Devlin: Scifi Alien Invasion Romance (Hell Squad Book 11)

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Devlin: Scifi Alien Invasion Romance (Hell Squad Book 11) Page 12

by Anna Hackett

  It was the same with these invading aliens. There was no negotiating or bargaining with the Gizzida. Given enough time, the aliens would try to kill them all.

  But not today. Today, the innocent people in the Enclave below would stay safe.

  I’m sorry, Cam. “I won’t tell you a damn thing.”

  She saw one raptor beside Cam pull out a giant, jagged knife. Before Taylor could do more than stare at the glossy black blade, the raptor moved, slicing a long cut down Cam’s cheek.

  Blood dripped slowly down her friend’s face and Taylor bit her lip. She felt the warm slide of a tear trickle down to her chin.

  “Tell me how to get into your base,” the raptor demanded again.

  “Fuck you,” Taylor said.

  The raptor beside Cam moved a second time. This time, he plunged the knife into Cam’s belly.

  “No!” Taylor couldn’t control her cry. Her friend barely reacted, her body jolting a little.

  Swallowing the sick feeling in her throat, Taylor shot the raptor a scathing look. “If you weren’t manipulating her, she’d be kicking your ass right now, you cowards.” Taylor jerked against the chains.

  She was done being afraid. She’d made herself into a soldier, a friend, a lover, a woman. She was not defined by the old fears of her past. She yanked on the chains in frustration.


  The chain on her right hand had loosened a little. She made sure not to call any attention to it, and kept jerking on it. She felt something give a bit more, some actual slack forming. She did her best to make it look like she was struggling uselessly.

  “You will answer my questions!” the alien roared.

  In that instant, the chain broke free, and Taylor yanked her arm up. She burst off the vehicle, swinging the chain with her. It hit the lead raptor in the head.

  Come on, Dev. She sent up a silent prayer that he was close to destroying the globe. She swung the chain around again and took down another raptor.

  She heard a raptor weapon fire and she dived to the ground. Poison splattered the hood of the raptor vehicle, eating into the dark metal.

  Taylor rolled and came up swinging her chain again. She took down another raptor, then dove into cover behind an alien vehicle.

  But as more raptors congregated behind their enraged leader, Taylor knew she couldn’t hold them off forever.

  Then, she heard the roar of a vehicle.

  A black raptor vehicle skidded to a halt next to her, and the turret spun around to aim at the raptors. Taylor caught sight of Tane behind the wheel, and Hemi’s muscular body seated on the turret.

  “Cam!” Hemi yelled. “I’m coming, baby.”

  Together, the Rahia brothers opened fire on the line of raptors. Taylor ducked, and watched Hemi shoot like a man possessed.

  Off to the right, Taylor heard carbine fire join in. Nearby raptors fell. Sienna and Theron.

  Another raptor rushed at her, but got hit by laser fire. He fell in the dirt right beside Taylor. She landed a hard punch to the alien’s face, and while he shook his head, she swung her chain again.

  It slammed into the raptor and he fell flat on his belly, chest heaving. He bared his sharp teeth at her.

  She bared hers back. “Fuck you, asshole.”

  Suddenly, Tane and Hemi appeared. Tane pressed his carbine to the alien’s head and the raptor sprawled face first into the dirt.

  Hemi swooped in and scooped Cam into his arms.

  Taylor used her foot to pull an alien weapon closer. She gripped it, aimed it at her still-attached chain, and fired. The poison ate through the chains in a matter of seconds.

  Where was Devlin? She swung around to face the rex, incoming raptor fire sending her ducking behind the raptor vehicle.

  Tane and Hemi landed beside her. Instantly, Tane popped his head up and fired at the raptors. Taylor stared at Cam’s blank face and bleeding stomach.

  “Is she okay?” Taylor asked.

  “She will be,” came Hemi’s fierce response.

  “We’re surrounded.” Tane lifted his weapon up over the hood, firing blindly. Raptor poison slapped against the hood, hissing as it ate into the metal. Tane crouched back down.

  “And more are coming,” he added darkly.

  Hemi pulled Cam closer. “So what you’re saying, bro, is that we’re fucked.”

  Taylor closed her eyes, wondering again if Devlin was still alive. Because Hemi was right. They were fucked.

  Chapter Fourteen

  The image of Taylor chained to a raptor vehicle was burned into Devlin’s brain.

  Jaw tight, muscles burning, he kept climbing up the rex. He’d looked down briefly and had seen the bastard raptors chaining her.

  They were going down. Every single one of them.

  He heard sounds of fighting below, but he didn’t let himself look. It was time to end this.

  He reached up and his hands bumped warm glass. Golden light bathed him, glowing brighter than the daylight.

  He’d reached the globe. He lifted his carbine, and aimed at point-blank range.

  He heard a grunt from above and looked up. The rider wouldn’t be able to see him, but he’d clearly realized that something was amiss. Hell. Devlin whipped the carbine up.

  The rex rider leaped out of his saddle and jumped at Devlin. As the raptor’s heavy body hit him, he gripped the harness. The raptor grunted, right in his face, and the two of them swung away from the rex.

  Fire burned in Devlin’s shoulder. He was holding on with one arm, the raptor’s weight adding to the strain. Gritting his teeth, Devlin swung his carbine around.

  He fired right between the raptor’s eyes.

  With a scream, the alien released him and fell. The rex reared up, stomping its feet.

  Devlin released a sharp breath. Then, keeping his eyes averted, he shot several times toward the globe.

  He heard the laser shots ping off the device. Dammit. He fired again, but the globe stayed intact.

  He thought again of Taylor, and knew he’d do anything to protect her. He climbed higher, turning his carbine around, butt-first. Then he looked straight at the globe.

  As he slammed the butt into the device, he could feel his thoughts slowly drifting away, like clouds floating in the sky.

  He slammed the butt into the glass again, seeing a spiderweb of cracks appear. The golden glow was so beautiful. He just wanted to follow it.

  No. He blinked slowly, fighting the urge. Keep it together. He slammed the butt down again.

  The globe shattered.

  As the golden light faded away and glass shards rained down, the rex went wild. It roared and bucked its body.

  Devlin lost his grip, his carbine flying out of his hands. He slid down the scaly side of the animal. Shit. Shit. There was nothing to grab on to.

  He fell off the animal, flying through the air, and smacked into the ground.

  Winded, pain flaring in every cell, Devlin tried to get back up. He got one foot under him, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t stand.

  He watched raptors firing at one of their vehicles nearby. He frowned, then spotted Taylor and the others huddling behind it.

  He pulled out his laser pistol. Taylor needed him. He got to his feet, wavering slightly, but he locked down the pain, and moved forward. He started firing.

  The raptors turned and started firing at him. Devlin ducked behind another vehicle. He popped up and took another shot before ducking back down. Pain was a gnawing ache through his entire body, but nothing was broken.

  Damn. He eyed the alien troops again. There were still too many of them.

  He pressed his back to the metal and could hear raptors advancing on him. What now, Gray? Think.

  Then the sweet sound of carbine fire ripped through the air around him.

  Devlin swiveled his head to look behind him…and saw the most beautiful sight on the whole damn planet.

  Hell Squad was advancing, firing their carbines.

  More carbine fire joine
d in. He looked to the left, and saw Roth and Mac running in.

  Wild battle cries echoed in the morning air, and four big, tattooed men charged in, firing wildly and tossing grenades. The berserkers had arrived.

  Together, the squads advanced, and under a barrage of carbine fire, the aliens fell.

  Taylor’s head appeared from behind the raptor vehicle. As the few remaining raptors turned and ran, she leaped over the hood of the vehicle and started running toward Devlin.

  He met her half way, snatching her into his arms. “Are you okay?”

  “I am now.” She kissed him hard.

  When they finally pulled apart, he looked over at the others. The berserkers were talking with Tane, and Cam was cursing as Roth looked at her stomach wound. She looked disheveled, but back to her normal self, although she was letting Hemi hold her. Mac was trying to calm the survivors.

  Marcus stepped forward. “There’s another group of raptors headed our way from the front of the horde. Fighting’s not done yet.”

  Devlin looked down at Taylor and smiled. “Ready?”

  She smiled back, lifting a carbine. “Oh, yeah.”

  Side by side, they moved forward to fight the oncoming raptors, flanked by their friends.


  Taylor went down on one knee, firing one last time. All around her, she heard laser fire and heard the hollers of the berserkers.

  Ahead, she watched the final raptors retreating, their vehicles bouncing across the ground.

  She let out a breath and glanced down at herself. She was covered in blood and gore, and under her armor, she knew she’d be soaked with sweat.

  But she didn’t care. She smiled, watching the survivors coming out of cover. They’d won the day.

  She suspected that she’d be covered in blood and gore again a few more times before they beat the Gizzida once and for all.

  And it was worth it.

  She looked over and saw Devlin, along with some members of Hell Squad, checking that the downed aliens really were dead. As she walked toward them, she spotted a flash of red among the bodies. She saw the raptor in charge lying flat on his back, his eyes open.

  She lifted her laser pistol. “You failed.”

  The raptor made a gurgling sound.

  Taylor crouched beside him, remembering the way he’d ordered Cam hurt. “We’ll keep fighting you. We’ll never give up.”

  She sensed someone behind her and knew it was Devlin. He aimed his carbine at the raptor’s chest.

  “What was your plan?” Dev demanded.

  “Large-scale…test of the oura.” The raptor’s gaze flicked in the direction of the smashed globe. “Our orders were to eliminate your base. You’re…problematic to us.”

  Devlin jammed his carbine harder against the raptor’s scaly skin. “We’ll be more problematic when we defeat you.”

  The raptor laughed.

  “What’s so funny?” Taylor said. “We just destroyed your weapon, and we have another one to run tests on. We will find a way to protect our people from it.”

  Another gurgling laugh from the raptor. It grated down Taylor’s spine.

  “You think the oura is our weapon?” Blood dripped from the alien’s mouth. “The oura is just a way to lure you all out. Then we can use our real weapon.” His red eyes glowed. “The weapon that will wipe every last remnant of your species from this planet.”

  His hand moved and he lifted a raptor knife into the air before stabbing himself in the neck.

  Devlin cursed, and Taylor just stared at the dead alien.

  Standing, she grabbed Dev’s hand. “The oura isn’t the weapon?”

  A muscle ticked in Devlin’s jaw. “No.”

  “Maybe he was lying to us. Messing with our heads.”

  Dev looked down at her. “Maybe. But he had nothing to lose.”

  “You don’t think he was lying.” Her stomach rolled over. Dammit.

  “No.” Dev cupped her cheeks. “But we won the battle today. And we have the oura globe to examine. That’s a hell of a good start.”

  She nodded.

  He tilted his head at the ragtag group of survivors. “Those people are alive because of us.” He reeled her in closer. “We’re alive. That’s something to celebrate.”

  She smiled at his handsome face, her gaze dropping to his lips. “True.”

  He traced his lips over hers before dipping his tongue inside. He tasted alive. She slid her arms around his neck and the kiss turned from a happy celebration to a carnal exploration. She moaned against his mouth, and he sank his tongue deeper, growling.

  “Come on, you two.” Roth’s deep voice. “We need to get everyone inside. Time for that later.” Squad Nine’s leader sounded amused.

  Taylor reluctantly pulled back. “The quicker we get everyone inside, the quicker we get back to your room.”

  A sharp female voice cut through the air with an angry screech. “Put me down, you ink-covered cretin.”

  “You’re bleeding everywhere, baby. Just lean on me.”

  “Do not call me baby.”

  “Aw, I think you like it. And my ink.”

  Their battered group headed toward the nearest entrance to the Enclave. Taylor saw Marcus and his squad herding the dazed survivors.

  Suddenly, Elle and Avery appeared from a hidden entrance. They sprinted across the grass, with several Enclave soldiers following immediately behind, as well as Doc Emerson and her medical team.

  “We need to retrieve the globe,” Devlin told Taylor.

  She nodded, and they veered off, leaving the Enclave staff to sort out the survivors. Soon, they were stepping back inside the crashed ptero, and Taylor carefully pulled the covered globe out of the compartment.

  When she saw that it was still intact, she released a breath. “I sure as hell hope Noah and his team can find a way to protect us from this.”

  “Remember what you told that raptor? We’ll keep fighting. We’ll never give up. Noah will find a way.”

  She gave him a small smile, and they made their way back to the Enclave entrance. Holmes and Noah were waiting for them.

  “That it?” Noah asked, staring at the sack.

  Taylor handed it over. “All yours. You and your geeks have at it.”

  The man’s dark eyes glowed. He was clearly up for the challenge.

  “Well done,” Holmes said. “It was looking bad there for a while. When we lost our best squads, I couldn’t risk sending any more soldiers out.”

  “Thank you, General.” Devlin slid an arm across Taylor’s shoulders. “We had a hell of a team.”

  “General,” Taylor said. “We left a lot of survivors in the city center. Men, women, and children. We told them to head this way—”

  Holmes nodded, waving them inside the narrow tunnel entrance. “I’ll send teams out to look for them.”

  Inside the access tunnel, they moved deeper into the heart of the Enclave. They passed another doorway, and Taylor spotted a green wreath covered with red bows and gold baubles on the reinforced-metal door.

  “What the—?” She fingered the wreath.

  Holmes smiled. “In all the excitement, you may have missed that Christmas is only a few weeks away.”

  She blinked. She had no idea.

  “We’ve been keeping celebration plans quiet,” the general said. “I know the Blue Mountain Base survivors are still settling in. I wasn’t sure, with all the people everyone has lost, if anyone would want to make a big deal of Christmas.” He smiled at the wreath. “Guess I was wrong.”

  “A Christmas celebration would be great,” Taylor said. “I love Christmas.”

  Devlin shook his head. “I’ll never get used to hot Christmases.”

  She leaned into him. “I promise to make it a merry one for you, super spy.”

  His hand tightened on hers, his face softening. “I look forward to that.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Back inside the Enclave, Devlin watched Taylor talking with some of the survivors. Th
ey’d all been ushered into the Garden.

  The Garden was situated on top of an escarpment, and accessed through a long tunnel. It was built inside a bowl of rock and had a retractable roof, as well as an illusion system that kept it hidden from prying eyes. Right now, the roof was locked closed, but the high-tech lighting system did a good job of simulating natural sunlight. It highlighted the lush fruit trees and garden beds of vegetables.

  Enclave members were passing out food, drinks, and blankets. He spotted Doc Emerson’s blonde head as she moved through the crowd, triaging the injured. Squad soldiers were also still calming the newcomers, wearing their lower armor and sweat-stained T-shirts. Marcus had his arm wrapped securely around Elle, and Reed was holding on tight to his fiancée Natalya’s hand.

  “Nice work.”

  Devlin turned to find Santha standing beside him. “Hi there, boss.”

  “Heard you saved the day.” She rested her hands on the mound of her belly.

  “Don’t pretend you weren’t watching in the Command Center.”

  Santha smiled. “Busted. You did a great job out there, Dev.”

  “We all did.” He gazed across the space at Taylor. She was laughing with a young girl.

  “And you won the girl, as well,” Santha added.

  “I did.” And it was the best prize of all.

  “I’m happy for you, Dev. You deserve it.” She bumped her arm against his. “Don’t screw it up.”

  “She’ll pull me into line if I do.” Devlin looked down at Santha’s belly. “You look…”

  “Ready to pop?” she asked with a raised brow.

  “I was going to say…glowing.”

  “You know, for a spy, you’re a pretty bad liar.” She was smiling. “I’m getting close, but we have a little way to go yet.”

  “Cruz must be getting excited.”

  Santha snorted. “The man is equal parts excited and terrified. It’s good for him.” Her nose wrinkled. “Actually, I’m a little terrified as well. What the hell do I know about babies?”

  “You’ve been doing a great job with Bryony.”


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