Writing can shift the mechanism of time by changing the record, then changing the event.
Imagine multiple helixes connecting virtually at your navel to access this voice, like threads unraveling a celestial heritage.
And don’t be misled by glamour from heaven.
You too radiate light to other worlds seeking to know their creation.
Asleep, you may fly to a place without matter that’s connected to you, whether you remember in the day.
An insect singing may be your identity there, a momentum, as surrounding energy moves into this sound.
When I see stunning photographs of earth from space, she has the organized, self-contained look of a living being.
Trust that when earth moves, you move in sync.
Days fill with splendor, and earth offers its pristine beauty to the expanding present.
Talking to pets opens a conversation with interdimensionals from beyond our galaxy, whom we would not refer to as beings, whom we perceive by vibration; ask your dog about this.
Any soul may distribute itself into a human, a toy poodle, bacteria, an etheric, or quartz crystal.
One ring of Saturn may view its human portion on earth as “an alien” (ha ha) or the one you love comes from a universe where stars are not distant, no longer either hot or dark.
Those formerly referred to as animals love unconditionally, mentoring us.
Chaco began to speak by resonance, and I understood him through resonance, coherence between us.
He retains words from star languages, since he lives in heaven and on earth simultaneously.
A poodle, a pet corn snake may be an aspect of your own soul from the Pleiades; you love unconditionally.
Our atmosphere is layered with energetic grids and pathways.
You find a portal by the frequency contingent with another planet’s aliveness.
You may land in an empty world, missing the entrance, if you’re not tuned to it.
Sacred ruins protect such openings.
Ancients learned astronomy, the calendar, and ethics from star beings who arrived in ships with lights like pearls they described as tones of speech.
Actually, visitors traveled via a spiritual process of loving those at their destination.
When intent aligns with an ardent desire for the well-being of others, this simple, potent decoding associates to good outcomes.
Some will be drawn to Machu Picchu or Uxmal, to artifacts perhaps no one else sees, because a certain inspiration is required for that dimension.
Others believe the regularity of celestial bodies reflects divine order, but order is a contemplative array in the soul.
By loving unconditionally, we participate in its deep structure and fulfill our animal nature.
I wake; someone is sitting on my legs; I sit up and open my eyes in the dark, nothing; I reach out and feel someone’s face.
He tells me they don’t have physical bodies on his star; “I can place my consciousness in any poet or several poets at once.”
“To you we’re like sparkly star stickers on a wall.”
Collective experience is evolutionary, and collective soul is intensifying consciousness.
“‘The force of imagination is the dynamic of growth,’ I told Coleridge.”
“Now, you feel in the dark and meet one who could invent new starlight to cool earth.”
Recalling my fear, I see it was misused energy to startle at bats who flew in with him.
“Even asleep in the eaves, we’re building high frequency bridges for you to meet others and know creator’s light in us all.”
“Hey, will bats, frogs, and insects remain here on earth?” I ask
“We intend to remain; earth was so hospitable to us.”
Identifying with wild creatures in total darkness penetrates more deeply into our essence than finding them inert, upside down, in the day.
My book describes how communicating with star beings can teach us to continue our world through love and grace, communal grace.
Grateful acknowledgment to Brooklyn Rail, Chicago Review, Conjunctions, Granta, Lana Turner, Poetry, Symmetries, and Tripwire, where these poems first appeared.
Thank you, friends, authors, and artists who helped me to read and write this book.
Thank you, New Directions.
“Consciousness Self-Learns” is dedicated to Jack Tilton.
A Treatise on Stars Page 5