Over the Hedge: Part 2- The Finale (Lucky in Love)

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Over the Hedge: Part 2- The Finale (Lucky in Love) Page 24

by Minerva Vesta

  “Yeah. I went out front to grab the binder I’m using to plan Dad’s birthday party from the car. I had my head down texting, when I got the feeling someone was watching me or something. The guy from a few houses down asked me about a car parked at the end of the block. I swore it was her across the street.”

  “Hmm. Is the car still there?”

  “No, when I stepped out on the sidewalk to get a better look, it pulled off.”

  “Maybe it was just a car that looked like hers,” Sean offered with a shrug.

  I nodded, agreeing. Because the other option was to drive myself crazy wondering how Jenny knew where I lived, and why would she be outside of my house? I haven’t seen her since the last time I ran into her in the lobby at work. Office gossip said she was put on probation for some work-related offense involving time management. When I heard, it confused me because she wasn’t someone that showed up to work late, like I did.

  “Come on. I’m gonna need you to taste this chicken and tell me if it’s as good as your dad’s.” Sean laced our fingers and tugged me back into the house.

  “So, you think you learned how to master barbecuing after one day?” I playfully bit his arm through his shirt.

  Sean pulled me to a stop and bent his lips to my ear. “I mastered licking your pussy after one night.”

  “Sean.” I audibly gulped, pressing my thighs together to ease the sudden forceful throbbing that erupted within my clit.

  “I know exactly what to do to make those tasty chocolate petals bloom. When everyone leaves tonight you gonna sit on my face and feed me dessert?”

  A whimper gurgled in my throat.

  “Huh?” Sean demanded, breath hot against my ear, sending shivers up my spine.

  “Yes,” I moaned. This man was pure evil. He knew exactly what he was doing to me.

  “Matter of fact.” Sean looked around the foyer, green eyes determined and looking for mischief.

  A few people were standing around ahead of us in the kitchen. His mother and mine were sitting at the island, shucking ears of corn for roasting. He glanced down the opposite hallway and saw that the coast was clear.

  “Come here,” he ordered.

  Like a trained puppy following her master, I walked down the hall behind him. Mind racing, sex throbbing, and panties getting slick with the thought of that talented tongue touching any part of me. When we got to the guest bathroom, Sean pushed me inside and closed the door with his foot.

  The first thing gone was his shirt, pulled roughly over his head by the back of the collar and tossed onto the closed toilet bowl lid. He then took my mouth in a rough kiss, all tongue and dominance. Nothing nice or sweet about the way he orally assaulted my lips. The pain and pleasure of it all made me wish we were home alone. We’ve had sex in just about every room since we moved in. That’s what I wanted now, a hard rampage of loud, sloppy wet sex with my man.

  By the time he was done with my mouth, there was a waterfall between my legs.

  Sean dropped to his knees, hands at the waist of my drawstring khaki shorts. The little bow holding the two roped strings were no match for his strong fingers. When he hooked his thumbs in the material and pulled it and my underwear down, the small space became flooded with the scent of my arousal.

  “Fuck! I’m glad I didn’t wait.” Sean licked his lip and ran a thick finger along the seam of my wet sex. My clit peaked out, ready for whatever he was about to give me.

  I threw my head back, little moans slipping out, as I mentally painted a picture of how we looked in this moment. My sexy, green-eyed man on bended knee before me. Dark hair framing his face, sun kissed skin from a day outside, ready to worship me as only he knew how.

  Sean tapped me on my ass, motioning for me to turn around.

  “You’ve been working on your stretching?” he asked.


  For the last two weeks, Crystal and I started taking a sunrise yoga class at the pier. Sean dropped us off in the mornings while he did his run along the beach.

  “Well, let me see what you’ve accomplished,” Sean encouraged.

  I bent down, legs spread wide, knees cocked back, and my body bent low. I could place my palms flat on the tile floor. The new position sent a rush of blood to my head, making me dizzy with desire. Sean’s large thick fingers gripped my thighs, anchoring me while pushing me forward. The cool air from the AC vent blew right against my hot wet core. I instinctively flexed as if I was doing Kegels.

  “Shit! Little lady, I wish you could see what I see right now.” I heard the obscene smack of his lips, like he was gearing up to eat his favorite meal. “All this for me?”

  “All yours,” I answered.

  “Only mine?”

  “Only yours.”

  “Whenever I want it?”

  “Any day, anytime, anywhere.” My voice sounded like I was pleading—begging for something only he could give me.

  “How I get so lucky that this pretty pussy is all mine.” Sean’s deep rumbling voice sent shivers up my spine.

  “Mmmm…Sean.” I begged. Here he was talking to my sex as if we didn’t have a house full of people that could potentially catch us in the act.

  That first dip of his tongue was like he was testing my temperature to see if I was ready. Nothing obscene, just a quick dip right into my center and back out again. He hadn’t told a single lie when he said he mastered the art of eating me out. Sean had the power of making me orgasm with just his voice alone. When his tongue was on me it was a done deal. I apologize to his mother and my mother, because I was about to get tongue fucked, and I had no intentions of being quiet. If anyone in this house knew what was good for them, they would stay far away from this guest bathroom.

  Sean’s second dip into my core was just as delightful as the first. I gripped my ankles, rhythmically throwing my open center back against his mouth. That pointed arrogant nose rubbed against me, adding to the pleasure. I lost all inhibitions at that point.

  “Sean!” I groaned, ready to explode.

  “Just like that,” Sean encouraged.

  I melted. My entire body dissolved like sugar in hot water. My inner muscles clenched and spasmed repeatedly while my core gushed with cream. Not a single care was given to trying to remain quiet. Sean put in work making me cum. My man earned every bit of hearing me orgasm.

  It took an extra ten minutes of his ministrations for me to come down from my high. When we finally made it back to the party, I made sure to have two pieces of Sean’s barbecue chicken. I couldn’t describe what it tasted like, but I knew it was the best damn chicken I’d ever eaten in my life.



  Jealousy wasn’t a good look for anyone—especially me.

  A few days ago, at work, I was meeting with Tracy regarding my staff’s annual reviews, when I overheard Jenny and another woman talking about Brad Ealey. Jenny was going on about him being gay. A laughable accusation for anyone to make in this day and age. What did gay look like? According to her, he never looked at women in the office, so he must bat for the other team.

  I tuned them out, but my ears perked up when the other woman mentioned she saw Brad talking to Lashawnda. I didn’t respond instantly, but the moment she remarked about them looking cozy, I was ready for my meeting to end.

  What threw me off, even more, was listening to Jenny bad mouth Lashawnda. I didn’t know how close they were, but I figured not that close, since she referred to her as, ‘a conniving shrew’ and accused her of ‘playing the innocent, shy girl role’, when in reality she was a ‘man hunter’. My irritation increased every second hearing her say those disparaging statements about my woman. I knew they weren’t true, but I didn’t want her so-called ‘friend’ talking shit about her.

  The moment my meeting ended, I ran up the stairs to Lashawnda’s cube. Seeing them in an embrace was enough to have me lose my manners. For a split second I forgot where I was. I knew Brad was interested in Lashawnda a few months ago. Not that he sa
id anything overt, but I noticed the way he looked at her. She was excited about us going to this bar tonight to see this band play. It wasn’t like I didn’t trust her to hang out with the guy. But, I knew damn well I would be there front and center.

  At nine o’clock we all met up in the parking lot of Francisco’s. The restaurant was dimly lit, except for the stage. We found a few tables on the opposite side of the stage. If the band wasn’t any good, I needed easy access to slip out without causing too much of a scene. A waitress came over and took everyone’s drink orders. Brent and Ian convinced the group to do a few rounds of shots. I was curious to see how the girls would cope hanging out with us. It was officially our first night out as a group since way back when Lashawnda and I first started dating.

  “I love this place,” Stacy said sitting closer to Will. “They have the best mozzarella sticks in town.”

  “I know. I told Brad this spot was one of our favorites.” Lashawnda hi-five Stacy across the table as they both giggled. “Just like old times.”

  “Yes, girl. Just like old times.” Stacy winked at Lashawnda and Crystal as all three laughed.

  “Whatever you used to get into during those old times, ain’t happening no more,” I said, bending down close to Lashawnda’s ear, so only she could hear me.

  I nipped her on the earlobe to emphasize my point. When she turned her face up to look at me, I popped a kiss on her painted lips. I felt her warm fingers slide up the inside of my thigh, settling just below where the tip of my cock sat. My pants suddenly felt constricting.

  “Are you sure you don’t want it to be like the old times?” Lashawnda asked.

  The way she bit her bottom lip and pressed her breast into my side had me questioning if I knew how she used to party.

  My eyes narrowed, mind racing with the possibilities of what she was insinuating. Like old times? My mouth kicked up on one side in a half smile. There were no old times. I’m sure she had her fun back in the day at Francisco’s. But I was the lucky number two when it came to sliding into those walls. There were no fun times like what I had in mind for us later tonight.

  “I’m about to fuck you so good, girl,” I sang playfully against her ear.

  “You’re about to get fucked even better, boy,” she sang back, making my chest rumble with laughter. Hearing her cuss was still strange.

  “Get a room, you two,” Brent yelled, flicking a straw at us.

  “We’ve got a whole house,” I replied.

  “And, that’s why I opted to stay with Brent,” Ian chimed in. “No way I was about to listen to the two of you going at it.”

  “We all know how loud she gets,” Stacy said in a mocking tone.

  “What?” Lashawnda looked around the large table at each of our friends who were busy laughing at her. The discomfort was written all over her face.

  “We all heard you, big sis,” Crystal said between sips of her drink. “No one was supposed to say anything since you get embarrassed so easily.”

  “I don’t know why you’re embarrassed,” Stacy replied. Her gaze settled on Will as she looked at him out of the corner of her eyes. “Get it while the getting is good. I know I would be hollering until the neighbors down the block knew what was going on.”

  I expected Will to respond to her snide comment, but he took a long gulp of his drink. Crystal, sensing the tension took Stacy’s wineglass from her and handed her a water instead. Stacy rolled her eyes and snatched her wineglass back, turning it up to her head and emptying it.

  “I’m just glad my big sis is finally getting some," Crystal said playfully dancing in her seat.

  “Shut up Crystal,” Lashawnda said.

  I pulled Lashawnda closer and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. She hid her face in my chest and rested her hand on my lower stomach. I had no shame about how much I loved, loving her and hoped she didn’t either.

  “We’re glad you chose not to stay with us too. Cause, the things she told me she was gonna do, I don’t know if your poor innocent ears could handle it.” I raised my glass to Ian, and he nodded with respect.

  “I wonder if Brad is here already.” Lashawnda looked around the room; trying to change the subject.

  “I’m sure he’s coming.” I patted Lashawnda’s thigh as we all gave our attention to the people on stage. The opening act was a young indie rock band. They were okay but not worth paying much attention to.

  “Have you heard this band before?” Will asked Lashawnda.

  “No. Brad said they were amazing. And, if we’re lucky they can do Dad’s party in a few weeks. And, if we’re really lucky they might do it free of charge,” Lashawnda spoke eagerly. Her smile grew wider with every word she spoke.

  I understood how important finding a band was for her father’s party. But I didn’t like how she said Brad’s name.

  “What would happen if we’re really, really lucky?” Brent asked mimicking Lashawnda’s voice. Everyone around the table laughed.

  “Shut up,” Lashawnda responded good-naturedly. I pulled her into a side hug and kissed her on the side of her neck while giving Brent the middle finger.

  The band on stage finished their last set and more and more people were finding tables. Someone came on stage and announced the main act would be on in fifteen. Twenty minutes later the lights went out; coating the room in blackness. There were whistles and cheers going up all around us. Whoever this band was, they were popular, because the place filled up quickly in a short amount of time.

  Suddenly, a spotlight illuminated a lone figure, with a well-worn baseball hat pulled low to his brow, came on stage.

  “Silent springs and things as such…” a deep baritone floated through the crowd. “Lonely winters, it hurts too much. But, all of this, would never mean a thing. If I could just taste your cherry lips.” The band kicked in after the last word and the crowd went wild.

  “These guys are really good. We should have gotten a closer table,” Lashawnda said, swaying to the rhythm in her seat. “Wow. I would purchase their album, remind me to check after the show. What do you think?”

  “Sounds pretty good,” I agreed.

  “I hope Brad is right about them being versatile,” she screamed above the music. “That lead singer has an amazing voice…deep and sultry.”

  They sang three more songs before the lights came back up. Everyone in the room was on their feet after the last ballad. They caught every woman in the room in a trance listening to it, including my own. Lashawnda’s eyes were glossy and her body moved as if she was hypnotized.

  “Thank you so much.” The lead vocalist grabbed the mic with one hand. “For those of you who are new to Francisco’s let me do the honors of introducing the band. On the drums, we have Drew…lead guitar, Terry…keyboards, Mike…bass guitar, Tim, but I also call him little brother…and I’m Brad. We are Ealey.”

  Well shit! If I didn’t have a reason to dislike this man, this was one. Lashawnda looked like she was about to rip off a piece of clothing and throw it on stage. She stood up and cheered, breasts bouncing and jiggling as she clapped excitedly.

  “Oh, my goodness, you guys, that’s Brad from the office!” she screamed.

  “Whoa…he’s good,” Crystal said, cupping her mouth and screaming with all the other women.

  “He’s amazing!” Lashawnda screamed above the crowd’s cheering.

  I said nothing. Jealousy was a new emotion for me. Since I’d remained single all my adult life, I never felt resentment or rivalry toward another man. But, the way Lashawnda was staring goo-golly-eyed at Brad singing on stage, I wanted to fuck his face up. The feeling of watching your woman fawn over another man was not a good one.

  Brad pulled his hat up and wiped his brow. I could tell the instant he spotted Lashawnda in the crowd. It wasn’t hard to miss her. She had on a low-cut, purple top, giving every man in the room an eyeful of her bountiful assets. I’d stared down at least a dozen men that couldn’t keep their eyes off her since we arrived. I already made a mental note
to toss the top away the moment we got home.

  “Thank you very much, ladies and gents…you are too kind. We’ve got a very special lady in the house tonight we are auditioning for,” Brad said into the microphone. People looked around as if they wanted to spot a big shot music executive. Some guy shouted out, ‘sign them right on the spot’.

  “No, nothing like that. She’s a good friend of mine that wants us to help her celebrate her poppa’s birthday. Lashawnda this one’s for you.”

  Slow, steady guitar strings permeated through the bar. It was a different vibe from the first three songs they played. The crowd switched gears right along with them and swayed to the music.

  “Drea-ea-ea-ea-eam, dream, dream, dream

  Drea-ea-ea-ea-eam, dream, dream, dream

  When I want you in my arms

  When I want you and all your charms

  Whenever I want you, all I have to do is

  Drea-ea-ea-ea-eam, dream, dream, dream

  When I feel blue in the night

  And, I need you to hold me tight

  Whenever I want you, all I have to do is


  I can make you mine, taste your lips of wine

  Anytime night or day…”

  I stopped listening after the first dream. This was one of my mother’s favorite songs, so I knew it was The Everly Brother’s hit Dream. Brad was officially on my shit list. He had a lot of balls standing on stage singing about Lashawnda in his dreams…my Lashawnda. I knew he might have had feelings for her in the past, and by the way he was all into the song, he obviously hadn’t gotten over them.

  He’s lucky I’m not the fucking Sandman, or I’d fuck his dream world up.

  When the song finished everyone clapped. Lashawnda stood up and yelled at the top of her lungs. Her bouncing up and down was doing little to keep away the straying eyes of other men. I had argued with her about showing so much cleavage, but she refused to change her top. She had given me the excuse of finally being able to fit in it; something I thought ridiculous considering most of her was hanging out. The night had officially turned sour as Brad sang two more songs from the fifties and sixties then finished with an upbeat reggae tempo of Brown Skin Girl by Chris Brown.


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