Billionaire Stepbrother Enemy

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by Stephanie Brother

  After a moment, Scotty pulls me up beside him. “You…” he says, and I grin at him because I think for once he is actually speechless, thanks to me. “That was incredible,” he whispers, and puts my head on his broad shoulder, and all I can think is that I want to be nowhere else, not ever.

  Scotty leads me to one of his sofas, this one in black leather so soft it’s ridiculous. He kneels, and gathers up my dress, bringing it up to my hips before telling me to sit down. I have an idea what he’s got in mind, and yeah I’ve never had anyone do it before and I’m feeling a little nerv—

  —oh my. Ohh. His tongue…oohh, that’s mmm, really really good…

  He’s gotten my soaked panties off and his mouth is right over my center, his tongue flicking, teasing, probing. I’m writhing on the sofa, I’ve never felt anything this amazing, it’s way beyond what I imagined…my hands are on his shoulders then in his hair and I’m calling out his name, my body is shaking as he brings me closer and closer to orgasm. He reaches up and slides a hand down my dress, touching my breast, pinching my nipple, and suddenly I want nothing more but to feel him on top of me, inside me.

  I pull on his shoulder and he looks up at me. Our eyes meet, so full of love, and he knows what I want because he wants it too.

  “We are going out tonight,” he says with a light laugh, as I stand up and he unzips my dress. “But we’ve got time. Plenty of time,” he murmurs, and then when my dress falls in a puddle of red silk at my feet, he gasps.

  That’s maybe the most gratifying gasp I ever heard. I watch his eyes move up and down, taking me in, and his greedy expression of lust makes me so hot I can’t wait another second to feel him inside me.

  “Take me,” I say, and he picks me up and carries me into his bedroom, spreads his beautiful body over mine, and kisses my neck, my lips, my shoulder. Then he rises up so he can kiss my breasts and my nipples, and whatever that is he does with his tongue sends bolts of heat through me, my toes are curling and everything in me feels soft and melting. He reaches down with one hand and guides his stiff rod to my opening, but he doesn’t push inside, not yet. He sucks on one nipple, taking it deep into his mouth, then he kisses me again, and I’m spinning, falling into bliss, and the sharp pain when he enters me subsides quickly and is replaced by the exquisite feeling of him sliding in and out of me while I feel the weight on him on top of me.

  “Oh Scotty,” I say, over and over. He brings his hand to my nub and rubs it while he strokes himself in and out, and wow, it’s just right, it’s delicious, it’s…

  And then I feel him swell inside me and he’s telling me he loves me and we both go over at the same moment, into the bliss, into absolute ecstasy.

  “Um,” I say, once the tremors have subsided. “Tell me why we haven’t been doing this ever since we first met?”

  And that’s the story of how Scotty and I went from enemies to lovers in the space of a few days. It’ll be a great story to tell our children, although I think I’ll skip the part about the puddle of red silk at my feet, and how once we got to the gala, we had to sneak off for a quick make-out session because it was dragging on so long.

  Listen to me, talking about being at this ultra-fancy thing getting my picture taken every few minutes like it was boring me to death. The truth is, I’d marry Scotty even if he was broke. I’ve been poor and while I wouldn’t choose it, it’s way better than being rich and alone.

  We don’t have anything to do with Randy Caulter now. My mom visits every once in a while, and I’m always glad to see her, and I hope someday she can get up the courage to leave her dirtbag husband. But I keep my mouth shut, because…boundaries and all.

  I’ve got to run—Martin’s got us all packed for a trip to Barbados in Scotty’s private jet.

  Lovers is so much better than enemies….

  Other Books by Stephanie Brother:

  Stepbrother Beloved

  “I ached for him. And I saw in his eyes that he wanted me too, I was sure of it…”

  They were each other’s safe haven during their parents’ drunken rages. As children growing up, they made their own happy world of Monopoly and tree forts, best friends forever. But then Maggie and Tanner were separated.

  On the rare times they saw each other, Maggie couldn’t help her forbidden attraction to his ripped body, his teasing green eyes, his mountain climber strength and confidence. But she wanted a very different life—the safety and security of a corporate job and a fat bank account.

  It would never work. For a thousand reasons, it would never work. So why is untouched Maggie unable to think of anything but seducing her stepbrother? And will Tanner give in to the blazing lust he feels for the girl he’s always loved but thought he should never have?


  …..It was still only 8:30 in the morning. What was I gonna do for all the long hours until he gets here? It’s not like we have the kind of parents you want to hang out with. My mom is a jerk, to be honest, and if Tanner wasn’t coming home, I’d have stayed at school and studied through the Thanksgiving holiday. She’s the kind of person who gets angry, I mean really angry, at any little thing. You never know what’s going to set her off. All you can do is try to avoid her as much as you can.

  And my stepfather, Tanner’s dad? He’s not much better. He drinks too much and is usually slumped in an armchair sucking down beers and watching sports on TV, not talking to anybody. But he’s like an unexploded bomb ticking away, because at some point—you can never guess when—he’ll explode, raging at someone on TV if we’re lucky, and someone in the house if we’re not.

  It’s a miracle those two ever got together—a real testament to the idea that there’s someone for everyone. It’s not like getting a stepfather improved my life, even a little bit…well, except that maybe there was another target for my mother to aim her poison at. The best thing about that marriage was Tanner coming into my life, for sure. On rainy days we played Monopoly for hours, and I even think that’s what got me interested in a business career, trying to win against the unbeatable Tanner. Even as a kid he wasn’t interested in money, but he crushed in Monopoly anyway.

  And when it was sunny, he took me outside, patiently teaching me how to shoot an arrow with a bow he made himself, or showing me how to track deer in the woods behind the house. Before Tanner and his Dad came into our lives, I was alone with my crazy mother, since my father disappeared before I can even remember. And while I’ll probably never get over his abandonment, a little part of me understands. If I’d been able to leave my mother, I might done it too, and to hell with the consequences.

  These parents of ours are a big reason Tanner and I got so close. We clung to each other during the storms; he was my safe place, my protector. We knew, even when we were arguing fiercely, that we had each other’s back. But then we were separated, and childhood was over, and everything changed. In his absence I wondered all the time who he was turning into, what kind of man was he going to be, but we had no chance to get to know each other again, thanks to school and his endless trips into the wild.

  What he doesn’t know, and I’m determined he never will, is that my love for him goes way past stepbrother and stepsister. Way past. I long to run my hands over his sculpted chest, to touch my lips to his tender mouth, even…even wrap my hand around what I imagine must be the most beautiful cock in the universe…these thoughts are practically all-consuming, but I know none of it can happen and I have to get control of myself.

  But still, I can’t stop myself from standing at the window, praying his battered old car covered with hideous bumper stickers comes rumbling down our street. Anticipating the moment when I see his friendly familiar face light up when he sees me….

  Stepbrother Beloved

  Stepbrother on the Force

  “If I haven’t gotten it across to you by now, let me try again: Matthew is a serious, card-carrying hottie. Girls are always after him. He’s got these amazing blue eyes and a body that could be on the cover of magazines. And on t
op of that, he’s so not a dirtbag.”

  Nicolette’s life is a trainwreck, as she’ll be the first to tell you. With an addict boyfriend and on the brink of losing her job, she’s starting to feel desperate, backed into a dead end with no way out. She’s even feeling tempted by her boyfriend’s drugs, because doesn’t everyone deserve a moment of happiness? Just a moment?

  Watching his stepsister spiraling the drain is Matthew. Mr. Good Guy. Built like a Mack truck with twinkling blue eyes, always ready to give people a hand, a cop who’s just been promoted to Detective, the youngest on the force. Will he step in and arrest the boyfriend for possession, in the hopes of freeing Nicolette from a destructive relationship?

  Or will Nic herself find the strength to kick the boyfriend out, and the courage to accept the love her stepbrother wants to give?

  Billionaire Stepbrother in Paris

  “I’ve wanted you for six years,” murmured Leo into her neck. “Six long years….”

  Leo Amaretti is a nerd who won’t follow directions. His stepsister Ellie Garner secretly loves him and dreams of kissing him on a family trip to Paris. But then tragedy strikes and Leo disappears. As the years go by, Ellie stays in the small beach town, making a narrow life for herself and endlessly grieving.

  Now Leo is back—and no longer a 98-pound weakling. He’s a super successful hunk who wants to drag his stepsister out of her cocoon and back into life. But will she forgive him? Will she have the courage to love again?

  Stepbrother Alpha Billionaire

  My Stepbrother, the Billionaire, and the Bargain

  Stepbrother Rogue

  About the Author:

  Stephanie Brother writes scintillating stories with step-siblings as their main romantic focus. She’s always been curious about the forbidden, and this is her way of exploring such complex relationships that threaten to keep her couples apart. As she writes her way to her dream job, Ms. Brother hopes that her readers will enjoy the full emotional and romantic experience as much as she’s enjoyed writing them.

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