Snake's Addiction

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Snake's Addiction Page 5

by Sam Crescent

  “I don’t know what you want from me.”

  “How about we don’t want anything from each other? I’m here because you want me here.”

  Thinking about Lydia, Jessica was hit by a wave of guilt. Her body was no longer held captive by arousal.

  She’s moved on to someone else.

  “I want you here.” She conceded that point. There was no point arguing there. She did want him. “I can’t have you interfering with my work.”

  “Doctor Bastard doesn’t get to go with you for coffee. He’s out of the equation.”

  “You’re making conditions of your own?”

  “Yes. I want to fuck you without a condom. Get on the shot or the pill. I want to take your pussy bare.”

  “I’m not fucking you without a clean bill of health. I’m not an idiot. You’ve got a lot of pussy that could be infected at your disposal. I’m not going to risk my health for a quick fuck.” She tilted her head to the side.

  “Fine. We’ll get tested tomorrow. Both of us, it’s fair. When was the last time you had a man inside you?”

  “About five minutes ago.”

  “Don’t be cute. I mean for real.”

  She let out a sigh, glancing down at the bubbles over the surface of the water. He was really starting to get on her nerves, making her regret ever having sex with him.

  “It has been over a year. Why?”

  “I just wanted to know if there’s anyone I had to kill.”


  “Yeah, I don’t like others touching what’s mine.”

  Jessica frowned. “That makes absolutely no sense. You’re with a biker group who shares women. The club whores?”

  “So? I don’t see you trying to be a club whore. You’re not. You’re mine, and like I said, I don’t like sharing my things.” He grabbed her cup of coffee, passing it to her. “I’m a little possessive over what’s mine.”

  She took the cup from him, aware as he stroked her hair.



  “I’ve never had a possessive person in her life.” The men she’d been with in the past were all happy to fuck and meet up later. She didn’t know if she liked the risk of taking this to the next level with Snake.

  “You’re not getting rid of me. I’ll let you break things to Lydia or I can.”

  “She’s with someone else.”

  “Good,” Snake asked.

  “Are you jealous?” She took a sip of the hot coffee, wincing as it burnt her.

  “No. I’m not jealous. It’s easier for her to be with someone else.”

  “Well, at the moment I can’t get in touch with her.”

  Snake started to stroke the back of her neck. She found it difficult to breathe with his hands on her. He had such large hands, and the strength was a massive turn-on for her.

  You’re twenty-nine for crying out loud, not a teenager.

  “Aren’t you worried?”

  “No. Lydia’s one of these people who is known for going out on her own. I wouldn’t worry about her. She always turns up eventually. With a story about how she met some guy.” She bit her lip to stop herself from rambling. All she ever did was ramble these days.

  “So there shouldn’t be any backlash for me and you when she comes around.”

  “There shouldn’t be, doesn’t mean there won’t be.” The more she thought about Lydia, the sicker she got. “Will you stop touching me please?”


  “I can’t think with your hands on me.”

  He didn’t stop. Snake wrapped her hair up exposing more of her neck. She loved the way he’d held her down, using her hair as leverage to fuck inside her.

  Closing her eyes, she held onto the hot cup with a death grip.

  “You’re going to have to get used to me having my hands on you.”

  “I work a lot,” she said, blurting the words out.

  “You’re going to have to take care of that as well.”

  “What do you mean?” He wrapped his fingers around her neck. Opening her eyes, she stared up at him. Snake lowered his lips to hers, pressing a single kiss to her mouth. “You either cut back your hours or I come and fuck you at work.”

  “I don’t want a boyfriend.”

  “I’m not offering this to you as your boyfriend, Jess. I’m telling you this is how it’s going to be.”

  “If you think I’m going to bow down to you in submission, you’re wrong. It’s not who I am.”

  He smiled. “I never took you for a submissive woman, Jess. I took you for a clever woman. I’m going to want to fuck you regularly.”

  “There better not be any other women.”

  “Why do you think I’m demanding you cut back your work? I won’t have any other woman to fuck. The only one I want is you.” He pressed kisses toward her ear, going to her pulse. She gasped as he sucked on her flesh.

  “Stop. You’re going to mark me.”

  “You’re going to have my mark on your body. Doctor Bastard is going to know you belong to me.”

  “Stop talking about him.”

  “When are you going to realize I’m the one giving the orders?” He sealed his lips over hers, plunging his tongue deep into her mouth. She forgot about the cup of coffee in her hands, and she spilled some of the contents over herself.

  Snake withdrew instantly, taking the cup from her. When he turned back to face her, he reached for the sponge and soap. Frowning, she watched as he lathered up the soap and motioned for her to stand.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I’m going to wash you.”

  “Erm, are you sure?”

  “Stand up, Jessica.”

  He kept changing the way he said her name. One moment she was Jess, the next, Jessica. Everything about Snake confused her.

  Standing up, she watched him. He stood outside of the tub and started to wash her. He worked from her neck, going down. Snake covered his hand with soap, and he followed the sponge down, caressing over her body. She closed her eyes, trying to stop herself from gasping out when his fingers pinched her nipples.

  “Keep your eyes open, Jess,” he said.

  Opening her eyes, she didn’t stare at him but at the hand on her body.

  “Spread those thighs.” She opened her legs waiting for him to wash her with the sponge. Instead, his fingers slid through. They were no longer covered with soap. She felt the difference as he stroked her pussy.

  Arousal began to build inside her. Before it even took effect, he moved on, leaving her wanting more.

  “Lie down.”

  She sat in the bath feeling pissed that he was working her body to his advantage, not her own. The last thing she wanted to deal with was Snake’s teasing.

  He soaped her hair with shampoo, and when it came to conditioner, he took his time, washing through the strands. Not once did he catch a strand making her wince. Each second had her moaning in pleasure. He knew what to do to awaken a woman’s desire. There was no denying that.

  Snake urged her down into the water so he could rinse the conditioner from her hair. When it was over, he helped her out, dried her body, then helped her into bed, naked.

  “I’m going to take a shower. I’ll join you in a moment.” She listened to the water running. Slowly, she closed her eyes, only closing them for a moment.

  The last thing she remembered was Snake’s humming in the shower.

  Chapter Five

  Five days later Snake wasn’t in the best of moods. With Judi’s premature son the club had banded together to prepare the clubhouse and Ripper’s house. Lexie was staying close to the hospital as she only had a couple of months left on her pregnancy. Devil wasn’t going to take any risks with her.

  He didn’t have his cell phone, and besides that first night with Jessica, he’d not seen her. They were finishing up the decorating of the nursery at Ripper’s house. It was freezing cold, and they had to air out the rooms so there were no paint fumes remaining.

; Snake was on assembly duty. He’d put together a cot and several pieces of furniture. What he didn’t like was the fact he was also on shopping duty. Lexie had given Devil a list, which he’d given to Snake. Sitting outside the hospital, Snake tapped his fingers on the steering wheel. The little monster was doing fine. The club got regular updates from both Devil and Ripper.

  Climbing out of the car, he walked on in. The receptionist on duty nodded at him. He gave her a smile before heading toward the room where Judi was. She was able to visit her son a couple of hours a day, but she was still being monitored. The C-section had been a huge success, but it was taking her some time to heal.

  No one was with her, and she was staring down at his cell phone. Knocking on the door, he smiled at her as she looked up.

  “Hey, Snake,” she said.

  “Hey, princess. I come bearing gifts.” He held up the flowers, showing them to her.

  “They’re beautiful. You don’t have to bring me gifts.”

  “Shall I take them away?” He pretended to walk off.

  “No, don’t you dare. I want my flowers.”

  They were already in a vase, and he placed them beside the many bouquets she’d been sent.

  “How are you holding up?” he asked, taking a seat.

  “I’m nervous. I’m so nervous.”

  He took hold of her hand, squeezing her. “I know I was terrified that night. You could have just told us you were getting a little impatient.”

  She chuckled. “I never want to go through that again. Ripper’s terrified. I don’t think he’ll be wanting another baby soon.”

  “I don’t blame him. You’ve seen the little monster. He’s adorable and cute. He’ll be a handful.”

  “Ripper won’t hold him,” Judi said. “He’s gone for some lunch. I sent him up, but whenever I’m with him, he won’t hold our son. I’ve heard the nurses talking. He doesn’t hold him when I can’t.” Tears filled her eyes. Moving onto the bed, Snake wrapped his arm around her.

  There was nothing sexual to his holding Judi. She was the club princess. He didn’t find her attractive. No, the woman plaguing him was a raven haired, blue eyed bitch. She wasn’t a bitch, but he kind of liked calling her it. It was his own personal name for her.

  “You’ve got to give him time. I imagine nearly losing you almost made him shit his pants. You’re precious to us. Give him time.”

  “I’ve tried talking with Devil. He’s not helping. He told me Ripper will hold our son when the time is right.” She wiped the tears away. “I don’t want him to not hold our son. We need to think of a name for him.”

  “Judi, you need to stop worrying. Everything will turn out okay.”

  “Will you talk with him?”

  “I’ll go and talk with him.”

  “Do you need your cell phone back?” she asked. “I left mine at home, and I always forget about it.”

  “Nah, kid, you have it until you get pictures for your own cell phone. He’s at lunch?”

  “Yes, please, talk to him, Snake. I’d appreciate it.”

  “Will do. Remember, you’ve got to rest.” He pressed a kiss to her forehead, leaving the room. It didn’t take him long to find Ripper. His brother was bent over a tray, eating. There was no life to him. He looked almost dead.

  Grabbing a coffee, Snake took a seat at the table.

  “I’m not interested in company.”

  “Good for you, I don’t give a fuck.”

  Ripper looked up. “What are you doing here?”

  “I’ve come to find Jessica to take her shopping.” He pulled out the list for the little boy. “I’ve got to get this stuff.”

  He watched as Ripper read through the list. “You don’t need to worry about that.”

  “What’s going on with you?”


  “Nothing? You’ve got a son coming home soon. I heard he’s been taken off the oxygen and is doing great, taking Mom’s milk, and everything.” Snake didn’t want to think of Judi and her breast milk. The entire thought repelled him.

  “What are you trying to get at?”

  “We’re all working hard to get that kid home safely, and you’ve not picked him up or held him.”

  Ripper stared at him for several moments without speaking. “It doesn’t matter.”

  “No? Judi knows you’ve not held him.”

  “She doesn’t.”

  “She does. Not only do you not hold him in front of her, she heard the nurses talking. You’re breaking her heart in a time when she needs to get better.” Snake took the list from him. “This is the stuff you and Judi should be doing. Your son came early. I get you’re angry.”

  “You’ve got no idea how I’m feeling.”

  “Then talk to me because right now, you’ve got a woman who’s scared about her son. He’s fighting and proving himself even now that he’s part of the Chaos Bleeds, yet his dad is eating alone.” Snake sat back, staring at him.

  “This is none of your business, Snake. Why don’t you go back to stalking a fucking nurse who doesn’t even fucking want you.”

  He was slowly breaking down Ripper’s walls.

  “What’s the matter? Jealous? I don’t have to be stuck at home with a woman and kid. I can fuck whoever I want.”

  “Stop it, Snake. You don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “No? Then what is it? You don’t want a kid anymore? Are you scared she’s no longer going to love you but love someone else?”

  He purposefully pushed Ripper until it finally came spilling out.

  “He could have killed her, all right? How am I supposed to give a shit about it?” Ripper stopped talking as several people turned to look at him. He’d gotten up to start yelling. Snake stared up at him, pitying the man.

  “Your son is a baby. What happened to him isn’t his fault.”

  “I nearly lost her, Snake. Do you have any idea how hard that is to handle? I could have lost her, and I don’t know if I’ve got what it takes to live with that.”

  “Come on. We’ll get through this together. Judi could have died, but she didn’t, and you need to remember that. She’s alive and well.” Snake stood, leaving behind his rancid coffee. “You’re not eating the food. It’s not even fit for dogs.” Taking the lead, Snake made his way toward the neonatal unit. No one put up a fight as they moved toward the second room. After the baby was taken off oxygen and remained stable, he was moved up to the second room. Lexie was in the room. She wasn’t holding the baby, just sitting watching him.

  “What are you doing here?” Ripper asked. “I thought you were with Judi?”

  “She didn’t want me to be there. She asked me to come and check on your son.” Lexie smiled up at Snake. “I’ll leave you two alone.”

  “Look at him, Ripper.” They were alone. The room only had one other baby, and there wasn’t anyone else in the room.

  Snake stood beside his brother, watching the little guy. He was fast asleep. His arms were up as he slept, completely innocent. There was nothing bad about him or evil. He’d not tried to kill Judi. A medical condition had nearly done that.

  “He’s beautiful,” Ripper said.

  Signaling to a nurse, he waited for her to come. “Don’t you think it’s time he got to see his dad?”

  “Would you like to hold him?” the nurse asked.

  Ripper removed his jacket, going to the sink, washing his hands. Snake took a seat as Ripper sat down. The nurse reached in and held the little guy in her arms. Snake watched as she placed the little bundle into Ripper’s arms. “You need to support his head and body. There, I think he knows his father has him.”

  The nurse left the room, making sure the baby had a blanket around him before leaving.

  “His eyes are open, Snake.”

  “He’s saying hi.”

  Snake didn’t leave, watching as Ripper held his hand against his son’s. “He’s holding my finger. Look at that, Snake.”

  Smiling, he glanced toward the win
dow to see Lexie wheeling Judi into the room.

  “You’re holding him?”

  “I am, baby. I’m afraid this time you’re going to have to watch me hold him.”

  “I don’t mind watching. You’re holding him. I’ve not got a problem.”

  Snake stayed in his seat for the next hour. Only when he remembered the list in his pocket did he leave the room. He washed his hands, going to the reception desk.

  “I don’t suppose you could tell me where I could find Jessica?” He missed her and wanted to spend some time.

  “She’s gone to lunch.” One of the nurses spoke up, looking frazzled as she went through several files in her arms.

  Slapping his hand on the counter, he left, making his way up to lunch room.


  Jessica stared down at the newspaper while she took a bite of her ham salad bagel. She didn’t want to risk food poisoning from the chicken that looked like rock. Staring at the newspaper, she didn’t read any of the words. It had been five days since she’d last seen or heard anything from Snake. She really shouldn’t have been surprised. He wasn’t the kind of man who could stick to anything, no matter what he said.

  Like a fool, she’d gotten tested at the hospital, and she already had all of her paperwork back. She was on the pill and would be safe to have sex soon, not that anything was ever safe. The doctor she’d gone to had ranted about how only having no sex was safe sex. She’d gone a year without any sex. There was no way she was going to go another year. Even if Snake didn’t want to fuck her, she’d find someone else.

  She wasn’t going to turn into one of those women who named their vibrators or bought cats, lots of cats. No, she was going to have lots of sex. It didn’t help that she’d still not heard anything from Lydia. What she had found out was that she’d quit her job in town where she worked as a sales assistant in an accessory shop.

  It was just like Lydia to move on without giving any consideration to anyone else around her.

  “Hello there,” Milford said, placing a tray opposite her.

  The last five days they’d avoided each other. He’d moved onto another nurse, Bernie or something. She couldn’t be sure. The work gossip wasn’t something she was interested in.


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