Arranged: An Array Novel (Book #1)

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Arranged: An Array Novel (Book #1) Page 22

by Hazel Grace

And it sure wasn’t Papa or my damn trip.


  “You’ve become more beautiful over the years,” Isabella greeted in the lavish emerald green sitting room. It was paired with golden-colored carpet and curtains, showing that Edward spared no expense for his old mistress. The sofa we sat on was lined in matching deep cream leather, more plush than others I’d sat on. “Now, I know half the reason why my son went on his four-day journey to see you.”

  I cringed inwardly at his mention; the anger still hadn’t worn off yet that he didn’t come back to my home. I ignored the comment.

  “You haven’t aged a day, Isabella.” Her raven black hair had a few gray strays, but it didn’t take away from anything. She was still curvy and exotic, with oval green eyes, a perfectly straight nose, and olive-colored skin.

  “Always so sweet. I hope you don’t mind, I brought Arunan spirits. We don’t drink a lot of coffee or tea, unless we are ill.”

  A strong drink was perfect.

  “I’m all in,” I chimed. Isabella smiled, standing from her seat and walking to the corner of the room. A large glass cabinet of bottles lined the inside of it.

  Eve placed a hand on my knee. “A, are you all right?” she whispered, worry lacing her voice.

  I patted her hand. “I’m fine. I promise.”

  “You’re sure?”

  “Positive.” I flexed my fingers for good measure. “Hand just hurts a little.”

  Isabella came back with two glasses and handed them off. After grabbing her own, she sat across from us.

  “Hara should be joining us shortly. She wanted to see her father today.” Isabella took a sip of her cheer. “I’d ask you what you’ve been up to but I’m afraid I already know.” She laughed. “I was glad to hear that you never lost your spirit. It broke our hearts when we couldn’t write to you.”

  I managed a smile. “Think nothing of it. I know now it was forbidden.”

  It didn’t seem to comfort her in the least, and she frowned. “I just thank Femme Fatale that you are well. My mind couldn’t handle the thought of you being hurt, but Garr’s men kept him well-informed, so that was a comfort. I knew that if I couldn’t write, at least I could be looking from the outside in.”

  I gave her a small smile. “Tell me how you’ve been. I heard you went back home while I was at the orphanage.”

  “I did,” Isabella replied. “Aruna is celebrating their independence anniversary, so I went to see all my friends and relatives. I’d love to bring you both.”

  “Oh, that would be marvelous!” Eve exclaimed, straightening in her seat.

  “I must warn you both, we dress a lot differently than here. The only reason I wear this drape”—she looked down at her ruby red gown made of silk—“is to not draw any more unwanted attention. We wear cottons and satin, and our dresses are more…suggestive, I guess would be how Tellivan ladies would describe it.”

  “How so?” Eve asked quickly, leaning forward, eyes wide.

  “Well…the sleeves, for instance. We don’t have them normally, and if we do, they are slid down to the shoulders.”

  Eve’s jaw dropped. “So, your shoulders are completely bare?”

  Isabella chuckled lightly. “Yes, love, we are more of a carefree people. The temperature is warmer there, and women are treated like treasures, not a means for stability and power.”

  “It sounds wonderful,” Eve chimed, smiling at me, and I grinned in response. It did sound marvelous. A means of adventure, and distance from my chaotic nature as of late.

  “Hara is having a party here tonight, in her honor. I would love for you both to attend. Let your hair down, literally. Arunan ladies like to keep their hair flowing and free.”

  Eve clapped her hands in delight and looked at me. “We don’t have anything planned tonight, do we?”

  I really just wanted to read in my room tonight and continue to do so, until I was free to leave with no danger, but I didn’t want to let her down. Eve’s face exuded excitement, and I couldn’t wipe that away.

  “We’d love to come,” I chimed in, trying to sound enthusiastic and motivated to attend.

  “Wonderful!” Isabella beamed with a smile. “I’ll have some dresses brought in. We’ll have them fitted and—oh. That is, if you ladies want to dress up in Arunan clothes. You really don’t ha—”

  “We’d love to!” Eve interrupted.

  “Then let us finish our drinks, and we’ll get a seamstress to fit you ladies and dress your hair properly. You both are in for a delight.”


  Delight was an understatement. Streams of purple, blue, and green silk cascaded from the ceiling, matching the tablecloths covered with mountains of various fruits and cheeses. Hundreds of candles glinted in the space, making it romantic and whimsical. Music lofted through the air, the beat and sounds so different.

  Standing in a corner of the ballroom, I soaked everything in. Running my hands down my light blue gown that flowed freely and casually around my body, I felt the air brush lightly off my plunging backline. Men’s eyes looked curiously at me as they passed by, studying the lines of pearls draped over my shoulders that held up my gown. Clenching the fabric, I kept my chin up, a little uncomfortable at all my exposed skin.

  Eve hadn’t stopped asking questions since Isabella had asked us to join. She patiently answered all of them, from how women were courted to the kinds of foods and entertainment that were popular there. The courting of ladies was interesting, as a man would fight to keep his interests known to other men. It sounded barbaric, but I hadn’t been fought over before. It could be romantic.

  “This is beyond words,” Eve murmured. “I never dreamed of something like this, have you, A?”

  I never knew that anything like this even existed, which made my craving for traveling the world that much more enticing.

  “No, I haven’t,” I replied, peering over at her. She was dressed in a strapless ruby gown, a sheer piece of fabric covering her bosom. “The people are so lighthearted and cheerful. Look at how much fun they are having just dancing. No steps, just moving to the rhythm.”

  Couples moved effortlessly around the floor. Some held hands while others swayed casually in front of each other. The steps were uncalculated, graceful, and fascinating.

  “Makes me wonder how different the men are.” She tugged at my arm. “Come, let us discover everything what Aruna has to offer. Deal?”

  I didn’t even have to think about it. “Deal.”


  “You dance divinely, my Lady,” His Eminence, Kai Faure, said, as he twirled me around the dance floor.

  “It is easy to be a good dancer when there aren’t any steps to follow.”

  “Regardless,” he countered, “let me compliment my dancing partner. It’s rare for a woman to not know who I am. You took a shot to my pride.”

  “I’ve lived a sheltered life,” I deadpan. Kai was the fourth son of the Emperor of Aruna and made sure I was aware of it within seconds of our meeting. He was pleasant to look at, with sandy brown hair and eyes, and olive skin that matched many of the guests here. My only issue was that he talked too much and was killing my fuzzy feeling from my intake of multiple drinks.

  “So I’ve been told,” he replied in a low, husky voice. “You were stored away like an expensive jewel. Nothing so beautiful and extraordinary should be kept away. It should be shown off like a magnificent piece of art. You were born in the wrong country. We would have treated you like the goddess you are.”

  “If I had a shilling for every time someone said that to me, Your Eminence, I would be richer than you,” I teased with a grin. That earned me a large smile.

  His eyes glimmered. “Duly noted. It shall never be spoken about again.”

  “Again?” I widened my eyes. “You mean I have to suffer through another conversation with you, Your Eminence?”

  He chuckled. “Only if you want to, my darling.” He leaned in. “I don’t chase women, they chase me.”

  The closeness didn’t affect me, for some reason. Maybe it was the liquor, or the fact that he didn’t intimidate me with his status, but he intrigued me.

  I slanted my body closer to his. “And here I thought you were using your position for the good of the people.”

  Kai smiled. “A certain sex of people, yes.”

  Normally, I would have blushed with the innuendo; instead, I laughed. He was a swindler of women, but I couldn’t judge him. I envied his ability to move on so quickly. He wasn’t afraid to be with someone; even though he was probably only with them for a night.

  “Are you sure you haven’t been to my country? You are a lovely dancer, my Lady.” Kai beamed.

  “You said that already,” I pointed out, which made him throw back his head and laugh.

  “I need to brush up on my compliments.”

  I shrugged. “I’ve only heard one come out of your mouth. Do you have more?”

  Goodness, these spirits made me just blurt out whatever I was thinking.

  “I have more to show you, yes,” he rasped. “I would be more than honored to show you more.”

  “I think I’ll take you up on that, Your—”

  “Your Grace, may I cut in?” The voice made me cringe. Following the direction of it, I was greeted by Garrett standing near us, his cold eyes locked on me. Kai released my hand but kept his other around my waist.

  “Cranfield, how are you?” Kai asked in a friendly tone.

  Garrett’s gaze studied Kai’s hand still wrapped around my body. “Well,” he replied. “Traveling around again?”

  “Always,” Kai replied. “Too much to see.”


  Kai leaned close to me and whispered, “I’ll come for another dance later, and we’ll talk.”

  He released me then, and bid Garrett goodbye.

  We stood, looking at each other for what seemed like an eternity. My hands clenched together at my sides, his narrowed focus on me, as if he was debating whether or not to chastise me in the middle of the dance floor. Instead, he held out a hand to me, and I looked around, trying to think of a way to escape this dance but coming up empty. The heat of his hand engulfed mine as he pulled me toward him. My body brushed up against his perfect chest while his other hand wrapped around my waist possessively; his grip confirmed he was displeased.

  “So, you’ve met the notorious rake, I see,” Garrett noted as he started to move. The music had begun to slow, and couples around us cuddled closer together. A shockwave darted through me as he laced his fingers with mine.

  “I have. He is very nice.” I forced myself to keep talking; anything to not focus on the surrounding tension. The air between us was charged, powering up from the last moment we had together that was so abruptly interrupted. Every nerve ending in my body was alert and craving his touch.


  “To a beautiful woman, I wouldn’t expect anything else.” He raised a brow. “He is trying to get you to be one of his many mistresses.”

  “Does it come with freedom?”

  Garrett stared down at me. “What?”

  “Because I’ll take it if it does.”

  He glared at me, spinning my body around once and pulling me back hard against his chest. His fingers pressed firmly into my side. It didn’t hurt, but he was most certainly irritated.

  “And how many drinks have you had tonight? My man lost count,” he rumbled.

  I let out an exasperated sigh. “Spying again?”

  He leaned down and whispered, “Always.”

  I pulled my head away from his invasion of my space and looked to my right, but Garrett quickly stole my attention again. He touched the strings of pearls decorating my back, his fingers sweeping carelessly across my skin as if he owned it.

  “Did my mother dress you in this?” His voice was gravelly and barely a whisper, his gaze sliding over my exposed shoulders.

  I nodded.

  “You’ve turned my own mother against me. And the more I think about it, the more I’m starting to realize you may be the enemy I’ve been searching for.”

  That got my attention.

  “I’m sorry?”

  “First, your sweet demeanor when we first met. You were kind and gentle, letting me win a few of our card games to keep some of my pride intact.”

  I raised a brow. “Unfortunately, no. You won those fairly.”

  “So you say,” he continued. “Then I meet you again. More beautiful than I remembered, like you were designed specifically for a man to eat out of the palm of your hand…like a goddess. Someone to be worshiped.”

  “What in the world are you talking about, Garr?”

  He spread his fingers across the bare skin of my back and pulled me closer.

  “You’ve spun a web and got me tangled into it. Now I’m acting like a fucking fool, chasing a woman around, demanding she speak to me, and defending myself over shit that has nothing to do with her. Does that make sense to you?”

  I furrowed my brows. “Are you drunk?”

  He looked over my shoulder. “I wish I were.”

  Pulling from him, I said, “I’ll go find you som—”

  He jerked me back to him, his eyes hooded. “You aren’t going anywhere.” He cleared his throat. “Are you enjoying the new experience?”

  Which one? The one where I want to be ravished fully by you, or the party?

  “Uhh...I— Yes. It’s…” I looked up at him, his blues piercing through my green eyes. “Fucking beautiful.”

  You are fucking beautiful.

  His lips quirked, and I knew he may have caught onto my hidden, blurted meaning. “Fucking beautiful? Wow… Hara will be happy to hear that.”

  The music picked up tempo, and he linked his hand in the crook of my arm. Two men stood, arms behind their backs, on each side of the terrace, the archway draped with coral-colored cloth. Leading me toward them, I recognized each other them.

  Two of the Elite Eight.

  “We’ll get you some air,” Garrett spoke softly, nodding at one of his men. The chilled air relieved the heat scalding my body. The sky was dimly lit by the moon and every star blazed together in a beautiful cluster.

  “Better?” Garrett asked, his warm breath tickling my ear. “Are you cold?”

  I shook my head, trying to ignore that I could feel his body, even though he wasn’t touching me. “No, I’m all right.”

  He stepped away, and I missed his closeness immediately. “Just let me know if I can be of any assistance.” His words dripped cockiness. Walking over to the terrace railing, he placed both of his hands on it, looking upward. I wondered what he was thinking about. A man with so much on his shoulders, why was he even bothered with me? Sophia was right; I wasn’t worth his time, nor did I need to be around the royals. There really was no place for me here.

  “When you’re silent, it scares me,” Garrett confessed, still peering at the sky. “What are you thinking about?”

  “Nothing,” I replied too quickly.

  He looked over his shoulder. “Liar.” He turned his body to face me and leaned against the white banister, arms crossed.

  “I was just finding my constellations.”

  “Ah yes. Those.” He pushed off the railing and walked toward me. “I was thinking about how tempting my mother made you look tonight. No wonder Telliva doesn’t let their women wear gowns like that.” His eyes roamed my body. “One good thing about this hellhole, and something I can agree with. Because I’d hate to be fighting men off you while I’m supposed to be searching for the enemy. It’d be a horrible distraction for me.”

  “Stop with your compliments,” I snapped. Looking over my shoulder, the coral drapes were closed, blocking anyone from seeing us. I turned to face him. “Keeping me locked out here?”

  “Wouldn’t dream of it.” He shrugged. “You can leave whenever you wish.”

  “You have two burly men outside those curtains.”

  He nodded. “For my protection.”

nbsp; I gave him a puzzled look. “Your protection?” He returned to the banister. “From who?”



  “Yes you, Peitho.”

  I mouthed Peitho to myself. That was… “The goddess of persuasion and seduction.” I stifled a laugh. He was getting ridiculous with this goddess nonsense.

  “Oh goodness,” I quipped. “You found me out. Whatever shall I do?” I took a step in his direction. “A mere mortal finding out my identity is very dangerous.”

  He turned around abruptly. “So you admit it?” His voice serious, he looked at me as though this was actually real.

  “I concede, yes.” I crossed my arms. “Which leaves me in a dilemma.”

  He raised a brow. “Oh?”

  I paced. “It means that I either need to keep you prisoner…” I met his gaze, crossing my arms. “Or I must have you killed. You did say the Elite Eight were under my control, correct?”

  He let out a breath. “And to think I thought you’d never hurt a soul.”

  “Souls are for taking.”

  He continued to look at me, his face unreadable.

  “My Lord.” One of Garrett’s men spoke from behind me. I didn’t bother to turn around; I just watched Garrett focus on his man. “Your sister is requesting your presence.”

  Garrett nodded, and I heard the sound of footsteps exit the terrace. He strode to me and didn’t stop until we were only inches apart. With no hesitation, he cupped his hand around my neck and pulled me into a hard kiss. My mouth fell open immediately, our tongues finding each other, battling. Rounding his other hand around my face, he caged it, lavishing my mouth slowly. Our breathing was meshed together, hot and strained, neither of us wanting to give the other one space.

  I was becoming his addiction.

  Garrett broke our connection and brushed my bottom lip with his thumb, his eyes watching as I struggled to keep my composure.

  “I’m not done with you yet, Avie.”

  With that, he walked away, leaving me wanting more.



  Chapter 28

  I tried to clear my head of Ava and the moment I just had with her, but it was like forgetting your name.


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