Snake's Addiction

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Snake's Addiction Page 7

by Sam Crescent

  Jessica smiled. Before anyone got a chance to stop her, she shoved the other woman against the far wall, bringing her arm up against her throat. “You want to know what I can do to you? I can make sure you can’t breathe. I know how to kill you and to make it look like a fucking suicide. Don’t mess with me, bitch.”

  Releasing Amy, she took a step back. Snake stepped up behind her, wrapping an arm around her waist.

  “You heard her.” She was pulled back into the room. The door closed, and he pressed her up against the door. “That was fucking hot, baby.” His lips were on hers. Jessica pulled away, gasping for breath.

  “I shouldn’t have done that. I shouldn’t have attacked her like that. It wasn’t fair.”

  “Amy’s a first class bitch, Jess. She’d have hurt you just to show she was the better person. You did right. In the club with the whores, you fight fire with fire.”

  “This isn’t who I am.”

  “No? Then why did you do it?”

  She licked her lips and his gaze wandered down to her lips.

  “Tell me, Jessica. Why did you do it?”

  “I didn’t want her touching you. I don’t like the thought of her hands on you.”

  “Then we’ve not got a problem. Any man touches you, do you think I’m going to let that happen?” She shook her head. “No, I won’t. I’ll fucking kill anyone who touches you. You’re mine.” He cupped her cheek. His fingers sank into her hair. When he was stopped by the band holding her hair up, he tugged it out. She winced at the sudden bite of pain that disappeared the moment his lips were on hers.

  “I don’t know what this is.”

  “Do you think anyone knows what this is?” he asked.


  “Then let’s not put anything to it.”

  They were exclusive, and she’d just acted like a possessive bitch claiming her man.


  His lips were on hers in the next second. She wrapped her arms around his neck, holding on tightly to him. Gripping the hairs at the back of his neck, she tugged on the strands. Snake pulled away, slamming her hands above her head. She cried out from the strike of pain. With his other hand, he tore her scrubs open, destroying the shirt she wore. Within seconds he had her breasts out. His lips sucked on her nipples, awakening a need between her thighs.

  “Are you wet?”


  His hand moved down to slip into her pants. He pushed her panties aside, and she cried out. Roughly, he shoved two fingers inside her, plunging them in and out. The pads of his fingers were rough on her skin. She didn’t fight him, trying to thrust down onto his fingers.

  “I need your cock.”

  He went to his knees before her, tugging down her pants then her underwear. She bit her lip to try to contain her moans.

  “Let me hear those sweet little sounds, Jessica.”

  Opening her lips, she cried out as his lips went to her pussy. There was nowhere else for her to go. He slid his tongue down to fuck into her pussy.

  She tightened her fingers into his hair, panting as he fucked inside her.

  He stood quickly, picking her up.

  “Snake, what the hell are you doing?” She gasped as he flung her to the bed.

  “We’re doing this here.” He tugged his shirt off, losing his pants in the process as well. “Get naked.”

  She flung off the remains of her shirt, and throwing the bra away. He was on her in the next second, opening her thighs. His hands were everywhere, holding her captive. Jessica didn’t get a chance to touch or stroke him. Snake held her hands above her head at the same time he reached for his cock. He aligned the tip to her entrance and slammed home.

  Crying out, she arched into his touch, trying to get away, and trying to get him to go deeper.

  “You’re so fucking tight. I’m going to have to fuck this pussy until you can take me without it hurting.” With his free hand, he caressed her cheek. “Does it burn?”


  “Good. You’ll remember me when you’re walking around the hospital. Every time a man looks at you, you’re going to know who you belong to.”

  She closed her eyes, wincing as he pressed a little deeper inside her. He was long and thick, so it was almost too painful to accept him within her. She wasn’t going to push him away. When she finally softened, fucking Snake was the most amazing thing she’d ever done.

  He kissed her lips, moving down to suck on her pulse. Snake sucked hard enough to leave a mark.

  Jessica knew she’d have bruises around her wrists with the strength that he was holding her.

  “You’re so beautiful.” He pushed himself up so that only his cock inside her and the hand holding her wrists touched her.

  She couldn’t hide as he stared down at her open body.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “Looking at what’s mine. That mouth with those thick red lips will look amazing sucking my cock, Jess. I want you to suck my cock.”

  She licked her lips, unable to resist teasing him just a little.

  “Fucking bitch, you’re doing that on purpose.”


  He pulled out of her only to slam inside. She cried out, arching up. The pleasure and pain combined together, shooting off nerve endings within her body that she didn’t know existed. “You know what I can do to you, baby. Don’t try to fight me.”

  Nodding, she stared up at him. He released her hands but only long enough to capture both with his hands. Snake held onto her wrists, pressing them to the bed.

  He began to withdraw from her body.

  “Watch me, Jess. Watch my cock.”

  Glancing down she saw his glistening cock, appear. He was naked, no condom.

  “You’ve got to wear a condom. I don’t want to get pregnant.”

  “Don’t worry about it.”

  She opened her mouth to protest. He slammed inside, silencing her.

  Snake didn’t stop there. He pounded inside her, bringing her to the peak of orgasm but not letting her go over the edge. There was no point in begging or screaming. She couldn’t voice her need as all she did was groan.

  “Come over my cock, Jess.”

  He let go of her hand to play with her clit. Two strokes of his fingers was all it took to have her spiraling into orgasm.

  She shouted his name as he rammed into her three times. He pulled out, covering her body, his seed spurting onto her stomach as his own release caught him.

  They were both panting.

  Jessica knew she should be pissed. He used sex to silence her, the width of his cock to keep her quiet, yet she couldn’t be angry. Snake had pulled out. The risk was still there, but she was oddly touched.

  Her life was getting way too complicated.


  “This is interesting. Who’s Jessica?” Master asked.

  Lydia lay on the floor, curled in a ball like he’d demanded. She shouldn’t have gone away with him. With all of his riches and smooth talking, he’d tricked her. Tears leaked out of her eyes as she looked up at him. The brand on her thigh hurt. He’d done it two days ago when her cell phone had started ringing. She’d completely forgotten about the phone until then.

  He hated being interrupted during a session. The cell phone had interrupted him.

  “She’s a friend.”

  “A friend?”

  “Back in Piston County.”

  “A friend.” He started looking through her phone.

  They were alone in his room, which was a first. He liked to have men come in and take her. She’d heard him tell the men she wasn’t anything special.

  “Is this her?” he asked, showing her a picture of Jessica. It was one she’d taken at a picnic. Jessica wore a white summer dress that showcased her size sixteen curves. She knew Jessica’s size because she’d been the one to buy the damned dress. Her raven hair looked so dark while her eyes caught attention with the startling blue color. He kicked out at Lydia asking the same quest

  “Yes, it’s her.”

  He nodded. “Good. She’s pretty. Does she live in Piston County?”

  She wanted to lie. If Master showed an interest it was only going to go badly for Jessica.

  “Well, do you need another incentive to tell me the truth?”

  She shook her head. “No, it’s her, and she lives in Piston County.”

  “Well, well, well. It looks like that town gets more enjoyable every day.”

  She was a horrible friend. The worst. She knew without a shadow of a doubt, she’d just brought pain to her friend.

  Chapter Seven

  Snake woke up to a head on his chest. He paused in stretching as it was the first time he’d ever woken up with a woman wrapped around him. Sure, he’d woken up next to women but rarely with them on him. Raven hair covered his chest, and he moved up the pillows so he was able to look down at her properly. She didn’t wake. Her arm was over his waist and her leg over his.

  He expected to be struck by panic at the sight of her. Nothing happened.

  Stroking her hair away from her face, he saw she was still in deep sleep. Her mouth partly opened with her breath fanning over his chest hair.

  The blanket covered her body, and last night came back to him. After he’d come all over her stomach, they had taken a nice long shower, washing each other. He’d ordered Chinese takeout and was able to grab the order before one of his brothers stole it. They were vultures when it came to food.

  They ate in bed with the television playing some kind of horror movie. Jessica had chuckled through it¸ bursting out laughing at the blood scenes. She was the first woman he’d been with who laughed at gory scenes.

  When he’d asked her about it she explained how unrealistic it all was. Being a nurse in the accident and emergency department opened her eyes to the horror movies. They had it all wrong.

  He found her adorable. Sexy and adorable, a combination he’d never believed was going to be something that made him exclusive. Remembering last night, seeing her attack Amy and threaten her, had made him hard as fucking rock. His own parents hadn’t fought for him, and yet Jessica had. She didn’t want anyone else touching him or having him.

  Snake hesitated in touching her naked shoulder. He couldn’t believe he was lying in bed finding a naked shoulder sexy.

  After they had eaten their Chinese, she’d pushed him to the bed, straddling his waist. She’d been the one to find the condoms he kept stashed. He’d forgotten the condom last night. The feel of her naked pussy was something he wanted to feel again.

  Placing his hand on her shoulder, he stared down at where he touched her. What the fuck was happening to him? He was starting to sound like some kind of pussy.

  “Morning,” she said, snuggling closer to him.

  He pulled away. “I didn’t mean to wake you.”

  “It’s okay. I should be getting up soon anyway. I’ve got to get to the hospital around eleven today.”

  “When does your shift end?”

  “Eight tonight.” She tightened her arm around him. “You’re so warm.”

  “You’re used to doing overtime right?”

  “Yes. I can cut back my hours whenever it’s needed.”

  “I want you to go back to your usual hours.” He wanted the chance to spend more time with her.

  “Why?” she asked, looking up at him. She covered her mouth.

  “What the fuck are you doing?”

  “Morning breath.”

  He cupped her face, slamming his lips down on hers. Plunging his tongue into her mouth, he stroked down her naked back to cup her ass. She moaned, rubbing against him.

  “I don’t give a fuck about morning breath.”

  “I get that.”

  Her hand started to stroke up and down his hip. His cock thickened at her closeness.

  “You want me to reduce my hours?”

  “Yes. I want to spend time with you.”

  She smiled, and he was hypnotized by her smile. Jessica was getting under his skin, and he didn’t want to let her go, not ever. Wrapping his arm around her back, he locked their fingers together.

  “Do you have a problem spending time with me?” he asked.

  “No. I’ll even take Lydia’s wrath right now.” Her gaze moved to where their hands were locked. “What’s happening right now?”

  “I don’t know. I really don’t know.”

  He took her hand, pressing a kiss to the tips of her fingers.

  Jessica pulled her hand away. He watched as she slid her fingers down his chest. “I remember you saying something last night about sucking your cock?”

  “I did.”

  She was nervous about what was happening between them. He saw it in her eyes, the doubt, the fear. She didn’t know what was going on, and neither did he.

  “Then I think it’s time I give you something you want.” She ran her hand down to cup his aching cock.

  “I’ll gladly have your lips wrapped around my cock.”

  She smiled. “And I’m more than happy to oblige.” She started to stroke his cock, working her hand up and down his length.

  Pre-cum already leaked out of the tip. He shoved the blanket off her so that he got a good look at her naked body. She was perfect. Snake never thought he’d love a woman with curves, yet he was addicted to the curves on Jessica. Her hips were bruised from where he held on tightly. Glancing at her wrists that were moving slowly over his cock, he saw they were bruised, too, each mark showing a sign of his possession over her.

  Every man who saw her would know she belonged to another. Doctor Bastard better keep his fucking distance. Snake was more than happy with making people go to sleep.

  Her lips lowered over his cock, and any thought process he had, vanished. Closing his eyes, he fisted his hand to try to stop himself from coming too quickly. She flicked along the tip, sliding down to take half of him into her mouth. Using her hands, she worked the rest of his cock so that he didn’t notice he wasn’t all in her mouth.

  She worked him like an expert, cupping, nibbling, swallowing on his length. Jessica brought him to the peak and kept him at the precipice, leaving him begging to be pushed over. He wanted the orgasm that she could give.

  Opening his eyes, he watched her head bobbing up and down over his shaft. Her hair covered the sight. Reaching out, he wrapped her raven locks around his fist. He saw his dick going into her mouth. The way her cheeks sucked in as she tried to take him as deep into her mouth as she could. The sight was almost his undoing. She looked so fucking beautiful.

  He didn’t want her to go to work unsatisfied.

  Moving into the center of the bed, she released him long enough for him to move. Gripping her hips, he got her to straddle him so they were flush against each other with her over the top of him. Staring at her beautiful pussy, he opened the lips of her sex, sucking her swollen clit into his mouth. She moaned. The sound vibrated up the length of his cock. He released her pussy to work his fingers inside her pussy. Her cunt was soaking, and the more he teased her clit, the wetter she became.

  When she took two fingers with ease, he started to push some of her cream back to the puckered hole of her anus.

  She didn’t tense up as he circled her ass, pressing slightly on it. He moved down to fuck into her pussy. Staring up, he pressed his finger to her ass, watching her tense up. Slapping her ass, he heard her yelp. “Relax,” he said, biting the word out.

  He watched her relax underneath his touch.

  Working the slick tip of his finger into her ass, he went back to flicking her clit. She started to press back onto the finger in her ass, at the same time taking him deeper into her throat.

  He felt her swallow around the tip before withdrawing. Sucking her clit, he filled her ass with a single digit. She came apart, her pelvis working on his mouth. He drank down her cum, finding his own release.

  Jessica swallowed down his cum without complaint. When it was over, she collapsed over him so that her pussy was on his ch

  Pulling out of her ass, he lifted her up. He didn’t give her a chance to protest as he carried her to the bathroom.

  Neither of them spoke while he prepared the shower, waiting for it to warm up. There was no need for words as they both stood in the shower. He washed her body while she washed him. She’d washed him twice now, and he didn’t like how much he was enjoying it.

  When the shower was finished, he dried her down.

  “I’m going to drop you off at work, and I’ll pick you up.”

  “Okay, I’ll, erm, I’ll cut my hours down so they’re normal. No overtime.”

  “What about being called in? That one night on our date, you were called in.”

  “All nurses are on call. I can put my name off the list if you’d like. I’ve only been called in a handful of times since in the last couple of years.”

  “Take your name off the list. I don’t want you being called away in the middle of the night.”

  “Sure. I’ll, erm, I’ll do that.” She bent down to pull on her pants.

  “Your underwear?”

  “They’re dirty. I don’t wear the same underwear.”

  Going to his drawer, he pulled out a pair of his briefs. “Wear these. They’ll be big, but I won’t have to think about all the men staring at your ass.”

  “You’re, erm, you’re very possessive. I wouldn’t have thought that about you.”

  “Neither would I.”

  “This is new to you then?”

  “Very new,” he said.

  He looked through his wardrobe and handed her a shirt. “Wear this.”

  She took the shirt without argument. For several seconds they looked at each other, neither saying anything, and yet, their gazes saying a lot.

  Snake was in trouble. He knew that more than anything. When it came to Jessica, he was in trouble.


  Jessica signed off her patients listening as Milford organized the discharge papers for Judi.

  “I doubt this will get rid of the biker group, but at least she’s well,” he said to a giggling Bernie.

  Rolling her eyes, she finished looking through the latest chart. She was pleased Judi was doing well. Her little boy was as well, and it looked like he could be out by the middle of February. He was a strong little guy.


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