The Play Mate

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The Play Mate Page 3

by Kendall Ryan

  The sound of water tickled my ears, luring me from darkness toward the lake I’d dreamed of on the plane. I stood at the water’s edge, bathed in moonlight, when a naked Evie emerged.

  Her breasts were high and full, her waist nipped in and trim enough to span with my hands . . . hands that itched to touch her. She moved toward me, closing the distance between us. Her smile was sweet but a little wicked as she reached out and wrapped those lean, elegant fingers around my throbbing cock.

  I bucked forward and groaned, arching my hips into her tentative grasp. Fuck, yeah. No guilt here. Only a wizard could control their dreams, and I was nobody’s wizard.

  Her grip tightened as I laid my hand over hers, urging her to work my shaft up and down in long, slow strokes.

  “Jesus,” I growled, reaching up to fist my hand in her hair.

  It was that . . . the sound of my own voice, that brought me fully back to consciousness. The pond and naked Evie in the moonlight were gone, but the hand on my cock? Still at it, and doing a fine fucking job.


  A slow smile tugged up my lips. She must have figured out a way to bribe the front-desk clerk to let her into my room. It was a ballsy move, but I didn’t hate it. Especially now, as she straddled my thighs.

  I’d heard that French women were more sexually forward.

  Viva la France!

  Totally not how I’d expected to end the night, but I’d gone to bed all keyed up and could use the release. No chance I’d be kicking a gorgeous woman out of my bed, whether she’d broken some laws to get in it or not.

  I reached up and spanned her waist in my hands, letting out a groan as I realized her skin was bare. It was too dark to see, but my fingertips were doing a fine job of cataloging what my eyes couldn’t.

  “You’re killing me,” I muttered. Now that I’d released her hand, her strokes grew tentative, more languid, and the need for more was clawing at me hard. “Tease.”

  Her breathy laugh was more like a gasp as I let my fingers trail up her sides to brush against the underside of her breasts. Strange, I had remembered them being larger. Almost too large for her body, but as I cupped her tits now, they felt just right. The full, soft globes fit perfectly in my hands, her nipples taut in my palms as I caressed her.

  She moaned softly under her breath, the sound almost like a relieved sigh. The motion of her hand increased as I plucked one nipple between my thumb and forefinger. Her hips started rocking against my thighs, and her breathing grew choppy.

  “So responsive, just how I like it,” I managed through gritted teeth. “That feel good, baby?”

  She moaned a noise of affirmation, and that was good enough for me.

  “Now, stroke that dick, sweetheart,” I said on a groan.

  Her careful strokes were torture. She wasn’t going to hurt me. In fact, I didn’t mind when sex got a little rough.

  I released her breasts and removed her hand from my shaft. After placing a wet, open-mouthed kiss against her palm, I wrapped it back around me, groaning when her grip tightened possessively and pumped again.

  I sat up, and her scent surrounded me. It had been more cloying at the restaurant. Now, though, she smelled sweet. Like hotel soap and something citrusy. I buried my face into her neck and breathed deeply before closing my teeth over the spot where her pulse fluttered wildly.

  “Mmm . . .”

  She released my cock and pressed in closer, curling her arms around my neck and resting her forearms on my shoulders.

  I nibbled and sucked, reveling in the feel of her soft chest crushed against my hard one.

  The rocking grew more insistent and had become more of a slow grind. The rhythm was inconsistent and a little hesitant, so I took control, cupping her round hips in my hands and using them to work her over my straining erection. Her silky panties were soaked, heating me to the point of combustion as I tore my mouth from her neck and slanted it over her lips.

  Jesus, those lips. So plump and sweet and soft. Kissing her was like heaven. I could only imagine what that mouth would feel like wrapped around my swollen cock. I dug my fingers into her hips and increased the pace, needing the pressure . . . knowing she needed it just as badly.

  She threw her head back and let out a muffled moan that sounded like a plea.

  If she wanted more, then I wouldn’t deny her.

  I slid her off me and hooked a finger inside those wet little panties, snapping the slender string that held them together with one tug.

  She gasped as I pressed her back against the mattress, and I only wished I could see her body as I slid down the bed and hunkered down between her thighs. I traced her silky skin from hip to hip, letting my fingers drop lower with each pass. By the time I nudged her slick clit with my thumb, she was close to sobbing.

  “Shh, it’s okay, ” I murmured, making sure my warm breath feathered her pussy as I spoke. “I’m going to take good care of you.”

  I could hear her head tossing restlessly against the pillow as I passed my thumb over her again, groaning when I encountered that wet heat.

  “Jesus, you’re soaked for me,” I said, my cock bucking against the mattress with the need to get inside her.

  Her breath was coming so fast now, it sounded like she’d run a marathon. I dipped my face lower until a tiny swatch of downy hair tickled my lips. Then I took a long, deep lick.


  Vaguely, I realized her voice sounded different, but I imagined mine did too. Lust did that to a person. Before I could think on it for another second, her hips shifted hesitantly, pressing her pussy directly into my mouth.


  I gripped her hips and dived in, licking and sucking with abandon. Soft and gentle for a second, and then drawing long and hard on that sweet little clit.

  Her legs were so tense, all her muscles tight, and I knew she was close. I pulled back an inch and encouraged her in a low voice. “That’s it, babe. Come for me.”

  A second later, my tongue was back in action. Her hips moved frantically in time with my now-rhythmic sucking. Her thighs clamped over my face, and she let out a long, low scream.


  Blood pounded in my ears as she disintegrated all around me. Her scent filled my nostrils and her cries swamped my senses as she quaked and shook. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I realized she’d said yes and not oui, but I was too far gone to give a shit. My balls were drawn up tight, hot liquid snaking up the length of my shaft, ready to fire.

  As the aftershocks of her delicious orgasm faded, I dragged my mouth away from her and lunged for the bedside table. I plucked out a condom and wrestled it onto my pulsing cock in record time.

  She was still trembling when I slid between her thighs again and pressed the head of my dick against her wet heat. “You sure you want this?”

  Her head bobbed up and down where it was tucked in against my throat.

  I took it slow, knowing she was likely sensitive from the first climax, feeding her just the tip and then a little more.

  “Jesus, that’s tight. Fuck.” I growled, pressing my forehead to hers.

  I could have come just like that from the grip of her wet cunt, but I wasn’t going out like that. She’d done all the work by coming up here—the least I could do was offer up a double play. I was still trying to talk myself down a little when she let out a strangled cry and thrust her hips upward, wedging me in until my cock was buried to the hilt, and she released a tense cry.

  A dozen thoughts hit me at once, but only a few of them mattered. Francesca’s pussy was like a boa constrictor strangling my cock.

  It was sublime.

  It was amazing.

  And it was definitely not Francesca.

  My pulse jackhammered wildly as the truth hit me, but it wasn’t until I used every last ounce of strength I had to pull away, which was no easy feat, and flip on the light that I knew for sure.


  She blinked up at me, her face flushed, her eyes full
of guilt, her honey-colored hair mussed.

  From you fucking her, you piece of shit.

  Christ, Cullen was going to murder me. My stomach dropped to my feet.

  “What the actual fuck, Everleigh?” I demanded, leaping to my feet.

  My cock bobbed out in front of me, still as hard as granite despite the shock of a lifetime. I was staring down the barrel of the world’s worst case of blue balls, but I scaled back my shock and anger when I saw the tears in her eyes.

  I grabbed the top sheet and covered her with it, but not before I got an eyeful of the most glorious set of tits and the sweetest, pinkest little cunt I’d ever seen. Talk about wet dreams . . . I’d never be able to get that sight out of my head now.

  I closed my eyes and sucked in a steadying breath before blowing it out. When I opened my eyes, Evie was crawling backward to lean against the headboard, looking miserable.

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered, shaking her head as she toyed with the edge of the sheet. “I don’t know what came over me.”

  It was you who came over me, I almost snapped back. But damn if I would change that. She’d been so hot, so ready . . .

  This was Evie. Cullen’s little sister.

  I bent over and searched the floor until I found a discarded bathrobe she must have worn for the walk from her room to mine.

  “Here,” I said, irritated to find my voice still husky with need.

  I yanked off the barely used condom and pulled on a pair of boxers while I waited with my back turned until she’d shrugged on the robe I’d given her.

  “Okay, you can turn around,” she said softly.

  I did, and sat on the edge of the bed, my mind still reeling. “What were you thinking, Evie?” I was dying to know.

  Her throat worked as she swallowed hard. “I’m grown now, Smith. I’m an adult, and I don’t know what it feels like to be with a real lover. That’s ridiculous. I made a plan, and this is what I wanted.”

  “So, why me?”

  She shrugged and looked away. “Because I like you. I trust you. And I admire you. So, why not you?”

  There were worse reasons, I couldn’t deny that, and her words took the edge off my anger. I almost wanted to pull her in and give her a hug, but my dick had finally stopped throbbing and I wasn’t about to poke the bear.

  “I just want to be part of the real world and start experiencing life. I was always on you guys for trying new things and being so daring. I sort of wished I could be like that for once.”

  I wished it too. Especially now that I’d had a taste of her.

  “Your brother would hate me. And he might even kill me,” I said, holding her wide-eyed gaze. “But I think you’re gorgeous, and whoever you wind up doing this with is a lucky son of a bitch.”

  Oddly, in that moment, I hated the motherfucker, and he was only hypothetical. I shoved aside the ridiculous feeling and pressed on.

  “Anyway, as much as I would love to show you the ropes, it can’t happen between us. But this doesn’t change anything. You and I are still friends for life, all right?”

  “Yeah, okay.” She nodded and eyed me for a long moment. “So, probably bad timing, but . . . what am I going to do now?”

  I scrubbed a hand over my face and shrugged helplessly. “You know what, Evie? Maybe talk to a friend or a pastor, someone like that. I don’t think we should be having this conversation, regardless of what just happened. Let’s get things back on the right track. The friend track.”

  “Sure, no, I know,” she said, pushing herself to her feet and nodding furiously. “I should go anyway. I’ve got a lot to do tomorrow. And look, I’m really sorry. I hope you can forgive me.”

  “Forgiven,” I said as I walked her to the door.

  But not forgotten.

  She stepped into the hallway and gave me a tiny wave before scurrying down the hall and disappearing into the elevator.

  Now all I had to do was fall asleep and not dream about Little Evie Reed, who had just rocked my fucking world. Because if I couldn’t get her out of my head and her brother found out?

  I’d be a dead man.

  Chapter Five

  So. Embarrassed.

  I was embarrassed at Smith’s stinging rejection, but ten thousand times worse than that? My own idiotic behavior. I couldn’t believe how stupid I’d been. I’d failed spectacularly last night, and the sting of white-hot shame was burning a hole in my chest.

  I winced as I rolled out of bed. Jeez. I hadn’t even technically had sex, but my vagina didn’t know it. I was sore and tender deep inside. And not to mention filled with regrets.

  Seriously, who botches their first (okay, second) time so badly they can’t convince the guy to follow through?

  Barefoot, I padded toward the bathroom and shed my pajamas while I waited for the water to heat. Utterly ashamed of myself, I shampooed, conditioned, and scrubbed until I was pink all over.

  I’d sobbed quietly last night when I got back to my room until I’d cried myself to sleep. But today was a new day, and thankfully, I didn’t have to face Smith. It was the only silver lining in this shit show.

  Last night, I’d entered his room and lain with him in the bed. His breathing was deep and even, and I knew he was asleep. I didn’t see any harm in cuddling close to him. I wasn’t sure if anything else would happen, but then it did. He responded to my touch, and then I grew bolder, and before I knew what was happening, I was reaching under the sheet and stroking the longest, thickest cock I’d ever felt. Things happened quickly after that. He’d removed my robe, sucked on my nipples until I was soaking wet with need. His fingers in my panties moved with such certainty. He was all man, and it showed. Experienced where I was unsure.

  I came quickly and wanted more. I was nearly dizzy from his kisses, his touches, and then he was sheathing himself in a condom and asking me if I was sure. I’d never been more certain of anything in my entire life. And then he entered me, pushing past my tight walls, and the stretch had stung but felt wonderful, all at the same time.

  Until he’d stopped suddenly and pulled away.

  Wrapped in a robe with my hair fashioned in a turban, I sat down on the bed and grabbed my phone. I thought about texting Maggie, but what could I say? That she’d been right all along? Jesus.

  I didn’t have to tell Smith that I was nearly still in virgin territory—he knew. He just somehow knew. Did it feel as amazing for him as it did for me? Probably not, or he wouldn’t have pushed me away like he’d been burned.

  As I stared down at my phone, contemplating what to do, a text from my brother popped up.

  CULLEN: Come down for breakfast. We’re at the restaurant across from the lobby.

  He and Smith were down there. No way I was joining them. If needed, I’d fake an illness—traveler’s diarrhea. That was a thing, right?

  Except then my brother would come up here and check on me, pull the concerned-older-brother card, and Smith would know the truth—that I was too ashamed to face him.

  Well, fuck that. I wouldn’t give him the satisfaction. I would go down there and be confident and calm about the whole thing—the epitome of maturity, when I felt anything but—and then we’d all go home soon and I’d never have to see Smith again.

  I responded to Cullen’s text, telling them to wait for me before they ordered. Then I blow-dried my hair and perfected my makeup until I was satisfied that I looked good enough that Smith would regret calling off our little fuck fest last night.

  I hated that I knew exactly what those full lips felt like sucking and licking my tender flesh, hated that I knew he could make me come in about two minutes flat, hated that I only got to feel him for the briefest of moments.

  But most of all, I hated myself for being so stupid. I couldn’t believe I thought my plan would actually work, that I’d waltz in there and seduce him. Christ, he could have probably pressed assault charges if he really wanted to.

  I had no idea what to say or how to act when I saw Smith, but I was going to p
ut on a brave face and give it my best shot.

  The extra concealer I applied took care of those big dark circles under my eyes from tossing and turning rather than sleeping last night. Then I dressed in a pair of dark skinny jeans that fit me like a glove, and a low-cut red sweater that showed off what little cleavage I had. Black stiletto boots and a swipe of nude lip gloss, and I was ready.

  Eat your heart out, Smith Hamilton. You jackass.

  Chapter Six


  I’d been trying my hardest to chat breezily with Cullen like it was any other day. But the second Evie stepped into the restaurant, it was like the air was sucked out of me.

  Sure, I’d spent half the night aching and wanting until I’d finally succumbed and jerked off to the image of her legs spread on my bed, her pussy glistening.

  And, sure, I’d spent my morning trying to forget it ever happened.

  But none of those things seemed to help when her gaze skimmed past her brother and landed on me. Her cheeks turned a pretty shade of rose, telling me her thoughts were as dirty as mine. My cock stood at half-mast, and I cleared my suddenly dry throat.

  Jesus, it’s going to be long day.

  I’d had half a mind to march down to her room last night and demand to know what in the fuck she’d been thinking, but since I didn’t fully trust myself not to suggest that we pick up where we left off, I’d stayed put.

  Cullen stood and waved his sister to an empty chair on the opposite side of the table. “Hey, sis.”

  “Hey, guys,” she mumbled back.

  She looked gorgeous, all freshly showered and made up. I was fairly certain she’d made the extra effort just to torture me.

  “Good morning, sunshine. You look nice today,” I found myself murmuring with a slow grin. “Had a good night’s sleep, did you?”

  The dark, poorly concealed smudges underneath her eyes answered that question, but I couldn’t help myself. I hadn’t intended to tug her pigtails today. In fact, I’d planned to do my level best to ignore her and keep things super polite but distant. And then I saw her face, and the devil climbed up onto my shoulder and took over. If I had to suffer because of her antics now that I couldn’t get her naked body out of my mind, there was no reason I should have to do it alone.


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