Before Sunrise

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Before Sunrise Page 48

by Sienna Mynx

“She’s pregnant with Phil’s child.”

  Liam took the news hard and fast. He froze, feeling the blood drain from his face and rush to his wounded heart. Alex shook her head sadly. “I’m sorry to be the only one brave enough to tell you the truth.”

  “I am not pregnant!” Kennedy hissed.

  “I just want the damn truth for once!” Phil shouted in her face.

  She was furious. Her pulse pounded erratically in her temples and her throat grew dry and tight. “I’m sick of this. It’s Christmas day. Your step daughter’s birthday, and you come here with this? All day you’ve been baiting me into a fight, trying to get a rise out of me, saying snide things to my family and our neighbors. Why? To provoke Liam? That’s it, isn’t it? You want some big confrontation.”

  “Deal with me. Not Liam. I’m angry too, and I have a right to be!”

  “You and I could have discussed mama’s lies rationally. But no! You chose to handle it like this. Well, it’s over. I’m done trying to reason with any of you. I want you and Alexa to leave now!”

  “Answer the question. Why the hell would your mother think you had an abortion? Why would she say that to me if it weren’t true?”

  Kennedy threw her hands up. “Because like you, she never truly knew or understood me. She wanted to get a rise out of you. Thought she could force us to remain together when we both agree that’s not going to happen!”

  “No, you were the one that decided we had no future. I had no say it in it, Kennedy.”

  “Oh please. We talked, we agreed. I know I hurt you, but to go this far is ridiculous. I would never lie to you about something as important as a baby. The fact that you would think me capable of it means you never knew me at all.”

  “Don’t you dare!” Phil seethed. “I’ve spent five years proving my faith in you, putting you first, trying to heal you, and none of it mattered when your broken hero husband returned. I’m sick of pretending that I don’t have feelings! Do you hear me?”

  Kennedy stepped back. She bit back the sob rising in her throat. The raw hurt in Phil’s eyes reopened all the buried guilt she carried in her barely healed heart. He was honest with her, committed to her, and she’d failed him. She didn’t know how to repair what had become of their friendship and part of her, the part that owed him, desperately wanted to.

  “I loved you, dammit.” This time tears glistened in his eyes, threatening to spill.

  The door opened behind Phil’s back and Liam limped out on his cane. Kennedy felt her heart arrest by the accusation in his. Alexa followed him.

  Phil turned on Liam. “You want to tell him? Or should I!”

  “Stop yelling at my wife.” Liam pointed his cane threateningly at Phil. “I know what this is about.”

  Kennedy immediately got between Phil and Liam. To her relief, Liam lowered his cane. “I can explain…calm down.”

  Liam put his hand up and she immediately went silent. She bit hard on her bottom lip and shivered. The hurt and pain in Liam’s eyes cut her to the bone. What had Alexa and Phil done? How could she keep it from exploding in her face?

  “Answer one question for me, babe. Are you pregnant?”

  Everyone looked to Kennedy. She wanted to scream and scream. She didn’t. She fought back her desperation and panic and faced her husband. “No, Liam. I’m not. Not pregnant.”

  Phil dropped his head, shaking it. “It’s a lie.”

  “Why does he think you’re lying?” Liam asked. “Did you think you were pregnant when I returned?”

  The question threw her. She didn’t expect his directness. His fury, yes. But he had a steely calm to him she couldn’t trust. Which answer of hers would break him? What could she do to turn things around? Was this the moment when he lost all faith in her? She switched her gaze to Alexa. She nearly charged the woman. Somehow this had been her fault. She orchestrated this moment, Kennedy was almost certain of it.

  “Answer me,” Liam seethed.

  She swallowed hard. “I can explain.”

  “I want an answer. Dammit, Kay. Did you think you were pregnant? Is that why you…is it what you’ve been keeping from me? I’ve felt it, Kay. You holding back. I thought…. Never mind what I thought. Tell me the truth. Now.”

  “Yes. I thought I was pregnant when you returned. It’s what I was trying to work out when I said I needed space. I didn’t tell anyone but Phil. Now it seems that everyone knows. Thing is, none of you know the truth. I went to the doctor and he said I wasn’t.” She turned on Phil. “I didn’t have an abortion. I would never do that to you, to our child. There never was a baby. If there had been a baby, nothing and no one would make me get rid of my own child. It’s not the woman I am. I’m sick of you, sick of mama, and you….” she glared at Alexa. “Spreading rumors about something as painfully private at this. Who the hell do you think you are, coming here and making these accusations when none of this has anything to do with you!”

  “I’m Liam’s friend.” Alexa smiled.

  “No, you’re his stalker!” she lunged at Alexa, but Liam caught her. Alexa, however, didn’t move. She didn’t even blink. In fact something in her sneer revealed her desire for things to get physical. “Get the hell away from my house, you bitch! Get the hell out of our lives!”

  “Stop it, Kay.” Liam shook her by one arm.

  Kennedy looked up at him hurt. She shoved her way out of his hold. Did he just defend that tarantula? The glare he fixed on Phil said otherwise. She had to remember where they were, what was at stake. She couldn’t lose control and expect Liam to keep his. “Liam?” She grabbed his face and forced him to look at her. “I’m sorry. I should have told you. I should have trusted you and what we share to know I could tell you. I’m sorry. Okay?”

  “I know. But you don’t know everything, Kay. Does she, Phil?”

  “Huh?” Kennedy blinked away her tears. She released his face and looked around at them all. “What’s going on? What don’t I know?”

  Liam released her. He took a step toward Phil. “Since we’re being honest. Alexa tells me that you knew about my return. That she warned you a week prior to my coming home.”

  Phil’s eyes went wide. He looked at Alexa, who smirked behind Liam. Kennedy snatched him by the arm and forced him to address her only. “Is that true? Did you know Liam was alive?”

  Phil didn’t answer.

  “You knew? And you said nothing?”

  “I did. But I wanted a family with you before then. I always did. You know this. I’m sorry.”

  Kennedy slapped him. Though the blow was swift and direct, neither she nor he were shocked by it. Liam grabbed her by the arm and snatched her back. “Kay. Enough!”

  “No!” she shouted back through her tears. “How dare all of you keep this from me? Liam, you were out there for three months, and you said nothing. Phil, you, you betrayed my trust. You should have told me. You made me think I had failed you when all along you were manipulating me? And you!” she seethed at Alexa. “You evil bitch! You did this. Tried to break us apart after everything we’ve been through! You could have reunited my family months ago, but you chose not to. Now you come here on my daughter’s day and try to destroy it. For what? For this country, for some sick bond you think you two have? No. Because you’re a miserable, insufferable bitch who can’t stand anyone’s happiness since you’ll never have your own!”

  “Kay! Listen to me,” Liam said.

  She turned, shocked. Where was his anger? He should be trying to kill Phil. Hell, she wanted to kill him and Alexa both.

  He touched her face. “It’s okay, babe. Look at me. I understand. You hear me? I understand.”

  She put her hands to her eyes and tried to calm herself, expelling deep breaths into her palms. He pulled her to his chest and hugged her. She was so angry, but she didn’t know at who, them or herself.

  “This is my fault, babe. I screwed this up from the beginning. I wish I had handled things differently.” Liam whispered into her hair.

  “Liam?” Alex
a said to his confession.

  He ignored Alexa and continued to hug and soothe her. She relaxed in his hold. Eventually he did release her and she too had to let go. He addressed Phil. “You loved her,” he said in a dry tone.

  Kennedy looked back at Phil, who stood tense, still not trusting Liam’s calm demeanor. She held Liam by the waist and prayed that what her husband said next wasn’t the catalyst for more drama. He spoke in the same even tone.

  “I’ll admit it kills me, man. It does. You and Alexa both know what she means to me. Still, I can see why you feel the way you do. If I lost her, I….”

  Liam choked back the words and Kennedy felt her heart sink. She wanted to say that she would never leave him. But she held her tongue. Instinctively she knew to let Liam finish whatever it was he had to say to them.

  He lifted her chin and forced a half-smile to his face. “Nothing could stop me from loving you, babe. I made you afraid of me when I came back and accused you of abandoning our love. If I had been able to listen to you, things would’ve been different. You thought you were pregnant. That must have torn you apart. Being caught between him and me. I get it now.”

  “I’m not pregnant, Liam. I wasn’t. I swear it.”

  “I know, babe. Thing is, if you were pregnant it wouldn’t matter. I wouldn’t love you any less. I wouldn’t love any child of yours any less. You’re my heart Kay. My rib. Do you understand?”

  Liam kissed her.

  Phil and Alexa looked on in angry silence.

  Kennedy felt her heart turn over under the soft press of his lips and his sweet vow that erased all doubt. She could question the mysteries around this miracle transformation from anger to acceptance in her husband later. Liam’s faith in her was the best Christmas gift he could give her. The kindness in him that made her ache for others to understand him. He was still her husband, her lover, her best friend. “I just want it all to be over Liam.”

  “Me too babe.”

  Kennedy eased out of his embrace. Liam adjusted his weight on his cane. He narrowed his blue eyes on Alexa. “I want you to leave. But before you do I want you to understand something. If you do one more thing to hurt my family or manipulate my life, I will deal with you, Alexa, directly, in the way that you understand best. Look at me. You say you know me. Then you know I don’t make threats.”

  “Sounds like you’re out of your head, soldier. Threatening a ranking officer?”

  “Our friendship came during a time when we both needed it. I know it’s hard for you to trust people. I remember the stories you told me of your childhood, of your parents. I know what it takes to become who you’ve become. But that’s not my issue, Alexa. It’s yours.”

  “Spare me.” She snorted in disgust.

  “After all we shared, it boiled down to nothing more than friendship. I never wanted more, never asked you for more. What you did today helped me see what’s important. My family. Let go. The man you knew is gone. I’m not a soldier anymore. I’m just Liam, and I came for one reason. To get my life back.”

  “I just opened your eyes to the mess of a life you have. Things are different now, Liam. You heard her, and him…. This is not where you belong.”

  “Did you not hear him?” Kennedy asked. “I never understood why you obsessed so much over a man who clearly didn’t want you. Are you that damn pathetic, that even now you can’t let go?”

  Alexa released a deep sigh. She addressed Liam. “There are boys, men, even heroes in the world, Liam. But there’s no one like you. You didn’t survive five years in a desert because you’re weak. You’re what we need in this war, what I need to finish our mission. The battle isn’t over. Do you want all your fallen brothers to die in vain?” She returned her gaze to Kennedy. “You don’t know him. Not really. You haven’t seen what we have, been through what we have. If he told you he was yours, he lied. Liam made vows your marriage can never compete with.”

  “He didn’t lie to me. He sacrificed for me. You said it yourself. Liam didn’t need the SEALs, you needed him. Now he’s done. Trust me, I know my husband better than any of you. I don’t care what your so-called cause is about. He came home to be with his family. His real family. And he’s mine, Alexa. Do you hear me? He’s mine.”

  “Alexa.” Phil spoke up. “It’s over.”

  Kennedy cut him down with a glare. Phil averted his gaze. “I’m sorry, Kennedy. I was desperate. I lied to you. I made mistakes. I know you wouldn’t have an abortion. Part of me wanted to be angry, because at least if we’re angry, we’re still connected. I love you, and Mac. I do. When you both are ready…I want to be a part of her life again.”

  Liam extended his hand to Phil. Kennedy looked back at him, not sure she was seeing the gesture with her own eyes. Phil grasped Liam’s hand and shook it.

  “I came to you before I was deployed and I asked you to look out for Kay. I knew then that despite my reservations you were the man for the job. That you cared about her almost as much as I did.” Liam tightened his grip on Phil’s hand. Kennedy could see it from the grimace on Phil’s face. “This isn’t about how I feel about you, Phil, or how you feel about me. It’s about my daughter. She loves you. So yes, I want you to be a part of her life. I won’t interfere with you having a relationship with her.”

  “Thank you, Liam.” Phil pulled his hand out of Liam’s grip.

  Alexa had gone inside the house and returned with her purse. She was on the phone, ignoring them all, as she walked straight for Phil’s car, as cold and detached as ever. Kennedy knew differently. For whatever her reasons for her obsession, she got a hard dose of reality when Liam didn’t play into her plans for him. That was satisfaction enough for Kennedy.

  “Merry Christmas, Kennedy,” said Phil.

  “Merry Christmas.” She forced herself to answer, not able to forgive his actions just yet. He gave her a nod of understanding and walked away.

  Kennedy couldn’t look at Liam. She just watched Phil and Alexa leave. Liam stepped to her and put his arms around her waist. “You okay?”


  “It’s over, Kay. The fighting, the lying, the manipulating. I want it over. I have to believe that we can be who we were if we stop the blame.”

  She turned in his embrace. “I would have told you about the baby, but you were so upset over me being with Phil.”

  “Hey, we talked about this last night. I can’t change the past. And I understand now that I don’t have to. I’m not going lose you, Kay. Not to my pride, not my fear, or my jealousy. I won’t let it happen, babe.”

  She lifted her arms to his neck and held him.


  Eric seized the moment to follow Harper the second she stepped away from her new boy toy. He followed her into the kitchen and stood there for several seconds, unable to speak. Breaking himself apart to express his true feelings to her wasn’t a task he was up for. But watching her with another man made him want to act.

  “Merry Christmas, beautiful.”

  Harper turned from the sink and locked eyes with him.

  “I, um, been waiting to say that to you all day.”

  She stood mute. His compliment fell flat.

  “You do look beautiful, Harper.”

  When her bold gaze faltered and lowered he found the courage to approach her. He was sending her mixed signals, but she’d tortured him today on purpose. They were both miserable. Neither of them had to be.

  Curling his index finger under her chin he forced her to lift her face and look him in the eye. “Aren’t you going to say something?”

  “Merry Christmas, Eric.”

  He gave her a sly smile.

  Harper came up against him and wrapped her slender arms around his waist. Her lush curves pressed into him and he was smothered in the sweet smell of her natural fragrance, a banquet of scents that rushed his head and caused his loins to flame with need. He lowered his head into her hair and took another deep inhale of her while running his hand down her spine and cupping her backside.

  Harper pushed him off, breaking their connection broken. “Excuse me.”

  “Wait.” He grabbed her wrist.

  She paused.

  “Who is this Jason character?”

  “A friend. Please let me go.” She tried to pull away.

  “Dammit, Harper. You’re doing this on purpose.”

  “No.” She yanked her hand away. “I told you that I loved you, remember? And you told me to grow up. Well, I am growing up and moving on.” She dropped her hands to her shapely hips and Eric had flashes of what they’d felt like in his palms while making love to her. “Stop looking at me like that, dammit. I’m tired of this.”

  His gaze shot up and he felt his cheeks heat with shame over where his thoughts lingered. Was it lust between them? He enjoyed women, but he didn’t lust for them. There was no need. He wanted someone in his bed, he’d make a phone call and she’d be his. Sex wasn’t what was keeping him up at night. It was her, how she made him feel when they were together. Only her.

  Eric pinned her to the counter. She blinked up at him with those round brown eyes, a little caught off guard by his boldness.

  “I don’t play games. You brought him here to get a rise out of me. And it worked.”

  “Somebody might catch us, Eric. Move. My parents might walk in.”

  “Now you care about what your folks think?”

  “I’m serious. Stop.”

  “No. Send the Boy Scout home. We aren’t done, Harper. Not by a long shot.” He touched the side of her face and kissed her. Her lips parted and she deepened the kiss. He tasted of the mint she’d sucked on after Christmas dinner. He couldn’t name the brand, he just knew he wanted more.

  “Eric. My folks might see us. Please.” She pushed gently out of his arms.

  Eric smiled. “Now who’s playing games?”

  “Okay. I’ll send Jason home. And then….”

  “And then you’re leaving with me. We’ll um, talk. Again.”

  Harper smiled. “You want to spend Christmas with me? Talking?”

  He stepped back. “I’m in a lot of trouble with you, aren’t I?”


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