The Way I Like It

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The Way I Like It Page 8

by Jenika Snow

  He pulled her forward again, keeping her wrists locked in his grip, and resting them on his chest. “Suck me until I fucking come.”

  His hard language did something dirty to her, made her feel like she was free. She moaned at the salty flavor of him in her mouth, covering her tongue. On her knees, her thighs slightly open now, she had no friction on her throbbing clit, and God did she need some friction, at least a little rubbing motion. Letting her mouth do the work, she started sucking him with fervor.

  “Yes, fuck yes.”

  She could see his attention was on her mouth.

  “I fucking love that you’re lips are stretched wide around my big cock.” He looked into her eyes now. “You’re hungry for my dick, for my spunk, aren’t you?”

  She nodded and moaned.

  “Yeah you are,” he whispered, as if to himself. He started lifting his hips, thrusting his dick deeper into her mouth, and causing her to gag.

  She breathed out through her nose, loosened her throat, and let him take control. She needed him to.

  “You doing okay, baby?”

  She nodded. Yeah, she was more than okay.

  “I’m going to make you swallow my jizz until there is so much you can’t keep it all in your mouth.”

  She couldn’t breathe, couldn’t do anything but allow him to use her in the way they both needed. Striker started breathing heavier, tightened his hold on her wrists, and cursed.

  “That’s it, baby girl.” A deep groan left him, and he thrust into her once more before stilling. She felt the hard jets of his cum fill her mouth before sliding down the back of her throat. When a drop of his seed slipped out of her mouth and she gagged from the intensity of the act, he pulled her away from his cock. She felt the drop of cum on her bottom lip, but she didn’t move to lick it off, especially since he was staring at her mouth, transfixed by the sight.

  “You should see yourself right now,” he murmured. He reached out and ran his thumb over her bottom lip, collecting that droplet. He didn’t say anything as he forced his thumb into her mouth, making her suck the digit clean.

  “Tell me how good it tastes.”

  She opened her mouth and sucked in a lungful of air.

  “It’s so good.”

  He didn’t say anything for a second, and then smirked this wicked little tilt of his lips. “I’m not nearly done with you yet.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Where the fuck had this woman been all of his life. Striker stroked her cheek and ran the tip of his finger down her throat until he cupped her neck beneath his palm. Elena had swallowed his cum like a fucking pro. He’d been with so many whores who made all the fake noises, and pretended to get off on what he was doing to them, but Elena, she wanted to be there, and he loved her being there.

  “Did you like sucking my dick?” he asked.


  “You’ve never had your pussy licked before, have you? You’re virgin through and through.” Fuck, that turned him on. An untouched woman before had never affected him, yet right now, Elena was turning him on. She was pure, untouched, and at his mercy. He wanted to fuck her really fucking bad and make her scream. Before he put his dick inside her, he was going to taste her and find out how damn sweet she was.

  “No man has touched me. It wasn’t allowed.”

  “You belong to me now, Elena. After tonight, I’ll let you make a decision, and once that decision is made, you can’t back out of it.”

  “I’m not going to back out of it.”

  He slammed his lips down on hers as he gave her one more chance to get away from him, only one, then she belonged to him, and he had no intention of ever letting her go.

  Licking her bottom lip, he pulled away and smiled. “Sit on the sofa and spread your legs wide.”

  She didn’t question him and did exactly what he asked. Her instant submission only turned him on even more. Usually, he had to train women to obey his command. She sat down on the sofa and spread her legs exactly like he’d asked.

  “Place your ass on the edge, and I want your legs open as far as you can.”

  Elena followed his instructions.

  Sinking down to his knees, he moved toward her. As he moved closer, he kept his gaze on hers. “Do you want to run?” he asked.

  “No, I don’t.”

  “You’re being very brave.”

  “You make me feel safe. I’ve nothing to be scared when I’m with you. You’ll take care of me.”

  He placed his hand on her knees and pushed them a little bit wider, making her arch up. “Show me your tits. I want them pressed up so I can see them. They’re a thing of beauty, and not something you should ever be allowed to hide.” Pushing his body between her thighs, he ran his hands up her knees, stomach, to cup her tits. They were large, and his cock couldn’t want to fuck them, or to spunk all over them. She’d look so damn sexy with his spunk coating every single inch of her skin. He pinched the buds and moaned as he did so.

  She gasped, pressing her chest against his hands.

  “You’re very responsive, baby. Do you like what I’m doing to you?” he asked.

  “Yes, please don’t stop. I don’t want you to stop.”

  He didn’t want to stop, not now, not ever. Leaning over her, he took one of her large nipples between his lips and sucked on the tip hard. He swirled his tongue around the tip then bit her nipple just a little before soothing it out. Gliding his tongue across her chest, he circled her other nipple, giving it the same kind of attention.

  Striker was addicted to her nipples. Pressing her tits together, he couldn’t help but play with her body.

  “I’m going to fuck these one day, baby, and spunk all over them.”

  He heard her gasp, and when he looked into her eyes, he saw she was aroused by what he’d just said.

  “You’ve got a hidden dirty side, haven’t you, baby?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “We’ll explore that together.” Kissing back down her body, he moved his hands between her thighs, and opened the lips of her pussy. Her clit was swollen, and her entire cunt juicy. “I want a taste of you. Now, Elena, I don’t want you to make a sound. You make a sound, and I will put you over my knee and spank that beautiful ass.”

  “I won’t make a sound.”

  “The moment I put my mouth on your pussy, your time will start. You make a sound, and you’ll be in trouble.”

  “No sound, I’ve got it, Sir.” She gave him a smile, and it almost undid him.

  There was no way she could know what she was doing to him. Her innocence was so easy to see. Pressing a kiss to her stomach, he moved down her body, and placed his mouth mere inches from her pussy. He heard her take a gasp and start to wriggle just a little. “Remember, the moment my lips touch this pussy, no sound.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Sliding his tongue against her clit, he flicked it back and forth. Glancing up her body, he saw her eyes were closed, and she was frowning. Her body shook as he teased her pussy. She was a virgin to the core, and there was no way she’d be able to stay silent for long. He would get the chance to mark her body, and he couldn’t wait to show her how good it could be between them.

  Striker was making it hard for her to stay silent. Elena kept her eyes closed in an attempt to fight the overwhelming pleasure he was giving her. His tongue had to come straight from hell, and he was tormenting her. It was just too hard to handle the pleasure.

  Opening her eyes, she stared down and saw his tongue against her pussy; she was trying so hard not to make a sound.

  Biting her lip even harder, she contained as many sounds as possible, but it was just too much.

  He used his teeth and soothed out the pain with his tongue, and she exploded, screaming out his name and begging for more. The game hadn’t been played fair. He was by far the more experienced of the two of them, and there was no she’d ever had a chance of winning.

  Staring into Striker’s eyes, she watched him sit back with a smile on his f
ace. “You made a noise.”

  She was not scared or nervous; she was excited. Elena wanted his brand of ownership on her body. She wanted to belong to him, and it meant more than just a man being in charge. Her parents wanted her to be owned by a man who didn’t love her, didn’t care about her, and would only use her for his own pleasure. Striker, he was nothing like her uncle. He was someone who cared and wanted her to enjoy her life with him. He didn’t need to say anything; his actions spoke louder than words.

  He licked his lips, and Elena waited for him to instruct her.

  Keeping silent, she watched as he looked around the room.

  “Slide off the sofa.”

  She slid down.

  “I want you on your knees, your arms resting against the sofa.”

  Elena leaned on the sofa, pressing her hands flat on the soft cushions. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

  “I like order in my life, Elena. I’m not a good man. I have killed people, and I will do anything the club tells me to.”

  He placed his hands on her hips, and she jumped a little. She couldn’t help it.

  “You can tell me to stop at any time, and I will stop.”

  “I don’t want you to stop. I disobeyed, and now you have to punish me.” Why was she so excited about it? She craved Striker’s mark even though she hadn’t known him all that long.

  He’d called himself a killer, and she knew he was part of an MC, an MC that killed people. He was a bad man, but he made her feel so alive, and that had to count for something. She wanted him, and she wanted this to happen more than anything.

  Her pussy was soaking wet, and it took every ounce of willpower not to beg him to spank her, even though it was all she wanted.

  Striker stroked her ass, and she tensed up. “You’ve tensed up, but I see how damn wet you are. You want this, don’t you?”

  “Yes.” She didn’t want to deny him.

  Elena wanted him to come to her for everything, to never look at another woman again.

  “You don’t know how long I’ve waited for you, Elena.” He cupped her ass with both of his hands and spread the cheeks wide. Her face heated, wondering what he was thinking when he looked at her. She was pure to the core. Elena had touched herself, but never gotten close to a boy or a man. Striker was the only man to see her naked and touch her like this. She’d never given another man a blowjob, and she’d never wanted to belong to someone like she did him.

  The feelings he evoked startled her, and they scared her just a little bit. Her parents didn’t have this kind of relationship, nor did they connect like she and Striker did.

  “You’ve been a bad girl, Elena. I told you not to make a sound, and now, I must punish you.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Do you accept your punishment?”


  He stroked up her body and back down again, touching her. Striker cupped between her thighs, and he groaned. “So wet for me and so ready. You make me ache to be inside you. Your punishment is going to come now.”

  Elena breathed out a sigh.

  I can do this.

  I want to do this.

  Make me your woman, Striker.

  Make me your old lady.

  She was ready to belong to him in every single way that counted to him.

  Chapter Eighteen

  The way he demanded her obedience aroused her even more. She obeyed right away, not because she was afraid, but because she anticipated all of this. Totally nude, with nothing hidden from Striker, Elena let the situation claim her, let the pleasure and pain he’d given her thus far consume her. For the first time in her life, she wasn’t worrying about her life, or what might or might not happen. She was only thinking about right here and now.

  “Go to the wall. Hand flat on it, and pop that ass out.”

  Elena breathed hard, but did as he said. Once in position, she didn’t dare look over her shoulder to see what he was doing, even though she wanted to. Resting her head on the cool wall, she closed her eyes and waited for more. The wall beneath her sweaty palms was smooth and cold, and she curled her nails deeper into it. Despite the way her body flushed, and heat rose to the surface of her skin, Elena felt chilled, her skin prickling. And then she sensed Striker move up behind her, could feel his body heat, and everything in her became even wetter, more ready for this, for him.

  He ran his finger up the back of her thigh, and she closed her eyes, savoring the feel, letting his dominance in that simple touch claim her. But when she felt his mouth on her lower spine, his tongue moving back and forth, she opened her eyes. Striker started dragging his teeth along the sensitive parts of her, over her ass cheeks, adding that sensitivity, that arousal. A gasp left her as he smoothed his tongue over the sting his teeth caused. The feel of his hands creeping up her inner legs, closer and closer to the spot on her body that ached for his touch, that was soaking wet, had everything around her becoming hazy.

  She could feel his warm, humid breath on her skin, on the most intimate parts of her. The sharp sting of his palm landing on her bare ass cheek had her gasping and biting her lip, wanting more, needing it. The spot where he’d struck was warm as the blood rushed to the surface. Adrenaline and endorphins moved through her bloodstream, leaving her excited for more, ready to take this all the way.

  He spanked her again, and another wave of endorphins filled her.

  “Oh,” the one word came out on a sigh. Her fingernails scraped against the wall, and the sound of her heart beating filled her ears. And then Striker’s hot, wet mouth was latched onto her pussy. He spread her ass cheeks apart, devoured her between her highs, and she knew she’d come from this alone.

  His tongue, slightly rough, tormented her in great sweeping waves, moving up and down as if he were licking a lollipop. And his hands, God, his hands were smooth, but demanding as he gripped the cheeks of her bottom.

  Curling his fingers around her hipbones, he pulled her back, forcing her more firmly onto his assaulting mouth, and fucked her in a way she wished he were doing with his dick.

  “So sweet, Elena,” he groaned against her flesh. “You’re mine. Mine.” The rough growl of his words sent a spear of pleasure straight to her clit and had the little bud engorging further.

  He pulled away and ran his finger along her slick folds, thrusting one of his long, thick fingers into her pussy, slowly but powerfully. Her pussy clamped down on him, the muscles drawing him in, sucking at him as if it were telling him without words it wanted his cock.

  Fucking her pussy in slow and steady thrusts with his finger, he used his other hand to smooth over the mound of her ass and give one cheek a squeeze. It was painful, but then he’d smooth that hurt away and cause pleasure to rise in her all over again.


  He delivered the blow at the same time he thrust his finger deep inside of her.


  Another spank and she was on the precipice of coming.

  “All mine, Elena. This pussy, your tits, fuck, everything about you is mine. No one else will have you.”

  She moaned her approval at his words.

  He smacked her ass again at the same time he removed his finger and latched his mouth over her slit. He took one hand and moved it in front of her, placing it right over her abdomen. He held her in place as he licked and sucked at her. He placed his other hand on her lower back and used the motion to push her forward so her ass was even more popped out, her pussy pushed deeper into his waiting mouth.

  And then with one more long sweep of his tongue on her cleft, he rose above her. His chest covered her back, and she felt his bare skin on hers, slicked with sweat. Both of them were naked, and she couldn’t think, couldn’t form words even if she’d wanted to. She closed her eyes and breathed out at the feel of him. The heavy length of his hard cock slid against her slick cleft, her pussy lips framing the massive length. He thrust against her, and the tip of his shaft rubbed her clit.

  His harsh breathing had tendrils of ha
ir tickling her face. “I could devour you and it still wouldn’t be enough, Elena.” His words, whispered low and husky, slid across the side of her face, igniting her. “Tell me you want that, want me to claim every part of you.”

  “I want that,” she said without hesitation.

  The hand that spanned her belly slid up her ribcage and covered a breast. His forefinger and thumb found her sensitive nipple and started tweaking it. Pulling the tissue away from her body at the same time he rolled it between his fingers, and Elena found herself biting her lip to hold in her moan. The taste of blood hit her tongue, and it was then she realized she had bitten her bottom lip, broken the skin because her body was so alit with desire she couldn’t even help herself. It was pleasure mixed with pain.

  “This pussy is mine,” he stated harshly and slapped her pussy with his open palm.

  “Ah,” she cried out.

  “This pussy is all mine.” He slapped her pussy three more times, causing blood to rush to the surface, making her needy for more, but wanting to beg him to stop all at the same time.

  He applied more pressure to her aching nipple and then curled his hips forward, bumping her clit once again with the root of his erection. Her entire body started to shake.


  He slapped her pussy again until a little tremor of climax stated to rise. But before it could wash through her, he suddenly pulled away and she was left feeling bereft, chilled, and so disappointed. Resting her head on the wall in front of her, she didn’t have time to ask why he’d stopped because his hand was back on her ass, smoothing over the globe.

  “No coming, baby. You get off when I give you permission.”

  She licked her lips.

  “Tell me you understand.”

  She breathed out and nodded. “I understand, Sir.” And then he was turning her around and lifting her into his arms.

  “I’m not going to fuck you against a wall. For this first time, for your first time, you’ll be in my bed.”

  When she looked into his eyes, the intensity, the determination to have her, made everything else disappear.


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