Ravens_Sons of Olympia_Reverse Harem Romance

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Ravens_Sons of Olympia_Reverse Harem Romance Page 10

by Helen J Perry

  “The King and Queen have left the palace to attend to business in Tiryns. The palace is under your rule.”

  “Mm. Thank you. Is that all?”

  “Their Majesties requested that your consort is properly welcomed. We will host the ceremony tonight. Victor and Corbin are being informed.”

  Waldrom laughed dryly. “Of course they’d leave on business.” He waved a hand that seemed to dismiss the servant.

  “A ceremony?” Brenna asked in a whisper after he had left.

  “Don’t worry, hatchling,” Waldrom assured her. “All will be fine. Everyone wants to welcome you, including my absent parents. Let us go and find my brothers so they can see you before we prepare for the celebration.”

  All Brenna could do was trust Waldrom’s word. Besides, how much trouble could a ceremony be?


  Used to undertaking her ablutions alone and in private, Brenna was bathed by two servants—young ladies with gleaming eyes and sweet faces. They drew the bath and saw her into it.

  “The princes’ consort,” one of the servants mused. She scrubbed Brenna’s palms with a coarse sea sponge. “It’s hard to believe.”

  “Are you ill?” the other assistant asked with concern as she messaged a fragrant oil into Brenna’s hair. “Your hair is colorless.”

  “It’s black, right?” Brenna asked, wondering if a change of dimension changed her appearance in some way.

  “Well, yes, but… where are your colors?” The servant brushed Brenna’s hair to the side with her fingers. “All I see is black. Only the old and the sick are so dreary.”

  Brenna’s whole face grew hot. “I’m not sick. I’m human.”

  “Oh. Human. That's right.” The servant bit down on her lip. She smoothed Brenna’s hair back into place and worked the oil in.

  “Not one of our kind,” the other creature muttered. If she thought anything of that, she kept it to herself.

  “I’m glad of your good health, then. It disheartened me to think the princes’ hearts might be tied to a creature not fit for this world much longer.”

  “Do you want color?” the other servant asked. “There are dyes. You would look stunning in greens and purples.”

  “Iridescent dyes?” Brenna asked. She looked between the two of them. “So my hair would look like yours?”

  “Exactly. Since you fit in so well apart from your hair, it might be in your best interest.” The sea sponge left her palms. The servant placed it on the shelf by the tub. “I think the princes would find it charming.”

  “It’s just a dye job, right?” Brenna clarified. “It won't hurt or anything?”

  “Of course not. The paste will sit for a half hour, and when it’s washed away, your hair will shift in the light like our own. There’s no pain.”

  “Then… okay.” Brenna took a deep breath and committed herself. She was in a world she didn’t know, about to attend a ceremony in her honor. The least she could do was look presentable. “I trust your judgment.”

  Servants bathed and pampered Brenna, for hours. It felt relaxing and pleasant, and it gave her a little insight into the life of royalty here, as well as the opportunity to spend time with others like her men. They brought her food to eat and refreshing beverages the likes of which she'd never tasted before.

  They were friendly enough and she listened with interest when they occasionally spoke among themselves. They guarded against revealing too much information about their kingdom.

  From what she could gather, piecing snippets together, the raven civilization had a vital role in some conflict taking place in another realm, possibly another dimension. Brenna wasn't sure of the details and her requests for more information were met with refusal. It wasn't their place, they'd state politely, to explain such matters to her.

  Brenna would have liked one or all of her men to have been with her, but stepping up to manage affairs of state and prepare for the welcoming ceremony apparently required their physical selves in some other place.

  In fact, she hadn't seen Victor or Corbin before she was whisked away by the servants to prepare alone. She was told the brothers knew she was in the palace, but they were detained somewhere themselves so she would have to wait until the party to see them. She had no idea what to expect.

  When night fell, the ceremony was set to begin.

  Gorgeous, ethereal women and men filled the main hall in the central hub. Thousands of candles and hanging glass orbs brightly lit the room, along with moving spheres of white light reminiscent of dandelion heads.

  There had to be a hundred people if not more.

  Feeling completely underdressed, because she was nude, just like everyone else, Brenna had never felt so terrified in her life.

  Raven people guided Brenna to the center of the hall to stand before a mattress-sized, circular pillow. Beside it were several small, shallow wooden boxes. They were decorated and had lids that were hinged and the potential to be locked. The lids were closed, but they were unlocked.

  Behind the pillow, hands tucked behind their backs, looking tall and proud, Waldrom, Victor and Corbin waited.

  Brenna faced them.

  They said nothing but looked at her with awe in their eyes.

  In the candlelight, scrubbed clean and body perfumed, Brenna hated to be overly proud of herself, but she was sure she looked amazing. The new iridescent color in her hair shimmered. The color suited her better than her flat black hair ever had.

  Victor stepped onto the pillow. Brenna, following his lead, did the same.

  “Relax, hatchling,” Victor whispered to her as they stood together. “I know you feel embarrassed, but this is normal. It is expected. They will love you.”

  “I don’t understand what’s going on,” Brenna whispered back.

  “You don’t need to,” Victor said. “All you need to do is act on how you feel.”

  Then, without further explanation, Victor closed the distance between them and kissed Brenna on the mouth.

  Brenna hummed in surprise. For a second her body begged her to draw back—she was naked in front of strangers! This wasn’t time to kiss—but she stayed the course. Slowly, her body warmed. She kissed Victor back.

  Victor did not back down from the kiss. The passion deepened. He slipped his arms around Brenna’s waist and drew her closer and when he did, Brenna felt the stirrings of his erection.

  She also felt the stirrings of more intimate arousal growing within her.

  Here, in front of so many sets of eyes?

  His tongue slipped into her mouth, and she lost all her inhibitions. She didn’t realize how much she’d missed Victor’s touch until then, but god, did she miss it. It didn’t matter how many people were watching—she needed him. And when his cock nudged against stomach, she felt only a little embarrassment.

  Embarrassment, of course, she felt it.

  Victor’s thigh nudged in between Brenna’s, gently pushing her legs apart and pressing against the center of Brenna's arousal.

  As the guest of honor at a ceremony with the prince who seemed entirely at ease, Brenna allowed herself to feel the situation was natural. Even expected.

  She couldn't help it even though she tried to stop it. Her pussy warmed and swelled with need.

  Although not expecting a passionate kiss, tender touches, and intimate excitement in front of others, she didn't resist. She was happy to trust in the leadership of her men as long as she was in Victor's arms and the prince seemed at ease with the turn of events.

  “Hatchling,” Victor whispered against Brenna’s lips. “You are stunning. You look fit for a prince or three.”

  “I’d hope so,” Brenna whispered back with a nervous giggle. She attempted to shut out all others, imagining they were alone. “I never want to give you up.”

  Victor’s lips were back on her again, his hands slipping down to Brenna’s ass and squeezing as he pulled her even closer.

  Brenna kissed him eagerly. She could feel Victor's hard cock pre
ssed against her. And her pussy l moist against his thigh. She couldn’t help the moaned pleasure that escaped her lips. Aware they weren’t alone, though, she felt embarrassed as soon as she heard it.

  She opened her eyes. Behind Victor, his brothers stood still. They watched intently, and each smiled, offering reassurance when she made eye contact. She looked them up and down and drank in the sight of the princes who were there for her. Both standing still and ready for action. Their dicks stood erect, proudly saluting her.

  At the sight of them, Brenna's pussy throbbed.

  They stepped forward, moving closer to her. Though Victor still held her close, the other princes placed their hands on her skin. On her shoulders, her back and her ass. Corbin claimed her mouth from Victor, whilst Waldrom kissed her neck.

  She shut her eyes again least it all became too much. She already burned with lustful desire and her pussy ached to be touched and filled.

  Three erections pressed against her body. She wanted them all. To hold them, taste them and come on them. To feel them fill and fuck her. She would never have believed this would ever happen to her, three men wanting to share her like this. And in front of an audience.

  Hands reached between her thighs from behind, she had no idea who, but it couldn't be Victor, his arms weren't that long. Not a moment too soon fingers slipped into her hungry wet slit. Instinctively she tried to part her legs a little wider to welcome the touch.

  “This is a ceremony?” Brenna whispered at a break in the kissing.

  “Of Life and Death,” replied one of her princes.

  “I don’t—”

  “You don’t need to.” Corbin silenced her by intensifying their kiss.

  She leaned on him as Victor pulled away and dropped to his knees before her. A moment later she felt his hot tongue on her clit.

  Conscious of the position of all her men, she realized it must have been Waldrom's fingers inside her. They still teased, moving slowly, keeping her turned on, but not giving enough to make her come.

  With Victor's tongue in action everything changed, and an orgasm was imminent.

  But Waldrom was behind her and Brenna moaned with great surprise when she felt his tongue delving into the cleft of her ass.

  She was on the edge of orgasm and was damn sure it would just be the first of many.

  Corbin broke off their kiss to whisper in her ear. “Bend over, my princess. Let Waldrom fuck you from behind now. I will hold you steady and you can hold on to me.”

  She let her hand slid down his muscular arms to rest near his elbows. She could feel great strength there. Not human, but far stronger. It reminded her of when his brother carried her earlier.

  He stepped back a little and lowered his arms. She bent over. Victor adapted his position so he could continue his oral administration to the entire areas of her labia and clit. She felt her loose breasts swinging freely below her and became self-consciously aware of her bullet-hard nipples.

  Her mouth was at exactly the same height as Corbin's cock. It's swollen head topped by a pool of precum looked too good to ignore.

  For the first time she glanced to the side. Their audience had begun to kiss and touch, too. In her peripheral vision, she saw those gathered had moved together in couples and small groups and also touched each other. Some continued to watch them; others paid more attention to the people they stood with.

  Bodies met bodies.

  Soon, Brenna wasn’t the only one moaning. She felt more at ease knowing she and the princes weren’t the only ones aroused and weren’t being watched by a stoic audience.

  The fingers left her passage and the tongue that had licked around and in her ass also moved away. She sensed the man rising to his feet and standing behind her.

  He rubbed the end of his cock along the crack of her ass.

  Was Waldrom going to fuck her ass?

  The idea both shocked and excited her. She knew in an instant that if he asked she'd consent.

  Unable to resist she lapped at the head of Corbin's cock in front of her. The sticky precum tasted like sweet nectar. She licked her tongue around it. And it was all the more delicious knowing people watched her do this.

  Behind her, Waldrom pushed his cock further down and nudged and her wet entrance she almost felt disappointed that he'd gone south of her asshole. He leaned over her his body hot against her back. And he said, “Will you take it, my hatchling? Will you take my seed and keep it safe within you?”

  “Yes,” she said, “anything. Do anything.” And her clit throbbed so hard she knew she was about to come no matter what.

  Waldrom said, “I want to show you off to every single person in this room. I want them to know what you mean to me.”

  “What do I mean to you?” Brenna intended it to sound flirtatious, but she also wanted to hear the answer in words.

  “You mean everything to the three of us. You are our eternal soulmate. And they all know it.”

  One of Victor’s hands moved up Brenna’s chest and tweaked her nipple.

  “Make love to me,” she begged. She wanted the brothers to show her and everyone exactly what he'd just said. Brenna felt proud and loved at that moment.

  Her cheeks heated, and she knew she should feel embarrassed, but she couldn’t bring herself to care. The surrounding crowds kissed and groped and—now and then—turned their heads to watch the princes perform with the woman they’d brought home.

  It was hot as hell to know people were watching and getting aroused while doing so.

  With her regal lover, she was bringing a whole room of people to their knees—her pleasure meant their pleasure.

  Brenna wanted to put on a show as much as the guys wanted to give it.

  Waldrom entered her with ease, just when it was impossible for her to hold on. She thrust back against his cock. He pushed forward into her, pushing her clit against Victor's tongue. She had to let Corbin's cock drop from her mouth in order both to breathe and cry out in ecstasy.

  But Corbin's cock was delicious, and she wanted to connect with him as well as the other two men so she continued to lick around the glans through her cries and the contractions of her gratification.

  She came. Mercilessly, Waldrom didn't stop thrusting and she didn't want him too. Her body was only resting at the first plateau and she had no doubt more orgasms would follow soon.

  They did.

  For a while she was out of sorts, delirious.

  Before Brenna knew it, she lay on the pillow she’d previously stood on. Waldrom’s body on top of hers. His younger brothers next to her on either side and cuddling. The kissing continued. Her mouth claimed by one man and then another. Their hands all over her. Every touch blissful on her skin.

  Everything hotter than she’d ever known before.

  Brenna stole a glance around the room. It confirmed they were doing this, in front of others. There were still a few people watching them. Others in the audience had tumbled to the floor in each other’s arms, making use of the pillows.

  Waldrom’s cock was in her again. He hadn't come yet, not one of her three lovers had come. They exercised exemplary self-control while they gave her untold pleasure.

  “I want to give you my seed now, my hatchling. Are you ready to take it?”

  She was ready and told him so. She was ready to come again, helped by the fact that each thrust into her also involved his body rubbing against her swollen clit. Assisted further by the fact that she had two hot guys either side of her covering her with kisses. But all she really wanted was for them all to take turns fucking her in every position and every orifice.

  Having never been with multiple men at a time before, now she had the opportunity it seemed a shame that there wasn't a cock in her mouth as well as in her cunt. And she entertained curious thoughts about logistics of double penetration too.

  Waldrom quickened the pace. Thrusting deep. Deep growls seemed to come from somewhere within him. “Join us, brothers,” he said. “We should give our seed together.”r />
  The brothers either side of her got up on to their knees. Their cocks bobbing above her.

  She looked at them and all three sets of eyes focused on her. All dark with lust.

  “Are you all right, hatchling?” Waldrom asked.

  “Yes, please, fill me, breed me,” she said. And looking at the brothers, without thinking about the other people in the room, she added, “Cover me with your seed.”

  It was all the consent and encouragement the men needed. She couldn't be sure who came first. She felt the hot flood within her at the same time spurts of white goo criss crossed her body as it splattered over her.

  It was the most outrageous thing Brenna had ever done, and she loved it.

  From somewhere, Corbin produced damp cloths. He handed one each to his brothers, and they wiped her clean.

  She glanced about the room. They were at the center of an orgy, their love inspiring countless other bodies to seek pleasure and satisfaction.

  From time to time her mind had wondered about the ceremony, but there were more pressing issues for her attention, and she could ask questions later.

  “I want to make love to you,” Victor whispered.

  “As do I,” Corbin said.

  “I'd like to know that on this night our seed mixed within you.” Waldrom seemed remarkably composed for a man.

  The men cuddled her, stroked her and kissed her until they were all erect again and Brenna was ready for more.

  Corbin parted Brenna’s legs, pushing her knees up and bent so that her feet were flat on the floor to support the weight of her legs.

  And his head went down.

  The familiar sensation of the warm tongue flattening and dancing over her clit made Brenna's channel flood with desire and her natural lubricant.

  On impulse, Brenna raised her ass, pushing upward, and at the same time, Corbin filled her with his fingers.

  “Let me suck your cock, please,” she begged Victor as she felt she hadn't paid him enough attention yet. At that point in time she couldn't imagine anything better than being fingered by one man while giving head to another?

  “Of course,” he replied. As calm and confident as ever. His expression almost a sneer.


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