by Johnson, Ash
Chapter 20
At this moment I really hate her parents for treating her like that. I work out at the same gym as her dad and I talk to him almost weekly, but he’s never said anything bad about Brynn. Come to think of it, I can’t remember the last time he brought up Brynn at all.
It infuriates me that her parents, who portray these sweet, God fearing, Christian people, could turn their backs on someone as wonderful as Brynn. It’s sickening to think that they cast her out all because she didn’t want to marry that cheating asshat; because she wanted to make something more of her life.
I know that I should tell her how close I am with her family; that my girls and I have gone to her parents’ house a few times for Sunday dinners, hell, even that Becca watches my girls five days a week, but in this moment my mouth is frozen shut. All I can do is kiss her beautiful full lips and say “I love you so much, Brynnie. You are a part of my family.”
“I love you too, Ryan, so much.” is her reply and then she lets out a deep sigh and closes her eyes.
I don’t even think she’d be upset that I still see them. She knows we live in a small town and that you can’t sneeze without someone on the other side of town knowing about it. I wonder how I never heard about Brynn’s parents disowning her, then. That would have been headline news until she finally came back home.
They must not have said anything to anyone about it, which is unbelievable because Brynn’s mother is the town gossip, and they must have sworn Becca to secrecy, which also pisses me off because I always thought Becca would tell me if she talked to Brynn. Then I remember talking to Becca yesterday and her telling me that it was Brynn who made her promise not to talk about where she was; now I understand that it was Brynn’s parents who didn’t want anyone to know where she went.
When her breathing evens out, I’m still staring at her face and rubbing my palm up and down her arm, wishing I had the balls to just tell her the truth. I think it’s going to be worse if I wait to tell her, but I love Brynn and don’t want to hurt her when we’re finally reconnecting. It takes me almost an hour of laying next to her and trying to match her breathing before I fall asleep, knowing that I may be making a huge mistake holding in this information.
Chapter 21
I wake early with the sun shining through my partially open blinds and right onto my face. I try to get up and realize there is an arm draped across my hip and fingertips resting on my right breast. I haven’t had another person in my bed for I can’t remember how long, so this is a bit confusing.
Normally when I have men over, we only make it to the living room couch and sometimes not even that far, and they’re never allowed to spend the night. My mind goes blank for a second while I try to remember who it could be behind me, when I feel the other person move and hear a sexy, sleepy voice behind my ear whisper “Good morning, beautiful.”
Ah, it’s Ryan. I roll onto my back and look into his gorgeous sky blue eyes. I run my hand along his scruffy stubble, loving just how hot he makes me with one look. I could get used to waking up to this every morning.
“Good morning sexy.” I say and then raise my arms above my head to stretch. Ryan picks that moment to lock my hands together above my head, prop himself above me and position himself between my legs.
“And good morning to you, too” I say and look down in the direction of his hard cock, grinding against me and making me wet. Ryan laughs and places a deep kiss on my lips. I moan and wrap my legs around Ryan’s waist as he plunges into me. When he lets go of my wrists, I rub my hands into his short blonde hair and run my tongue along his lips, not having to wait long for Ryan to open his mouth and mingle his tongue with mine.
It’s not long before we’re both sweating and panting next to each other, and when I am getting close, I put my hands between us. Instead of rubbing my clit like Ryan thinks I’m going to do, I reach down further and start caressing his balls. His eyes roll back and he groans.
That sound alone is enough to send me over the edge and Ryan is right behind me, with one last thrust and my name muttered under his breath before he collapses on top of me.“Jesus Brynn, you are the sexiest fucking thing I’ve ever seen.” He says into my neck, still trying to catch his breath.
He rolls over and I give him one last long, lingering kiss before I climb out of bed. “So, do you want to come on my run with me this morning?” I say, raising a brow and silently daring him to come running with me.
He smirks, resting his head on his bent arm, and says “Well, that depends. How long is this run going to be? Because I’m going to have to get going soon to get ready for the wedding.” I smile, knowing that I shouldn’t make it a long run, but have to tease him just a little bit.
“Well” I say, throwing on my hot pink sports bra and black Nike shorts, trying not to smirk “how about we take it easy on your pansy ass and make it a short five miles.” His brows shoot up and his eyes widen.
“Pansy ass, huh. Well, you’re on, Miss Show Off, but we’ll have to stop by the hotel so I can grab my workout gear.” I tilt my head and smile at him.
“You actually brought workout clothes?” I say incredulously.
“Of course I did. I can’t keep my body looking this sexy if I just sit on my ass all the time” he says, flexing his toned biceps and then looking down at his six pack abs. I laugh and shake my head. “Okay American Gladiator, we’ll go get your stuff and then you can see when you need to be back to the hotel.”
We walk the few blocks to the hotel Ryan is staying at and I wait in the hallway while he gets changed because he is rooming with Mike, which wouldn’t be a problem if Mike didn’t sleep naked. When Ryan comes out of his room in a pair of black basketball shorts, a grey t-shirt with the arms cut off and his black running shoes, he walks behind me and wraps his arms around my waist, then kisses me behind the ear.
“Are you sure you want to go running? We could just stay here and have a kinkier round two.” He waggles his eyebrows and rubs his crotch back and forth against my ass.
I giggle, but then reply “Well, we could go for round two, but it concerns me that Mike is naked, and he might want to join in if he sees what’s going on.” Ryan grimaces and then agrees “Good point; that would be gross. We should just go run off all of our sexual frustration.” He smiles and leads me to the elevators.
“What frustration? I’m not frustrated. Are you?” I tease, and then have to bite my lip to keep myself from laughing at the scowl he gives me.
Once we are outside and start our run, I’m very surprised to see that Ryan keeps up with my quick pace for almost four and a half miles. When we get closer to the hotel, Ryan stops running completely and hunches over, almost hyperventilating. My brows pull in as I walk back toward him.
“Why didn’t you tell me to slow down? Are you alright?” I ask, placing my hand on his back. I hand him my almost full water bottle since he drained all of his about two miles back, and he finishes it quickly. Ryan just nods and pulls his thumb and index finger into a circle with the others splayed out to tell me that he’s okay and we start walking toward the hotel.
“How the fuck do you run like that every day and barely break a sweat? I’m ready to die and I work out five days a week.” Ryan spits out, breathing heavily.
I look over at him to make sure he’s really okay, and other than red cheeks and a lot of sweat, he looks fine; actually he looks really sexy all sweaty. “I’ve just been running for a long time. My body is used to it, I guess” I shrug.
We walk to the front doors of the hotel and I give him a small kiss, knowing that he has to go up and make sure that everything is ready for the wedding that starts in three hours. “So, I’ll see you in just a bit, then?” Ryan asks.
I nod and bite my lower lip, wishing he would take me right now because he looks so sexy. “Jesus, Brynn. Don’t look at me like that. I’d fuck you right here on the floor if I didn’t think it would get the entire wedding party kicked out o
f this hotel, but since the wedding is here, that’s probably not the best idea.”
I laugh and he kisses me, then smiles and says “Don’t you worry, baby. I’ll be inside you soon.” He waggles his eyebrows and starts backing up toward the elevators.
When I turn and start walking back to the sidewalk to finish my run, I’m grabbed by the forearm and spun around. I let out a small yelp, but it is swallowed by Ryan’s mouth crashing on mine.
“I didn’t want you to leave without me telling you that I love you” he says, his lips still against mine while he’s looking into my eyes. I smile and say “I love you, too. Now go get ready and help out. Don’t be a slacker.” Ryan smiles, then turns and walks back to the elevators and I put my ear buds in and make the short run home to start getting ready for the wedding.
Chapter 22
The entire elevator ride up, I can’t wipe the grin from my face. I don’t know how I got so lucky to have the girl of my dreams find her way back into my life, but I’m going to make sure that she never leaves again. I am still smiling when I make it back to my room and take off my shirt so that I can jump in the shower.
Mike is just waking up and notices the smile on my face. “Hey man, where the hell have you been? And why do you look like you just ran a fucking marathon?” I laugh before I correct him.
“No, it was only five miles, but it felt like a fucking marathon with the pace she was keeping.” Mike looks confused for a second, but then he smiles and says “Oh yeah, Kyle said something about you and Brynn Harris hooking up again. Good for you, man.”
I shake my head and my brows pull together. “We aren’t hooking up, Mike. I’m keeping that girl with me and I’m going to marry her. You wait and see.”
“How in the hell are you gonna pull that off, Ryan? She doesn’t live back home anymore. Doesn’t she have a job and a life here? You can’t just rip her away from that and move her back home without her resenting you somehow.” Mike huffs, finally getting out of bed and putting some shorts on.
When I don’t answer, he walks into the bathroom and shuts the door. I sit down on the edge of my bed and stare at the floor.
How is this going to work? I want her to come home with me and be a part of my life. I want to wake up to her beautiful face every morning and I want my girls to know what a great person she is. Now that I know about her family, though, this whole thing could be impossible.
Brynn won’t go home because her parents have disowned her and frowned upon the life she has made for herself and I can’t leave my stable job and uproot my girls from school and their friends.
I’m completely bummed out for the next three and a half hours while we make sure everything is ready to go in the hotel’s reception hall and start the ceremony. My bad mood finally goes away after the ceremony is over and we’ve started the reception.
I smile when I finally see Brynn as she’s walking over to Kyle and Lo by the bar, I’m assuming to congratulate them. She’s wearing a strapless ivory dress that gathers under her great rack and has small blue and purple flowers on it, hitting just above her knees. She has on some white wedge strappy sandals that make her at least five inches taller; still not tall enough to look me in the eye, but tall enough I can wrap my arm around her shoulders without having to lean down.
Her long brown hair falls in curly waves down her back and with very little makeup on, she is sexy as fuck. Her small diamond earrings play off of the shine in her eyes and make her face light up.
She shakes Lo’s hand and gives Kyle a hug and a kiss on the cheek, then walks away. She has her back turned and has started talking to Mike, so when I walk up behind her and wrap my arms around her waist, she jumps and yelps. When she turns her head and notices that it’s me, she calms down and rests her back into my chest.
“Hey, baby. You look beautiful, and you smell fantastic” I quietly say, burying my nose into her hair and smelling oranges, like always. She smiles and tilts her head just slightly so that I can place a few small kisses along her neck.
As we’re walking over to the bar where Kyle and the rest of the groomsmen are standing, Brynn says to me “You look pretty good yourself. Do you have to get that dressed up like this for the annual architect’s ball?” I cock my head to the side and she looks down at her crown and coke that Mike ordered for her and is sitting on the bar top.
Before I can think about what she’s said, I answer her. “Architect’s don’t have bal-“. Brynn smirks and tries to choke back her laughter, but the boys around us are smacking the bar top and laughing like it’s the funniest thing they’ve ever heard. I narrow my eyes at her when she finally looks back up at me, scrunching up her nose.
Mike wraps his arm around her shoulders and says “Oh good God, Brynn. I’m so fucking glad that you are here. We have missed you back home and Ryan needed to be brought down a peg or two.” I step forward after Mike lets go of her and before she can run away, I wrap my arms around her waist and start tickling her sides. While she’s howling with laughter, my phone starts to ring.
I pull away from Brynn for a second and glance down at my screen; it’s Becca. I consider ignoring the call, but Becca would only call me if there was something wrong, so I swipe the screen and answer the call.
“Hey, is everything okay?” I ask, hoping that the girls are alright.
“Uh, Ry? We have a bit of a problem.” Becca sounds panicked, but I have a hard time hearing her because there is loud thumping in the background. Brynn has turned her attention on me, pulling her brows together and trying to figure out if everything is alright.
“Becca, what is the problem? Are the girls okay?”
I cringe a bit when I say Becca’s name and then Brynn asks “Becca? You mean my sister, Becca? Why is my sister calling you?” I hold up my index finger for Brynn to give me a minute to talk to Becca and I will explain everything after.
“Amber’s here, Ryan” is all that Becca has to say. My stomach rolls and I get an instant headache. “Why is Amber there? What does she want?” I question Becca, hoping that the girls haven’t talked to Amber yet. “She keeps banging on the door, saying she wants to see her daughters. I have no idea how she knew they were here. I didn’t even know who she was.”
I can hear a bit of panic in Becca’s voice and I feel so bad for her, but I’m still very concerned for my girls. “Amber hasn’t seen the girls, has she?” I mentally cross my fingers, hoping the girls are with my parents or at a friend’s house.
“No, they are upstairs playing with Milo and I told them to stay up there until I said it was okay to come down. Tyler’s out of town for work and I’m starting to freak out a little, Ry.” My heart rate speeds up a little while I try to think about what to do.
“Okay, Becca. Tell Amber that she has no parental rights and cannot see the girls and threaten to call the police. Is she there alone?” I can hear the banging in the background get louder when Becca tells me she’s going to look out the peephole.
“I only see her on the front porch, but there is a guy sitting in a piece of crap car parked on the street in front of the house. I’m going to assume that’s how she got here.” Becca says with a shaky voice.
I pinch the bridge of my nose in an attempt to stop the migraine I’m getting from progressing, but it doesn’t work. “Alright, Bec. I’m hopping on the first plane home. I’m so sorry, it will be a few hours but I’ll be there as soon as I can, okay. Call the cops if you have to.”
I hang up and grab Brynn’s hands, praying she doesn’t hate me and will come home with me. I need her strength to help me through this one. “Baby, there’s an emergency and I have to go home. Becca is my babysitter and there is a crisis that I need to deal with. I want you to come with me, please Brynn.”
Brynn’s brows pull together and she slowly pulls her hands out of mine. “I’m sorry, Ryan, I can’t. I can’t go back to that place. I’m not welcome there anymore.” I shake my head and look Brynn straight in the eyes.
“Don’t do this shit, Brynn. This isn’t about your asshole parents; it’s me, your boyfriend. I really need you right now and I want you to come home with me because you are a part of my life.” Brynn starts to tear up and gently shakes her head. She finally clears her throat and says “I’m sorry, Ryan, I just can’t. Tell Becca I love her.” With that, Brynn walks around me and out the door.
Chapter 23
The second I walk into my house I start to cry. Why am I so afraid to go home? Ryan needs me to be there for him, and I chicken out because I’m afraid to see my parents again? Why the hell am I so afraid to see them again?
I don’t give a shit what they think, not anymore. I stopped letting my parents’ dismissal effect me a long time ago so this should be a no brainer. I do need to be there for Ryan when he needs me, plus I’d get to see my sister and nephew again.
I run into my bedroom and fling open a small duffle bag, throwing in a few pairs of clothes and my toiletries, I grab my laptop in hopes I can maybe do a bit of work on the plane, then head out the door.
As soon as I’m in a cab and on my way to the airport, I call the owner of the Pour House Pub, Lillian, and tell her that I’ve had a family emergency come up and I have to get home. I should only be a few days and she says she has no problem with it, just to keep her updated as to when I’ll be back.
When I get to the airport, the earliest flight back to the hellhole I call my hometown leaves in twenty five minutes and they only have first class seats left. I buy my ticket and speed through the security check, sprinting for my gate as soon as I’ve gathered my duffel and laptop. Luckily I’ve been running for so long that the far trek across the airport doesn’t faze me.
When I finally make it to the gate, the waiting area is empty and the doors to the jet walk are closing. The woman closing the door notices me running up and holds it for me. I run down the jet walk and as soon as I’m in the cabin I look in the coach seats to see if I spot Ryan. I see him sitting at the back of the plane, his gaze is down to his lap and he looks heartbroken. I will him to look up at me to show him that I am here for him and that I love him, but he never looks up and the flight attendant tells me I need to take my seat.