Looking underlies unity between earth and sky.
Through black holes, UFOs, star beings, ETs, collective memory: night influences our DNA.
I point out the Loom; a small, white star is the crosspiece, brightness on depth granting shape and placement.
Pleiades, Andromeda, Aldebaran weave dimensions of dark, light, and the invisible.
Attention becomes thinking; feeling divines a precise order of reality in imaginal space.
We’ve greater power to participate in the rhythms of our place, enlivening a vertical, ideational channel, here to there, as perception, a kind of breath made of transparency.
In college, a young man took me to a hill near town to wait for star people, and I’ve continued looking for them.
From starlight I sense a pulse like breathing, but only the exhale of radiance to intensifying radiance as beauty.
I focus on meaning flowing through seeing to shape an entity; intrinsic meaning is explicitly realized as the beingness of light.
Birds, dolphins, whales use this more immediate, communicatory alignment with meaning as gestalt, song.
Their cosmic relations illuminate us through an invisible matrix that does not emit or reflect light, attached to earth as being, a kind of gravity in infinity.
I tell her Orion, Dog Star, Pleiades, Cassiopeia.
Their light and heat from our bodies commingle.
I point out the flyway of images rising and descending, like an axis, a tree, standing in our warm boots and jackets, absorbing data from above.
We’ve always used trees to organize intelligence, and you will climb one to know with others that matter emanates from it.
Its canopy spreads into the firmament to organize space-time, setting star fields in motion.
I tell you this upper world is real, experiential, conscious and accessible to us by our response, because ramification is within.
Your pulse aligns you with other light as a ladder of branches and leaves into heaven, with birds in the branches.
Your focus is aliveness with another; we look with analogue, textile eyes at the dark field, generative gravity of consciousness, and the field moves toward us.
It pulsates, as if potentia and subject were shapeshifting with earth.
At what point is an observation complete, if this consciousness is homogeneous, distributed?
Upper and lower branches entangle as reference, human culture.
Night situates within nested, self-organizing narratives that ascend, such as, I am your mother and consciousness is mother.
Sometimes I brought the ETs flowers, sometimes a pretty rock.
I tell her that rocks like meteorites retain light, a sensible energy thought into substance by experiencing it.
All life is this coherence of light being emitted and received, then sometimes thought.
By day, observation spreads out as waves; Milky Way is an invisible potential, and I can imagine a wave function for the universe.
Up to now cosmos manifested in fragments when observed by conscious beings.
Conscious beings are like the morphogenesis of a capacity or sphere, where cause doesn’t exist.
Particles stream back and forth in narrative lines, and wonder as scale stabilizes our uncertainty by welcoming light, this state with enough new information for intelligence and enough ground for us.
Being is not the straight line a photon travels, but fractal, like the edge of a borealis.
Its locus is our recognition that ebbs and flows.
I transcribe a text, a weave that emits and reflects the light in which a universe less compatible would be invisible.
People around Abiquiu claim descent from the Pleiadians and their beloved animals.
We’ve always known relatives from other places, Andromedans, Orionites, Zeta-reticulans, Sirians.
Cosmic relations are expressed by our plaza, also in new homes we align with winter and summer light.
All around are invisible realities where contact may occur.
Some hear coyotes speaking in computer beeps; some entertain guests unaware.
Owls, for example, have one song beyond the range of our hearing, interleaved with multi-dimensional information.
The 4D projection of this song generates a star.
I invite you to stand close tonight looking up, while our heart frequencies entrain, and we experience heart cognition, a kind of analytic thought oriented around images with feeling.
Associating memories attract light.
Your memory becomes an informational flow accessed through pathways or stories others share with others, that seem simple in daylight, though you may be traveling backward in time or forward by resonance into space.
That may be the only way to communicate with some others.
Where are you going? Where are you coming from?
I’m going to the stone circle at the end of my land; I’m going to collect seeds from primroses on the road, to look at some land to buy, to visit my friend, visit my mother.
Crossing and recrossing arroyos and mesas create a dense web between beings and home.
In the same way, the neural grid of an ecosystem continually adjusts to maintain, as light between the hearts of mother and daughter or light back and forth from stars maintains homeodynamics in space.
Our desire for light, for consciousness, is pulled from the transcendent domain of potentia by the needs of environment herself.
When you were a baby, my friend painted the star beings who visited her as angels, kachinas, very beautiful snakes.
She taught us to hold our connection with each other in a new geography that weaves stars with the ground.
Milky Way courses overhead; dark patches show against its foam, like divinations.
Earth is a node of intersections in our galaxy and beyond, receiving millions of tons of extraterrestrial material a year as cosmic dust, meteorites, asteroids breaking up to scatter their bacteria and splash ours back out.
All life forms are in potential genetic exchange; viruses transpose DNA between mosquitoes and humans, for example, or between plants and microorganisms from space.
We symbiotically merge into more complex new species in order to stabilize earth’s self-organizing whole.
I describe consciousness as mother, earth, and the intelligence that shapes it.
It’s like an image of the moon on two different television sets.
The real moon exists in different space than our living room.
When we go outside at night, I’m nervous; I’m afraid for the animals; I mix consciousness with time, confuse time with what could happen.
I struggle for understanding beyond environmental fears and grief.
Consciousness is like the live feed of a jaguar on two different video screens.
The real jaguar’s filmed in a rainforest, preparing her energies.
Before, I knew what to look for at night; I no longer know.
My fear offers new possibility, the way awareness can create.
Two birds perch in a constellation tree with the same name; one eats starfruit; the other looks on.
They’re together, which we recognize, like the sun and moon; one shines out; one waits for light.
Observing and observed universe are complementary aspects of their love.
the pleiades
It’s March; rain fills seven indentations in a large stone, like a table.
Then twilight, all is permeable, open to relation.
Then the Pleiades at night shine in collected rain; I open myself to receive their reflected light.
Starlight is so bri
ght it seems dark to my unaccustomed eyes, as I enter into a closeness like disorientation.
So long as I feel my family around me, I haven’t experienced oneness; it’s difficult at night to hold onto self, when earth shifts through transformation.
Bright Pleiades circling night sky I address as sisters, kin, suggesting human form.
I refer more to relation than beings.
Everything seen establishes relation.
Before dawn on spring solstice, Pleiades appear at the horizon; Milky Way still spans east to west.
Then sunrise, Pleiades dim, and the moon pales.
Venus, morning star, comes running.
Each constellation represents meaning that is a being, and all beings connect, so sky has spiritual dimension.
Naming is part of this overall connection, consciousness; then we’re more at ease with wonder.
Wonder is like dawn light, source before anything was manifest.
We gaze up into dark energy of great fluidity.
Perhaps words like being or spirit aren’t accurate; even though I say, my sisters who rise at dawn, I mean presence as reciprocity.
I still recall the deep silence when I contacted my sister and agreed to work with her to construct a link between our family and the stars.
We ascend from imagining to the consciousness of each star we touch, in neither ordinary or non-ordinary reality.
It’s a unified field, this darkness we acknowledge, so that consciousness may expand.
Pleiades at dawn signify beginning; multiple, synchronous relations evoke verbal from visual and vice versa.
A symbol gains power from such multiplicity.
Darkness enables us to cross the boundary of space-time to outer space, because the force of existence, what happens, evolution, flows through us as connection.
We accept our experience as an expression of this.
Some stars occupy two places in circular or permeable time; also, one star may have several aspects, evening as well.
I can depict a constellation in the calyx of a rose, but it’s more accurate to portray source, relation.
I receive a word from a star, and I place it in my ordinary speech through the day, repeating the word, and the star materializes.
Days later, Pleiades stay below at dawn.
Our observation deepens, and consciousness expands because of my description, as if a star were a crystal on my desk, with gemstones and a glass prism through which I view stars, refracting their colors like words with multiple meanings.
A word can mimic a crystal, and a crystal can describe, also.
There’s a silver sheen on the land; we don’t call it beauty as such, feeling a part of it.
My thought and stars, sisters, splinter into shards that tinkle to the ground and shine.
I notice some thoughts encode meaning in ordinary reality and feeling in the non-ordinary, spirit, rather like footnotes for later.
I speak of our origin in present tense, because sky is circular from here.
Time is not an enclosure or setting for experience.
Relation as place is cyclical between our mesa and the dark net stars shine through, like a black moonstone.
All times continually turn in all superpositions, so space and experience are concentric.
Even though matter and radiance had decoupled, the universe became transparent light filling space.
Two hawks hover above a rocky outcrop shaped like a whale, a resemblance I’ve noticed before on my walks.
I imagine I’m inside the whale and experience communication between rocks and whales, and I think of other animals illustrated by stars.
Later, I’m told the cosmos communicates with itself through this web of images we imagine.
I never doubted the existence of sky beings, sky deities, or any encounters with ETs.
Stories of beings from the stars and of cosmic travel merge to characterize me as their listener.
I take each subject for her word, during the length of our conversation, and do not ask for evidence.
Though the words aren’t unique, they’re sincere, and her experiences as such are primary data, in some cases comprising revelation:
One visitor disguised as a primrose teaches my interviewee to ensoul her words with the emotions of flowers.
Dragonflies encircle her, confirming the presence of others, who tell her to plant trees under starlight.
Stars are not separate entities lost to each other in the depths of space.
They collect in vast ecologies, galaxies, in an interstellar medium of gas and dust, soil from which to grow.
Gravity contracts the medium, heating it until nuclei fuse, and a new star bursts into light.
At death, huge, old stars consisting now of carbon, oxygen, and iron needed for life explode, returning mass to the medium, then contract into black holes that generate hydrogen for us.
So, matter on earth was made in stars and scattered through space by star explosions.
So, all particles in the universe are entangled.
This state persists until measured by a conscious imagination as experience.
Stars demonstrate entanglement by helping us to hold, to integrate light.
The more we restore our relations with stars, the more luminosity.
There’s a shift now, as humans seek coherence, this beauty, through imagination.
Star-human communication occurs in mind first, then a way is prepared for contact.
She tells them her hopes, which they amplify; beings align with her thought through an inner connection to their common source.
Imagining may be my perception of hope, and wonder at night sky authenticates contact.
We who watch stars claim the Vital Principal, cosmos, is conscious, minded and intelligent like DNA, plants, stars, evolution.
You could say imagining has the point-like characteristic of creation.
There may be an invisible matrix to which artists are drawn via frequencies from other beings, dolphins, for example.
Reality may be a communal construct with these beings.
Through imagining, a co-created small anomaly may start to resonate with higher truth and gradually pervade all around us in widening circles of ET communication.
I wonder if dolphins also swim through inner space to converse with entities there.
What travels is atmosphere, aura, double, and the mind flies instantly through distance, through matter, and significance is a form of telepathy.
ET contact is like consciousness inner space projects upon, until there’s enough information to materialize.
Ask a star or planet to come into empty space inside you.
It wishes to contact the other, whom you dream, and to take on this role.
Its contours merge with the dream; estrangements heal.
So you describe the dream as our collectivity with stars and use its synergy for new, hybrid culture.
Few ever see space visitors in their true form as “little people.”
They masquerade as colorful rocks, mosses, butterflies, but love most to impersonate iguanas in ruins.
Without imagining, you could walk by and never realize you’ve seen the Aluxes.
We live in relation fields of stars to flowers, to crystals, to star-human exchange.
ETs are neither real nor unreal.
That would be putting the cart in front of the horse, they laugh!
Then Pegasus canters down, so willing to conjoin with us to move forward, so intelligent and kind.
Shamans study astronomy, and yet they call starlight spi
rit, their gloss for a complexity of occurrence that’s non-causal, non-sequential, that happens as it’s felt.
Passing in and out of form, beings of waves co-create with us an illumination for consciousness to inhabit.
The matrix of light is like a human body, and psyche is a place.
Whether we come from the stars or from earth, we call stars “ancestors” out of respect.
We connect by their light entering our eyes, and through our bodies we transcribe them.
you are here
We’ve powerful analytic tools to simplify an experience, so we can absorb it emotionally.
There’s joy in transmuting a supernova into science and wonder, at the same time.
World’s a net of relations in which appearance is one; to correlate the visible with the personal makes it real.
Seeing, a kind of consciousness, materializes form.
Then everything constellates out to the farthest star.
So that a family’s entangled.
Here is the relation under scrutiny; there, yourself as observer, your perceptions, feelings, also everything that is not them.
This quantum state is a property of the boundary or interface separating family, relation, from universe including yourself, because observing leaves you out.
Yet there must be some leakage of information between you.
Imagine a grain of sand beside a rock poised on a ledge.
How does one know of the other’s existence?
Then an atom in sand releases a particle that touches the rock, and it falls off the edge.
There must surely be some record of sand in the rock, as of observer in the environment.
A Treatise on Stars Page 2