a foot from her, didn’t speak, didn’t even breathe it seemed. He held his hand out, and without thinking, because she felt this tightness in her body, this tingling in her erogenous zones, Abbi placed her hand in his.

  He lifted her off the chair easily, and together they walked into the room, beside the bed, and he turned her toward him.

  “My love,” he whispered, looking down at her mouth. “My mate.”

  His flesh felt chilled, but with her overheated flesh right now, her arousal thumping through her veins, it felt good, comforting.

  “I want you, Abbi.”

  She breathed out harshly, looked at the sight of his fangs, and the tingling in her neck intensified. His wolf pushed forward, she could see it in his eyes, felt it in the air as the pressure intensified. She was used to the feeling, used to the animals he housed, the monsters he had inside him.

  “Take off your clothes and lay on the bed for me, let me see what’s mine.”

  She was breathing harder, faster, but was excited to do what he said. Taking her clothing off slowly, seductively, Abbi watched him the whole time. Once she was naked, her body on display, and Lathan’s gaze looking over her from head to toe, she moved onto the bed. She went onto her knees so they were facing each other again, their breath mingling together.

  “Tell me you’re mine, that you’ll always be mine.” His voice was soft yet deep, commanding yet coaxing.

  “I’m yours, Lathan. Always,” she whispered. He wanted to change her, but he didn’t rush her, either. He had patience, gave her the time she needed, and she loved him even more for that.

  This low, animal sound left him, and she knew his wolf was rising up even more. He reached his hand up and gripped her neck, his nails gently pressing into her flesh. He wasn’t hurting her, but he was showing her his dominance, his power. She loved it.

  He was gentle, his thumb moving methodically across her rapidly beating pulse. Abbi swallowed hard. The way his thumb moved across her pulse reminded her of the raw predator he truly was, of how he could snap her neck with a flick of his wrist. Despite knowing this, knowing what he could do in a second, she didn’t feel fear. She never felt fear with him.

  “You’re mine, irrevocably,” he grinned, but it was full of predatory promise. His fangs flashed, sharp, dangerous.

  Seeing those two sharp teeth brought a pool of moisture between her legs.

  He leaned in and kissed her, kept his hand on her throat, and took control in all ways. The air left her lungs as he pulled away and removed his hand from her neck. He took a step back and started removing his clothing. She stayed still, watching in feminine appreciation at the hard, pale, and creamy muscled body that he presented. His skin was smooth and alabaster white, the muscles beneath his flesh defined and hard as rock.

  She glanced down at the monster between his legs, the huge cock that was long and thick, having her pussy clench with nee
d. Abbi could practically feel his desire for her radiate from him. He slowly smoothed his fingers down her bare shoulders, having chills racing up her spine. His eyes stayed on her face, watching her reaction. He pulled her close to him so that her breasts rubbed against his cool skin and caused goosebumps to form on her flesh.

  And then he took her mouth gently at first, softly even. As their tongues pressed together, his kiss became more aggressive, demanding. She wrapped her arms around his neck and tilted her head to take in more of his kiss. She could feel his shaft press against her belly. He pressed closer to her still, grinding his erection into her until she was making small mewling noises in the back of her throat.

  He used his upper body to push her back onto the bed until he was covering her fully. “I want to feel your pussy gripping me. I want to feel your legs wrap around me as I pump my cock so hard into you your eyes roll back in your head.” His voice was low, promising. He caressed the side of her face as he looked into her eyes. “You are so beautiful, mate.” He kissed her then, deep, dominating.

  His icy flesh cooled her overheated body and made her nipples so hard they ached. She spread her legs wide to accommodate his large frame. He rubbed his body along hers and drove her so wild she couldn’t feel anything except what he felt like on top of her. Abbi’s pussy was saturated from her juices, from her arousal, and she felt the wetness coat her inner thighs.

  He broke the kiss and trailed his tongue down her throat, licking at the mark her gave her, the mated mark he’d given her last year that would never heal. She tilted her head to give him better access. The very idea of Lathan slipping his fangs into her neck had her whole body tingling. She wanted to feel that closeness, that unyielding surrender of giving herself over to this predator… her mate.


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