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A Diva in Manhattan

Page 13

by Aubrie Dionne

  The hike had given her quite an appetite, and she downed two sandwiches before lying back against the rocks to watch the waterfall. Lance packed up the remnants of their lunch and sat beside her, spreading out his legs against hers.

  “You said you’d make it worthwhile.” She teased him by poking him in the stomach.

  He spread his arm out over the waterfall. “This isn’t enough?”

  She shrugged. “I was hoping for-”

  “I know what you’re hoping for.” He brought his face down to hers and kissed her.

  She kissed him back voraciously, grabbing the back of his head with both hands.

  He deepened the kiss as his fingers trailed blazing heart down her arms.

  Every part of her body ached for his touch. How a man could have such a grasp over her, she had no idea.

  “Woohoo!” A shout interrupted the perfect moment.

  Alaina jerked up and slid back to her spot on the rock. Somehow she’d managed to lay right on top of Lance in the process of kissing him.

  Oops. Like she’d take it back.

  Two hikers stood on a cliff across the waterfall peeling off their clothes. A third one splashed into the pool below.

  Annoyance spread through her. She looked away in disgust as one of the guys flashed his bare behind. Why couldn’t they have arrived ten minutes later? “Are they crazy? That must be freezing.”

  Lance smiled as if amused. “You’ve never seen a naked man before?”

  “I have.” She gave him a knowing look. She wasn’t a naïve virgin who blushed when someone said the word penis. “I just don’t want to see them naked.”

  “Well, neither do I.” He jumped to his feet and offered his hand. “Come on. We’ve got two and a half more miles to hike back to the hotel. We should get a move on if we want to get back before dark.”

  She narrowed her eyes. “Are you saying I’m slow?”

  “No.” His smile held a hint of guilt as if she’d aught him in a lie. “I’m saying we’ll take our time. You know, enjoy the scenery.”

  The other two guys jumped in after their friend. Alaina turned around as the first one started to climb the rocks below. “Anything’s better than this.”

  As they hiked back, suspicion clouded Alaina’s perfect day. She went over their kiss at the waterfall. Lance’s passion for her was clear. But, he almost seemed relieved when the hikers had showed up. Was he one of those wait until your married type of guys?

  Surely he would have told her that by now. He didn’t strike her as that type.

  So why was he holding back; sleeping on the loveseat and breaking off their kisses?

  A sliver of doubt cut her heart. Was it her? The dream came back to her, when Mrs. DeBarr told her she didn’t know what true love was. And she didn’t. All her life she’d put her career ahead of her personal life, and every guy she’d met picked up on that pretty quickly. Sure, they were attracted to her, and they’d have fun together for a while. But, no one wanted a diva for a wife.

  Lance must be too noble to go all in for a woman he had doubts about. But, Alaina was willing to take the risk. One way or another, she’d get to the bottom of it. She wasn’t going to waste another night.


  Brett secured his bowtie in the mirror. Behind him, Alaina emerged from the bathroom in a silky red dress clinging to all the right places- places he ached to touch. Her red hair had been curled and teased around her face, bringing out her high cheekbones and sharp, green eyes.

  How he was going to restrain himself, he had no idea. It was hard enough at the waterfall. Visions of them lying naked, their clothes strewn over the rocks flashed in his mind. If those hikers hadn’t showed up, who knows how far they would have gone? In any other situation he wouldn’t mind. But, posing as someone else, he couldn’t bring himself to go further.

  She’d be sleeping with Lance, not with him.

  “Ready for dinner?” She smiled, meeting his gaze in the mirror.

  He turned to face her. “If it’s anything like last night, I wouldn’t miss it.”

  Her eyes grazed over him from head to feet. “You look so hot in that tux.”

  Damn. Her boldness turned him on. He offered her his arm. Best they leave the room before they miss dinner altogether. “Come on, we don’t want to be late for our reservation.”

  She took his arm. Did a hint of disappointment cross her face?

  “You’re looking stunning tonight as well.”

  “Thank you.”

  Her smile touched him deep down, caressing his soul. How could he deny her his affections? How could he deny himself?

  The hostess showed them to a table overlooking the back deck. Golden lights tapered off into darkness as the hill dropped away to the valley down below. Large windows always gave Brett a sense of peace, like a lifeline to a place where he could feel whole.

  This hotel reminded him so much of what he’d left behind. Sure, the scenery drudged up painful memories, but at the same time, they reaffirmed who he was and what he wanted out of life; walks in the woods, a simple home in seclusion, and the woman sitting across from him.

  “What are you thinking about?” Alaina sipped wine from a rounded glass.

  He sipped his own wine, tasting the pungent, sweetness of ripe apples. Very different than his corner store beer. “The outdoors. How I’ve missed it.” At least it was the partial truth.

  He had to remind himself she came from the city, and that was a big part of who she was. But, he’d grown to like New York as well; his construction job, Phil’s friendship, the majesty of the opera house.

  Alaina put her glass down. “I can see why you enjoy the outdoors. Hiking cleared my mind and gave me a sense of physical accomplishment. I’d never walked so far in my life!”

  “Geez. I hope you’re not sore.” The last thing he wanted to do was turn her off to his favorite pastime.

  She gave him a challenging glance. “Not at all. I’m stronger than I look.”

  Her inner strength always shone through, but today it radiated like sunlight all around her. “That’s what I love about you.”

  She glanced down and put her hair behind her ear. He’d never seen her so shy.

  “Thanks. Not everyone sees it that way. To some people it comes across as arrogance.”

  He reached across the table and touched the back of her hand. Her skin felt smooth and cool. “Not to me.”

  She placed her hand on the table carefully as if playing a key card in a game. “I wouldn’t mind coming back here, even having a summer cabin of my own someday.”

  Glasses and spoons clinked around them as light-hearted conversation filled the room, but for him the background noise dimmed. He froze, grasping the whole meaning of what she was implying. Alaina was not subtle. This wasn’t casual dating. She was the real deal. She meant to try for a life with him. But, would she still have him if she knew who he really was?

  The waiter showed up, giving Brett a reprieve.

  “Are either of you interested in dessert?” The young man reminded Brett of Phil at an earlier age. He had the same round nose and kind brown eyes.

  Alaina looked at him with a questioning gaze.

  Brett didn’t want to prolong this conversation. It was getting too serious too soon. “I’m stuffed. Unless you’d like something?”

  “I’m eager to get back to our room.” Mischief crossed her eyes and Brett swallowed hard. How was he going to resist her?

  She wiped the smirk off her face and turned to the waiter. “Long day of hiking.”

  As if that’s what she meant.

  “Of course. I’ll get your check.” The waiter hurried off.

  Alaina paid the check with her gift card from the raffle. He didn’t like having her pay for everything from her own winnings, but he couldn’t afford any of it on his construction worker’s pay. At least not until he became a supervisor.

  A supervisor.

  Brett blinked in surprise. That was the first time he’d tho
ught ahead and included New York in his future. It was the first time he’d wanted more- not for himself, but so he could take care of Alaina, so he would be worthy of someone like her. Like it or not, she was slowly working her way into his heart.

  They made their way upstairs. Alaina took out her key and opened the door.

  Brett stopped at the threshold. Could he go in there and trust himself?

  “Well?” Alaina smiled curiously. “Are you going to stand there all night or are you coming in?”

  Brett ran a hand through his hair. “It’s just that-”

  She stepped toward him and placed a finger on his lips. “I don’t bite. Well, maybe a little.”

  He bet she did. Desire rose inside him and he pushed it down. He took her finger from his mouth and held her hand in his. “I’ll sleep on the couch.”

  Confusion and disappointment crossed Alaina’s face. She pulled away from him. “Why? Is it me?”

  Her reaction crushed him. Rejection was the last thing such a beautiful and talented woman deserved. “No, of course not.”

  She shook her head. “What is it?”

  He shook his head as shame and guilt overwhelmed him. What could he tell her?

  “Fine.” She walked past him, unable to conceal the hurt in her face. “I’ll get you your own room so you don’t feel uncomfortable.”

  Uncomfortable? The last thing he felt with her was uncomfortable. “Alaina.” He grabbed her hand. “That’s not necessary.”

  Tears welled in her eyes. “What is necessary? What do you want?”

  Her vulnerability cut straight to his soul. An overwhelming urge to make her happy came over him. He wanted to comfort and protect her, to make her feel complete. He wanted her.

  Brett leaned down and kissed her tenderly. The kiss didn’t come from passion, it came from a deeper, more profound place- the beginnings of love.

  She kissed him back, running her hands across his back and up his neck, lighting him on fire. They stepped away from the door, and he closed it with one arm never breaking their embrace.

  She pulled him toward the bed and they fell backward, rolling in the soft furs. She pressed against him, awakening a deep primal urge he couldn’t ignore. Soon, he’d lose himself in the moment, and he wanted to so badly.

  Brett pulled back, gasping for air. “There are things you don’t know about me.”

  She pulled his head down toward her and started unbuttoning his shirt. “I know you’re a good man, and that you care about me. That’s enough.”


  Return to Reality

  Alaina woke up to bright sunlight and bliss. She nuzzled closer to Lance, feeling his warmth against her bare skin and taking in his manly scent. She wanted to stay here forever, lying in his embrace while he slept.

  Her fingers trailed along his strong jaw, feeling the rough stubble. She’d never seen him so peaceful before. Something dark lurked beneath his stoic composure, and she’d taken the darkness away, if only momentarily. Someday she’d ask him more about that cabin in the woods and why it was so dear to him, but for now, she was content with what he could tell her.

  She could be patient.

  Lance was not an open book, but that’s what drew her in; his mystery. She enjoyed the challenge. She knew exactly how her fellow musicians ticked, but this guy was a puzzle aching to be solved. If only she had all the pieces.

  He opened his eyes and took in the sight of her beside him. A smile spread across his lips. “Good morning. How do you feel?”

  Such a gentleman to think of her needs first. “Perfect. Content. And you?”

  He smiled, but that same darkness she’d seen in him all along surfaced for a second. “I feel like I don’t deserve this.”

  “You do.” She laid kisses along his arm.

  “You don’t regret anything?” He sat up, leaning against the wooden headboard.

  “You should know me well enough by now.” She teased him, running a finger along his bare chest. “I know what I want and I go after it with no regrets.”

  “That you do.” A cloud passed his face. The mood had changed from sexy to somber.

  Alaina sat up beside him. “What’s wrong? Are you hungry?”

  He shook his head. “Come here. I just want to hold you for a little longer.”

  Alaina’s heart melted. So sweet. She laid back down beside him and he wrapped his arms around her like it was the end of the world and he didn’t want to let go.


  On the ride back, Alaina stared out the window, watching the falls colors pass in a blur of red, orange and yellow. Wistful melancholy spread through her. Would they come back there someday and talk about the first time they’d been together? Or was it the last time she’d see the place again?

  “I think my favorite part was the hayride.” She glanced across the limo seat.

  Lance smiled, but he’d lost his earlier confidence. He turned back to his window without another word.

  Alaina sighed as emptiness hollowed her stomach. Every subject she broached dropped dead in the air. Was he anxious about his job the next day? Tired from the weekend? Or worse- did he regret the time they’d shared?

  She couldn’t believe that last thought. No. He’d held her in that bed like he was afraid someone would come in and take her away. He’d been so passionate, so loving the night before. She’d seen him open up more in a few hours than in all the time they’d shared so far.

  It was something else; that darker side she couldn’t explain. Could it have to do with Mrs. DeBarr? Or maybe with the cabin he’d lost in the woods?

  She bit her tongue, suppressing all the questions she wanted to ask. Give him time. If she came out in full force, she might scare him away. She’d come on too strongly before. That’s one of the reasons why she lost that Italian tour guide. She couldn’t control men; she could only control her own actions.

  Slowly the trees gave way to more urban areas with shopping centers and restaurants on the side of the highway. Traffic picked up around them, and before she knew it, they were entering New York. The White Mountain Lodge seemed like a world away, a hazy dream.

  If only they’d had one more day.

  As the skyscrapers surrounded them, uneasiness spread through her like a fever but she wasn’t sure why. Lance still sat next to her. He hadn’t said anything to make her think he didn’t enjoy their time. So why did she sense something slipping through her fingers?

  The limo driver dropped her off first, pulling up to her apartment building. Even though the sun had set behind them, it seemed too soon to say goodbye. Too much lay unresolved between them. She’d gone into the weekend wanting to solidify their relationship, but it felt even more slippery than before.

  Lance walked her to the door as the driver unloaded her luggage. “Thank you for a wonderful weekend.” Wistfulness accompanied the sincerity in his voice as if the weekend was their first and only one.

  “You’re welcome. I’m looking forward to the next one.” She raised both eyebrows in expectation.

  “Of course.” He placed a light kiss on her cheek. “Until then.”

  Alaina stared as he walked away. When was then? Was she going to let him get away with such a lame goodbye?


  He turned around.

  She dug her fingernails in the strap of her purse. What could she say? The ticket! Of course. “The performance is Friday night. I’ll leave the ticket at the box office in my name.”

  He put his hand over his heart. “Thank you. I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” He turned back toward the limo and opened his door.

  She cupped her mouth with her hand to project over the din of traffic. “So, I’ll see you then?”

  He nodded. “I’ll be there.”

  He stepped into the limo and drove away.

  Alaina’s shoulders sagged as disappointment punched her in the stomach. Her performance was whole week away. How could he wait so long to see her after the special night t
hey’d shared?

  Was he married to his job?

  If so, what had she gotten into?


  Brett’s chest ached as the limo drove away. Why the hell hadn’t he restrain himself? Their night together had been perfect- everything he’d ever dreamed a night like that should be. She was ‘the one.’ That part was clear. But, an average Joe like him didn’t deserve a goddess like her. Especially after lying about who he was.

  Had he ruined his chances because he couldn’t stop loving her?

  All he’d wanted to do was reciprocate her affections. But how could he tell her his true identity after pretending to be someone else for so long? She would have never picked a construction worker for a boyfriend. He’d just weaseled his way into her bed.

  She’d never forgive him.

  Every minute they spent together only delayed the inevitable. Why the hell should be draw it out any further?

  Damn Mrs. DeBarr and her cancer research. He would have been much happier had he never met that old woman. That way, he’d never have to break Alaina’s heart.

  Brett dug his fingernails into his fisted hand. Even if he wished he could take it back, he knew he wouldn’t do it. Meeting Alaina was the best thing that had happened to him since the fire. She reawakened him to the living world. She showed him there was life after so much tragedy and loss.

  He walked down the moldy carpet of the hallway in his apartment building. Coming back to his crummy apartment after such luxury reminded him of who he really was. Who was he kidding? Could he really live that life of caviar, expensive wine and opera fundraisers?

  Only one more time. For Alaina.

  Brett opened the door and collapsed on his old couch. He’d promised her he’d come to her performance, and he would. Only after he saw her sing would he tell her the truth.


  Prize Students

  “Okay, let me have it; your heroes and villains along with their themes and your story lines.” Alaina stood by her desk, curling her index finger toward herself. “Pass them in.”


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