Home > Romance > BABY GIRL III - Love That Just Is (THE ERIK EAD MC EROTICA SERIES) > Page 8

by Scott Hildreth

  He took a few steps back and watched my feet.

  I stopped dancing and smiled.

  “You’re serious?” he said.

  I nodded.

  “Son-of-a-bitch, Doc,” he exhaled and looked around the empty lot. He walked to his car and turned off the lights.

  He opened the door and began talking into the radio microphone. He placed the microphone back into the center of the car, and shut the door.

  “Being in love isn’t a reason to be a damned fool. Remember that. Hell, I’ve been married three times,” he said.

  “Duly noted,” I said.

  “So, where’s this leave us?” I asked.

  “Tell you what. I’m gonna let you go. Next time I see you with a woman, I’m going to ask her what her name is. If she says it’s Kelli, fine. If it’s anything but that, I’m going to write you a ticket for 131 miles an hour. You’ll lose your license for a few years. How’s that?” he asked.

  “I’m sorry, Snake,” I said.

  “Aww hell. Just get out of here. What are you doing out so early anyway?” he asked.

  As I opened the car door I turned and raised one eyebrow.

  “I don’t want to know, never mind,” he said as he opened his door and got into the car.

  As I pulled from the parking lot, I thought of the serious nature of my driving at such a speed in town. It was ridiculous. It was dangerous. It was illegal.

  It was fun.

  Slowly, I drove up the street to Steve Wallace’s place. I pulled into the lot and parked. Pat met me at the door, holding it open.

  “How’s it going, Wally?” I asked.

  “Shit, Erik. One day at a fucking time,” he responded as he let go of the door, making room for me to walk in.

  “So, you bring the money?” he asked.

  “Are you fucking serious?” I asked as I stopped and stared at him, my brow furrowed.

  “Just asking, deals like this make me nervous,” he responded.

  “Let’s see it,” I said.

  He placed a large wooden box about six inches deep and the size of a magazine on the table in front of him. I opened the box and looked inside.

  “This is it?” I asked as I looked up from the box and into his eyes.

  He nodded.

  “Fuck yes,” I muttered.

  “One forty?” I asked.

  “One forty-six, and not a penny less. You tight fisted prick. You’re always wanting a deal. You got one hundred forty six grand in that pocket of yours?”

  “Nope, got it in the car. I like round numbers, you sure one forty won’t get it done?”

  “Quite,” he said as he slammed the lid closed.

  “Don’t get all pissy, Wally. Be back in a second,” I said as I turned toward the door.

  I pushed the button on the key fob releasing the trunk. I reached in and grabbed a small metal case intended to be used to transport handguns. I turned, stepped back to the door, and walked inside.

  “What the fuck, Erik?” Wally asked as I walked inside, staring at the case.

  “Oh, shit. No. It’s money. The money’s in here,” I said apologetically.

  “Sorry, brother, I wasn’t thinking,” I continued.

  “That shit makes me nervous,” he sighed.

  I opened the box and handed it to him. Wally had been in a gunfight with some gang members a few years back, and was shot several times in the chest. It took about a year in the hospital for him to recover to the point that he could get back to work. A good portion of it he was in a coma. Guns made him extremely nervous now.

  “Count it?” I asked.

  “Nope, you’re solid,” he said.

  “Come back in a week,” he said as he carried the case to the back of the room.

  I nodded, turned to the door and paused.

  A week.

  A week is a long time.

  For some people.

  It’s all perspective.

  KELLI. “It seemed for a while like we were growing apart. You know, as friends,” she said.

  “I felt the same way,” I agreed.

  “Well, it doesn’t feel like that anymore,” Heather said.

  “Nope,” I smiled as I shook my head from side to side.

  “I think I was jealous for a while. You and Teddy were making progress and Erik and I weren’t,” I admitted.

  “Well, you’re all caught up now,” she said, waving her hand around, motioning to the room.

  “I know. Oh my God, this shit is insane,” I said.

  “Which one is it?” she asked.

  “That one with that crazy bitch in it. Christy Cross. It’s so fucking funny, but I’m afraid I can’t finish it. It’s way too hot. I want Erik to fuck me so bad, and he’s gone till tonight,” I laughed as I crossed my legs and rolled over onto my stomach.

  “You bed pig, move over,” Heather said as I got close to her.

  “I’m reading Kendall Grey, Strings. Holy shit, that little bitch is crazy,” Heather said.

  “Which one,” I laughed.

  “Both. Oh my God, have you seen her status updates?” she asked.

  “Kendall’s? No,” I responded.

  “She gets so mad. She’s funny. I can’t fucking wait ‘till Nocturnes comes out,” she said.

  “She hasn’t friended me, I asked twice,” I said.

  Heather smiled. To Heather, having a friend like Kendall Grey was an accomplishment. I suppose all things considered, it was. I didn’t look at Facebook as anything but a way for me to look at the book blogs and receive book recommendations. I used my Kindle to have a way to escape reality. Since Erik and I were actively together, I was spending much less time reading.

  “I got this Christy Cross book from Dirty Hoes blog, I won a contest,” I said.

  “Dirty Hoes? Do you ever see Snarky Bloggers reviews?” Heather asked.

  “You like her because her name’s Heather,” I laughed.

  “No, I like her because she’s fucking funny,” she said.

  “Word Wenches is the shit. They make awesome recommendations. And, uhhmm…Book Bobbin,” I said as I turned the page.

  “Babblin’. You dork. It’s Book Babblin’. Bobbin. You little weirdo,” she laughed.

  “Whatever. Brit Nanny, That Miria Vanessa from Life Between Fiction, Kathi White, and Cara Ross all said this book was good. And it is; it’s just too much. That scene with that guy deep throating that other guy. I about died,” I laughed.

  “Spoiler alert,” she laughed as she rolled over onto her back, looking up at her Kindle.

  “Oh my God, you still have that shirt?” I asked as she rolled over.

  She smiled and rubbed her hands on her boobs. She was wearing her number eleven tee shirt from high school volleyball. She looked at it as good luck.

  “Yes, I still have this shirt, and don’t spoil the book, you tramp,” she said as she stared at her Kindle.

  “Whatever, you already knew it. They were talking about it in that thread the other day. Remember, the guy blew cum all over his face then shoved his cock back down his throat while she was sucking off the guy and poking a dildo up his ass,” I said as I crossed my legs again.

  “Oh. Fuck, yeah, I remember. Yeah, that book is insane from what they said. Gross,” she said as she rolled back to her stomach.

  “It’s not gross, it’s hot,” I said.

  “Different strokes,” she said, looking up from her Kindle.

  Reading had always been a way for me to escape everything. I felt when I read, if the writing was good enough, that I was the character in the book. It was nice to find someone that wrote in a manner that would pull me into the book and make me forget for a few hours who I was and where I was in my life.

  Kendall Grey was one of those people. She made me, even though her books were insanely funny, feel like I was elsewhere. She made me laugh, cry tears of hilarity, and play with myself. I rubbed my clit a few hundred times to Kendall’s books. Right now, I wanted to be rubbing it to Chris
ty Cross.

  “I’m going to the bathroom,” I said as I slid off the edge of the bed.

  “Leave your Kindle here,” Heather laughed.

  “Uhhmm, no,” I giggled, clutching it to my chest.

  “You’re sick,” she said, never raising her head up from her Kindle.

  “It’s why Erik loves me, I’m sick,” I said.

  I walked toward the master bathroom. Our new house was so nice. Having a bathroom in my bedroom was something I continually wanted as a kid. I had one down the hallway growing up, but had dreamed of having one in my own bedroom. Living here with Erik was beyond what my wildest dreams could ever conjure up.

  “Teddy loves me because I’m beautiful,” she said as I stepped into the bathroom.

  “That and because you have huge tits,” I snapped over my shoulder.

  I stepped into the bathroom and shut the door.

  I pulled down my pajamas and sat down. I flipped through the pages of the Kindle until I found a sex scene. As I read, I relaxed and relieved myself. I wiped and situated myself into the seat. As I read the scene, I paused, and looked up at the picture on the wall.

  I couldn’t do it.

  Masturbation had lost all excitement.

  I stood up and flushed the toilet.

  He was right.

  I was ruined.

  KELLI. “I want the chai latte. No, dirty chai,” I said as I looked up at the menu.

  “Regular, Erik?” Warren asked.

  Erik nodded as he reached for his money.

  “Let me pay for this,” I said.

  “Okay,” he said as he waved his arm toward the counter.

  “It’s not very often a pretty girl will pay for your drink,” Warren laughed as he prepared the drinks.

  “True,” Erik said as he walked to the table and sat down.

  Ann handed me my card back and smiled, “Thanks, Kelli.”

  I smiled and walked to the table. I felt as if this was our place. We met here for the first time. Although we had technically met before, this was the first place that we met away from my work. This was our first date. I looked up at the disco ball and smiled.

  “I love this place,” I said as I sat down.

  “Best coffee in town,” Erik smiled as Warren handed him his coffee.

  “Yours will be right up Kelli,” he smiled.

  I smiled back, “Thank you Warren.”

  “I kind of feel like this place is special. This was our first date,” Erik said.

  “I was just thinking that exact same thing. That’s so weird,” I said.

  “What’s weird?” he asked.

  “That I was thinking the same thing,” I responded.

  “What’s weird about it? It’s true, this was our first date,” he said as he took a sip from the cup.

  “Here you go Kelli,” Warren said as he handed me my coffee.

  “I love the chai here. It’s like Christmas in a cup,” I said.

  “You like Christmas, baby girl?” Erik asked.

  I took a drink and nodded, “Yes, I love it.”

  “I used to, maybe I will again now. The lights will help a lot. Haven’t had Christmas lights since,” he looked up at the disco ball.

  “Shit, I don’t know. Well, it’s been. I don’t know. Maybe fifteen years, maybe more,” he said as he focused back on me.

  “Wow, I don’t know what to say. We have our own now. That’s what matters,” I said as I took another drink.

  “That’s right,” he said as he leaned over the table.

  He placed his right hand on the back of my neck and pulled my head close to the middle of the table and leaned toward me. As his face got close to mine, he moved my hair beside my ear with his other hand. When he does this it makes me melt. His warm breath in my ear made me shiver.

  “Baby girl,” he whispered.

  “Yes,” I whispered back.

  “I fucking love you,” he whispered. His warm breath sent chills down my spine.

  “I fucking love you back,” I said.

  “Baby girl,” he whispered.

  Baby Girl. That did it, I’m waaaaay wet.

  “Yes,” I whispered in a barely audible tone as I squirmed in my seat.

  “I’m going to shove you so full of cock when we get home that you will not be able to walk tomorrow. We’re going to have to get you a wheel chair. Do you understand me?” he asked as he squeezed the back of my neck with his hand.

  I shifted in my seat. My pussy was a mess. I thought of Erik’s cock inside of me. I liked watching it slide in and out of my pussy. When I watched it, it made me cum quickly. Erik’s cock was like a chunk of velvet flesh. Hard velvet. Hard soft velvet. Hard and soft at the same time. Sometimes when he fucked me…

  “I asked you a question,” he forced his breath into my ear a little harder to get my attention.

  “Oh, I was daydreaming,” I whispered back.

  “Ask Warren if he has a wheelchair you can borrow,” he whispered.

  “Sir?” I asked, turning my head to see his facial expression.

  “I told you to ask Warren if he had any wheelchairs. You’re going to need one,” he laughed as he whispered in my ear.

  “Warren?” I asked across the coffee shop.

  “What do you need, Kelli?” Warren asked.

  “Do you have any wheelchairs?” I responded.

  “Do I what?” he asked back as he walked toward the table.

  “Have a wheelchair?” I asked as he placed his hands on our table.

  “No. No, Kelli, I don’t have one. I don’t know that I need one. Why?” he asked.

  “Well, rumor has it I’m going to need one tomorrow. I thought maybe you may have one to borrow,” I said, turning to smile at Erik.

  “Oh yeah? Well, maybe the medical supply on Hillside. They rent them. Up by the hospital,” he said as he shook his head and laughed.

  “Yuck, I hate hospitals. They creep me out. People die in them,” I said as I shook my head.

  “There, satisfied?” I asked as I turned my head toward Erik.

  He squeezed my neck in his hand, and pulled my face close to his.

  “Full. Of. Cock. Do you understand me?” he whispered loudly in my ear.

  “Yes sir. Full,” I whispered back.

  “Who fucking owns your sexy little ass?” he asked.


  “You do,” I responded.

  He released my neck and sat back in his chair. I took a drink of my chai. As I tipped the cup up, something shuffled in the cup. I shook it. Something rattled. I looked at Erik. He shrugged as I pulled the lid from the cup.

  Two quarters were in the bottom of the cup.

  I turned the cup so Erik could see into the bottom.

  “Shit, baby girl, you’re rich,” he said.

  “Warren, why is there money in the bottom of my cup?” I asked across the coffee shop.

  Warren laughed so hard he had tears in his eyes. He put his hands on his knees and giggled. I looked at Ann. She walked into the storage room and laughed. I looked back at Erik.

  He shrugged.

  “It wasn’t that funny,” I said.

  “One is from Ann, and one is from me, they’re your house warming gifts, Kelli. It wouldn’t have been a gift if it wasn’t wrapped. Ann and I weren’t able to come to your party, so we thought we’d give you those. Times are tough, and we have a head down on the machine. Might cost ten grand to fix it,” he said, still laughing.

  “Oh, okay. Do you have an envelope? I don’t want to get them mixed up with the others,” I said.

  Ann walked into the back room and got an envelope. She walked back out to the table and handed it to me and smiled.

  “There you go, Kelli,” she said.

  I nodded and smiled, “Thank you.”

  I dumped the quarters onto the table and wiped them off with a napkin. I placed them into the envelope and got a pen from my purse and marked it.

  House warming gifts from Espresso A Go Go,

  I folded the envelope and placed it in my purse with the pen. I looked up at Erik and smiled as I placed my purse back in the window ledge.

  “Our house warming gifts,” I said.

  “For our house,” Erik responded.

  “Ours. And our special coffee shop,” I said.

  “Ours,” he responded.

  I love hearing him say that.


  KELLI. “Why?” he asked me.

  “Because I feel…I don’t know. It’s hard to explain,” I said.

  “Do your best,” he said.

  I thought about what he asked me. It wasn’t easy to explain. It wasn’t easy for me to even understand. It was just easy to do, especially with Erik. I liked that he made all of the decisions, for the most part. I enjoyed the thought of him owning me, and of this relationship slowly developing onto the one that it would one day become.

  “I think it’s just because for the first time in my life I haven’t had to think. I think that may be one of them. Probably a big one,” I said.

  “I’m sure that’s part of it,” he said as he crossed his legs.

  I sat and looked at the floor. I stared at the carpet until my vision blurred. I couldn’t find words to describe it. It just was.

  I looked up and shrugged my shoulders.

  “Who owns you?” he asked from the couch he was sitting on.

  “You sir,” I responded.

  “You’re a good girl for me, aren’t you baby girl?” he asked.

  I nodded repeatedly, “Yes sir, I am.”

  “You ever going to disappoint me, baby girl?” he asked.

  I shook my head from side to side. I hated when he even asked me this. I would never disappoint Erik. The thought of it made me sick to my stomach.

  “No, never,” I responded.

  “Because you’re my baby girl, and you’re going to do what I ask of you,” he said as he nodded his head slowly.

  I nodded.

  “Yes sir,” I said.

  “Can I come over there now,” I asked, pointing to the couch.

  He shook his head side to side.

  “No,” he responded.

  I wanted to go sit beside him. He told me I had to sit in the chair and we were going to talk. I didn’t like this. I wanted to be beside him. Touching him. Smelling him. Having him touch me. I have been good, and I have not done anything stupid in a long, long time. He should let me sit by him.


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