His Redemption

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by A. F. Crowell


  Since his parents’ deaths, a single person has kept billionaire Brody Davis afloat: his surrogate mother, Jane. He owes her big-time, and the last thing he wants is to alienate the one person who loves him unconditionally. But when her gorgeous niece needs a place to stay…sometimes lust, love and destiny run roughshod over good intentions.


  Emmery Lennox has a single focus in life, her career as a competitive equestrienne. But chasing that dream suddenly becomes a nightmare, and Emmery’s only refuge is the home of a devastatingly handsome and domineering man who challenges everything she believes about herself. In his arms, murder, mayhem and vicious drug cartels aren’t the biggest threat. Her body has betrayed her brain, and her heart is on the line. And yet, together, the future is brighter than it has ever been.


  “The chemistry between Brody and Lei is off the charts.”

  —L. Wilder, Author of Combust

  “A.F. Crowell writes a sassy and intriguing story of lust, love, and heartbreak that will leave readers begging for more!”

  —USA Today Bestselling Author J.C. Valentine



  A. F. Crowell


  PUBLISHER’S NOTE: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, business establishments or persons, living or dead, is coincidental. Boroughs Publishing Group does not have any control over and does not assume responsibility for author or third-party websites, blogs or critiques or their content.


  Copyright © 2016 A.F. Crowell

  Smashwords Edition

  All rights reserved. Unless specifically noted, no part of this publication may be reproduced, scanned, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, known or hereinafter invented, without the express written permission of Boroughs Publishing Group. The scanning, uploading and distribution of this book via the Internet or by any other means without the permission of Boroughs Publishing Group is illegal and punishable by law. Participation in the piracy of copyrighted materials violates the author’s rights.

  ISBN 978-1-944262-34-1

  E-book formatting by Maureen Cutajar


  James and Chase,

  I love you both beyond the stars, the sun and the moon.



  Without my husband and boys, I would not have made it this far. They are my heart. The last year has been tough on all of us, but if you only remember one thing I’ve taught you this year, remember this: Hard work works. If you want something, you have to fight, hustle and give it your all. Never give up, because only you can make your dreams come true.

  All of my Ride or Die girls! I love you guys. I would not be where I am without each and every one of you! I am beyond grateful.

  My PA, Rosa and my PR/AC, Heather, thank you from the bottom of my heart. I would be a disorganized, always late mess if it were not for both of you. Thank you for always being there to love me, support me and talk me down from the ledge.

  There are few amazing authors who have taken me under their gracious wings and helped me beyond words of thanks. J.C. Valentine, Jordan Marie and Audrey Carlan, you ladies are truly a special group. #authorlovin’

  My writing partner, K.M. Scott, your advice is wonderful, but your friendship is priceless. Thank you for being there to “jog” with me, push me to be better and to help me stay focused. I am incredibly blessed to count you as my friend.

  Thank you to my readers. I know this story took a lot longer than I had planned. Thank you for being patient and sticking with me. I hope it was worth the wait.



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  About the Author

  Also by A.F Crowell


  Chapter One


  There weren’t many people I let get close. Not after the disastrous relationships I’d had over the years. I was cautious with my trust. But one person had always been there for me. She never judged me. She loved me unconditionally.


  Jane had been my mother’s best friend for as long as I could remember.

  When my parents died in a plane crash more than ten years ago, Jane stepped up and took care of me. Which is why when she asked if her niece could stay with us for a few days, I said yes.

  Anything for Jane.



  Jane and I had just left the home of Leila, my ex, and her husband, Jaxon, to spend Christmas evening with my beautiful, eight-month-old daughter, Lillian, who was gurgling happily in the backseat.

  Jane’s cell phone chirped. Glancing over, I saw her pull her phone out and reply to the message. Turning, she looked back at Lillian. “She’s so adorable. Those gorgeous red curls like her momma.”

  Looking up in the rearview mirror, I couldn’t help but smile. “She is, without a doubt, the most beautiful thing I’ve ever set my eyes on.”

  Jane’s phone chirped once more. With a heavy sigh, her shoulders fell. “I hate to ask, and I wouldn’t if it weren’t important, but would you have a problem with my niece coming to stay with us for a few days? She’s having some problems at work and has some time off for the holidays. Her father is out of the country on business and I don’t think she wants to be alone.”

  “Absolutely. It’s your house, too.”

  “Thank you, honey. I promise she won’t be in your hair.”

  “No trouble. She’ll stay in one of the spare bedrooms. It’ll be nice to have someone else in the house, and I’m sure you’ll love the company. How long has it been since you last saw—wait, what’s her name?”

  “Her name is Emmery. And it’s only been a month. When I went to Connecticut in November for Thanksgiving to see Richard, she stopped by for a few days. Before that, it had been several years,” Jane said, taking off her seatbelt as we pulled into the garage.

  Once we got the presents all unloaded and put away in the nursery, I decided to look over some contracts in the office until after Lil’s nap.

  An hour or so later, I heard Jane cooing, “Well, hello there, sleepyhead.” I exited the office and I walked out to the kitchen.

  “Are you hungry, my sweet angel?” Jane babbled at Lilly playing with her toes.

  “I’ll feed her,” I said, walking to the fridge. After her bottle, I took her upstairs. “Do you wanna take a bath, Lilly? You wanna get in the big-girl tub?” She cooed back at me. I took tha
t as a yes.

  Washed, dried and in her jammies, Lilly and I were lying in the middle of my bed playing with her feet when Jane knocked, came in and said, “I wanted to let you know that my niece will be here tomorrow.” Stopping at the foot of the bed. “Hi, sweet angel. Are you having fun with Daddy?”

  Lilly rubbed her face back and forth on the comforter. “I think someone’s ready for bed. Why don’t you let me put her down?” Jane asked as she reached for Lilly. “I’ll read her a little bedtime story.”

  “Sounds good. You do that and I’ll take a shower. Afterwards, maybe you and I could talk?”

  “Of course, dear. I’ll be downstairs when you are ready.” She scooped Lilly up and held her for me to kiss good night.

  “Sweet dreams, princess. Daddy loves you.” I kissed the top of her head and rubbed her perfect little cherub cheek.

  Thirty minutes later, I was sitting in my office when Jane walked in. “Do you have a few minutes or would you rather wait ’til later?”

  “Now is fine. I wanna get to bed soon.” Pushing back from the desk, I stood and walked to the door. “How about we go to the living room?”

  “Sounds good,” she agreed.

  Sitting on the couch, I turned to look at Jane. “So, this niece of yours, what are her work troubles?”

  “Emmery’s a horse trainer and travels with her horses around the U.S. A few days ago she was in one of the stalls getting one of her horses ready when she overheard two men talking. She wasn’t supposed to overhear and tried to sneak out. She didn’t make it out without someone seeing her, and yesterday, when she was in the barn with another trainer, a man approached and told her to forget what she heard.”

  “Did she go to the officials?”

  “And tell them what? She overheard people talking and isn’t sure about who or what horse they were referring.”

  I nodded, acknowledging there didn’t sound like there was anything to report. “As I said, she’s more than welcome to stay as long as she needs. What time does her flight get in?”

  “Ten tomorrow morning. I’ll pick her up and we’ll probably tour around, go to lunch, so we won’t be back straight away.” She patted my hand. “’Night, my sweet boy. Try not to worry. Everything will be fine.” Jane stood and walked out the back veranda doors near the kitchen, toward the carriage house.

  Chapter Two


  “Good morning.” The thin, brunette taking boarding passes greeted me as she scanned mine.

  “Morning,” I muttered, not really thinking there was anything pleasant about this morning. I didn’t sleep for shit. The few times I did fall asleep I had nightmares about some burly man shooting me up with drugs meant for a horse.

  I was grateful that my aunt said I could crash with her for a few days. Sure, I could have stayed at my dad’s, but with him being out of town, I didn’t want to be in Greenwich by myself. Not that I would really be alone with all the house staff, but it wouldn’t feel like a refuge and I needed to get away and get some perspective. Maybe then I could figure out how to deal with the situation I’d found myself in.

  “Here you go.” The attendant smiled and handed the ticket over, waving me through to the bridge. “Have a nice flight.”

  “Thanks.” I just wanted to forget the whole damn incident. As I found my seat, my mind wandered back to yesterday afternoon in the barn.

  After taking Puissant over a few fences, I was standing in his stall, murmuring in his neck when I heard people walk into the stable. Two men were talking about a drug that was supposed make the horses jump higher. One of them started telling the other that the boss said to use Fustex, because it was illegal and it would get her thrown out. Quietly, I released my hold of Pu’s fetlock and stood up slowly so I could see who was talking.

  Two men I’d never seen before were standing in the aisle just near the feed room. They looked like guys that should be on an episode of Narcos, not at the New York Grand Prix. Subtle bulges in the mid-back around their waistband suggested they were armed.

  Crouching back down, I decided to wait a few minutes before I left. Quietly, I tried to slide the stall door open enough to slip out, but it sounded like a train trying to stop on a rusty old railroad track. Quickly, I squeezed through and started in the opposite direction of the voices. Thankfully, I had my phone in my jeans pocket and my earbuds were still attached. I popped them in.

  I was six or seven stalls down the way when I heard a voice. I glanced over my shoulder, pretending to be looking around at the horses.

  “Excuse me, do you have a minute?” one of the men called from down the aisle. His accent was definitely South American. Colombian or Venezuelan maybe.


  My inner voice told me to get the hell out of there.


  “Ma’am, would you like a drink before we take off?” Tapping my shoulder, the steward asked, jerking me out of the memory.


  “A drink. Would you like a drink before the plane takes off? A bottle of water? Orange juice, mimosa?”

  “Oh—yeah. Can I get a mimosa?” Alcohol would definitely help.

  Running my hands down along my forearms, I tried to rub away the goose bumps the memories dredged up. We began our ascent out of New York and away from the disturbing situation I currently found myself in.

  I’d just texted my aunt to tell her we were taking off and went to turn off my phone when the text message indicator dinged. I didn’t recognize the number but I opened the message anyway.

  Forget what you heard or you will wish you had. Here or there, I can still reach you, Emmery Lennox.

  As a read the message, a cold chill went through my body. I didn’t need to know who it was. I understood the meaning and, more clearly, the intentions. I powered off the smartphone, bent down, unzipped my handbag and tossed it in like it was a live grenade ready to go off at any second.

  Leaning back into the leather seat, I tried to calm my nerves and remind myself that this whole thing would blow over and everything would be fine.

  I just needed to get away for a little while.

  Chapter Three


  Shortly after nine, Jane entered the kitchen while I was feeding Lilly a jar of apple, raspberry and avocado baby food. Apparently, it was all natural and I was good with that. I wanted nothing but the best for my little princess. But seriously, who the hell thought of mashing apples, raspberries and avocados together? I could see apples and raspberries, they were fruits. But avocado too? Disgusting.

  “Good morning, my sweet Lilly.” Jane came around the counter to the round breakfast table overlooking the veranda and backyard. “How did she sleep?”

  “Good. Didn’t wake up until seven a.m. today.” Out of the corner of my eye I spied Lilly’s tiny little hands grab the spoon. “Crap. No, no, Lilly. You aren’t big enough to feed yourself yet.”

  Ignoring me, she flung her arm back causing her hand to slide straight down the spoon shooting what should have been a mouthful of apple, raspberry and avocado puree all over her face and tray. This was apparently funny because she grinned and then smacked her squishy hand on her highchair table, splattering the reddish-purple-colored remnants across my shirt, creating her version of a Jackson Pollock painting.

  Laughing, I look down at my shirt then at my daughter. “Oh, Lils, you silly girl. Now Daddy has to go change. Jane, could you watch her for just a moment?”

  “Certainly, I have a few minutes before I need to leave. I will get her cleaned up while you get a fresh shirt on.”

  Sliding back in the chair, I stood, exited the kitchen and headed upstairs to my bedroom. Once I shed my new masterpiece of a shirt, I open the double doors to my closet and was hit with yet another vivid memory of Lillian’s mother, Leila. Staring at the stationary closet island, my chest squeezed as my internal video played out the time I fucked her relentlessly on the countertop.

  Shaking my head, I stared for a beat, waiting for
the pain to pass before I grabbed the light blue button-down off the hanger and slipped it on. After I rolled the sleeves, I looked down at my faded jeans, deciding against tucking it in. Typically, I was in a suit, so today no tucking was welcome.

  As I descended the stairs, I heard Jane and Lilly babbling incoherently at each other. Coming through the house, they came into view and Jane looked over her shoulder toward me. “See, there’s Daddy.”

  “Thank you. I’ve got her now. You should probably get on the road. You don’t want to be late,” I reminded Jane.

  She glanced down at her wrist, checking the time. “Oh, you are so right. It’s nine thirty and Emmery’s plane comes in at five after ten. What time are you taking Lillian home today?”

  “I told Lei I’d have Lils home around lunchtime. I have a few time-sensitive issues at work.”

  “You do realize yesterday was Christmas, right?” She raised an eyebrow.

  “I do, but I have an offer on a piece of land I acquired last year. I can’t let it flounder regardless of what day it is. Plus, I have several emails I need to sort through.”

  “Wow,” Jane said as she reached for the doorknob to the veranda, “you just sounded exactly like your father.” She pulled the large glass door open, paused and turned back toward me. “And just so we’re clear, that was not a compliment. Your father always put his work before you and your mother.” As she spun and stepped out onto the veranda I heard her say, “Don’t make his same mistakes.”

  Anger rolled through me like a crimson tide. I was not my father. He was a spiteful, coward of a man. Sure, he left me this fortune and his empire, but that was the only thing from him I felt grateful for. I would have traded every last penny if he would have been a good husband and father, and if he would have raised me as his son, not his successor. As a child all I wanted was for him to take me out to play baseball; instead he schooled me on stocks and bonds. What ten-year-old wants to learn the ins and outs of Wall Street and real estate contracts?


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