Crossing Boundaries (Cape Falls)

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Crossing Boundaries (Cape Falls) Page 8

by Sam Crescent

  “Dean, you’re hard,” she told him.

  “I know. Don’t worry about it.”

  She turned to see him. “I don’t want you to suffer. Is their anything I can do? I’ve read in books about women giving a guy a blow-job and that helped.”

  Dean groaned and pulled away. “What sort of books are you reading? Don’t answer that. I gave you one similar to it. I’m going to hell. There is no way they’re letting me inside the pearly gates.”

  Laura pressed a hand against his chest. “Relax. I want to try something.”

  He stayed still. She smiled and kissed him on the lips. She explored his body starting with his chest and nipples. Did he like them being touched as much as she enjoyed hers? Her fingers circled the red tips. She’d never touched a man with a hard muscled chest. Opening her hand out flat she felt every ripple of muscle from her touch.

  “Do you like that?” she asked.


  Laura took her time giving attention to every part of his chest, moving slowly down to his abdomen. She placed a leg over his so she straddled him. His cock stood straight up and she saw the tip wet. Forgetting about his body, her hands curled around his length.

  Dean groaned and she watched him grab pillows to prop his head up. “I want to see everything you do,” he explained.

  “You might have to help me,” she said.

  “I will.”

  Laura liked him being her teacher. They’d crossed the boundary of friendship. Dean Riley was her lover. Her only lover if she had her way.

  She worked the shaft like he’d told her down stairs. She fascinated. With every stroke the wetness leaked out of his little slit at the head.

  “Can I taste it?” she asked.

  “God, yes.”

  She licked the tip with all of his cum leaking out. The small bit she gathered on her tongue tasted tangy and a little bit salty. It wasn’t distasteful. She took the head of his cock inside her mouth and licked every part, taking as much of his cum as he’d give her. His hands gripped her hair and pulled her off.

  “I want you to take more of me into your mouth. No teeth, just lips and tongue.”

  Laura nodded and went back down over him, curling her lips to keep her teeth back.

  “Suck harder,” he told her.

  She went further down until he hit the back of her throat. His grip tightened in her hair and she loved the pain as he showed her how fast he wanted her to suck him.

  “Shit, your mouth is so fucking sweet,” he growled.

  Laura didn’t know whether to close her eyes or watch him. Either option sounded great.

  * * * *

  Her mouth felt so good around his dick. The thick length hit the back of her throat. She didn’t gag and he was thankful. Watching a woman gag on him wasn’t enjoyable. Dean couldn’t take his eyes off her. She worked his cock to perfection, tight, warm, and getting better with every second.

  “Cup my balls,” he panted. He had to concentrate not to blow down her throat. The choice would be hers if she swallowed or not. Laura had been a virgin, coming apart in his arms a few hours ago. She’d moved quickly to sucking his shaft.

  Moans escaped her mouth, muffled as she was filled up. Each sound vibrated along his length. Dean needed to concentrate to not pull on her hair. The constant movement was hitting every button inside his body.

  “Fuck, Laura, you’ve got to stop or I’m going to come in your mouth,” he warned.

  Laura pulled away from him, but worked his shaft with her hand. In seconds his seed spilled from the tip. Dean was a little disappointed she hadn’t swallowed his cum. At the same time he was pleased she could trust him enough to pull away.

  “I’ll get a towel,” she said.

  Too exhausted to care, he lay while she cleaned his body of his spent passion.

  “Did I do okay?” she asked.

  He laughed. She sounded so nervous.

  “Come here.” He patted the bed by him. She lay with her head on his chest.

  “You’re an amazing woman, Laura Cox, and don’t let anyone tell you different.”

  Dean held her for the rest of the night. He liked the feel of her close to him, within touching distance or resting in his arms. For sometime after she’d fallen asleep, he lay looking at the ceiling. Sleep eluding him.

  “What have I done, Carla?” he whispered.

  Never, in all of his forty years, had he desired a woman younger than him. Carla and the other women he’d taken to bed had been older or the same age. Laura was the first young woman he’d taken to bed. He glanced down at the top of her head. She looked perfect nestled on his chest with her beautiful body next to him. After all this time was he finally moving on?

  “What should I do, Carla?”

  No answers came to him. Instead, Laura rolled over and away from him. The pain striking his heart shocked him. He didn’t like her moving away. Dean moved closer and spooned against her back. Whenever Laura was in his bed, she’d stay in his arms.

  Was that his answer?

  Chapter Twelve

  Dear Diary,

  I lost my virginity last night to Dean Riley. It was the most amazing experience of my life. He is so sweet and tender and caring. He doesn’t think of himself all the time. I loved when he touched my body, working down with his tongue, over my breasts and pussy.

  I feel like a new woman. Not just pretending to be a woman. I sat at the breakfast table with my parents and they didn’t notice a change. I’m still the same old Laura. Nothing new.

  Am I supposed to feel bad for wanting to do it again? My work is at the library, only now, while I’m placing books on the shelf, I think about Dean and sex. I want to experience everything, to be with him everyday.

  Holy shit, I think I’m addicted.

  Laura closed her diary and smiled. Dean had asked her to come to his house after she’d finished at work.

  She waited for the head librarian, like she did the other times, to close the shop. On a Friday the library only stayed open for half a day. Peter, as always, stood outside waiting for her.

  “Hi,” he said.

  Laura smiled at him and together they walked the short distance until she had to cut off and go to Dean’s.

  “I’m sorry I couldn’t get to the library today,” Peter said, starting up a conversation.

  “Don’t worry about it. It was just another busy day with filling shelves. You know, it amazes me. I don’t see many people taking books out, but there sure are a lot to put back.”

  “At least you’ve got stuff to do,” said Peter.

  “How do you keep an apartment when you don’t work?” she asked. Since she’d started going to college Laura had thought about moving out of her parents' house. The opportunity hadn’t rose and the prices were too high. She paid rent to her parents every week, but nothing as costly as renting a place.

  “I know all the right people. You thinking of moving out of your folk's?”

  “Yes. What is it we’re supposed to say? Oh, right, they’re cramping my style,” she joked.

  “Librarian shelf-fillers have a life?” he teased.

  Laura punched him on the arm. “Don’t get cocky or I won’t not teach you history.”

  “She steals my heart,” Peter said.

  She laughed at the face he pulled.

  “What time are you in tomorrow?” he asked her.

  Laura scrunched her nose and thought about the date. The day was Friday.

  “Actually, I’m off until Tuesday. I’ve been doing a few extra hours to get the weekend off.”

  They came to the fork in the roads.

  “I’ve got to go. I promised a friend I’d meet them,” she told him.

  Peter nodded and Laura waved at him. She ran the last few yards to Dean’s house, not bothering to look back. Laura enjoyed the breeze on her face.

  Dean waited for her outside. Disappointment surged through her.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

chuckled and cupped her face as she got near.

  “You’re becoming insatiable," he told her. "I don’t want to spend all of my time stranded inside here. I bought you something.” He picked up a bag and instead of showing her what he’d brought, took her hand and they walked down through the garden.

  She recognized the path to the stream with the boulders she loved. She didn’t talk and waited until Dean stopped and looked around.

  “This is such a beautiful place,” he said and pulled out some scraps of material from the bag he’d brought with him.

  “What have you got?”

  “I want you to wear this for me.” Dean held up a deep purple bikini top and bottoms. Laura burst out laughing.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “There is no way you’re getting me into a bikini. I won’t even wear a full swimsuit,” she told him.

  Dean stared at her and then glanced down at his purchase.

  “All right. If you don’t wear this, I won’t show you my swimwear and anything else will be off the menu. We’ll go back to the house and work on your story,” he said. He replaced his purchase in the bag and made to move back up the path.

  “Wait. Are you serious?” she asked.

  “Do I look like I’m telling some kind of joke?” he said.

  “No. We can still do other stuff. You don’t need me to be wearing a bikini for that.”

  Dean was shaking his head. “Not good enough. I want you to wear the present I brought.”

  “But I’ll look awful,” she protested.

  He cupped her cheeks and laid a gentle kiss against her lips. She tried to deepen the kiss but he wouldn’t let her.

  “You won’t look awful. I want you to see how beautiful you are to me,” he said.

  Laura hated him and loved him all at the same time. She didn’t want to wear the small scrap of a bikini. Taking a deep breath, she walked around him and began undoing her blouse, button by button.

  Dean stood away and she felt his eyes on her. She placed the blouse on the boulder, followed by her bra.

  “Wait. Take your skirt and panties off first,” Dean instructed.

  She unzipped the skirt and it fell to a pool at her feet. Next she dropped her panties.

  “Turn around,” he told her.

  Laura turned around and gasped at how close he’d come.

  “You’ve got an amazing body. Feel what it does to me,” He took her hand and pressed her palm against the bulge in his jeans.

  “Never mistake how beautiful you are,” he said to her. Dean leaned down and picked up the bikini.

  Her heart burst as he knelt at her feet and she stepped into the panties. He pulled them up her legs and when he’d placed the panties on her body, he squeezed her ass. He pulled the top part out and she saw the straps wrapping around her neck. She lifted her hair and waited as he placed the cups over her full breasts. She blushed as she saw he’d picked the right size. His fingers tied the straps around her neck. She took a breath and turned around.

  “Purple is a wonderful colour on you,” he told her.

  She waited as he pulled his shirt over his head and unbuckled his jeans. He wore a pair of swimming trunks and Laura couldn’t help but laugh. Dean's trunks were printed with a yellow duck on the front.

  “I thought that would lighten the mood,” he said.

  Laura couldn’t stop laughing and wrapped her arms around his neck. Dean joined in her laughter. He picked her up and twirled in a circle with her in his arms.

  “I love hearing you laugh,” he said.

  A squeal escaped her lips as she felt him pick her whole body up with one hand under her knees and the other supporting her back.

  “Put me down,” she yelled.

  Still in his arms, Dean crossed the small bridge over the stream and along the mass of grass. “I know it’s not a built-in pool, but this is the best I could do.”

  Laura stared in front of her. A large circle shaped swimming pool lay in the centre of what felt like the wilderness to her.

  “I didn’t know how big this land was,” she said.

  Dean chuckled and explained, “The house isn’t very big, but some people don’t like having this as part of their garden and being near the outskirts of town. It works well for me though.” He put her down.

  “It's beautiful,” she whispered.

  Dean helped her into the pool and the rest of the afternoon she spent languishing and relaxing. Though every time she got a glimpse of the yellow duck she burst out laughing.

  “I think I’ve got the best solution for your giggles,” he said. He did some shuffling and went under the water. His fingers dangled the trunks off his finger and he let them fall out of the pool and onto the grass below.

  Laura was speechless.

  “Will the lady follow me?”

  She smiled and untied the straps of her bra and then pulled her panties off and walked to where he stood in the pool. She checked to make sure the pieces landed in the same location as Dean’s.

  “You’ve got me where you want me, now what?” she asked.

  He took her in his arms and kissed her.

  Laura moaned and wrapped her hands around his neck. His tongue brushed along her lips, teasing her open. She submitted to his onslaught and opened her mouth. The taste of coffee and cinnamon erupted on her tongue. Her fingers then grasped the small hairs at the back of his head.

  When he pulled away, Laura smiled. “You’ve been eating the cinnamon buns I made,” she said.

  “I can’t get enough of them. Just like I can’t get enough of you.” He lifted her in his arms and carried her out of the pool.

  Laura held on and kept her gaze on him, drugged by everything about him, his hard exterior and loving personality. The yellow duck on his trunks was a perfect example of his sense of humour.

  Dean laid her down on her grass and he followed, lying on top of her.

  “I want you again,” he groaned.

  “Have me, Dean. I’m yours. Only yours.”

  His fingers found her wet warmth.

  Laura opened her legs and gave her body, heart and soul to the man above her. There was nothing he couldn’t ask that she wouldn’t give. Every passing second she spent with him made her more aware of how much loved him, strong, powerful and totally unexplainable. She’d read many books where love could be explained in the most factual of terms. There was no explanation for the beating of her heart and the way she craved being with him.

  Dean leaned down and kissed her, exploring her lips and loving her with his tongue. Laura lay and ran her harms up and down his naked back. She couldn’t believe this man was all of hers.

  “I want you,” he growled and bit her lip slightly. “You’re mine. All mine.” He didn’t seem to be talking to anyone but himself.

  She smiled at his possessiveness. Her slit was wet and leaking more of her cum.

  Dean replaced his fingers with the tip of his cock.

  She leaned up and watched as he played with her clit with the head of his cock.

  “I can’t wait,” she told him

  He moved down and she felt the tip of his cock as he pressed inside her, the delicate tissues of her cunt spreading to accommodate his thick length.

  “You’re still fucking tight,” he said.

  She felt his hands go to her waist and then he gripped her hips and plunged deeper inside her. Laura opened her legs allowing him to go as deep as possible.

  “So tight and wet,” he said.

  “You won’t hurt me,” she assured him. She wanted him to make love to her body. For him to give her everything he had to offer.

  He flung his head back and took her at her word. His dick surged inside her. Laura reached between their bodies and fingered her clit. She’d read something similar in one of his books and she wanted his to be thrusting inside her as she released.

  “Fuck, yes. Play with your clit,” he said.

  Laura touched her clit, the touch light as his hips moved, pushing
in and out of her. Their rhythm changed. Their need to reach the point at the top of the cliff and tumble over was fast upon them. Dean’s thrust became harder and faster making her gasp and she came apart in his arms, her screams muffled by his lips as he kissed her, absorbing every sound. She withered under him and Dean got wilder. His nails sunk into the flesh of her legs. He pulled her legs up and placed her feet around his neck, plunging inside her. The sound of flesh hitting flesh was the only sound to be heard. She could tell he was close and with one final fuck inside, Dean tensed and she felt the pulse of his cock expand, his seed shooting inside her cunt.

  Dean collapsed against her and held her in his arms.

  “That was amazing,” she whispered.

  “You’ve seen nothing yet,” he told her.

  Laura snuggled against his side, content and happy to be with the man she loved. Dean’s words elicited many erotic thoughts. Her future felt content.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Over the next couple of weeks, Laura spent most of her time writing in her diary. She couldn’t believe how much paper she’d used from writing about her thoughts and feelings.


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