Club Alpha: BDSM Romance Boxed Set

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Club Alpha: BDSM Romance Boxed Set Page 83

by Amy Valenti

  “Well, maybe I’ll let you pick for me” she told Alex, who smiled. “You’re in Italy Sophie, read off a random item from the menu and it will be delicious. But if I can recommend something, the Spaghetti all'Amatriciana is a Roman specialty.”

  Sophie smiled and ordered that. Alex ordered them a bottle of white wine to share with the meal, and as they enjoyed what was easily the best Italian food Sophie had ever tasted, she smiled at Alex. “Thanks for taking care of me” she told him. “I should remind you though,” she added, “that you were going to punish me for being horny a few days ago,” a twinkle in her eye.

  A small smile crept into the corner of Alex’s face. “I most certainly have not forgotten about that, Sophie, and I’m ready to dole out your punishment whenever you’re ready to take it.”

  “I’m a big girl, I can take it any time” Sophie replied, her smile turning into a bit of a grin. They laughed as they continued their meal, taking their time, savoring every morsel as the Italians do.

  Their meal completed, they took a taxi into the center of Rome, where Alex suggested they walk to their hotel, watching the city go by. They walked past majestic sights like the Panteon and the Trevi Fountain, hand in hand, young lovers enjoying the Eternal City in each other’s company, before making their way to their Hotel, overlooking the Spanish Steps.

  “This is amazing, absolutely incredible” Sophie practically whispered as they made their way up to their room. Alex had booked them into the Honeymoon suite, which was as extravagant and lavish as anyone could dream, with a King sized bed, full Jacuzzi bath built into the floor and more. “I can’t believe this is happening to me” Sophie exclaimed as she looked around the room at everything around her. “This is unbelievable.”

  “Well, it is real Sophie. But it’s not all going to be perfect. As you so nicely reminded me last night, I still owe you a bit of punishment for being so horny.”

  Sophie’s nether regions tingled at his words, at his implication that she was about to be punished. Despite everything that had happened, Sophie realized she wanted things to go back to normal. She wanted her boss to fuck her senseless, to make her experience more pain and pleasure than Sophie had ever felt before.

  Alex moved over to Sophie and gently nudged her chin up to look at him. He leaned down and kissed her lips, his movements soft, yet confident. Sophie could already feel her legs turning to jelly as she kissed him back, fire passing in between them as they connected. Alex slowly slipped his tongue into her mouth, exploring the inside of her at his own leisure. Sophie moaned as his tongue roamed around her mouth, sending fire through her veins.

  As he continued to kiss her, Alex slowly began undressing Sophie. First he unbuttoned the shirt she wore and slipped it off her shoulders, the soft fabric dropping sensuously to the floor. Next he reached back and unclasped Sophie’s bra, releasing her breasts from their bonds and exposing them to him. He moved his hands over to her breasts, cupping them gently before tweaking her nipples, causing small moans to escape Sophie’s lips as he pinched them hard, pain shooting through her body.

  He continued to tease her nipples, both nubs now stiff, erect peaks. Sophie could hardly take it anymore; she wanted Alex inside of her. He moved his hands slowly down her exposed skin, his touch like silk to Sophie, until his hands found the edge of her skirt. He played with the fabric just enough to tease Sophie into a frenzy before sliding it down over her smooth ass cheeks and letting it drop to the floor.

  Sophie stepped over her skirt as Alex led her over to the bed. He slowly pressed her into the mattress, then whispered “close your eyes”, a command which Sophie immediately obeyed. Her sight gone, she could hear Alex rustling around in his suitcase. She wondered what he was doing, until he came over and slid something over her eyes, tying it behind her head. “You can open your eyes again, if you’d like” he told her, and Sophie did so, but the darkness didn’t disappear. It was some sort of silk scarf, wrapped around her eyes, letting in just a sliver of light, but not nearly enough for Sophie to be able to see what Alex was doing.

  She could hear him in the suitcase again, and she briefly regretted not helping him pack, now having no idea what he had planned for her. Suddenly, she could feel him at her feet. He tied something around her ankle, and when he’d gone to her other foot, Sophie found he’d tied the ankle to one end of the bed post, and was doing the same with the other. She struggled slightly against the bonds and found that she was solidly bound; there was no way Sophie could close her legs. She was spread wide open, and even though she couldn’t see, she could feel Alex looking at her most private parts, completely exposed to him. She could feel a slight blush creeping up her face as she knew he was watching her.

  Then, he took hold of her wrists and tied them together. He then tied them up to the head of the bed, almost completely immobilizing Sophie. Her heart raced as she wondered what he was going to do with her now. Whatever it was, it would be a complete surprise. She had no idea what was coming, and it turned her on even more.

  Sophie could already feel the moisture in between her legs developing, her pussy hot and ready for Alex’s cock. She wanted him, she wanted him inside of her, but she knew first she was going to be punished. “Comfortable?” Alex asked her from somewhere in one of the other rooms of the suite, Sophie wasn’t quite sure from where.

  “Yes, Sir” she answered.

  “Good.” His voice had returned to the bedroom. Sophie’s skin was tingling. With every passing second Sophie had no idea if he was going to touch her, if something was going to touch her. It was anticipation at its best, especially as Sophie had no idea whether she would enjoy the touch that was coming.

  Alex left her in that state for minutes, although it felt like hours. Eventually Sophie began to squirm against her bonds, simply out of impatience, the anticipation getting worse and worse with every passing second. She was amazed at how much her boss managed to torture her like this, even without touching her at all.

  Just before it became too much, just before Sophie wanted to scream in frustration, Alex moved over her, and Sophie gasped as something began burning her skin, just above her belly button. As a single drop of water slid down her skin and onto the soft bedding, Sophie realized it was an ice cube! Alex had gone and gotten some ice. She didn’t know how much he had, but he moved the one cube up towards her breasts, slowly, tantalizingly. The cold cube pressed against Sophie’s skin, sending shivers down her spine. Her sense of sight gone, Sophie’s sense of touch was now so much stronger. She couldn’t believe how much she was feeling this! Alex moved it closer and closer to her nipples, the ice cube doing slow circles, smaller and smaller, around her until finally they reached the already stiff, already perky nipples.

  Sophie gasped as he touched it with the ice, the freezing sensations so strong. It hurt slightly, like a burn, but at the same time, it felt so good. Alex blew softly on her nipple, the cold air from his mouth on the water freezing Sophie once more. She let out a small gasp as the pain got stronger, before dissipating. She felt Alex’s mouth on her nipple now, his warm tongue sending pleasure coursing through her body even as he moved the cold ice cube back down her body.

  As his fingers with the ice cube got closer and closer to Sophie’s sex, he slowed down more and more. The ice cube was barely moving as it made its way over her mound towards her hot, moist sex. Sophie inhaled sharply, holding her breath with anticipation as Alex held the ice cube just above her clit.

  Suddenly, he moved it down towards her opening. Surely he’s not going to... she thought, but her thought was cut off as Alex slid the ice cube deep inside of her pussy. Sophie let out a small mewl of both pleasure and pain as the ice cube slid into the most sensitive part of her body. She could feel it melting inside of her already, but the cold cube was no longer moving. With it stuck in place, suddenly the pain got worse, Sophie could feel the cold so much more than before.

  That was when she realized Alex had another ice cube, and he was doing the same thing. He
slowly slid four ice cubes inside of her, one inside the other. “Now Sophie,” he whispered to her softly, “I’m not going to fuck you until the ice cubes are all gone.” Sophie mewled in a combination of pain and pleasure, squirming against the ropes as the ice cubes melted inside of her. The heat from her body was melting them, but not quickly enough to stop the pain from coursing through her. With nothing else to focus on, Sophie’s mind was fixated on the sensations in her pussy. She could feel her walls pulsating, clenching on the ice cubes, trying to get them to melt faster.

  Sophie had never felt anything like this before. She didn’t know how long she lay writing around on the bed in both pain and pleasure, the ice cubes slowly numbing all sensation in her pussy. She could feel the water dribbling out of her, she could feel it on the bed below her, but more than that she could still feel the cold ice inside of her, taking her body to new heights of sensations.

  Sophie had no idea how long it took before the ice cubes all finally melted, but it felt like an eternity. When the last of the water finally dribbled out of her, slowly moving down through the crack of her ass and onto the sheets below, she was completely spent. She felt like she was going to cry, she had been in so much pain, but she could also tell that she was hotter than ever. She wanted an orgasm, no, she needed an orgasm, and she needed it now.

  Alex slowly realized the ice cubes had all melted, and Sophie could feel him above her. “Well done slave, you took that punishment very well” he told her, Sophie whimpering below him.

  “Did you enjoy that?”

  “Yes, Sir” Sophie replied, knowing better than to lie. Her body told no fibs anyway, and she knew he could see the juices spilling out of her, mingling with the water in the sheets below.

  “Good girl. I think you deserve your reward” he continued, and Sophie could hear him unzipping his pants.

  Seconds later, he was on top of her, Sophie still blindfolded, but she could feel his hard cock in between her legs, still spread wide. Despite the cold ice cubes that had been in her earlier, Sophie could feel the heat coming back to her pussy, she could feel her hips bucking up against Alex in the hopes of making him enter her.

  Alex pressed his cock against her slit, her eager channel desperate for his shaft to enter her. A minute later, he did, sliding his large dick deep inside of Sophie with one long, hard stroke. She gasped as he entered her, her walls stretched wide, as he began to thrust in and out of her.

  The cold she still felt where the ice cubes had been quickly vanished from the friction caused by Alex’s thrusting, as he moved his cock in and out of Sophie, starting off slowly, but quickening the pace as time went past. He took his time, giving Sophie more and more pleasure with every stroke, her moans getting louder and more frequent with every passing minute. She was coming close to orgasm, and he knew it.

  He took his time, making sure he never went fast enough for Sophie to cum, making sure she only came when he wanted her to. “Ohhhhhh I wanna cum so bad” she finally cried in desperation, begging for the release he didn’t want to give her yet.

  “You’ll cum when I allow you to, slave” he replied in between grunts. As his own orgasm came nearer, Alex began thrusting faster, and faster, before finally they both fell into orgasm together. Their mingles cries of pleasure became one as they came, Sophie’s walls clenching on Alex’s cock as he shoved his shaft deep inside of her, his seed exploding into her body. She closed her eyes under the blindfold, enjoying the river of fire that rushed through her as the orgasm she’d been desperate for for so long was finally given to her. Her body convulsed with pleasure, her muscles clenched and her back arched as Sophie’s body was overtaken by something much stronger than herself.

  Finally, both their orgasms passed, and Alex collapsed next to Sophie on the bed. They lay together like that for a few minutes, Sophie’s legs still spread wide on the bed before Alex finally got up and untied her. She stretched her muscles for a minute before crawling under the covers with him.

  “There were a few times last week when I was worried we’d never get to do that again” Sophie told Alex, snuggling into the crook of his arm.

  “Don’t worry Sophie. You never have to be scared again, I’m going to take care of you” he whispered to her before they both fell asleep.

  For the next week Sophie had the vacation of her life. She walked with Alex through the streets of Rome, navigating twisty cobblestoned streets while enjoying a cup of gelato hand in hand with her boyfriend. They went shopping on Via Condotti, Alex buying her a new wallet and handbag, as well as some summer dresses and the most beautiful shoes Sophie could imagine. When they were tired, they would stop at a small cafe, nestled in a corner somewhere, and watch the people of Rome walk by while enjoying the best coffee Sophie had ever tasted.

  It was unlike anything she’d ever imagined. She had always wanted to visit Rome, but never thought she would see it for real. They went to the Coliseum and the Roman Forum, discovering history Sophie could only imagine, and Alex took her to the beach where they skinny dipped in the Mediterranean in the evening sun.

  They stayed in bed until mid morning, enjoying each others’ company in the honeymoon suite, slowly getting up and enjoying Roman delicacies for lunch. Sophie couldn’t get over how amazing the food was. When she’d moved to Manhattan, she thought she’d hit the holy grail of Italian food, but she found it once more here in Rome. Wood fired pizzas, handmade pasta cooked al dante in the sweetest, freshest tomato sauce Sophie had ever tasted. She mentioned once to Alex, “Promise we’ll never move here, as I’d have to spend half my life at the gym working off the food I’d eat,” making him laugh. “I can’t say I’d blame you, I feel the same way myself” he added, pouring her another glass of the finest red wine she’d ever tasted.

  They went to St. Peter’s in Vatican City, the most famous church in the world. When they left, Sophie complained her neck was sore from looking around so much. One day, Alex took her to a local grocery store on the corner, where they picked out fresh meats, cheeses, bread and wine, then went and had a picnic in the gardens of the Galleria Borghese, before admiring the exquisite artworks found inside the center.

  More than anything, Sophie liked simply wandering around the old city, going into small, independent designer’s shops and finding unique outfits that took her fancy. She liked looking at the architecture, the buildings being so different to those in America. “It feels as though we’ve stepped back in time hundreds of years, but are still in the present at the same time” she told Alex, who agreed with her completely.

  When they passed churches they would sometimes go in, finding that the most plain and drab exteriors sometimes had the most lavish of interiors. Everything in Rome was new to Sophie, and she savoured every second of it, made all the better by the fact that she was enjoying it with the love of her life.

  Sophie’s mind had definitely been taken off her ordeal, while the memories were still there in the back of her mind, she wasn’t worried at all. She knew she had Alex. She knew he would take care of her, as he’d rescued her once already. She knew that he loved her, she knew that she loved him, and she knew that no matter what, he was always going to be there for her.

  As they flew back to New York a week later on Alex’s jet, completely relaxed and invigorated after their week long holiday, Sophie nestled her head on his shoulder. She wasn’t afraid of going back. There wasn’t even a hint of fear, because she knew she had someone who would take care of her, no matter what.

  * * *

  As Sophie stepped out of the plane and onto the tarmac, towards the limo waiting for them in the private hangar, she let out a small sigh of relief. She didn’t mind flying too much, it wasn’t as though she was scared or anything, but a part of her was still always thankful when her feet finally hit terra firma once more.

  She had just come back from a trip to Italy, a week long holiday to take her mind off the hell she’d gone through days earlier. Sophie had been kidnapped, held for four days, and finally res
cued by Alex Carey, her billionaire boss who had taken her as his submissive eight months ago. Sophie had thought he’d gone to Germany on a business trip that would have netted him millions of dollars, but instead he’d stayed in New York to find her, finally rescuing her hours before her captors were given free rein to do what they wanted with her.

  Alex immediately decided to take Sophie wherever she wanted, and Italy was her destination. She spent a wonderful week with Alex in Rome, where he did his best to make her forget all about her terrible experiences and to remind her that he would be there for her no matter what.

  Now, their vacation over, Sophie and Alex were back in New York. The sun was just starting to set, and Alex had the limo drop them off at his apartment, Alex deciding he could take one more night off.

  What Sophie didn’t expect, however, was the trouble she had even getting out of the limo to walk between it and the building door. Alex held her hand and led her out, and when she finally reached the door, after what felt like an eternity, her heart was pounding. I guess I’m not as over my experience as I thought.

  Alex looked over at her curiously. “Are you alright, Sophie?” he asked. She nodded. “I’m fine, thanks, I’m just going to have to get used to life in New York again.”

  He looked at her gravely. “If you need anything, Sophie, anything at all, you let me know, alright? I know therapists, I know doctors, anything you need, you just ask.”


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