Shadow Emperor of Phobos

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by Tara Loughead

  Shadow Emperor of Phobos

  Tara Loughead

  Copyright 2010 Tara Loughead

  For Dave Cockrum

  The Martian Moon War, Part One

  Bulays slung the rifle over her shoulder as she exited the shuttle. "We have to slog through rocky desert, even though we're invited?" Asked the tall blonde woman in desert gear and boots.

  "Yes, part of the little games he likes to play," replied Ghaavn, her shorter partner. "Test of worthiness, and all that."

  "Right, let's get on with it then." She said.

  The shorter, darker man looked out over the hazardous sandy terrain. "Today's sport will involve a Martian shadowcat."

  "Pretty rare beastie, isn't it?"

  "Yes, but some still live on Phobos. The Thaumoforming has actually been beneficial for them."

  "Pretty sure by the sounds of it he isn't really into zoology or ecology."

  "No, he mostly just likes what they can do to people. We need to find a spot to set up, and draw it out."

  "That's the part I'm worried about, love."

  "You know you are much better with a long gun, Bulays. So that leaves the bait role to me."

  Ghaavn carefully led the pair out into the crumbling and reddish sandy terrain.


  "That outcrop there looks like a good spot." Ghaavn pointed in the direction of a rocky column, about ten metres high. Wiping sweat from his forehead, he observed that the top of the formation was relatively flat, with a small rise to the side they were viewing from.

  "Looks climbable," she agreed. "So I'm off."

  Ghaavn sat briefly with his back to a large rock, to rest for a minute until Bulays was in place. He took a long swallow of water from his canteen, then put it on the ground with the rest of his gear. Digging into his pack, he pulled out a small, black rectangular electronic device.

  Receiving the signal from Bulays that she was ready, Ghaavn activated the machine, and stood. He drew his bolt thrower from its holster with his right hand, and the combat knife at his waist, with his left.

  An eerie, crying screaming howl came from the small piece of audio equipment. It rose and fell, the mournful bestial noise echoing among the rocks.

  Ghaavn crouched; combat ready, keeping his back to the dusty crimson rocks behind him.

  He didn't have to wait long. A large shadow leaped over his head, landing on the ground in front of him. It landed snarling. Something like a tiger, but a little larger, and with pointier ears. No orange, though. The patterns striping this animal were a shadowy blue black, with hints of crimson and brown. The dark stripes across its eyes made it look like it was wearing a mask. Tail twitching, it looked at Ghaavn, growled, then sprang.

  Ghaavn fired. His bolt hit the creature in the chest, and passed straight on through the beast, clattering off the rocks as he jumped to is right and rolled.

  Bulays had been ready. As soon as Ghaavn fired, she took her shot. The big feline screamed in pain as a crackling energy field enveloped him. It wobbled mid-leap, and collapsed to the ground, landing heavily. It moaned briefly, and fell unconscious.

  The energy field around the twitching creature subsiding, Ghaavn approached warily, hand weapon raised. He aimed, and shot the beast.

  The large dart from his bolt-thrower lodged in the shadowcat's flank. Bulays had quickly scrambled down from her perch, and joined the relieved man. "Worked as advertised, then."

  "Yes," Ghaavn smiled wearily. "The Sandman rifle is the only tool for this job. Used to be popular in hunts out from Syrtis, even of the most dangerous game. In this case, the phase needle round scrambles the shadowcat's ability. Very painful, but won't do any lasting damage. I gave it a good dose of tranquiliser, so we shouldn't have to worry about it for a while."

  Bulays unslung her pack, and reached inside, pulling out a decent sized sealed plastic rectangular container, about thirty centimetres in length. She opened it, and put it on the ground next to the big cat, the smell of raw meat wafting into the air. "I brought kitty a snack. That should help him wake up and feel better."

  Ghaavn chuckled. "Such a big softy, Princess. If your are through with the zoo keeping, then let's go."

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