Amanda_A Contemporary Retelling of Emma

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Amanda_A Contemporary Retelling of Emma Page 27

by Debra White Smith

  With the earth tilting beneath them, Nate pulled away, rested his forehead on hers, looked in her eyes, and said, “You told me you didn’t think there could ever be any romance between us. What do you think now?”

  “I think I was daft,” Amanda said.

  Nate kissed the edge of her mouth and said, “Do you think there could ever be any marriage between us?”

  “Marriage?” Amanda whispered and eased away. “Oh my word! Marriage?”

  “Well . . .” Nate nervously observed her face. “That is usually what people do when they fall in love.”

  “But what about Daddy?” She rested her forehead on Nate’s shoulder. “He’s the reason I decided not to ever get married. And now!” She lifted her head and begged for an answer. “What do we do now?”

  “I could always move in here.” Nate shrugged and motioned toward the villa.

  “You’d do that?” Amanda asked. “You’d give up your beach house?”

  “Now, I didn’t say that!” Nate said with a cunning grin. “We could still use it for weekends, but I’d be fine staying here most of the time. I really like your dad. I think he likes me, too.”

  “Yes. I think he’ll be fine with our getting married,” Amanda replied.

  “I know I’m fine with it,” Nate said. “And it can’t happen soon enough.”


  Two weeks later, Amanda stood on the porch of a white cottage. Nate knocked on the door, and they waited. Amanda looked up at him and tried to smile. “I’m really nervous,” she admitted and toyed with the large solitaire claiming her left ring finger. Ten days ago, she and Nate had taken a special trip to Paris, and came back with the ring and many precious memories. Amanda touched the stone, shimmering in the porch light, and wished the bluish diamond could bequeath her some bravery.

  “It’s going to be fine,” Nate said and squeezed her hand. “Roger’s a great person. Very easy and forgiving. You’ll love him. Just give him a chance.” Nate leaned closer and kissed her cheek.

  Amanda clung to his arm and relished his support. This was the first time she had spoken with Roger since before Haley broke up with him several months ago. There were no secrets. Roger fully understood the role Amanda played in trying to stop Haley from marrying him.

  Now that they were married and settled into the cottage, Roger and Haley had invited Nate and Amanda over as their first guests. Before they arrived, the couple had made a pact never to tell Haley that Amanda had thought she and Nate were engaged. Amanda decided that little piece of embarrassing information should never be aired.

  A muffled “woof” from beside the house preceded Goldie’s appearance near the porch.

  “Goldie!” Amanda cheered. Wagging her tail, the dog trotted up on the porch and absorbed every ounce of affection Amanda offered.

  The cottage door opened, and Haley exclaimed, “You’re here!”

  “We’re here! We’re here!” Amanda said and wrapped her aproned friend in a hug. The smell of broiling salmon welcomed the guests along with Roger’s, “Hullo out there!”

  “Hello!” Nate and Amanda called in unison.

  Amanda glanced across the cottage’s interior. Haley had a way of stretching money as no one Amanda had ever met. The cottage looked like it belonged in a home magazine, but Amanda suspected Haley was in the throes of decorating the whole thing for pennies on each dollar.

  “This is so cute!” Amanda exclaimed and fell in love with everything from the rock fireplace to the polished wooden walls to the chintz furniture covers.

  “We love it,” Haley said.

  “Nate!” Roger exclaimed from the kitchen’s entryway.

  Amanda turned to see the two men shake hands and whack each other on the shoulders. “Good to see you,” Nate said. “You’re looking much more relaxed than the last time I saw you.”

  “Yes, but was I married then?” The two men laughed.

  Haley moved to Roger’s side, slipped her arm around him, and patted the front of his sweater. “He’s fattening up nicely,” she said.

  Amanda smiled toward Roger, and he nodded. “Amanda, it’s good to see you,” he said.

  “Thanks,” Amanda looked at Nate and rubbed her hands along the front of her fur-trimmed jacket.

  “Let me take your coats,” Haley offered, and Amanda and Nate both relinquished their coats. “I’ll put them in the hall closet,” Haley offered.

  “Here. Let me help,” Nate said.

  Amanda pressed her lips together and gave Nate a wide-eyed glare. He glared back and jerked his head toward Roger. Tempted to wrap herself around Nate’s legs as he left the room, Amanda awkwardly stood near the doorway, toyed with the hem of her sweater, and stared at the flames flickering in the fireplace.

  She knew Roger was watching her. She also knew Nate had gone with Haley to give Amanda the space to do what she needed to do. He’d probably ask Haley for a grand tour just to make certain Amanda had plenty of time. She cleared her throat and dared to look at Roger.

  Opening her mouth, Amanda planned to begin the rehearsed spiel, but instead said, “Need any help in the kitchen?”

  “Oh, uh, sure!” Roger said. “You can butter the bread. It’s almost time to put it in the oven.”

  Amanda followed Roger into the small kitchen and recognized Haley’s touch in every corner, right down to the row of ceramic chickens hanging on the wall. She picked up the butter knife lying near a cookie sheet covered in sliced bread.

  Roger opened the oven and peered inside. “Salmon’s almost done,” he declared.

  Amanda eyed the tub of whipped butter, scraped the knife over the top, and prayed for an extra boost of courage. The time had come to voice the apology. “Roger . . .” Amanda pinched at a piece of bread.

  “Yes?” He turned from the oven.

  “I’m s-s-sorry,” she said.

  His forehead wrinkled. “Really?”

  “Yes. Really.” Amanda nodded. “I should have never interfered in yours and Haley’s lives like I did. If it’s any consolation, I thought I was doing the right thing. I just didn’t understand that you really loved her and . . . I guess I didn’t understand a lot.” She helplessly shrugged.

  “It’s okay.” Roger neared and smiled at her. “Nate thinks you’re the best thing in the universe. If he’s so sure, then I’ve decided to give you some grace.”

  Amanda smiled. “And I guess I’ll give you a chance.”

  “Might as well,” he said with a cocky-yet-endearing smile. “Looks like we’re in-laws.”

  Laughing, Amanda nodded. “Yes, looks that way.”

  “Well now, isn’t this cozy,” Nate said as he and Haley entered the kitchen.

  “We were just discussing our in-law status,” Roger said. “I’m married to Amanda’s adopted sister, and she’s about to marry my cousin.”

  “About to?” Nate said and lifted his left hand. A golden wedding band claimed his ring finger.

  Roger and Haley silently gaped at the ring for several seconds before looking at Amanda. She raised her left hand to reveal her own wedding band nestled against her engagement ring.

  “You aren’t the only ones who can be quick and sneaky!” Amanda said with an impish grin.

  Haley squealed and lunged at Amanda. The two women fell into a sister hug that left the men laughing. “When did you two do this?” Haley exclaimed and pulled away.

  “Well . . .” Amanda drawled and looked at Nate.

  “When you two got married and ran off to New Zealand, we got inspired. So we had a tiny wedding with just our parents and Bev and Gordon. Then we shut down Amanda’s office, sent Harold off to Bev and Gordon’s, and flew to Paris. We just got in yesterday.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me!” Haley exclaimed and slapped at Amanda.

  She shrugged. “We wanted it to be a surprise,” Amanda said.

  “Well, I’m surprised!” Haley admitted.

  “You old goat,” Roger said and punched at Nate’s arm. “You move fast,
don’t you?”

  “Me?” Nate said. “It took me fifteen years to get Amanda to marry me.”

  She moved to Nate’s side, wrapped her arms around him, and kissed his cheek. “But I’m worth waiting for, don’t you think?”

  “I must admit I had to raise you first,” Nate teased and pulled her closer.

  “Maybe I was raising you,” Amanda shot back.

  “Ouch!” Roger winced.

  “I’m soooooo mistreated,” Nate complained.

  “Yes, we all believe that,” Haley mocked. “You already look as spoiled as Mr. Priebe.”

  “Oh, don’t you believe it,” Nate replied. “She’s the one who’s spoiled!”

  As the group of friends fell into companionable laughter, Amanda observed her husband and relished his admission. She was spoiled already. He’d served her breakfast in bed in Paris, massaged her feet in the hot tub, and swept her away to a romantic restaurant where he hired a violinist for their own private serenade. Nate couldn’t seem to do enough for Amanda, and Amanda couldn’t seem to stop falling in love.

  About the Author

  Debra White Smith continues to impact and entertain readers with her life-changing fiction and nonfiction books, including the JANE AUSTEN SERIES and the LONE STAR INTRIGUE series, Romancing Your Husband, and The Divine Romance: Experiencing Intimacy with God. She has been an award-winning author for years with such honors as Top-10 Reader Favorite, Gold Medallion Finalist (Romancing Your Husband) and Retailer’s Choice Award Finalist (First Impressions and Reason and Romance). Debra has sixty book titles to her credit and over a million books in print.

  Debra and her husband of thirty-five years co-pastor a small church in East Texas, and she speaks at ministry events across the nation. She has been featured on a variety of media spots, including The 700 Club, At Home Live, Getting Together, Moody Broadcasting Network, Fox News, Viewpoint, and America’s Family Coaches. She holds two graduate degrees—an MA in English and an EdS in Education—and is a PhD candidate at Northwest Nazarene University.

  To write Debra or contact her for speaking engagements, check out her website at



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