Over the Hedge: Part 2- The Finale (Lucky in Love)

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Over the Hedge: Part 2- The Finale (Lucky in Love) Page 2

by Minerva Vesta

  Regrettably, things between Bailey and I shifted for the worst when she accused me of trying to poach one of her men. I didn’t wait for her to kick me out on my ass. Todd was moving to Florida to retire and had already asked me to go with him. I packed my belongings, left the car my father bought for me, and traveled first class to a new life with Todd.

  I worked as a personal assistant for one of Todd’s clients when I first arrived in Florida. Todd had been clear about him taking care of me, but I didn’t want him to think I was mooching after his money. My mother had taught me a few important lessons when I first discovered that boys weren’t all gross. The main one: never let a man think you depend on him for your every meal. Because he’ll find a reason to seek solace in another. Men loved a challenge.

  We spent four glorious years together traveling the world. Todd had a heart attack that he didn’t recover from. He spent the last few months of his life with me. I did my best to convince him to marry me. I wasn’t dumb enough to think that once he passed away his children would welcome me with open arms. My worst fears would come to fruition. I would be penniless again. Unfortunately, his bitch of a daughter ruined all my plans. She hired a home health nurse that was under strict advisement to never let Todd leave the house. Everything felt like it was spiraling out of control. A heart attack led to a cancer diagnosis, which led to Todd taking his last breath one Sunday morning in my arms.

  As I suspected his children turned on me the moment Todd’s casket lowered into the wet ground. After he died, the only thing I got was the chunk of money he put in my account and the condo. The money was great but not enough to last me forever. The upkeep of the condo alone was exorbitant. It forced me to give up the weekly spa trips, shopping sprees, and exotic vacations.

  Now years later his daughter was trying to find a loophole in Todd’s will to kick me out of the condo. At the rate I was going she didn’t need one. I’d get evicted in less than a year if I didn’t find a replacement for Todd soon. There were a few men that took care of me from time to time, but I needed a permanent financier.

  I had always lived comfortably. My taste, however, was not matching my level of income. My check at H&G was pennies compared to the weekly money I was getting from Todd. The short time I struggled in L.A. made it abundantly clear that I wasn’t built to live a poor life. All of Mother’s lessons would come in handy while I secured my future and the man of my dreams.

  “Shit, shit, shit.”

  My car sputtered and jerked. I was already losing Sean’s truck in traffic. If my car stopped, I wouldn’t be able to catch up to them.

  I looked up at the display and cursed. My tank was on empty. There was a gas station coming up at the end of the block. I let out a sigh of relief when I pulled into the station and right up to a pump. I already fucked my day up from seeing Sean with Lashawnda. Breaking down on the side of the road would have pushed me over the edge.

  I put my hand over my mouth and screamed at the top of my lungs.

  How could this be happening to me?

  First Todd’s stupid daughter decides she wants to kick me out of my condo. Now, I’m forced to sit back and watch this bottom feeder with the man I’ve had my eyes on before she even knew he existed. Sean would be mine. All I needed to do was show him I was a much better choice than Lashawnda.

  I picked up my cell phone and dialed my father’s number. I heard his voice after the third ring.


  My breathing stopped. It had been well over a decade since he kicked me out of his life. And, long before that, he had stopped being the man I remembered. We hadn’t spoken in about the same time. In the beginning, he tried to fix the rift between us. But as time passed, I gave up any hope of us building a relationship.

  “Hello? Anyone there?”

  “John? Who is it?” The woman’s voice in the background jarred my nerves. I ended the call and threw my phone into the passenger seat. If there was one thing I hated more than Lashawnda at that moment, it was that woman.

  Maybe Sean’s simply curious about dating a woman like Lashawnda. Maybe this was just an itch he needed to scratch. Guys like Sean didn’t settle down with girls like her. Either way, I would keep her close. The more I knew about what was going on with them, the easier it would be to ruin their so-called union.

  I wanted Sean Colcord, and I would have him.



  What can I say? I found love. The all-consuming, spine-tingling, heart-stopping kind of love you only dream about, read about, or watch on TV. Never in a million years did I think I, Lashawnda Price, the woman with the potential for becoming a future cat lady, would be looking at one of the sexiest men in the world, and calling him my boyfriend.

  Since the evening my parents barged in on Sean and me, our relationship kept getting better and better. We fell into a routine most days. Spending the night together at either his place or mine—mostly his, because the townhouse just felt more intimate than my apartment. Not only were we sleeping together every night, but also driving to and from work together daily. You would think at some point we would try to get a break from each other, but that wasn’t the case. I loved being around this man.

  Everyone in the office was aware we were dating. We reported our relationship to Human Resources to ensure we weren’t violating any company policies. Even though Sean wasn’t my supervisor, he was in a managerial position in a department I worked closely with. However, we were expected to follow all the professional guidelines and avoid any overt behavior that other employees may find offensive. Tracy had joked with us that we needed to not get our freak on at work. Not that I would do something so reckless. The kiss Dr. Barnes barged in on was more than enough embarrassment for me.

  Everything in our relationship was progressing beautifully. I was getting to know more and more about Sean and who he was as a person. His likes, dislikes, the little things that made him tick. More importantly, I was beginning to see him as more than just a guy I was dating, but the man I could see myself with long-term.

  Here we were on our day off, and Sean was once again proving himself to be the man I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.

  I got a call from my dad that my mother had fallen ill with the flu. The Sunday dinner to introduce the families would have to be put off until further notice. Crystal and I volunteered to come over and take care of our mother. Daddy had initially refused our offer, but we were adamant about making sure she got better. Sean surprised me by volunteering to help as well.

  He was becoming good friends with Crystal. My mother was completely in love with him so, it didn’t hurt that he was doing things like this to solidify his position in the family. Plus, I knew he was trying to win a few points with my dad since the whole ‘naked in the hallway’ incident.

  Sean’s mother had even offered to come over to nurse my mother back to health. I had to shake my head when I heard him on the phone trying to dissuade her. He sounded like a ten-year-old boy trying to act like a grown man. It was ridiculously hard for Sean to tell his mother ‘no’. I was certain where he inherited his determination. Mrs. Colcord had finally relented after Sean promised to call her to reschedule dinner as soon as Momma was feeling better. I had already had the pleasure of speaking to his mother on the phone and couldn’t wait to meet her in person.

  We cooked breakfast and tended to Momma while Daddy got some much-needed rest. After cleaning up the kitchen, Crystal and I bathed our mother and got her comfortable in bed. Afterward, we got out the cleaning supplies and went through the house making sure everything was clean and organized just as our mother liked it. We also prepared dinner for Sunday and a few items for our father to have during the week. Our parents were our world and as their kids, we took pride in being able to care for them as they were getting older.

  Sean pulled out the lawnmower and started cutting the grass, with Daddy instructing him from the porch. Hurricane season was coming to an end, but the rains had pro
ven beneficial to the health of everyone’s lawn. The Florida sun was high in the sky when I walked outside with a glass of lemonade for my man.

  “You got a glass for me too?” Daddy asked from his position on the porch.

  I turned around and smiled at him.

  “No, Daddy, this is for Sean. I’ll bring you some when I come back inside.”

  “Hmm… I see where this is going. Pretty soon, it’s gonna be Sean this and Sean that. Like her daddy doesn’t matter no more.” Daddy shook his head as he watched Sean push the lawn mower back and forth across the grass.

  Before I could respond, Crystal came out of the house and handed Daddy a glass of lemonade without saying a word.

  “What?” he asked in mock confusion.

  “Grow up, Daddy,” Crystal said heading back inside.

  “Grow up? Grow up! Little girl, who are you talking to?” He got up from the chair and followed behind her. “You need to tell your clothes to grow-up. I don’t know why they always look like you shop in the children’s section,” he responded. “When your momma gets better, I will have her take you to her dress shop, so you can get measured properly.”

  Crystal’s shoulders were shaking with laughter as she made her way into the living room. It was nice to see her relax and smile after the hell her no-good husband had been putting her through. I left the two arguing about the size of Crystal’s clothes and sauntered outside to Sean.

  I sashayed toward him with the glass held high in my hand. Sean’s welcoming smile greeted me as he turned off the mower. I felt amazing with the sun beaming down on my dark skin and the light breeze blowing the sundress around my voluptuous frame.

  Damn, I got it bad, I thought, biting the soft skin on the inside of my cheek to keep from grinning like an idiot. Sean’s eyes were eating up every inch of me. I added a little extra sway to my walk. I had a captive audience that I didn’t want to disappoint. Feeling sexy around Sean was effortless. Loving him and loving on him put that pep in my step that spoke volumes.

  “Here, this is for you.” I handed him the glass and lightly pecked him on the lips, careful not to take it too far.

  He had already gotten a few odd stares from the neighbors while cutting the lawn. There was no need for them to give him anymore from us making out. My parents’ block consisted predominantly of retirees who grew up in a different era. So, seeing this white man out here was probably not what they were used to on a Sunday afternoon. Not to mention we lived in the south, so that came with a bunch of other issues.

  “Thanks,” Sean said bringing the glass to his lips and downing the ice-cold liquid. My clit thumped beneath my dress watching his large Adam’s apple bob up and down with each gulp. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and gave me the empty glass.

  “You’re welcome,” I said eyeing his sweat-soaked shirt. The material molded to his firm pecs and defined stomach muscles in a way that should only be depicted in wet dreams. The man was too good to be true. Beauty and brains all rolled up and a sexy package—and it was all mine.

  “Wow, Sean.” I looked around the yard impressed with the work he did. “Don’t tell my dad, but I don’t think his lawn has ever looked this good.”

  Sean puffed his chest out a bit at my approval.

  “Thanks. I worked as a lawn tech in high school to help pay for my college application fees. The guy I worked for was a real perfectionist. I guess he’d be proud that something rubbed off. I can’t tell you how many times he cursed Ian, Jackson, Brent, and I about us slacking off when the weather got hot.”

  “Brent working outdoors as a teenager? I don’t see it.” I retorted.

  “Oh, he didn’t need the money. He just wanted a reason to get out of his house.” Sean’s sexy chuckle made my grin spread even wider.

  The hedges were trimmed to perfection, and he had even cleaned up the flower beds. That was sure to make my mother happy.

  “I think you did a fabulous job.”

  Sean pulled off his gloves and stepped into my space. He traced my jawline with his index finger down to my chin. I steadied myself, hand flat against his side so I wouldn’t do something silly like swoon.

  “Can I tell you something funny?” Sean asked.

  “You can tell me anything,” I said, beaming at the spark in his eyes.

  Sean licked his lips and pressed his body close enough for me to feel the summer heat radiating from his skin.

  “While I was out here working in the yard, I kept thinking about what our Sunday afternoons will be like.” He closed his eyes and rubbed my bottom lip with the pad of his thumb while he spoke. “I imagined you in the kitchen cooking a big feast for me… I mean us. You’re wearing a dress just like this one. There is a little bun in the oven.”

  He paused for a moment and then licked his lips.

  “My favorite, honey rolls.”

  I giggled at his poor attempt at a joke. For a moment I got lost in the fantasy of me baking one of his little buns in my oven.

  “And, I’m out in the yard,” he continued. “Looking like the sexiest man on the planet, body glistening with a heavy sheen of sweat. All the women on the block are so jealous because of all the noise you made the night before. Yes, the bedroom windows were open, and we didn’t even know it. And, every husband is just as resentful as their wives. Because they’ve had none in months, and I get mine at least once a day and twice on Sundays.”

  “I swear you’re so silly sometimes,” I said, interrupting his daydreaming.

  Sean opened his eyes and looked down at me. His emerald green orbs flashed with humor. “Listen, little lady, I’m allowed to dream big.”

  “Hmm. Dreaming of our future neighbors’ envy of our future sex life is a big dream?” I cocked my head to the side with my hand on my hip.

  “Well, that’s just part of the dream. The other part included a house full of children and lots of mid-afternoon sex too,” he replied with a serious expression.

  “Is sex all you think about?” I asked with a playful pout.

  “No. It’s only part of what I think about. Other times, I’m thinking about you and me spending forever together. Doing mundane things like reading the newspaper together in bed, or us old as dirt playing bingo at the local church. And, every time I win, I get to pinch your booty.” His lips twitched as he was trying hard to keep a straight face.

  “Sean, you are a mess. You are still only thinking about sex.” I laughed aloud at the picture he painted.

  “Hey, I’m a man. What can I say for myself?” He pulled me into his arms, spreading his sweat from his skin to mine. “You know there is more between us than just the physical connection.”

  “Oh, I know. You made sure of that for almost four months. Had me plotting on how I was gonna take what I wanted.”

  I ran a hand over his sweat covered torso. The ridges and dips in his body had become my playground. Long drawn out nights of having him in my bed had taught me all the ways he liked to be touched.

  “Yeah but the physical is really good,” I said dropping my hands slightly so that my fingers grazed the exposed band of his briefs.

  “Speaking of food—what’s for dinner?” Sean asked.

  “Who was talking about food?” I asked incredulously.

  “What can I say for myself? I am a man.” He shrugged nonchalantly as if that was the explanation for everything.

  “Dinner will be ready in an hour, dear. Hurry up so you can get a shower before we sit down to eat.”

  Sean let his wide-mouthed smile spread easily across his face. He swooped his head and captured my lips in a heated kiss. When he pulled away, his green eyes were dark with lust.

  “Sean cut it out. You know my parents’ nosy neighbors are probably having a fit seeing you out here trying to swallow me whole.” I gently pushed at his chest.

  “Let the neighbors think whatever they want. I’m in love, dammit.”

  “You, Dr. Colcord, are too much.” I laughed. He tried to swat me on my butt, but I w
as too fast getting away from him. Moments like this were why I was hopelessly in love with this man. My charming, sexy green-eyed man.



  I tapped my foot excitedly as I pulled up the programs required to schedule a webinar between Dr. Barnes and one of his colleagues, Dr. Simon Vanderpool.

  Meetings like this are one of the reasons I loved my position so much. They allowed me to be a part of the most exciting research developments in the field of oncology. In fact, most of the advancements that helped enhance treatments of neurological disorders in the last twenty years had come from one of these two men. Few people were this lucky, especially with my job description only incorporating secretarial work.

  My first few meetings with Dr. Barnes and Dr. Vanderpool were awkward and had me questioning how outlandish my working environment with Dr. Barnes could get. The two men acted like archrivals, often bickering, arguing, and taking mean jabs at each other. I soon discovered it was their way of keeping each other on their toes. When I overheard Dr. Barnes praising Dr. Vanderpool for his ingenuity to another colleague, I knew they were friends. Dr. Barnes barely liked people enough to say hello, much less offer any words of admiration.

  Now, as I sat trying to find an appropriate space for our upcoming meeting, my mind drifted to the pregnancy test I purchased at the store this morning. I was nervous about taking it at home with Sean there. Something about this situation felt like I needed to do it by myself. Sean made it clear his position on us having a kid if I ended up pregnant from our weekend together. A little over four months of knowing someone was not ideal for having a child together. But, plenty of people in far worse situations than ours made it work, so I had no doubt that we would too.


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