Wanted: Another Round of Whiskey (Kindle Worlds Novella)

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Wanted: Another Round of Whiskey (Kindle Worlds Novella) Page 1

by S. Moose

  Text copyright ©2017 by the Author.

  This work was made possible by a special license through the Kindle Worlds publishing program and has not necessarily been reviewed by Kelly Elliott. All characters, scenes, events, plots and related elements appearing in the original Wanted remain the exclusive copyrighted and/or trademarked property of Kelly Elliott, or their affiliates or licensors.

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  Another Round of Whiskey

  by New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author S. Moose

  Also by S. Moose


  Reaching Out For You

  Holding Onto You

  Next to Forever


  Vision of Love

  Vision of Destiny

  Vision of Hope


  Interrupted Vol 1

  Interrupted Vol 2

  Interrupted Vol 3



  Even Rhythm


  Say It Again


  Breathing You In


  Teach Me Love

  Beautiful Lessons with Rebecca Brooke

  Take Me Away

  Rewriting the Rules


  Why I’m Yours with CA Harms



  Also by S. Moose



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  About the Author


  Books in the Wanted World

  To Kevin

  We got our second chance and I promise to love you forever and always.



  “I’LL COME BACK TO YOU, no matter what, Whiskey.” The nickname she uses for me slips through her full, pale-pink lips I love so much.

  In less than twenty-four hours, she’ll be on a plane to New York City, leaving Mason, Texas behind . . . and me. I refuse to stand in the way of her dreams and be the reason why she’s giving up a chance to become more. This is what she wants to do and because I love her I want everything for her. Even if that means we’ll be apart.

  “Ashley, this is your moment,” I explain, holding her tighter. “We’ll make it through the long distance. Our love is true and it can get through everything. I don’t want you worrying when you’re gone. I’m not going anywhere.”

  “Just hold me, Whiskey. Hold me until the sun rises. All I want to do is be in your arms and fall asleep with you then wake up to your handsome face in the morning. Tonight, let’s not say our goodbyes. Let’s never say goodbye. That word doesn’t exist in our vocabulary. You’re mine and I’m yours. We’re each other’s family. You’re home.”

  “Yes, to all of that, baby.” I don’t say anything else. My arms hold her like she wants, tightly to my chest, while I rest my chin on top of her head.

  We’re lying in the bed of my truck, in a private field, and all that can be heard is the steadiness of our breathing. This place holds six years’ worth of memories, and when she comes back, it’ll hold forever.

  My mind drifts to the meeting this morning with the bank. I have everything I need to give her the life she’ll love when she returns home. A large part of me is scared she’ll love the spotlight and forget about small-town life. She’ll forget me and marry some star. He’ll give her the moon and stars, while the only thing I can offer is our life here, in Mason. I have dreams to give her the moon and stars too, but my version differs from those with millions and endless funds. I’m not poor by any means, but I’m not swimming in cash like some people she’ll be around.



  “Whatever you’re thinking you need to stop. I don’t care about anyone else except you. You’re the man I love and want to spend my life with. The money that others have doesn’t matter to me. All of that will never compare to what we have here.”

  Relief washes over me and I’m thrilled she feels this way so I kick out the doubts and nod instead of responding.

  “Tell me a story,” she asks.

  I kiss the side of her head, savoring her sweet scent, and close my eyes. I keep my lips there for a few moments longer, and when I pull them away, I hold her tighter and start the story . . .


  We woke up early in the morning, made love, and I took her home so she could spend time with her family. I went home to shower and got ready before going back to her house. I put her suitcases in the trunk and watched her. She hugged her mama and brother then listened to what they told her. I gave her space so I got back into my truck and waited for her. The drive was quiet. Ashely held my hand the whole time. There were so many things I wanted her to know, but I couldn’t let the words out. My throat was constricted and the pang of grief in my chest grew.

  After she checks her bags in and gets her boarding passes, I take my hands from my jean pockets and open it for her. She runs my way and jumps in my arms, crying into my neck. I’m holding my life in my arms, in the middle of the airport, and I know I’m going to have to put her down soon so she can go through security. I didn’t think it’d be this hard.

  “I’m so proud of you, Ashley Monroe,” I tell her, masking my hesitation and nerves. Once I put her down I cup her face and wipe the tears with my thumb. “This audition’s going to be the first of many. You’ll be perfect.”

  “I’m going to miss you. We’ve never been apart.” She cries and holds onto my middle tighter. “What if I’m making a mistake?”

  “And what if you’re making the best decision in your life?”

  She sighs and nuzzles her face in my chest. “You’re the best decision I ever made.”

  “It’ll be okay. We’ll be okay, Ashley.”

  She lets me go and gazes at me with her wide deep, honey brown eyes, and I’m at the edge, wanting to beg her to stay.

  “No saying goodbye,” she whispers. “At most, I’ll be gone a year if the audition goes well.”


  “You’re my home, Landon Fisher, and I promise to come back to you.”

  I look into the eyes of the woman I’ve loved since I was twelve years old. “I’m proud of you. Don’t forget me.”

  “I’ll never forget you.”


  Two Days Later

  “Ashley, what’s wrong?”

  She sobs over the phone; breaking my heart because we’re miles away, and I can’t do anything except listen.

  “I’m not cut out to be a model . . .”

  “Don’t say that. You’re beautiful, Angel.”

  She sighs. “I can’t get the poses right and the photographer hates me.”

  “Remember, you’ve worked so hard for this moment. Don’t let this little setback make you want to give up.”

  “I don’t belong here.”

  “I want you to try one more time. Pretend I’m there with you. I believe in you.”

  “Thanks, Whiskey. I love you.”

love you more.”


  Five Hours Later

  Ashley: It worked! The pictures came out amazing and they’re so impressed with me. My agent brought in some designers and guess what?

  Me: What?

  Ashley: They’re signing me for one year, and I’m going to Italy for a European tour!

  Me: That’s amazing, sweetheart. I knew you could do it. How long will you be away?

  Ashley: I’m not sure. At least three months. I’m going to miss you.

  Me: I’ll miss you more, but I support you all the way. We’ll get through this together. Keep me updated.

  Ashley: I will!


  Three Days Later

  Me: Good morning, baby. I hope everything’s going well. I miss you. Been thinking about you and wondering how you’re doing.

  Me: I hope I get to talk to you tonight. I’m just about done with work. Hope everything’s okay. I love you.

  Me: I’m about ready for bed. Sweet dreams. I love you.


  Seven Days Later

  Me: Hey, sweetheart. How’s it going?

  Ashley: Oh, Whiskey. Sorry for not texting you. Everything’s AMAZING! Tomorrow’s the show and I’ve been working with a designer. The dresses I’m wearing is beautiful. I’ll send you pictures later. Maybe you can stream it online?

  Me: I’ll try. Good luck. I love you.

  Ashley: I love you, Whiskey.


  Six Months Later

  I busy myself with getting the house ready—driving to and from Austin for supplies. Ashley texts and calls me as much as she can. I know she’s busy, but I’m glad she’s doing what she loves. If she’s happy then I’m happy.

  While she was on her European tour, I did my best to find the fashion shows and watched her. She shined. I watched each confident step she took down the catwalk and the look of determination in her eyes was apparent. She was doing what she loved and I was here cheering her on. Every day that passed, our talks got shorter and shorter. With the time difference and our jobs, I was lucky if I got more than five minutes. But this was her dream and I supported her.

  She’s back at her apartment in New York City from our conversation last night. I’m ready to be with my girl and feel home again.

  “You good to go?” my friend, Gunner Mathews, asks as he pulls into the airport.

  I rifle around in my bags to make sure I have everything. “Yep. Good to go. Thanks for dropping me off and watching my house.”

  “No problem. Ellie already wants to redecorate.”

  “Tell her to go ahead. I’ll only be there for a few more months and then the house should be done.”

  “I’m happy for you,” Gunner says and parks the car. “Text me when you get back and I’ll come get you.”

  “Thanks again, man.”

  After my flight from Austin to Atlanta, I have a five-hour layover until I can board my flight to New York City. I haven’t been able to get ahold of Ashley today. I’m sure she’s fine and busy with her agent.

  This is my first time out of Texas, and I’m a little nervous. I hope I’ll fit into Ashley’s new world, and she won’t mind having her Southern boyfriend hanging around her. I can’t wait to see the look on her face when she sees me. She has no idea I’m coming to visit for two weeks.

  I still have two hours before my next flight, so I walk to a shop to browse through the magazines and books. The headline of a magazine gets my attention and I pick it up to see Ashley on the cover, photographed in a close embrace with another man. The headline says his name’s Shawn and he’s part of a band. I’m scrambling to get to the article and suddenly my world drops. Everything becomes cold. The pressure on my chest grows stronger. Nothing makes sense and nothing prepares me for this. All I see are pictures of Ashley with this singer. She looks happy. She looks beautiful.

  “Why, Ashley?” I mutter before walking to the counter and paying for the magazine.

  The clerk says something, but it doesn’t register to me. I blink a few times and turn away, absentmindedly moving my feet somehow and sitting down with the magazine in my hand.

  Chapter 1


  Seven Years Later

  A FAMILIAR, GNAWING PANG STARTS throbbing and my muscles tense. I don’t have to turn around to see her. I know she’s here.

  Ashley Monroe’s back in tiny old Mason, Texas. She’s back to finish breaking me, killing me, and then when she’s done, she’ll toss me aside like garbage. Since she didn’t have the chance to see me fall apart in person, well, now she’s here to see it. Front and center. She’d much rather pull my heart out and stomp on it and watch while I slowly die with a cruel smile on her face.




  Knowing all of this should be enough to forget her. Push her out of my head. Move the hell on. The only problem is I’m a man with something to prove. I want her to see the man I am today and not the boy from seven years ago.

  I should have a woman on my arm to erase the pain Ashley brings. There are plenty of them here, and I know they want me from the way their eyes take me in. I could do that for the sole reason to make Ashley jealous and hurt her, the way she did to me.

  One look at her and my world falls apart again. She’s standing by my side, acting as if she didn’t shatter my world and put me in a depressing place seven years ago. Blinking, I steady my breathing, bring my beer to my lips, and take a healthy swig before setting it down on the bar. My hands tremble as she moves closer to me. I should get up and leave without talking to her.

  Then I look at her again. I don’t see the light in her deep, honey brown eyes anymore. I study her outfit—faded jeans with a white, off-the-shoulder top and knee-high boots. Her face is slender and her collarbone stands out. Her body is smaller than I remember and the curves I love so much are gone. I focus on the dark circles underneath her eyes and exhaustion is all over her face. Pain twists though my stomach, inciting the anger that I didn’t protect her, and I’m just as much to blame as she is for the end of us.

  My two friends, Gunner and Jeff, are by my side and don’t say anything when they realize who’s here.

  “We’ll leave you here,” Gunner says and pats my back.

  She’s staring at me, but I refuse to look at her again. If I look at her, then I’ll push away the pain and want to start over with her. I’ll bring her back to my house, place her down on my bed, and feel her warmth. Feel her. Then I’ll fucking make her eat something and let her sleep for days, weeks, months. Anything to bring her back.

  But I can’t.

  No matter how much I want to protect and heal her, I can’t deny the harsh reality of our breakup. A furious fall of guilt sheds around us, circling us, entrapping us so we’re forced to bring out old feelings and give one another closure.

  “Whiskey,” she whispers, sitting down on the empty stool next to me.

  Her voice puts me in a frenzy. My entire being is overflowing with pain and confusion. The twists and turns of the path from where she’s standing to where I’m sitting are jagged. Fury howls around us, casting a brutal storm to create devastation to the only two people in its course.

  Yet, she’s my one regret.

  My one heartache and the one I let go.

  The suffocating presence of Ashley and her nickname for me makes me go still. Instead of looking at her, acknowledging her again, I keep my eyes on my beer bottle.

  “Can we talk, please?”


  I won’t let her back in.

  I won’t survive that hurt again.

  “Whiskey.” This time she says my name a little higher than a soft whisper. “I’m back.”

  Through the years, I’ve kept up with her, reading the tabloids, and following her on social media. All at the advice of Ellie, Gunner’s wife; she reminds me every day that love will conquer and once Ashley’s back, my world will be whole again.

  I’m watching h
er, drinking her in, and even though we’ve been apart for so long, she’s still Ashley. She’s still my Ashley. The one who has the power to take my breath away.

  “There’s got nothing to say, Ashley.” She freezes.

  It takes me a moment to realize what I’ve said, but I don’t take it back. I have to protect my heart, and in doing so, I’m going to have to hurt her.

  “We have a lot to talk about,” she says with emphasis to each word. “I’m not leaving until you get your head out of your ass and look at me. “

  “Is that so?”

  “Yes,” she confidently says. Ashley’s moving closer to me, and my body stiffens at the closeness I feel to her.

  “Where’s your pop star boyfriend? Shawn is it? The two of you look good together.”

  “That was for show. It was to promote his album. I’m sorry, Whiskey. I know I owe you so much more than my apologies. Give me a chance to explain. All I’m asking for is a chance.”

  “Seven years ago, I would have accepted, but not now. Seven years ago, I would have moved heaven and earth for you, Ashley. Now, there isn’t anything between us. You threw our relationship away for him.”

  “You never came for me! You never tried talking to me! You never gave me a chance to explain!”

  “I did!” I yell, and get up from the stool. “After all that shit that went down, I bought a ticket to New York to talk to you and figure it out. Then, I saw you walk out of the cafe with him, kissing and hugging, so I left.” She doesn’t move an inch and stares back at me with the same ferocity as I have in myself.

  “No!” she yells. “Everything with Shawn was for show. It didn’t mean anything. I couldn’t talk about it. That’s why I didn’t tell you and give you a warning.”

  I let out a huff. “You should’ve trusted me. Instead, you did whatever they told you to do and left me in the dark. I wanted you to tell me. Not the tabloids.”

  “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, Landon. I promise you, it meant nothing.”

  “It may not have meant anything to you, but it broke my damn heart. While you were out there living your life, and forgetting all about me, I was here, living my life and forgetting you. You need to leave me alone. There’s nothing more to say.”


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