Bad Kitty (Dirty F**kers MC Book 5)

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Bad Kitty (Dirty F**kers MC Book 5) Page 7

by Sam Crescent

  Sipping at her cool lemonade, she thought about the nights they’d shared. They really were perfect as far as she was concerned. They’d work until the sun went down, she’d feed them both, they’d have showers, sit and talk, or she’d listen to him read.

  Caleb had a soothing reading voice. She loved listening to him, no matter the story. The cabin had several books, and she’d not read a single one of them. She liked reading but didn’t allow herself the luxury, not again.

  There was a time she’d use books as her escape, and since she’d been free, she hadn’t gone back to reading. They reminded her too much of a time she’d rather forget.

  “You look all relaxed there,” Caleb said.

  The mower had stopped, and she grabbed the fresh lemonade she’d made that morning and placed in the fridge to chill. Pouring him out a tall glass, she walked across the freshly-cut lawn to him.

  He was wiping his brow, and sweat covered his body, his ink standing out against his tan.

  Caleb looked every bit as menacing as she imagined he did in the ring. She’d never been allowed to see him fighting unless it was when two men in the club fought each other. That, for her, was sexy as hell. Whenever Caleb offered to fight, she always made sure to be there to watch.

  Pixie had once told her it was nothing like being in the ring when the risk of death weighed very heavily on each of them. She wasn’t a fool. She knew her friends had been to hell and back. It was why they recognized that same pain inside her.

  They were all just different.

  As far as she knew they hadn’t been afraid of footsteps outside of their bedroom door every single night, fearing being alone with someone they should trust more than anything.


  She wouldn’t allow those memories back in.

  Not once had the club left her behind, and she wouldn’t ever allow the memories to take control, to destroy her.

  Smiling, she held the glass in front of her, waiting for him to take it.

  He did so, and his fingers touched hers.

  She didn’t want him to let go.

  Watching him tip the glass to his lips, she couldn’t look away.

  “You know, you could give a guy a complex with that stare,” he said, smiling.

  “You’re good to look at.”

  “I think the same about you.” He licked his lips. “I’ve got to go over the yard once more. Will you water the flowers?” he asked.

  “Of course.” She took the empty glass from him and made her way toward the watering hose that had been set up.

  Turning it on, she made her way toward the rose bushes that she’d helped weed just the other day. They were beautiful roses, really sharp and vibrant colors, the thorns keeping at bay anyone that would pluck them. Reaching out, she stroked one of the petals, loving their beauty.

  Out of the corner of her eye, she watched Caleb. His back was to her, slicked with sweat, with the ink of the Dirty Fuckers on it.

  The hose in her hand was just too good of an excuse, and like anyone in her position, she stood, took aim, and splashed him with water.

  The mower turned off instantly, and he turned toward her. She’d moved the hose away from him and tried not to smile at him. “I’m so sorry, it slipped.”

  She couldn’t look him in the eye. “I’m sorry.” She wasn’t the least bit sorry. In fact, she found it really funny, and as he made his way toward her, the intent in his eye clear, she released a little squeal, running but also aiming the hose in his direction, splashing him.

  It didn’t take long for him to catch her, or to take the hose from her and begin wetting her.

  She laughed, fighting and running, but no matter where she went, he got her.

  When he wrestled her to the ground, they were both laughing, both wriggling, and she felt the hardness of his cock.

  Kitty expected to feel something, anything but what she actually did.

  Her pussy grew slick, and she wanted nothing more than to wrap her legs around his waist and hold onto him.

  Licking her lips, she placed her hands on his shoulders.

  The laughter had stopped.

  Staring up into his eyes, she waited, expecting him to take it to the next step, to press his cock against her, to take what she was more than willing to give to him.

  He dropped a kiss to her lips, and he got to his feet, holding his hand out.

  Caleb had surprised her. “This means war, you know that, right?”

  He gave her back the hose with that cocky grin in place. She wasn’t laughing though. Far from it.

  She didn’t know what she expected, but it wasn’t that.

  The rest of the day went by without much event. They finished cleaning up the yard, watering the flowers, weeding out some of the beds that they hadn’t gotten to, and when he went to shower, she finished up the dinner, changing places with him to watch the pasta as she washed.

  She didn’t linger in the bathroom, making her way back to the kitchen where he was already serving up.

  Caleb talked about the book they were reading, and she felt constricted within her skin. In the shower, she’d pressed a hand between her legs, feeling the answering arousal within her body.

  She wanted Caleb.

  His touch was becoming a need so great that she was struggling not to beg him to take her.

  After dinner was finished, she cleaned up the dishes while Caleb got settled. She loved doing the dishes, even if they did work together in the yard.

  She hoped by the end of putting them away, she had some control over herself, but that didn’t seem to be happening either.

  Gritting her teeth, she gripped the edge of the counter, counted to ten, and knew she had to go and sit with him. She wanted to, even if her body wished for him to take her to bed.

  She’d known desire before.

  Never had she felt it to this degree though.

  Arousal was something she was used to as well, but again, it had fizzled out to nothing.

  What was happening to her?

  Her body on fire.

  Desperation clinging to her.

  Sitting on the sofa, Caleb opened the book, and she rested her head, listening to him. Her mind wasn’t on the book though. It was the last thing she was thinking about.

  “You’re not listening to a single word I’m reading,” Caleb said.

  Looking at him, she felt a little guilty, but not overly so.


  “Tell me what’s on your mind,” he said.

  “It’s nothing.”

  “You’re lying again.”

  “I don’t know if I’m ready to tell you what is completely going on inside my head right now.” She rubbed at her temples, her hands shaking just a little bit.

  Caleb kept watching her.

  She didn’t know what she expected, but it certainly wasn’t his next question.

  “Is your pussy wet for me, Kitty?”

  For a few seconds, maybe even minutes, she simply stared at him, a little taken back by his question.

  What should she do?

  “You don’t have to hide from me.” He put the book down on the floor, and he sat back in the chair, his legs open, looking every bit relaxed.

  Was he even affected by her? Just a little bit?

  “I’m not hiding,” she said, staring at him.

  “What is it then?”

  “I … don’t know. I’ve never felt like this before. I don’t know what to say.”

  Caleb nodded, and she watched as he stood. “Then how about I show you how I’m feeling.”


  Tugging his shirt off, Caleb watched her as he released the cord of his pants, dropping them to the floor, revealing his cock to her gaze. He didn’t go over to her but sat down in his chair, watching her.

  Her eyes were wide, and she looked a little taken aback but not scared.

  No, Kitty wasn’t afraid.

  Tonight, he had no intention of touching her, not once. Wrapping his fi
ngers around his cock, he worked from the tip down, pulling back his foreskin to reveal the mushroom tip of his dick, then up.

  Pre-cum leaked out of the tip, and he rubbed it into his cock, getting it nice and slick.

  Her gaze was on his actions. Her cheeks were red. She kept licking her lips and he wanted nothing more than to kiss her, but he stayed still, keeping to his chair.

  “What are you feeling right now?” he asked.

  “I, I want to show you.”

  “You want to get naked for me?”

  She nodded her head.

  “I’d love to see you, Kitty.”

  She stood up, and he watched as she wriggled out of her pajama shorts and then her shirt. She was completely naked.

  Her body was full, round, curvy, exactly the way he loved it. There had been a time she’d been all skin and bones. In the past few years he’d made sure she’d eaten properly and gone to all the necessary lengths to take care of her.

  Kitty sat down, her legs pressed together.

  “Now, tell me what you’re feeling,” he said.

  “I ache all over.”


  She touched her tits, cupping the mounds, sliding down, resting on her stomach, then down to her pussy, cupping herself.

  “I’ve been thinking about you touching me.”


  “Here.” She kept her hands between her thighs.

  “Show me.”

  She hesitated for a split second.

  Patience was one of his virtues, and he waited for her to make that choice, to take that next step.

  She leaned back on the sofa and brought her legs up, spreading them wide. He saw her pussy. It wasn’t the first time he’d seen her, and it wouldn’t be the last either. One day, he was going to make her come with his mouth, her thighs squeezing his head as she screamed his name.

  Until then, he worked his cock.

  “Then put your fingers on that pussy, Kitty.”

  She followed his orders, and he saw she was aroused. The lighting in the room shone down on both of them, showing her soaking wet cunt.

  Slowing down his own movements, he watched touch her slit. He didn’t like how hesitant her own touch was to her body. That wasn’t good for him. She should know what she liked, how her body responded to a light touch or a hard one, if she liked it to bite just a pinch or to be soft.

  He’d make sure by the time they returned to Greater Falls that Kitty could bring herself to orgasm, and know how to touch herself.

  “How does that feel?” he asked, watching her stroke her clit. She looked so pretty, legs spread, eyes a little wild. She looked perfect to him, open, vulnerable, but the trust in her eyes affected him. He would do anything for her to look at him, knowing he’d take care of her. Not a moment went by when he didn’t think about her and want her to have everything her heart desired.

  “It feels so good.”

  “Touch your clit slowly, Kitty. Show me how you like it.”

  She pressed her finger against her tiny little nub, and he watched as she moved it from side to side, with slow touches at first, which started to build. He saw her getting accustomed to her own touch, and it really was an amazing sight. So open, and a chance to see her so close meant the world to him.

  “Like that?” she asked.

  “Yeah, like that. Show me how you love to play. Take your time. We’re not in a rush. Touch yourself, tease yourself. Are you wet?”

  Her fingers slid down, dipping into her cunt, and when she drew them out to tease her clit once again, he heard and saw the evidence of her arousal.

  Working his dick over and over, he watched her, amazed as she used two fingers now, sliding over across, around. She was panting.

  “I can’t do this. I’ve never been able to come, Caleb.”

  “Don’t panic. Keep calm. Take it slow. Tell me what you’re thinking about. What makes you excited.”

  She frowned, and he smiled at her.

  “I think about you all the time, Kitty. About you coming to me, asking me to touch you, to make you feel good. To have my hands on your body, cupping your tits, pinching your nipples. Gripping your ass, holding you in place as I tease you.”

  “You think about me?”

  “Yes. I think about what I hope you trust me to do to you one day. I don’t just want to fuck you, Kitty, to plunge my dick inside you, and take what’s mine, but I want to make love to you. I crave to hear you crying out in pleasure. To hear you on the edge and to keep you there as I thrust deep to the hilt inside your pretty cunt, and you do have a pretty one. Tell me, Kitty, what do you think about?”

  “I think about you. About you touching me, your hands moving up and down my body, holding me, loving every single inch of me, faults and all.” He wasn’t about to stop her to tell her that he didn’t think she had any faults. To him, she was perfect. “I love it when you give me instructions. I want to be able to follow them, to have you touch me, guide me to where you want me, so that I can bring every single fantasy you have to life.”

  He groaned as more pre-cum spilled from his tip. Massaging it into his length, he could see quite clearly what she meant. Pushing her to her knees, holding his cock in place as she took him to the back of her mouth, or pulling her into his lap, wrapping his arms around her as he drove in deep. Each one sounded amazing to him.

  “I want to watch you as well.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I want to see us. It’s silly.”

  “Nothing is silly between us. Tell me what you want, Kitty.”

  He saw her lick her lips, and damn it if that wasn’t temptation itself.

  “I’d like us to be in front of that mirror you have in your bedroom back at the clubhouse. I’d like you to sit on the edge of the bed and watch as I put your cock inside me.” Her gaze was on his, unmoving. “I’d like to watch you sliding in and out of me as I touch myself like I am now.” She started to pant, going breathy with every word she spoke. She was aroused, turned on, and he knew this wasn’t just words. She meant it. “We come together, and afterward, you pull out and I watch your cum leak out of me, and I know without a doubt that I belong to you. That we are each other’s.”

  She gasped, arching up, and he watched as she came. Her eyes closed, her body shaking with each pulse of her orgasm.

  Seeing her release set off his own, and he groaned as his cum spilled out of the tip, hitting his stomach and chest. Kitty was amazing, and he knew he couldn’t wait to watch her do that again.

  Afterward, she collapsed against the sofa, a smile on her face.

  Caleb was content to wait, and when she opened her eyes, there was wonder inside them. “I’ve never been able to do that.”


  “Yes. I’ve always struggled.”

  “You looked so beautiful.”

  “You keep saying that,” she said.

  “One day I hope you believe me.”

  Her gaze went to his chest. “You came?”

  “How could I not after witnessing yours?”

  “I can’t believe I did that.”

  “I want to see you do that more often.”

  Kitty got to her feet, and he waited as she passed him. She returned with a damp towel. “Can I clean you up?”


  He’d intended to use the shower, but watching her kneel at his feet, towel in hand, he didn’t see a reason to stop her.

  Taking a chance, he stroked her cheek. She didn’t pull away or tell him to stop. Each day, she’d turn into his touch, beg for more with her gaze. She was no longer pushing him away.

  Kitty pressed her face against his fingers, and in that moment, he truly believed they had more of a chance of being together than ever before. He also believed her words about wanting to get better, about wanting him.

  Chapter Seven

  Three days later

  Kitty rolled over and watched Caleb, who was still asleep. She’d exhausted him yesterday and
last night. They were still working on the repairs to the house, but she was also making him clean out the attic. There were several large boxes, all of which had crap inside them, from used, ratty clothes to old pictures.

  When the club had purchased the cabin some time ago, the previous owners had left many belongings, and instead of getting rid of them, they’d packed it up with the intent of handing the stuff back. By the time that came around, they discovered the previous owners had passed away during illness, so they’d put the belongings in the attic and left them there.

  Caleb had thought about having a bonfire and inviting the club up to have a barbeque on the last day so that they could eat the last of the food, and for them to see the new, improved cabin.

  She was happy for the club to come and join them. What she wasn’t looking forward to was their time nearly being over.

  It had only been two weeks, but to her it had felt like a lifetime. She’d not wasted her time on her cell phone, making stupid calls, or watching the news, or trying to run away. Each time she’d been close to having a panic attack, she’d forced herself to focus, to concentrate all of her energy on Caleb, on her feelings for him.

  In the past three days, Caleb had helped her to achieve orgasm not once a night but multiple times, surprising her with the ferocity of her release. She’d also found herself being more open and honest about her fantasies.

  She wasn’t a non-sexual being.

  No matter what had happened to her, she wanted that connection. She knew sex and love weren’t what she’d gotten growing up. That was abuse. When she looked at Caleb, watched him touch his cock, to see him come, she didn’t find that disgusting.

  Every single night, she felt freer, as if she was cutting through the rope that was holding her back, keeping her locked up. She wanted out of this cage that she’d been placed in.

  Caleb held her future. She knew he did, and the only way to be there with him was to stop dwelling on the past, to fight her demons the way Caleb had done his opponents in the ring.

  She held her hand above his face, about to touch him, to wake him up, but she stopped herself.

  Making her movements so slight, she watched him, fascinated by the man who’d been by her side for so long. She didn’t know the exact point that she started to fall for him or be attracted to him. They came together.


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