LA Shifters: Shifter Romance

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LA Shifters: Shifter Romance Page 101

by Sky Winters

  “Don’t tease me! I need you inside me, baby, please.”

  He took off Joy’s panties and then stood to undress himself. She sat up to take in the view as he pulled off his clothes, smiling at the sight. “God, you look good naked.”

  Lowering down to his hands and knees, he started kissing her again. “You remember when I called you a goddess?”

  “I remember.”

  “You’re even more of a goddess now. Carrying my children, full of love and magic.” He slipped his arm around her back and let her arch backwards a little, raising her chest for him to taste. “Let me worship you properly while you’re like this; at your most feminine. Your most magical.”

  Gently, slowly, the two maneuvered into position on all fours. Joy was up on her hands and knees while Zak kneeled behind her. He entered her cautiously, a little scared he might hurt her, but she moaned as he moved inside, loving the way he felt.

  “Oh yeah. Oh, keep going.”

  “You’re okay?”

  “Yes. I’m okay. Don’t worry. It feels so wonderful.”

  He reached under her arms to feel her heavy breasts and played with her nipples as he slid in and out a few more times, still not rushing. Her pussy had taken on a new, softer texture and felt amazing against his hard, excited cock. He went a little faster.

  “Oh! Oh yes. Yes, Zak. Like that.”

  “You want it that way? Like this?” He slid into her hard, pausing between each penetration to torture her just for a moment. Each time he re-entered she let out a high-pitched cry of surprise. After a few minutes, she reached back for his hand.

  “Stay inside me for just a moment. Let me just feel you.”

  Zak didn’t move, just maintained his position deep inside Joy. Her wide, curvy hips went around in a little circle and started rocking up and down in a little tilt. The movement made her pubic bone rub up against his shaft and the sensation was one he’d never known he loved so much.

  “Oh, Joy. Oh, babe.”

  “Don’t move.” She looked over her shoulder. “Don’t do anything. Let me.” He nodded and she went back to her own pursuits against his hips. She slid herself along the length of his cock, then bucked against him, working harder and harder. Zak kept his hands behind his head while his eyes rolled with the insane pleasure she was giving him. He’d never had any sex like this before.

  Joy was working harder and harder against him and he had to put his hands on her hips to keep from falling over. The two of them began to climax together, climbing up, up into the stars above them as they rode their orgasm higher and higher.

  “Zak, I’m coming. I’m almost there.”

  “Oh, me too. Don’t stop. I’m right here with you.”

  She worked her hips harder and harder, squeezing her eyes shut as she began to crest. Inside her, she felt Zak pumping back and forth and then exploding just as she did. They rode through their intense pleasure together, Zak holding her tightly as she reached back and grabbed his neck.

  “Yes! Yes, oh my god. Oh. Oh yes. Yes. Oh, wow.”

  “Oh, Joy. My darling.” His breath came fast and hot into her ear. She turned so she could kiss him up on her knees but he insisted she lie down. He joined her on the sleeping bag, the two of them naked together in the tent and completely exhausted from their lovemaking. He stroked her face and stared at her, fascinated.

  “My Joy. Mother of my children.”

  “Damn straight.” They laughed and kissed again, then Joy had to lie back and caress her stomach. “They hear you. They’re tumbling around like crazy right now.”

  “Really?” Zak reached over and put his hand on her stomach and, just as she’d promised, felt his babies moving under her skin. “Wow. Those are our kids.”

  “Are you ready to be a father?” She looked at him seriously, her eyes wide. He propped himself up on one elbow and stroked her hair.

  “As long as you’re with me,” he whispered, “there’s nothing else I’d rather be.”

  Chapter 10

  The day Joy’s babies were ready to come into the world, her eyes snapped open and she sat up straight. “It’s time.”

  Zak carried her out of bed and into her father’s truck, which Greg drove. She had to be in the woods in order for the babies to be safe and Zak wanted the crew nearby to help. They were about to pull out into the road when Joy’s father ran out and stopped them.

  “Wait! I’m coming with you.” He ran to the truck bed and jumped in with Joy. “You weren’t going to do this without me, were you?”

  “Of course not.” Her words came out in little huffs as she kept breathing in a rhythm like she’d learned from the other girls in the gang. “Hold my hand, will you?” Steve took his daughter’s hand as they sped off towards the woods outside of town. It was early so the light was soft and traffic was minimal. It seemed like only minutes by the time they reached the spot Zak had picked out a few months earlier. They parked and several people eased Joy out of the back.

  She had to walk with them to the base of the old oak and the walk was incredibly uncomfortable. She had to stop for contractions every few seconds and let out a horrible scream as the pain tore through her. Zak, Greg and a couple of the biker girls rubbed her back and encouraged her to go on, go into the woods.

  Little by little, the group fell back until Zak was the only one left walking with her. They entered the clearing together, just like they had that first night, and he helped her lie down with her head pointed east.

  “I want you to look up into the sky and focus on the colors there,” he said, pulling off his shirt. “All of my ancestors, all the shifters in my family, are there watching over us right now.” He wiggled out of his pants and then his underwear. He sprawled out on the grass with one hand on Joy’s belly and covered his face. She watched the sky as Zak’s form changed and he became an enormous brown bear lying on the ground.

  He’d explained to her a few days before that changelings need to see both forms when they come into the world; the human female and the animal male. This way, no matter state they were born in, they had a parent to go to. He warned her that she may have two baby bears, which would be very intense and painful, but also a much faster birth. Now that the moment was at hand, she felt certain the two creatures inside her had claws and giant teeth.

  The pain was so intense that her vision blurred and then left her entirely. Her bones softened and separated and she felt her hips spread across the ground. Bear Zak reached over with his hand and hooked a claw into her dress to rip it off. She’d worn it specifically to give birth in, but it felt good to have her skin on the grass.

  Just as she started to catch her breath again, the pain inside her doubled down and took her over. She twisted and screamed, opening her legs in hopes that whatever was inside her would find its way out. Bear Zak stood and paced around in front of her. He came up and nuzzled her but she grabbed his ear and screamed with another contraction. He stayed away from her hands after that.

  “Zak, the babies are coming!” She sat up halfway and pulled her knees in towards her chest. She bared down and felt the horrible sensation of her body ripping open, only to look down and see no baby below her. Daddy bear kept pacing, more agitated now that they were so close.

  She went in for another round of pushing. She told herself to be strong. She thought back to several weeks before when she’d come home to find Aris sitting with a gun pointed at her dad. The crew hadn’t backed down that day; they’d bombarded the place from all sides, taking out Aris and protecting her and her dad. She had to be strong; this was her family now and weakness was not their style.

  “Hrrrrreeemmmmmgaaahhh!” This time she felt a form slid through her. She looked down. It was a bear cub. Zak ran over and began to lick its fur. It was so beautiful to see him caring for a baby, but she couldn’t enjoy it; the second baby was right behind the first.

  Another big push brought out number two. This one came out screaming in a little human voice. Shaking, Joy reached down to p
ick up her child and saw immediately that it was a girl. The sight of her little daughter made her heart jump up to her throat.

  She’d had no idea she could love someone so profoundly. The level of her devotion to her bear cub and daughter shocked her. She would kill for them if she had to; nothing bad would ever happen to these children, not as long as she or their father was alive.

  Zak picked up their bear cub by the skin on its neck and brought it over to her. The little baby curled up next to her on the grass. Zak touched his big, wet nose to her forehead and she reached up to feel his face.

  “Our little bear is a boy?” He moved his head no. “A girl?” A big nod this time. “Oh, Zak! We’ve had two beautiful girls. Oh my goodness. As soon as you’re back to human we’re going to name them, okay?” Another touch to the forehead let her know that he was happy with whatever she wanted.

  She kissed her little human daughter and smiled down at her bear baby. This was her family. Zak went up to a high point on a boulder and let out a loud bellow to announce that his children had been born. A little ways off they heard the human cheers of the crew. Zak looked back at her and then ambled off into the woods. He would stay out there the rest of the day and return the next morning so that he could be in his original form again. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes.

  A while later, Petunia came and joined her with a bottle of baby formula for her bear baby. She showed Joy how to nurse the little cub.

  “Now, she’ll be hungry most of the time. And she may keep this form for a long time. Some changeling babies don’t learn how to shift until they’re one year old and that first change can be traumatizing. You’re little pink baby on the other hand could just wake up in bear form one morning. Shifters will keep you on your toes. But,” she added, tickling the little bear as she pulled on the bottle, “we’ll help with all of that. We’ll show you how to help them sleep outside and in, what foods are good for them, all that.”

  “Thank you so much.” Joy fell back onto the ground, completely spent. “I don’t know what I would do without all of you. I could never raise these little hellians all alone.”

  “And I wouldn’t want you to.” Petunia watched the human baby on Joy’s stomach let out a big, squeaky yawn. “She’s so beautiful. You know what you’re going to name her?”

  “I’m waiting until Zak’s back. I’m sure he has some ideas.” She kissed her little daughter and shifted her over to one side so she could nurse. The baby went right for her nipple. Her little lips latched onto Joy and began sucking all the milk it could out of her breast.

  “Oh, wow.” Joy’s eyes popped open at the feel of her milk flowing out of her so fast. “She’s starving.”

  Petunia nodded. “Yeah, they’ll both be big eaters, I’m sorry to say. You’ll want to get them on formula. Otherwise, you’ll have to breastfeed constantly.”

  Without looking Joy could feel the little bear teeth extending from her daughter’s human mouth. Maybe she would transition overnight. The clamp of her bite got to be too much and Petunia helped her transition the little one to her bottle before she tore Joy’s nipple off.

  Joy held human baby and Petunia took the little bear baby. The poor thing was so sleepy all it could manage to do was curl up on her stomach. Her silky fur was deep brown and reflected the bright sunlight beautifully. Joy hoped Zak would hurry back. She didn’t want him to miss any of this.

  After a day and a night in the woods, Joy was led back out with Petunia’s help. The crew came up to help carry the babies and sang an old song as they led her and her family back into the world.

  And with the rising sun

  We shall walk this world as one

  Like my father and my mother

  We will live beside each other

  With strength and pride…

  Joy showed her children to her father who held his human granddaughter proudly. “Oh, you’ve got a little pistol on your hands, here. And as to this other one,” he looked down at the bear baby who was chewing on his pant leg, “well, I just hope she’s smart.”

  Steve had gotten the whole story after the crew had saved him. Joy was passed out during the conversation, but Zak told her he’d taken the news of their true state very well.

  “I remember your father,” he’d said, pointing at Zak. “He was always wild, always making it impossible for me to teach my kids. One day he ran out of school and a few minutes later this big grizzly bear was seen walking across the school baseball field. Everyone else was shocked but I knew. I knew it was Chet, my class clown, playing the ultimate prank.”

  Zak had pressed him with a million more questions about what his father had been like in school, but Steve refused to continue. “It doesn’t matter, boy. You’re the father now. I just hope you know what you’ve gotten yourself into.”

  By the next evening, Zak had wandered back, naked and sweaty. They had his clothes waiting for him at the camp and everyone jeered at him and teased as he pulled them on in front of everyone.

  “There’s the daddy! And there’s his favorite toy. Put that thing away!”

  Laughing, he got himself dressed and went into his tent where his family was settling down for the night. He snuggled up to Joy and gave her a kiss, then took his human baby in his arms. Their little bear baby walked up to him with her tiny tail wagging behind her. She pulled herself up on his knee to better see her sister.

  “Well,” Zak said, cradling one baby and petting the other, “what are we naming these two troublemakers?”

  Joy snuggled into her sleeping bag and considered the two babies in front of her. “I was thinking Clementine for our little human,” she said, “and maybe Jasmine for her bear sister. What do you think?”

  He looked down at his baby girl. “Clementine. Is that your name? Is it?” As he spoke, she reached up a tiny, shell-pink hand and he caught it and gave it a kiss. Her tiny fingers wrapped around his giant one and squeezed mightily.

  “Okay, I think she likes it.”

  He turned to the baby bear. “Jasmine. You like that name? You have to have it for the rest of your life.” She sniffed his face and jumped up and down on her front paws. He put a hand over her muzzle and let her gnaw on him for a moment. “Okay. Oh, ow!” He took his hand away and baby Jasmine was quick to put an innocent expression on her face. “Careful baby girl.”

  “She’s her father’s daughter.” Joy put a hand on Zak’s leg. “So, you like their names?”

  “I love them. I knew you would give our daughters the perfect names.” He leaned down to kiss her and she managed to raise herself up slightly to receive it.

  “You look exhausted, babe. Let me get us a babysitter so you can sleep.”

  He stepped out of the tent, Jasmine right behind him, and Joy tried to protest but even yelling out for him to wait a moment was far more than she could manage. Every single one of her muscles was exhausted and refused to move.

  That night, she and Zak slept with their limbs entangled in a sleeping bag. Their babies slept with Petunia and Greg under the stars. In his sleep, Zak reached out for Joy’s face, turning her towards him. She looked at him while he slept; her wild, strange lover and now the father of her children. She couldn’t imagine a more perfect being existing anywhere in the world. That night, Joy slept soundly and deeply knowing that she was loved and not wanting for anything other than the life she had.

  Summary: Joy wanted to believe her difficulties were behind her, but the day she saw her old high school boyfriend Zak pull up on a motorcycle she knew they had just begun. Back together after decades apart, the two pick up right where they left off as teenagers, but something is off about Zak. His motorcycle gang seems a little different, too, but she can’t be sure what exactly it is that sets them apart. Her father doesn’t know who she is half the time but, even when he isn’t sure if he’s talking to his daughter or his nurse, he always knows Zak is trouble. The rest of the town seems to agree with him and everyone she meets assures her she’s made the wrong choic
e. Joy tries to resist, but she’s drawn to his beautiful face and wild lifestyle over and over again.

  After a beautiful romance with Zak, Joy’s ex-husband Aris closes in to let Zak know that he doesn’t like seeing his wife in the arms of another man. The two have a stand-off that ends with Aris in the hospital and Zak vanishing. Joy sees a bear running off into the woods and her ex beaten and bloody. Sure that Zak has fallen victim to a bear attack as well, she falls into a deep depression and pines for the man she loves.

  Just as Zak returns, Joy’s body begins to change and she’s worried she may be pregnant with Zak’s baby. It’s time for him to tell her his secrets so that she can finally know; what is it that makes Zak so different?

  Biker Bear’s Baby

  “Dixie! Can we get another round down here, doll?” Harlan Simmons called out from the table where he sat with his fellow bikers.

  “Sure. On the way,” she called back, turning to grab a tray and start pouring their drinks. It was a typical Saturday night in As the Crow Flies, a dive bar she had just started working in for the summer. The Crow, as the locals called it, was usually full of bikers and truckers that called her pet names and touched her inappropriately. It wasn’t exactly her dream job, but it would net her some extra cash over the summer before she returned to college in the fall.

  “Thanks, cutie,” Harlan told her as she balanced her tray on the table and passed out the drinks.

  Her large breasts brushed the arm of one of the bikers sitting by Harlan and he smiled at her, but said nothing. She was used to it. Different men reacted differently to her due to her size. She wasn’t slender, athletic, like many of the girls that worked here. Unlike their more stickish figures, she had curves that flowed wickedly in a true hourglass fashion. She was more Anna Nicole Smith than Kate Moss, not everyone’s cup of tea. She could never be sure if the smiles like his were interest or a nonverbal declination. It didn’t really matter much either way to her.


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