Passionate Daddy

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Passionate Daddy Page 2

by Bailey Rock

  “When would I start?” Even though I’m surprised by my answer, he doesn’t look shocked that I would agree to work with him.

  “Today. Now. This is my office.” I look behind him and realize that we’re standing in front of a government building. He must work here, which is why he brought me here.

  “Now? I need to call my employer and quit, first.”

  “Sure, you can do that inside. Now, let’s go get you set up.”

  For a moment, I wonder if he has the power to just hire someone like this. He’s the district attorney, but it seems like someone else would have that job.

  But when we walk into the building, I realize that I’m wrong. Everyone here loves him and they seem like they’d do anything for him. He speaks to the receptionist right inside and she grins at me, coming around her desk to talk to me.

  “I’m Morgan,” she tells me, shaking my hand. “And I’m so glad that Mr. Eastwood here found someone to fill the position of his secretary. He’s a picky man, you know, so you must be good at your job.”

  “I…” Before I can interrupt her and tell her that I’m in over my head, she hands me a stack of papers.

  “Go ahead and fill these out. When you’re all set up in our system then you can go see what Mr. Eastwood needs from you.”

  There’s nothing for me to do but follow her directions, so I take the papers and a pen she offers me and start filling out my new paperwork, wondering what I’m getting myself into.


  While Morgan helps Jackie fill out her paperwork and get set up in the system I feel like I have a moment to catch my breath.

  When I went into the courthouse this morning I didn’t expect to come out of it with the perfect girl to work for me.

  There’s something about Jackie that’s incredibly appealing. Not only is she incredibly sexy, which means that I’ll have something to look at every day, but she’s got a spark to her that most people wouldn’t have if they had been in her situation.

  And since she doesn’t have family around here and needs a better paying job well…she’s perfect.

  I want to get her in my office so that she serves me every day, and I want her to serve me every night. That little skirt she had on today caught my attention and made me wonder what it would be like to bury myself completely in her.

  To take her for my own.

  I haven’t had anyone to play with in a long time, and I’m excited to have found her.

  Sure, she’ll help me with all of my daily work each day. She’ll run copies, answer the phones, and sit beside me in court to ensure that I have all of the paperwork and information that I need.

  But I want her to do more. I went out on a limb for her today and I told her that I would keep her safe from Mitch, but I didn’t tell her what I need her to do for me.

  I’m hoping that she’ll finish her paperwork soon so that we can talk before I have to go back to court for the afternoon. I want her to understand her new role as quickly as possible. As soon as she knows what I expect from her, then she’ll be able to better please me.

  She works here, sure, but at my pleasure.

  I’m getting hard just thinking about her, but that will have to way. There’s a tentative knock on my door and she leans in.

  “Jackie. Come on in and sit down.” I glance at the clock and am relieved to see that I still have plenty of time to get her oriented before I have to walk back to court. It wouldn’t be a good idea to bring her with me today. She’ll come with me in the future, but I don’t want to flaunt her in front of the judge just after I helped her get a reduced sentence.

  “Hi, Mr. Eastwood.” She comes in and perches carefully on the edge of the chair across from me. I lean back and take her in.

  She’s perfect.

  “Jackie, first things first. My name is Andrew, and I want you to call me that for the time being.”

  “Just for the time being?” She wrinkles her nose but then nods. “I can do that.”

  Good girl. She’s a fast learner and it seems like she’ll be willing to do what I want her to do. I hoped that she would have a spark of personality but not be so strong-willed that we bumped heads. She’ll do nicely.

  “Thank you. I’ll let you know when that changes. Now, Jackie, I’m going to have to go back to court soon, but I have some things for you to do while I’m gone. Even if you finish them early, I don’t want you to go home until we have a chance to talk, okay?”

  She nods, her eyes wide. I stand up and walk around my desk to lean against it and look down at her.

  Yes, she’ll look good on her knees.

  “What kind of things do you want me to do for you, Andrew?” Her eyes are locked on mine and from my angle I can see the curves of her tits. I want to strip her out of her clothes and examine every inch of her, but that will have to wait.

  I have to make her mine, first.

  “Paperwork. Filing. Answering the phones. Make sure you always wear heels and a skirt, it makes you look professional.”

  A shadow crosses her face and I pause. “Do you have a problem with that?”

  “No,” she says, drawing out the word. “But this is my own skirt. I’ll just have to go shopping this afternoon.”

  I nod. “Yes. Also, make sure that you’re here first in the morning and that you stay late. I may need you from time to time at my house when I’m working on a case. Is that going to be a problem?”

  She shakes her head. “Of course not.”

  “Great. In the morning you make me coffee and bring it in to me. After lunch, the same. Nobody else in the office makes me coffee now, just you. No matter what I ask you to do or bring me, I want you to do it.”

  “Okay. I can do that.”

  She’s desperate for this job and absolutely perfect for me. I’ll be able to keep my hands off of her for a little while just by enjoying the way she looks, but I know that I won’t be able to last for long. She’s delicious. That perfect pouty mouth of hers is begging to be kissed.

  “Before you go home every day, I want a foot rub.”

  This surprises her, but she does a good job of keeping her face neutral and she nods.

  “And I’ll sign you up for massage classes. A good massage is the best way for me to relax when I’m stressed out.”

  “Massage classes?” She looks down at her hands and then back up at me.

  My cock throbs when I think about her hands on me. Her hands are small and soft, and they’ll feel great rubbing my shoulders, my back…holding my cock.

  “Is that a problem?”

  “No, Andrew, it’s not.” Her voice shakes a little, but she manages to hold my gaze. “Is there anything else I can do for you?”

  I sigh and stand up. “Right now, I have to get back to court, but there are papers for you to file. Clean up my office and organize the piles of paperwork. I’ll be back before five. Are you hungry?”

  She nods and I hand her a menu from the deli across the street. “Feel free to order something and charge it to my tab. You can pay me back later.”

  “Thank you,” she says, but I’m already out of my office.

  I have to put some space between us right now.

  I need to make sure that she’s fully committed before I take it further. Tomorrow will be a good test, and I’ll get her signed up for massage classes right away.

  As soon as I know that she’s mine then I’ll take it further. I’m going to have her on her knees calling me Daddy as soon as possible.

  Chapter 3


  I can’t believe that I’m getting paid for this. It’s ridiculous, really. After Andrew went back to court for the afternoon I ordered a sub from across the street and ate it while sitting at his desk. After that, I leaned back in his chair for a bit and propped my feet up on the desk just to see how it felt to be the boss.

  It was fun, but at 3:00 I realized that I better start filing and cleaning his office so that it would look like I did something while he was gone. This
is going to be a cushy job and I don’t want to lose it on my first day here because I was taking it for granted.

  The filing is pretty easy, but my feet hurt, so I kicked off my heels and am doing it barefoot. From time to time I hear someone walk by his office, but nobody ever comes in to bother me, so I slowly work my way through his piles of paper getting them organized.

  I’m just putting the last file in his filing cabinet when footsteps stop outside his door.

  Even though I’m supposed to be here, I still freeze and stare at the door. My heart starts pounding. Am I scared? Am I just really excited to see him?

  I’m not sure, but I’m about to find out.

  He speaks to someone in the hall and the low rumble of his voice cuts through the door and makes me shiver.

  Nobody is going to believe me when I tell them how sexy my new boss is. Nobody.

  He enters the room and smiles when he sees that all of the papers are put away.

  “Nice job cleaning up, Jackie,” he says, but then he stops.

  “Is something wrong, Andrew?” I thought that I did exactly what he told me to do, but the look on his face is not happy. Before he answers, he shuts the office door and leans against it, allowing his gaze to rake slowly up and down my body.

  “You forgot one thing. One thing that I specifically talked to you about, Jackie. What do you think that is?”

  I glance around the room. Everything is cleaned up and filed. The office looks great and I even dumped my lunch trash in another trash can so his space wouldn’t smell. I’m about to tell him that I didn’t forget anything when my eyes land on my shoes.

  Crap. I kicked off my heels and didn’t put them back on.

  He was pretty specific about the fact that he wanted me to wear them at all times. I had meant to put them back on before he came back from court, but I lost track of time. They’re thrown in a corner of his office, and he must have seen them right as he walked in.

  “I took off my heels.”

  “You did. Do you remember what I said about what you’re supposed to wear?” He still hasn’t moved from the door and I feel a bit of panic rising in my chest.

  “I need to wear heels and a skirt at all times. I’m sorry, Andrew, but I’m not used to wearing them so I thought I could kick them off for a bit and then put them back on, but I forgot about them.”

  “I don’t pay you to forget.” He crosses the room to me and gently lifts my chin with his finger. I shiver at his touch and have to bite my lip.

  There’s something electric about the way he looks at me. When he touches me, I swear a feel a spark pass between us. It shoots from my chin down between my legs. I want to cross them, but right now I’m too afraid to move.

  “I’m sorry, Andrew.” I am sorry. I don’t want him to fire me, not only because I really need the money, but also because I want to see this through. I don’t know why I feel the way I do around him and when he touches me, but I don’t want it to stop.

  “You’re sorry. I’m glad. I’m going to look out for you, Jackie, but you have to play by the rules. Do you understand?”

  I swallow hard. He’s dropped his hand from my chin, but I ache for him to touch me again. I have to stop myself from reaching out and taking his hand or touching his arm.

  “I understand. Are there any more rules that I need to know?”

  His eyes darken for a moment. “There are, yes. But you’ll learn them the longer we work together, Jackie. There’s no reason for you to get overwhelmed right now. Just remember. You do what you’re supposed to and nothing bad will happen to you. I’ll protect you and take care of you. I’ll keep you safe. I’ll make you happy, okay?”

  I can’t help but wonder how he’s planning on making me happy, but I’m too afraid to ask. There’s something in his face that tells me to wait and not ask.

  “I’ll do better, I promise.” My panties are practically dripping right now and he’s so close that I can smell his cologne. It smells expensive.

  “Good girl. Now, Jackie, why don’t you go on and get out of here? I know that you have some shopping to do, right? Do you need money for some new clothes?”

  I do, but I’m afraid to tell him that. He must sense what I’m thinking, because he pulls his wallet from his pocket and hands me a handful of bills.

  “Skirts. Like this one, no longer. And buy another pair of heels. I like the blouse. What else?” He looks at me for a moment. “Nothing. You’re perfect. I’ll see you in the morning, Jackie. Be here early and make sure that you bring me my coffee. Sugar, no cream.”

  “Okay.” I stand up and have to brush past him to get to the door. He doesn’t move out of my and I feel the same jolt of electricity as I arms rub each other.

  I don’t know what the hell I’ve gotten myself into, but I want to see it through.

  There’s something more to Andrew than just him being a lawyer. Sure, he went out on a limb for me in court today, and I want to know why, but I also want to get to know him.

  I need to know why he makes me feel the way I do.

  I also need to know if I have the same effect on him.


  I slept great last night. I knew that I would since this morning I would get to see Jackie. After a quick workout and shower I head into the office early. I’m usually the first person there in the morning, but today I want to make sure that Jackie has listened and shows up on time.

  Even though I was a little disappointed yesterday that she would take off her heels after I had told her she needed to wear them, I can’t say that I’m surprised. It’s hard to go from living on your own and not having anyone to answer to and then suddenly having to do exactly what another person says.

  As long as she can learn quickly and is willing to listen to me, we’re going to be fine. Hell, we’ll be better than fine. I want her to call me Daddy, but talking to her yesterday made me realize that I may want more from her.

  I don’t think that I only want her for a short period of time. Jackie may be just what I want long-term.

  Given how yesterday was handled, I’m not surprised to see that she’s standing outside my office when I walk up. It’s drizzling out and she’s taken refuge under the awning at the front door. Her new skirt is a little shorter than yesterday and she’s paired it with a light sweater and tall heels.

  I like it.

  “Good morning, Andrew,” she says cheerily as I walk up. I like the attitude. So many times people can be grumpy in the morning, but I want a happy assistant.

  I’ll do my best to make her as happy as possible, but she has to meet me halfway, and it looks like she’s willing to. This is a good sign.

  “Jackie, you look great this morning. Thanks for listening to what I said yesterday.” I unlock the door and hold it open for her. She walks in in front of me, giving me a chance to look at her ass. It looks great in her short little skirt and I want to reach out and squeeze it.

  Not yet.

  “I’ll make your coffee, Andrew, and bring it right in. Then if you have any filing or anything to take care of I’ll get started, okay?”

  I nod and she walks off to the breakroom to start the coffee. While she does that I go into my office and get settled.

  After a few minutes she comes in, carrying my coffee. It smells delicious, but when she sets it down on the desk in front of me, I frown.

  “Bring it here, Jackie,” I tell her.

  She picks the mug back up and carries it around the desk to hand it to me. When I take it, she turns to walk off, but I stop her by reaching out and taking her wrist.

  Immediately there is a shock between us. her skin is cool and soft and I don’t want to let her go. She turns to face me and I can feel her bones twisting in her wrist.

  I like it.

  “Stand here, please. You’re going to hold my mug for me when I’m not drinking. Do you understand?”

  “Of course, Andrew. Whatever you need.” She tilts her head at me but stands where I told her to, holding the mu
g after I take my sips.

  This is good. I like how trainable she seems already.

  “Listen, Jackie, I’m going to be doing some work from home later this afternoon. Are you comfortable with coming to help me there?”

  For a moment, she doesn’t answer, and I realize that I’m holding my breath. I let it out slowly, waiting to hear what she’s going to say.

  I can’t take our relationship to the next level here in the office where someone may walk in. The only way to show her exactly what I need from her is to get her in my house.

  “Is that part of my job?”

  She’s smart. I like it.

  “Yes and no. There are probably going to be some things that I ask you to do that aren’t technically part of your job, but that I really want to you do anyway.”

  “Like what?” She takes my mug from me and takes a sip while locking her eyes on mine.

  My cock twitches and I adjust my position in my seat. Does she really want to go there with me right now?

  “Well, that depends.” I stand up and take a step towards her, reaching out and grabbing her by the wrist. She gasps but doesn’t move, and I pull her so that her body is pressed up against me.

  It’s so quiet in my office that I can hear the clock down the hall ticking. Nobody else is here. It’s just the two of us, which is what I like.

  I wonder how far to push her. It can be dangerous to push someone too far, too fast. They’ll push back and then everything falls apart.

  But she seems ripe. Ready.

  “I want you to come to my house and help me in my office there.”

  “Same rules? High heels, coffee, that sort of thing?”

  I smile at her. She’s breathing hard and her sweater is pulled tight against her tits. I can’t see her cleavage like I could yesterday, but this form-fitting sweater is sexier.

  It’s like she’s all for me.

  “Yeah, that sort of thing. What do you say?”

  The way I’m holding her wrist means that I can feel her pulse. Her heart is beating wildly, but she doesn’t pull away.


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