Emp Pitch Black

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Emp Pitch Black Page 9

by Above Average Joe

  “You got me this time. This is such a good idea after all sorry for being judgmental. She apologized.

  “No problem Farah, I understand.” I said. “Let’s go there and welcome them.” I said further.

  Farah and I walked back towards the crowd to welcome them. After resolving our minor misunderstandings a while ago, Farah spearheaded herself as the welcome committee putting in some smiles of hospitality which eventually uplifted my confidence and trust on her.

  I tapped Carl’s shoulder inviting him to take a look at my nearby pond which locations are just steps away to my hydroponics tent. The pond is filled with water but emptied as all the fishes were transferred to the aquaponics blue tanks. Carl and I left the whole crowed and went inside the tent.

  “What an ingenious system you got here Ryan. This is just in time for these days.” He said.

  “I am just maximizing my assets into transforming them to be more useful. Look, Carl.” I said while I am pointing to the transparent tubes.

  The feces of the fish will be sucked down to this tube bringing the waste waters to the hydroponics system. The plants over there are going to filter everything up with the fish dirt serving as their automatic fertilizer. In this way, we can have better food supplies.” I explained.

  “This is amazing Ryan. With this unbelievable two-way system, mass production is not a problem making us the prime contenders for barter in the future.” He said.

  “Exactly. If this system will be successful, we have enough food to for ourselves and the whole new recruits and at the same time, by doing security shifts, our area will be impenetrable by potential robbers and looters. I have a gun collection and enough ammo and with enough firepower, we will surely be a team that is hard to beat.” I said.

  Carl immediately engaged himself into a tour of my hydroponics system. He is very much fascinated with the fishes that swim passed around the blue tanks’ peak a boo window. Fat health fishes who are fed with protein loaded feeds. I introduced Carl to the Hydroponics area. I told him regarding this technology and how it had helped to maximize our agriculture despite the earth’s imbalance. Planting vegetables in a soilless area is such an amazing technology.

  “How are you going to sustain the requirements for electricity consumption?” Carl asked.

  “I have been positive about solar energy as a viable alternative to address power needs and the possibility of power shortages in the coming days. For as long as the sun is high and shinning, there is nothing to fear. Also, I am also planning to build windmills to utilize the wind especially when the sun is out or our generator ceases to be operative.” I elaborated further.

  Carl was just simply awed by my informative reception telling repeatedly that I am a hell of a genius because of my hydroponics system. The organized plumbing and stainless steel pipefitting for the tanks water rotation exhibited the flashiness of technology despite these hard times. All but smiles as the system gazes all it functionality. Carl is more amazed to the healthy plants planted in a soilless platform. The automatic filtration of fertilizers obviously saves manpower to the highest. This will make sure that our products maintain its quality. If this will eventually happen, our trade assets will increase giving us the option to demand for a higher barter rate.

  “Ryan, look what I found?” he said.

  It’s my Xperia Tablet Z and I have been looking for this gadget for days now. Thank goodness he found it. I checked on the lithium ION Battery to remove it.

  “I have to go back to the house for a sec. okay?” I told Carl. “Okay.” He replied.

  I go back inside the house bringing with me the gadget. I headed to my office table to open its locked drawers. I placed the tablet’s battery together with my laptop and all other valuables and close it. The charger and my portable 1,000 GHz antenna are upstairs in my room so I went up to get it. I rammed at moderate speeds up to the room. I opened our closet and found the box was it is kept. Finally, my communication recipe is complete. I brought the box outside and within a few steps, I reached the hydroponics tent were our generator is stationed. The solar panels have been turned on since the break of dawn so using a bit of its electricity to test my tab won’t be a problem. I dismantled the tablet to extract the wifi adopter. Once it’s done, I connected the auxiliary wires of the portable antenna in replacement of the wifi adopter. After stabilizing it with some few solders and electrical tapes, I got the tablet’s back cover to have it closed. Plugging in the charger to the tablet’s charger jack is easy while hooking the end of the wire to the solar panel’s main source. I stretched out the antenna into its maximum extension while turning the volume into its maximum level. I tried to adjust the antenna in every direction desperate to find any waves of TV signal. Carl and the rest of the crowd often referred to as my new recruits gathered around me. Suddenly a hazing sound of frequency disturbance caused the tablet to flash glimpses of TV waves coming from Fox News. Maintaining that position, I mounted the tablet on a nearby table and jolt the antenna to get a decent reception. I finally got the signal and it’s clear enough. I turned the volume to maximum so that everyone can hear.

  Jake Rockwell, Fox News correspondent is just in time for a special report. He is having a discussion with Yanina Pondexter, a fellow news anchor. Everyone including fafrah, Steve, Lee, Suzie Carl and his family clapped and rejoiced because finally, civilization came in but settled into silence as the TV News program begins.

  “Hello. The entire United States is in chaos as the streets and the simultaneous acts of men settle for lawlessness. All the fifty states and most probably in places around the world are also desperate to fight for survival. Countless of people die every day caused by numerous factors extreme famine, murder, communicable diseases, suffocation and more. The NATO has death toll estimates of at least about one million deaths per month and that is just massive as it is expected that it will increase from time to time. Technology has stopped, streets are now in darkness, cars and shelters burned to the ground, trains derailed elevators cramped down to the ground, communication, security, hospital as well as government shutdowns continue, money ceases to be legal tender. Nations will fight against nations, EMP enhanced nukes are to be fired by China sooner as well as we are going to wait for the coming of natural CMEs. Is this our inevitable end? Is this the end of the human race? God Bless America. For Fox News, Jake Rockwell reporting.” The reporter ended his report with a tough sigh.

  “Jake, how’s Washington and the White House?” Pondexter said.

  “As of now, the President is in Hague to have a conference with other U.N. Dignitaries to forestall and convince China not to attack instead, to be an ally with them to create a massive contingency plan. Air strike teams coming from the British and US Air force are in reconnaissance in the mainland using their latest Stealth fighter planes. Hopefully, Chinese radars won’t detect them. Task Force End of Days has been activated to expedite survival methods through the British, French and the US Army who are set to be deployed at third world countries.” Rockwell said.

  “How true is this Solar Flare thing?” Pondexter added.

  “Yes, Yanina. As a matter of fact, I have talked with NASA and they said that this massive energy and technological blackout is caused by Electro Magnetic Pulse or EMP brought about by some solar storms. According to NASA, technologically advanced countries like the U.S., Japan, China, Canada, Qatar will be the hard hit areas, as our technology like telecommunications system involving airports, cellular sites, electric factories like hydroelectric, nuclear and geothermal power plants act as huge antennas sucking in raw solar energy that could kill everything on earth.” Rockwell replied.

  “And how true is it that possible meteors will be hitting earth?” Pondexter asks.

  “It’s still a possibility Yanina. The solar storms for now is just the first wave. The people should beware that just a minor issue. NASA postulates that there will be large waves of solar storms which will cause a CME and EMP. After these, meteor meltdown follo
ws but let’s be hopeful.” Rockwell answered.

  “Thank you Jake for that report.” Pondexter concludes Rockwell’s special report.

  We stayed glued on the tablet screen anxious to get some news and any sort of information. It has been weeks since we had live reporting. I’d even tried my gadgets just to get the slightest radio signals but it failed to give me adequate results. Fox News settles for an advisory commercial reminding people to stay calm as always. After the commercial, the news resumes.

  “In other news, outbreaks of diseases and all sorts of epidemics are spreading throughout the country. Tuberculosis, Meningitis, Leprosy, Necrotizing fasciitis otherwise known as the flesh eating disease are just among it. The inadequacy of medical treatment due to the EMP effect could increase risks of being contaminated. Vaccines are on a scarce. Meanwhile, law enforcers assigned in the urban areas left their jobs as they could no longer control the people’s rage. Instead they went on to protect their own families. Jake Rockwell reports” Pondexter said.

  Subsequently, the screen shifts to Rockwell covering a nearby Washington street where everything is just chaos. I could clearly see the riot going on in the street. There’s just no peace. Some people are carrying lit bottles filled with kerosene throwing it like bombs burning everything in its path.

  “As you can see, there is just chaos everywhere. No police officers here to keep the peace. Convenient stores are robbed to the bone as people are taking in what they can in order to survive. The water sanitation provided by our waterworks districts has stopped chlorination making the faucet waters polluted. That’s all I got here. Back to you Yanina.”

  “Thank you Jake. In other news, massive migration of people hailing from nearby inner cities into the countryside is starting. This would ignite turmoil the further. Along with them are the so called Takers, people who are supported by the government. Their presence in the countryside will spur further conflict. As what others say, these Takers are racist --- they think that their rights are above others. Their arrogance will surely be a factor especially now that everything has died down. The remainder of our police force and a few of fire trucks with water hoses are deployed in strategic locations to dispel the rage of conflict between them. Stay tuned well is back after some reminders.” Pondexter said.

  I did not bother finishing the whole news. Everything is enough, brief concise and informative. I walked to the front and turned my Xperia off to conserve solar energy. The facial expression of the audience turned sour. Some were anxious after hearing the news but I maintained strong for them. Motivating them would be my last hope for them to keep the faith. I may not sound as good as Lincoln but I know I can convince them to stand firm by telling them to guard our posts because it’s not possible that they will come here. As I speak some words of wisdom, the anxious crowd circled around with me as their nucleus. As my words penetrated their hearts, smiles begin to shine which made it easier. Farah even smiled. She must not have expected that I can be a decent motivational speaker.

  After I talked, I checked out the gates if they are locked. It’s not good to leave it open these days. I started to think about the migrant Takers and their racist attitude. Their indolence will surely kill them. They do not know how to work, earn a living or stand in their own feet. Takers are solely dependent on government support and now that the government is dead, they have to start from square one.

  I checked the locks and its good tight and secure. I stand in the gates and have thought that it’s better to be dead than work with a lazy and a useless “Taker.”

  Chapter 10

  I stand close to the gate to check the road. Suddenly, I saw a man walking towards my direction. I clasp my handgun tucked in my holster and let it loose. If this man approaching draws even the slightest of my temper, I am going to blow his head off. It is though that the man is approaching confidently but I don’t know who he is.

  “If only I had my glasses.” I said.

  My derailed vision caused the blurriness of my eyesight. This may be a sign of ageing or perhaps the consequence of overplaying my eyes on PS4 games. Who cares? I just deliberately broke my glasses to get loose from honey bee stings. But I cannot do anything for now. I draw myself closer to the gate with crossed arms to at least have a clear view. The man must have seen me standing behind the gates with my handgun on my right hand closely hidden behind my left arm. Instead of running away, the man ran towards me increasing my caution. But if he is a thief, why would he resort to one man army show with no back-ups? I just gripped the handle of my gun waiting for his next move. His speed increased stomping away some dust on the dirty road.

  “Ryan! Ryan!” the man shouted waving his two hands.

  This person knows me but I just have no I idea who he is and while his distance gets closer by the inches, I clutched on my gun more than ready enough to take a vicious aim with my pointer finger semi touching the surface of the trigger.

  “Ryan!” he said again. “It’s me Noah!” He said. “Noah Benjamin, you neighbor. Don’t you recognize me?”

  Good thing I am not a trigger happy man and good thing he’s not an enemy.

  “Yeah, I do recognize you Noah. Who would ever forget our memories as neighbors? My apologies for not recognizing you immediately. I broke my glasses causing my vision to get blurred especially at far distances.” I replied with a relief offering may hand for a handshake of courtesy.

  “Wait, I’ll open the gate first so that you can come in.” I said.

  I opened the gate so that Noah could come in. I am happy and excited to see him. His arrival gave me some sort of a relief. Good thing that I did not pull the trigger too soon.

  “How are you Ryan? How’s Farah? How’s life been going on since the solar storm slumped in?” he asked.

  “It’s been tough man but we are fine. Let’s go inside. I have to introduce you to my friends.” I said.

  I locked the gate after Noah went in and both of us went on to the hydroponics tent. As I was closing in to them, Carl shared his moments with Steve and Lee Guy as his finger points to the tent. Farah’s eyes were caught by Noah’s arrival. I could see her face lit up with a smile of enlightenment. She must have been so happy seeing our good old neighbor drop by in such an unexpected moment. Despite the Xperia tablet tucked in her arm, she met up with Noah to give him a warm tight hug.

  “How are, Noah? It’s been a while since you visited. What has been going on with you lately?”

  “I‘m just fine, Farah. I just came to check you out to remind you of something.” Noah said.

  “What is it? Oh wait. Why don’t you introduce Noah to them? By the way, here’s tour Tablet, keep it.” Farah said while pointing at the new recruits while giving the tablet and the wires and stuff placed in a plastic bag.

  “Guys, listen up. This is our long time neighbor, Mr. Noah Benjamin.” I said.

  Everybody gave a handshake to Noah including Carl, Steve, Lee and Susie. Smiles and subsequent acts of courtesy followed.

  “Hello Noah, Pleased to meet you.” They said.

  “What is it that you want to tell us, anyway?” I asked.

  “There are numerous roving bands with men fully armed and dangerous that has been roaming around this past few days to steal water, food and any working machinery. That’s why I came here because I know that your place will be an ideal target.” He said.

  “Thank you for the information, Noah. We really appreciate it.” I said.

  Anxious looks are seen in an obvious picture. I also feel these scary moments crawl underneath my skin as the new sets of scavengers will come barging in, heavily armed and dangerous. Maybe these robbers will riding some RV Trucks or are riding in tandem in motorcycles to max out fuel consumption. This will surely be a one hell of a battle of wits, lives and strategy. I have to formulate a masterful strategy to repel it. I am just in time to move in some men equipped with vehicles and survivalist talent. We definitely have the edge if we plan it well. Putting tight security will defini
tely do the trick. Putting all the functional machineries that we have in a secure location within the farm would be nice.

  “Ryan, can I talk to you for a second? In private?” Noah said.

  “Yeah sure, man. What about it?” I said.

  We went to the terrace of the house just a few steps from the hydroponics system.

  “I would like to have a barter system with you for the excess production that we currently have in our property.” He said.

  “And what excess products do you have?” I said.

  “We have some live stock feeds at home. We would be happy to trade it for fish. Livestock can also be an awesome trade piece especially that you have a large quantity of turkeys and deers roaming around. ” He offered.

  “That’s a good idea. We have adequate supplies of livestock, vegetables as well as fishes. Also, having close barter ties sets up exclusivity between us. So I am not going to trade off some of my fishes to anyone unless you have seen it first. You are my priority and so am I to you.” I said.

  “Exactly! Your hydroponics and aquaponics system can certainly exceed my expectations as our assets will surely be insurmountable. I produce feeds while you produce livestock, fish and vegetables. What a coincidence!” Noah said with a smiling exclamation.

  “With our exclusive barter system, supply and demand will surely be met especially in these times of survival. Both of us are not also limited to fishes and livestock feeds. Anything goes from here.”

  “Yeah, sure, Noah. Just give me a visit if you need to trade something I’ll just visit you if I need something.“ I said.

  “Sure I will.” He said. “Very well Ryan, I have to go now. My family is probably waiting.” He said.

  Our brief but relevant conversation ended up in a positive note. Tightening up neighborhood ties is so much needed especially in these times. For sure, our inter-familial relations are not only limited to barter only. Once that trust and confidence is already established, it surpasses any agreement beyond what is agreed. Noah and I are like allies now. Like two signatories who had just concluded an inter country treaty against all the threat that is going to come in the next days, months or perhaps years instead of being just a neutral play safe individual that only means one thing --- cowardice. The agreement that both of us had concluded will have its co –equal benefits of increasing our stability of our territorial defense especially so that our houses are just near. I was standing behind our gate as Noah moved on to his home. What a nice offer I got here and it already even a done deal. I just went back towards the house were my men are just sitting around. Strategizing an early game plan would be a nice move to start. There is no reason to wait for tomorrow we have to have a sturdy plan to secure our perimeter.


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