The Lawman and the Lady

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The Lawman and the Lady Page 22

by Pat Warren

  Tate nodded. “I found a twenty-dollar bill in my slacks pocket, a habit I have of always keeping some mad money readily available. I flagged down a cab and had him drive me here. I wasn’t sure you’d be here, and when you weren’t, I decided to wait for you.”

  She was jumpy with nerves as she came to the end of her story, Nick thought. “All right, I’m here. Now what?”

  Tate licked her dry lips. “Now is when I tell you that I’m sorry for acting so indifferent earlier to your wonderful plans. I assure you, it was an act. Now is also when I tell you again that I love you, and I’ve never said those words out loud to a man before, either. And now is when I swear that I trust you, not only to help me with Josh’s father, but I trust you with my heart.” She swallowed around a lump in her throat. “If you still want me, that is.”

  He took both her hands into his and smiled. “Lady, you’re exactly what I want. I told you before, I’ve always been certain I’d know the woman meant for me, and you’re the one. I told my brother that night we stood watching you dance with Papa. She’s the one, I said. And do you know what he said? Don’t let her go.”

  Nick rose, taking her up with him. “I’ve been looking all over this city for you, ever since Maggie called to let me know you were out walking in a downpour. I only came home to get something to eat and I was going to go out again. Because I’m never going to let you go. What’s that saying? You can run, but you can’t hide. That’s how I feel about you.”

  Her arms in the too-large robe went around him as her hands curled over his shoulders. “I don’t want to run anymore. With you is where I want to be.” Rising to her bare tiptoes, she pressed her mouth to his.

  Like coming home, Tate thought as his lips, softer than she remembered, gently kissed her. He held her loosely, their bodies barely touching, as he gave to her through his kiss, letting her know she was loved. Deeply, surely, forever.

  Tate eased back, her eyes fluttering open. “Make love with me, Nick. Like the songs says, make the world go away.”

  He needed no more encouragement as he picked her up and carried her into his bedroom. No man had ever carried her as if she weighed little more than a child, cradling her against his wide chest. She never would have guessed how wonderful it felt to give in, to let him be masterful.

  The blinds were slanted, letting in a faint gray light, and now a soft summer rain pebbled the roof. Nick nuzzled her neck, thinking how good she tasted, how clean and fresh. He set her on her feet and stood looking down at her lovely face as his fingers threaded through her hair, gently massaging her scalp. He kept it up until she slowly relaxed, until she was almost purring. Her pulse was already racing, with anticipation, with arousal.

  Then suddenly her eyes widened. “I’d better call Maggie. She must be worried sick.”

  “I called her while you were in the shower and told her you were with me.” He bent to nibble her ear.

  “That must have pleased her. You’re her champion.”

  “The woman has taste. And speaking of taste…” He trailed tiny kisses along her throat, stopping at the spot where her pulse pounded, branding it with his tongue. Mine, he thought. Forever mine.

  She needed him, wanted him, was impatient to have him. She who’d been celibate for years, who’d rarely even been slightly tempted, now felt wanton in her desire for this man. How quickly he’d changed her, she thought as her hands tugged his shirt upward. He straightened long enough to allow her to pull it off over his head and toss it aside. She buried her hands in the soft, curly hair of his chest, making a sound deep in her throat as her seeking fingers relearned him.

  Nick stepped back and untied the belt of the robe she was wearing, certain there was nothing underneath. As the folds fell away, he drew in a stunned breath as his trembling hand rose to lightly skim her sensitive skin. “I wonder if I’ll always feel so much when I see you like this. You’re so beautiful, Tate.” His voice was husky with desire reawakening.

  “I want to be beautiful—for you.”

  He eased the robe from her shoulders, saw it pool on the floor, and let his eyes devour her as she lay back down on the bed they’d only left early that morning. He was sure he didn’t deserve such beauty to be his alone. He would do everything in his power to guard it, cherish it.

  Nick removed his clothes slowly, for there would be no fast loving this time. He wanted to give her the gift of his tenderness which wasn’t always apparent in him. But she’d seen it and he meant for her to see it again and again. Her smoky-green eyes watched him as he shed his jeans and his briefs. He lowered to her, inhaling deeply of the scent she’d left on the bedcovers—honeysuckle, fragrant soap and warm woman.

  His mouth touched hers, a mere brushing of lips, a mingling of breath. Then he let his tongue tangle with hers in a slow dance, eyes open and on each other, bodies moving closer together. He knew she was a passionate woman, yet she held herself in check and let him lead the way. He deepened the kiss and saw her eyes change to an indigo-green.

  Tate was floating in a sensual delirium and her arms came around him, needing the contact. As his hands trailed down her skin, touching, teasing, she felt her bones melt. Her heart was already his and she knew her body would react this way only with him. Going limp in his arms, she let go and truly surrendered for the first time in her life.

  Nick’s heart was pounding so hard he was certain she must hear it. He’d experienced the passionate side of her, tasted desire on her soft skin, but to have her here with trust in her eyes, soft and pliant in his arms, aroused him greatly. She was a strong, caring, independent woman yet with him, she was able to show her vulnerable side. It was yet another gift for him to cherish.

  Her skin hummed everywhere he touched, and he touched everywhere. He stroked almost reverently and for the first time, she felt a womanly pride in her body that could give him such pleasure. His mouth journeyed along her rib cage, stopping here and there to plant soft, moist kisses, worked its way down then slowly started back up, driving her mad. She was no longer able to lie still, but moved against him. Because he couldn’t resist, he drove her up and reveled in her cry of protest when he switched his attention yet again to her breasts.

  Now he was driven to show her more, to show her everything. With his hands streaking, with his teeth nipping, with his mouth and tongue tasting, he took her again and again, closer to the edge. Her breath trembled from between her parted lips as he brought an ache to places she’d scarcely known existed. Caught in a haze of wonder, Tate could only follow.

  The velvety hair of his chest grazed her soft skin and caused an avalanche of sensation. Her shaky hands thrust into his hair and she held on as little bonfires of pleasure erupted. Her head spinning, she felt his strong arms quiver as he braced himself before bending to kiss her. Finally, fresh out of patience, Tate rolled to her back and took him inside her.

  Now there was music inside her head and the chorus kept whispering his name. She breathed in his sharp masculine scent as all her senses came alive. Her breath trembled out as he moved within her.

  Nick held himself in fierce control, moving slowly, wanting to make it last. He watched her eyes, the green darken with desire, and knew just when she was about to explode. His arms around her tightened in possession, in acknowledgment. She bolted as the final fire erupted through her. Then and only then did he allow himself to join her.

  Had she fallen asleep or had she been so lost in the moment that she’d drifted out of herself? Tate didn’t know which, knew only that her eyes opened slowly and she found herself lying across Nick who was languidly stroking her back. Her ear was pressed to his chest and she could hear the still thundering gallop of his heart. Their bodies were slick and damp with the loving, but she didn’t mind. She found everything about their joining erotic.

  Odd how a few weeks can change your life, she thought, still not moving. He’d come into her life such a short while ago, neatly moved himself into her heart and now, she couldn’t imagine her days without h
im. Or her nights.

  Despite how messed up her life was with problems, she was exactly where she wanted to be. He’d told her he’d take care of things, make everything right, and she believed him. She trusted him, and it felt good.

  “I love you,” he whispered into her hair.

  Tate rose on her elbows braced on his chest and leaned forward to kiss him, long and thoroughly. “Mmm, and I love you, too. Despite everything, I feel so lucky to have found you.”

  Nick toyed with her hair, gazing into her lovely face. “A week ago, I didn’t know you as well as now, the way your eyes turn emerald-green when you’re aroused, the soft sounds you make low in the throat when I’m loving you. Now I know you better and I want you even more.” He frowned, then it passed. “Is it all right if I say these things I feel, or are you going to back away from me again?”

  She shook her head, her hair grazing her shoulders. “I’m not going anywhere and you can tell me anything you want.”

  “Even that I’d like to buy you a ring?” He hurried on. “Not a wedding ring yet, but a ring to seal the promise.”

  Tate held up her left hand. “Size five-and-a-half.” She grinned foolishly, unable to stop smiling.

  “Done,” he said, then heard his stomach growling. “I think my stomach thinks my throat’s been cut. Much as I love lying here with you naked in my arms, if I don’t eat soon, I may start nibbling on you very seriously.”

  “We can’t have that.” She rolled from him, getting off the bed. “My clothes are sopping wet. I may have to borrow something to go home in.” She picked up the robe, slipped it on.

  They ate scrambled eggs and toast, trying to keep their minds off all their problems. But reality intruded and by the time they were doing the dishes, Nick was making plans.

  “Do you know if Adam has a residence he keeps here, maybe an apartment or a house? If he represents Arizona, he has to have an Arizona address or it isn’t legal.”

  “He uses his mother’s address I believe. Why?”

  That was the same information he’d learned earlier, but he’d hoped Tate knew of a secret hideaway Adam had where they could catch him unaware. “Was he calling locally or long distance when you spoke with him?”

  “I couldn’t tell.”

  Nick put away the frying pan they’d used as Tate wiped down the counter. “Easy enough to find out. If it was local, then he has to be here. Maybe visiting his mother. I think it’s time I paid him a little visit.”

  Tate’s heart lurched. “Isn’t that dangerous? I mean, accusing a United States senator…”

  “Who said anything about accusing?” he said, hanging up the dish towel. “I just have a few questions for him. I’d ask them in such a way that he’d know we’re on to him, just waiting for him to make a false move.”

  But she was skeptical. “I don’t know. He doesn’t intimidate easily.”

  “Neither do I.” Nick glanced out the window, then at the clock. “Let’s get you dressed and we’ll go over to Maggie’s.”

  She followed him into his room. “So let’s see what funky little outfit you have for me to wear.” She watched him study his clothes, picking through, trying to find something small. “You are spending tonight with us, aren’t you?”

  “You bet.” He came up with a pair of drawstring gray sweatpants and a T-shirt. “Best I can do.”

  “They’re fine.” Quickly Tate got dressed while Nick gathered fresh clothes for the morning. “Do you want me to change the sheets?” she asked, gazing at the thoroughly disheveled bed.

  “No,” he answered, coming up behind her, kissing her neck. “Your scent is on them. I’m never going to wash them.”

  She turned within his arms. “You’re crazy.”

  “Yeah, crazy in love.”

  Nick hung up the phone at his desk at the precinct. He’d been summoned by Internal Affairs to give his version of yesterday’s shooting of Jorge Espinoza and had spent nearly an hour answering questions. They would give their final ruling in two days, but the lieutenant assured both Nick and his partner that there was no problem in the way the case was handled. After that, Nick had made a few calls.

  The call Adam had made to Maggie’s house yesterday had been local, traced to his mother’s unlisted number. But when Nick had phoned that residence, a maid had answered and told him that Mrs. Weston was out of town and not expected back for several days.

  Nick sat pondering what his next move should be. Maybe the mother was out of town, but Adam could still be there. He’d checked every source he had and no other address was listed for Adam Weston in or around Tucson. He apparently still used his mother’s address when in town and to qualify for the senate seat he held.

  The wily senator was harder to flush out than Nick had imagined.

  No matter. Patience wins the race, he told himself. Meanwhile, he had other things to think about. He unlocked his top desk drawer and took out a small velvet box. Inside nestled a lovely emerald flanked by two small diamonds in a gold setting. As engagement rings went, Nick was certain there were many larger, more expensive. But this one suited Tate, he’d decided, the deep green color matching her eyes. He could hardly wait to watch her open it.

  Nick tucked the box into his pocket and checked his watch. The day had literally dragged by, or so it seemed, probably because he had something important to do tonight. He was going to pick Tate up after work for a quiet dinner at a little French restaurant he saved for special occasions. And there, he was going to formally ask her to marry him.

  He was aware that he was wearing a silly smile. He couldn’t help himself. He needed to make Tate his in some tangible way, to know she was promised to him. Tonight was the night.

  Checking his watch, he frowned. Only four. Maybe he’d go to Brennan’s and see if she could get off early. After all, she was in charge, right? What’s one hour?

  Signing out, Nick left, whistling.

  But the happy mood vanished when he got to Brennan’s and talked with Dave Anderson. “What do you mean, she rushed out of here an hour ago?”

  “Just what I said,” Dave managed to say, intimidated by Nick’s cop persona. “She got this phone call. I was standing alongside her and she turned white as a sheet. She hung up and told me that her sitter had called and that Josh was hurt. Then she rushed out of here.”

  Nick frowned. But Josh was up north with Helen and Joe. Did the boy get hurt on the farm somehow? And why hadn’t Tate called him when she heard the news? “Are you sure that’s what she said?”

  “Yes, positive.” Dave looked nervous. “Is something wrong?”

  “I don’t know. So you say Maggie Davis called and told Tate that Josh was hurt. Apparently Tate left here to go home, then, right?”

  “That would be my guess, but she didn’t say.”

  “Okay, thanks.” Nick hurried to his car, grabbed the phone and dialed Maggie’s. After four rings, the answering machine picked up. He hung up, then tried again. Same result. Something was definitely not right. Starting his engine, Nick shifted and raced out of the lot, tires squealing.

  Where in hell was Maggie this time?

  Chapter 12

  Nick swung the Taurus into Maggie’s driveway, noticing that Tate’s Buick convertible was parked in front. Odd since she always parked in the driveway, but she’d been upset and in a rush. Stopping to check out her car, he saw that her purse was on the passenger seat. She really had been rushing, he decided, grabbing the handle.

  He hurried onto the porch and knocked, also ringing the doorbell. Pausing, he listened, but no one inside was coming. Where had Maggie gone? She hadn’t driven herself. Had someone picked her up?

  He tried the door and found it was not only unlocked, but the lock had been broken. His hand slid to his holster and he drew his gun, removed the safety and shoved the door in. Maggie was on the couch, her hands and feet tied, a gag in her mouth.

  In shooting stance, Nick checked out the rooms before going over to untie her. He removed the gag a
nd helped her sit up. “Are they gone?” he asked, glancing up the stairs.

  Maggie rubbed her wrists. “There was only one, that dreadful man with the ponytail. He made me…oh, Lord, he made me call Tate at the bookstore and tell her that Josh was hurt, that she needed to come home right away. As soon as I got the words out, he hung up on her.”

  “Did she show up here? Her car’s out front.” He nodded toward Tate’s purse where he’d dropped it entering. “Her bag’s on the seat.”

  “I heard her car. You can’t mistake that old rattletrap. But he’d already tied me up by then and I couldn’t warn her. He was outside, waiting for her. The long black car was there, too. I’d seen it earlier. I just know he forced her go with him.”

  Nick viciously relegated his emotions to the back burner, to be dealt with later, trying to think like a cop, get the facts, act. “Did he call anyone from here or did you hear him talk with anyone outside?”

  Distraught, Maggie shook her head. “No, he didn’t make any other calls, just to Brennan’s. I couldn’t hear too well outside, but I don’t think anyone else was there. When Tate arrived, I heard her voice, then his, kind of like they were arguing. Then two doors slammed and the car drove away.”

  Checking the door more closely, Nick saw that the dead bolt was undamaged. “You didn’t have the dead bolt in place?”

  Maggie’s hands shook. “I…I must have forgotten. I’m so sorry. Where would he have taken Tate?”

  “I don’t know but I mean to find out.” But first, he had to make sure Josh was all right. “Do you have the number for Tate’s aunt and uncle up north? I’d like to check on Josh, just to be on the safe side.”

  “Tate wrote it down for me, but it’s in code. In my address book, look under Ralph.”

  Nick pulled the desk drawer open, found the worn little book and looked under R. Sure enough, there was Ralph with a phone number. He quickly dialed, hoping this was one of the days up there that the phone was working.

  After four rings, a woman’s voice came on the line. “Hello, Helen? This is Nick Bennett in Tucson. How’s everything up your way?” He didn’t want to alarm the woman.


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