Passionate Daddy

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Passionate Daddy Page 5

by Bailey Rock

  I don’t know how we got here in our relationship, but I don’t want to turn back now.

  “Oh, Jackie, I need you,” he moans, sliding his hands up my body and lightly brushing my nipple with the pad of his thumbs. I moan, arching my back so that my tits are pressed into his hands. He reaches behind me and unhooks my bra, tossing it aside before he leans down and takes one nipple in his mouth.

  Gently he sucks it, and I grab his head, holding him in place. Already my clit is throbbing for him and my skin feels like it’s on fire no matter where he touches me.

  “Don’t stop, Daddy,” I moan, closing my eyes.

  He doesn’t, and keeps lightly tracing my free nipple. After a moment, though, he slides one hand down between my leg and plucks my panties out of the way.

  “Let’s see how you taste today, Jackie,” he tells me, sliding down my body. I shiver at his touch and want to buck my hips up, but he holds them down.

  “Please, Daddy.” I don’t know what I want from him, but I do know that I won’t be able to handle it if he stops.

  “You’ve been a good girl, Jackie. Let Daddy take care of you. I love the way you taste, and I just want a little before I bury myself in you, okay?”

  Moaning in response is all I can do. I feel like my entire body is on fire and I can barely control myself. He tugs my panties off of me and tosses them aside before lightly licking me.

  Immediately, I shudder, and my toes curl as he licks my clit. He has no idea the effect he has on me and how much I want him. I’m throbbing for him, my entire stomach is twisted and aches for his touch.

  To feel him in me.

  But he wants to taste me, and I know that Daddy always gets what he wants, although he’s always happy to give me something in return.

  “You taste so good, Jackie,” he says, sitting up for a moment to look at me. “Now let’s see how you feel.”

  I hope that he’s going to fully enter me – I need to feel his cock filling me – but he slides two fingers in me, stroking me. It’s enough to send me over the edge, but not yet.

  Not when he’s taking his time.

  “You’re gorgeous, Jackie.” When he rubs my clit with his thumb, I shudder under his touch. Everything about this man is heaven, and I don’t want him to stop. “I love you.”

  I barely have time to register what he’s said before he drops his head back down between my legs and begins to suck and nibble me again.

  I can’t hold on. With his words ringing in my ears, I come, my juices washing over him, my fingers wrapped in his blankets. Every nerve in my body feels like it’s on fire and my toes cramp and curl.

  I’ve never felt anything like this before.


  I couldn’t help myself.

  Everything about Jackie is perfect, and I just had to tell her how I felt. She came immediately after, hard, on my face, and I lapped her up, not wanting to miss a drop of her sweet juice.

  For a moment, she lays still, breathing hard. Her face and chest are flushed, but I know from this past month that I can easily make her come again. This time, though, I want to be fully inside her. For the first time since we’ve been together, I want to bury myself in her when she comes.

  I want to feel her muscles tight around my cock as she milks me dry.

  “Daddy,” she manages, finally, sitting up to look at me, “did you mean what you said?”

  Hell, yes, I meant it. I’ve been wanting to say it for a while, but I hadn’t been totally sure that she felt the same way about me as I did about her.

  But then I just couldn’t hold it back any longer. I’ve never been with someone like Jackie before, and I know that she’s it for me. She’s the person I want to be with for the rest of my life. I want to pleasure her every single day.

  “I meant it.” I slide up next to her and kiss her. She’s hesitant at first, but then pulls me closer, wrapping her arms around my neck.

  “I love you, Daddy. I’ve loved you for a long time but I didn’t know. I didn’t know if you felt the same way about me.”

  I can feel her heart pounding in her chest, and I pull back a moment to kiss her, crushing her mouth with mine and forcing hers open so I can taste her. So she can taste herself.

  “You are everything to me, Jackie. I have been missing you from my life and I didn’t even know it until I saw you that day in the courthouse. Everything about you is perfect and makes me happy. Will you marry me?”

  She gasps and I roll over to open the drawer of my bedside table. Once I find the ring I bought her weeks ago, I roll back and hold it out to her.

  Jackie’s eyes are bright and she looks like she’s going to cry, but she nods. “Yes, Daddy, I will marry you! I love you!” She laughs as I slip the ring onto her finger and then holds it out to look at it. “I had no idea that I could be this happy.”

  “Me either.” Slowly I trace down the curves of her body, ending with a squeeze on her hip that pins her partly to the bed. “Although, I can think of one way that we could both be happier.”

  She raises an eyebrow at me and then sucks in her bottom lip to chew on it. “I can, too.”

  I kiss her again, hard, then slide down between her legs, positioning my cock at her entrance. I’ve been hard and throbbing for her this entire time, and now I’m going to get my release.

  “I want to fill you with my seed, Jackie, and see you pregnant with our child.”

  “Yes. Yes, Daddy.” She rocks her hips up to me and I grab them, holding her in place.

  Slowly I thrust forward, feeling her tight pussy squeeze my cock. She moans and closes her eyes while I thrust into her, filling her completely and finally claiming her for my own.

  “Oh, Daddy,” she moans. My cock, already hard, throbs even more at the sound of her voice and the way she calls my name.

  She’s such a perfect thing for me and I love her. I love everything about her, but I really love being in her. I slide in and out of her, aided by how wet she is. We fit together perfectly, just like I knew that we would.

  I knew that once we finally came together, nothing would pull us apart. I knew that we would be absolutely perfect for each other.

  “Oh, Jackie, you feel so good,” I tell her, stopping for a moment to kiss her. Then I thrust again, letting go of her hips so that she can buck them up to me.

  She does, and I reach between us to rub her clit. I barely touch it and she moans, reaching up to pull me down to her. Digging her nails into my back, she holds herself in place as I prepare to pull another orgasm from her.

  This is all I ever want to do anymore. I want to be inside of my sweet Jackie, on the edge, taking her with me. She opens her eyes and focuses on me, breathing hard as she looks into my eyes.

  “I’m going to come, Daddy,” she whispers, then bites her lower lip. In response, I kiss her, harder than before, crushing her body with mine. She feels like heaven and I don’t ever want to be out of her, but we’re both going to come soon.

  “Come with me, Jackie,” I whisper, rocking my hips so that I stroke her sensitive spot. Her clit is hot and throbbing under my thumb and it only takes another stroke to send her over the peak.

  When I do, her muscles clamp around me, and I swear, closing my eyes as I come. Thrusting deeper into her, I fill her as much as possible, feeling my cock swell and my hot seed shoot into her.

  She’s mine.

  And she’s going to be so gorgeous pregnant.

  “Jackie!” I call out her name as she digs her nails even deeper into my back, panting hard as she hangs onto me. We ride out our orgasms together, until finally I slide from inside her and flop on my back next to her on the bed.

  “Holy. Shit. Daddy.” She’s breathing hard and that’s all she can manage until she catches her breath. “That was…amazing.”

  It was. It was worth the wait, but now that I’ve had all of her, I know that I’m not going to be able to wait long again. I want to take her all of the time, in every room of the house.

  In f
act, I know just how to celebrate the fact that we both quit our jobs.

  “You’re amazing.” I reach over and take her hand, pulling it to rest on my chest. She rolls over and curls up against me.

  In that moment I know that I have everything I need, and I’m going to do everything necessary to keep her safe and happy.

  Jackie’s my world.

  We’re going to expand our lives together with kids, sure, but right now, she’s all I need.

  “I’m just so lucky that I found you,” I tell her, turning my head to look at her. “And now that I have you, I don’t ever want to let you go.”

  “Then don’t.” She snuggles up closer to me and drapes her leg over mine, holding me in place. “Promise me that you’ll never let me go, Daddy.”

  “I won’t.”



  “Are you totally sure about this? I mean, one puppy seems reasonable, but two…isn’t two a little much?” Andrew’s holding two squirming golden retriever puppies, one under each arm. They both have a huge bow tied around their neck and are wiggling and slobbering to get down.

  “You really think that just one puppy would be a good idea? The kids would revolt.”

  Our twins turn six today and have been begging for a puppy. My thought is that while one puppy is going to be a lot of work, a second one can’t be that much worse, so we might as well just go for it. Andrew was totally on board but now he’s looking a little worried.

  “Sure, but…that’s two kids and two puppies. Just seems like maybe we’re losing our minds here.” He grins at me, though, and I know that he’s not really upset or worried. He loves the kids and he loves animals as much as I do. In fact, the two puppies had been his idea originally.

  “Well, maybe for a while we’ll have two.”

  I was frosting a cake before Andrew brought the puppies in to see me in the kitchen and I turn back to it now.

  Mary wanted chocolate, and Emily wanted vanilla, so I made a towering four-layer cake that alternates the two. They’re going to love it, especially when in finish with the hot pink frosting and the tons of sprinkles that I’m going to press up the sides.

  Andrew puts the puppies down and they immediately start running around the kitchen looking for fallen scraps.

  “What does that mean?” He leans on the counter and looks closely at me, but I pretend to be fully engrossed in the cake.

  When I don’t answer him right away, he tries again. “Jackie, love, what do you mean by that?”

  I finish with the frosting and put down my knife before looking at him.

  I love this.

  I love knowing things that he doesn’t know and then making him wait to find out.

  Although, honestly, this secret was a little harder to keep than some of my others in the past.

  I wanted to shout this secret from the rooftops, but I figured that I would keep it quiet, at least at first.

  But now’s a perfect time to tell him.

  “Okay,” I say, brushing my hands off on my apron. “You ready?”

  He nods and leans in, but just then, the door to the kitchen swings open.

  “Is the cake ready?” Mary and Emily lean in the door and immediately the two puppies zoom across the kitchen to them.

  “Puppies!” It’s impossible to tell which of the twins that was. They’re both on the ground now, squealing and laughing as the puppies wiggle on their laps and kiss them.

  Andrew and I both laugh and I look up at him and shrug. “Later?”

  He nods and swings his arm around me to pull me close. “Later.”


  It’s finally later. The kids are in bed, everyone is gone from the party, and the puppies only had three accidents between the two of them, so I feel like we’re coming out on top.

  Jackie’s in the kitchen putting the cake away, but after a moment, she comes out to me and kicks her heels off before stretching out on the sofa. I grab her feet and pull them into my lap to massage them.

  “Oh, man, that feels good. Don’t you dare stop.”

  I laugh and keep rubbing them. “So, what is it that you wanted to tell me earlier before the party?”

  She sits up and grins at me pulling her feet out of my lap so she can swing around and snuggle up against my side. Jackie fits perfectly here, and I pull her close so her head is resting on my shoulder.

  “Well, you made the comment about two kids and two puppies, remember?”

  I nod. I remember, and that comment has stuck with me all afternoon, even through the party. I have a feeling that I know what she’s going to say, and I hope I’m right, but I still need to hear it from her.

  “What if I told you that soon the puppies would be outnumbered?” She sits up and turns to look at me and I’m struck by how gorgeous she really is. Her lips are full and her cheeks have a slight flush to them.

  Come to think of it, she’s looking a little curvier than she normally does. Her hair is thick and long and has a shine to it that it normally doesn’t. I should have seen this coming.

  I can’t believe that I missed all of the signs, but I wasn’t looking for them.

  We got pregnant with the twins right away, before the wedding even, without really trying. Then, they were our life and we didn’t really think about having any more. As the girls got older and older, the idea of having another baby in the house didn’t cross my mind as much.

  But now? Now it’s been all I can think about. Now I have to know.

  “Are we having another baby?”

  She sucks in a breath and holds it while she nods. Her eyes are bright and looks like she’s going to cry.

  Hell, I feel like I may cry.

  My perfect wife. My perfect family. She’s making it even more amazing by giving us the gift of another child. I can’t believe how blessed I am and how much I love her and the girls.

  “How far along are you?” I reach out and touch her stomach. There’s a slight curve there, but nothing that she hasn’t been able to hide with clothes. She must not be too far along yet.

  “Just eight weeks. I wanted to know for sure before I told you. And the girls, well, they can wait a bit longer. I want to share this with just you for a while.”

  Eight weeks. We have a little longer to go before our new daughter or son is here. I wonder which it will be. I wonder what the girls will say.

  That’s silly, I know what they’re going to say. They’ve been wanting a little sibling for years, and they’ll be over the moon.

  “I can’t believe it.” I lean down and kiss Jackie, wanting to remind her how much she means to me. I love you so much.”

  “I love you! I’ve been dying to tell you, but I wanted to wait until the right time. Are you happy?”

  “I couldn’t be happier, you know that. You are perfect to me, Jackie. Thank you.”

  She raises an eyebrow. “Thank you for what?”

  “For changing my life. For helping me make a family that I love and am so proud of. For being everything to me. I had no idea how much I was missing before I found you, Jackie, and now I promise that I’ll never let you go.”

  “Oh, Daddy, I love you.” She sighs and leans against me. I pull her close and kiss the top of her head.

  God, I love her. I love our family. I love us.

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