His Redemption

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His Redemption Page 8

by A. F. Crowell

  “Emmery, why didn’t you tell us all of this?” I chided. “When did the calls start?”

  “It actually started with text messages. I wasn’t sure it was them until I talked with Veronica. They scared her into giving them my number and it was only a few texts. But then they called today,” she said hesitantly.

  “What did they say?” Gripping the wheel tightly, I felt like ripping someone’s heart out of their chest. I could hear the fear in her voice as she continued.

  “Apparently, my horse, Puissant, was the intended target. That I was supposed to be happy. They were trying to help me win. So if I say anything now, it will look like I was in on it since I didn’t tell anyone initially. If I don’t do what they want, they will turn me in and say that I was trying to cheat. Oh and get this, their boss wants to meet me. I told them that would never happen and to lose my number. That I wouldn’t be a problem as long as they left me and my horses alone.”

  “Jesus Christ, Emmery. This is much fucking worse than you let on. Why the hell would you keep this to yourself?”

  “Whoa. I don’t know you. I barely know my aunt, granted she’s family. But I can fix my own problems. And this”—she motioned back and forth between us—“this is why I didn’t say anything. I will handle it.”

  “And just how do you expect to handle it? Do they know where you are right now? I’m guessing they do.” Glancing toward her, I saw her shoulders slouch and her reserve falter. “They do. Don’t you think you should have said something? What would have happened if they would have shown up? I can protect you. If you let me.”

  “I’m leaving in a few days,” she argued.

  “I can protect you here or there. I have the resources and the money. Let me help you,” I implored as I pulled into a parking a space. I hopped out, noticing the dusty pink sky as the sun set then quickly strode around the car to open her door. Taking my hand, she allowed me to help her from the car.

  I saw an opportunity and seized it. Catching her off guard, I pulled her into my arms. Her chest pressed against mine, heaving, surprised by the sudden and firm contact. “Let. Me. Help. You.”

  She looked up at me with innocent, mesmerizing honey-brown eyes. “Why do you want to help me?”

  “You really don’t know, do you?” I asked with a clenched jaw, fighting the impulse. All my willpower faded. I grabbed the sides of her face and kissed her like my next breath might not come if I didn’t. Her hands grabbed and tugged at the front of my shirt, as if she could have pulled me even closer than I was. Tilting my head slightly, I deepened the insanity that was this kiss. All I could think about was how alive I felt in that brief instance.

  Her arms rose up and gripped my shoulders as her nails dug in, claiming me. Currents of electricity shot through me like bolts in a wicked southern lightning storm shooting from cell to cell, evoking more passion and need than I had ever felt.

  Our tongues danced and swirled, fighting for more. She pulled back slightly and nipped at my bottom lip, drawing it in between her perfect lips. Sucking on it to almost the point of pain, but her tongue flirted, flicking back and forth to draw forth the pleasure, skating me down the narrow line.

  Finally, after several minutes I pulled back, leaned my brow down to hers. Still with a grip on her jaw, I opened my eyes and watched as she slowly opened hers, looking straight back into mine. We were quiet a moment. No words spoken but the looks said everything we didn’t. She and I wanted the same things but she turned away.

  “I’m sorry, Brody. It’s not that I don’t—that I didn’t like that. It’s just that you are here and I’m not. I travel. I don’t date.”

  “Relax, Em. I don’t date either,” I told her then turned, pulled my cell out of my pocket and walked toward the restaurant’s front doors.

  While waiting for her to cross the threshold I shot off a quick text back to Damon.

  Me: I’m down. Meet me at Mynt at 8.

  “Brody, I don’t want things to be uncomfortable between us. I didn’t say I don’t want to, just that we can’t. Shouldn’t.” Even shooting me down, she was tempting me. Tempting fate.

  “It’s cool, Emmery. I get it. Friends,” I told her before turning to the young Japanese hostess. “Table for two please.”

  She picked up two menus. “Of course. Please, follow me.”

  I motioned for Emmery to go ahead of me, which I decided in hindsight was a horrible idea. Watching her sashay in that black, low-back dress reduced me to needing to excuse myself to the restroom to adjust a pressing matter. Her back was impeccable. Tan, strong yet feminine, with delicate lines.

  My cell vibrated in my hand. Swiping the screen, I saw Damon’s response.

  D: See you in a few hrs.

  Once the hostess sat us, I excused myself. “I’ll be right back.”

  Chapter Ten


  Watching him walking in the direction of the men’s room, I couldn’t help but stare. I wasn’t the only one either. My God, that man’s ass certainly was spectacular. I had just spilled my guts and not only did he ask me to let him help me, he kissed me. And I don’t mean like any old kiss. It was the kind of kiss you saw in movies. Where the birds sang, the clouds parted and heavens above blessed you with a once-in-a-lifetime, earth-moving, soul-quenching, astonishing first kiss.

  I was thanking my lucky stars that he did that before I had a few drinks later tonight. Because I wasn’t sure I would have been able to stop with just a taste. I would have needed to devour him. If he was as good in bed as he kissed, I’d be in serious trouble. The war within waged back and forth as he returned to the table.

  “Did you have a chance to look over the menu?” Brody asked as he sat down in the booth across from me and placed the folded white napkin in his lap.

  “Uh, no. Sorry. If I’m honest, I couldn’t stop thinking about what just happened. Can we just talk about it?”

  “We can, but I don’t see the point. I kissed you, you kissed me back then said you weren’t interested. We can be just friends. I think it’s pretty straightforward,” he said brusquely as he opened his menu. “What kind of sushi do you like? California roll, spider roll, tuna?” It was like someone flipped a switch. The polite, debonair business mogul was sitting across from me.


  “Sushi. What’s your favorite? I’m usually good with anything except the eel. I can’t do the eel.”

  “Um, I pretty much eat it all. I like the Alaska roll. Why don’t we do the sushi deluxe, Alaska roll, crunch roll and a rainbow roll? We can just pick and take the leftovers home to Jane. Wait, I don’t know if she likes sushi. Does she?”

  “No, she doesn’t actually but those are good selections. Would you like sake or a glass of wine?” His manners impeccable as always. I decided to play along.

  “I think I would. Why don’t you order us some wine while I use the restroom?” I suggested as I collected my clutch. Desperately, I needed distance. He was enticing and everything I would want in a man. But…

  Sliding out of the booth, I crossed the dining room, seeking a momentary refuge. Once I reached the two-stall restroom, I slipped in and went straight to the sink. Pulling a few of the brown paper towels, I wet them and was in the process of blotting my crimson face off when I heard the squeak of the door opening.

  I knew. Without looking in the mirror or turning around, I knew.

  It was him. I could feel him. His energy hummed around the small, dank room like a brooding, merciless storm. The electricity was palpable and overwhelming. Immediately, I dropped the wet rag and turned to confront him. There was a look in his eye—it was wild and determined.

  Before I could say a word, he was on me. He grabbed me, picked me up by my waist and held me against the cold metal partition. Pausing for a split second, he looked into my eyes then crushed his mouth over mine. Demanding and fervent, he kissed me. This kiss was so different than the first.

  This kiss screamed possession and aggression.

  My ha
nds found purchase in his dark, unruly waves and without my permission my legs left the stability of the floor and wrapped around his trim waist. Relying on him to hold me up, I squeezed tighter, grinding my pelvis into his now fully raging erection. While I moaned softly into his mouth, our tongues fought to gain control over the other.

  We were startled from the heated moment when the bathroom door opened. In walked an elderly lady, sporting a cane and adorable grey bun atop her head. Definitely someone’s grandmother.

  I was mortified. I pushed Brody away and released the death grip my legs had found.

  As we started to apologize, she shushed us. “Don’t let me stop you. I was young once too. I know what it feels like to be in love. Enjoy the lust and passion while you have it.”

  With a snort and a chuckle, she stepped into one of the bathroom stalls and I looked at Brody, wide eyed. “We need to go.”

  Pushing him out of the bathroom, he set out for the table but I stayed put. I didn’t want anyone else knowing that we were in the bathroom together. While I was waiting I washed my hands and heard the toilet flush. Out of the metal stall the sweet lady appeared yet again.

  She washed up, and just as she got ready to leave she turned and took my hands between her aged, dainty fingers. “Don’t live your life waiting for the perfect timing. It won’t come. Don’t put off love that could perish tomorrow. Dance like nobody is watching, even if they are. Enjoy your life while you are still here to live it.”

  Her words took me by surprise. She was right. I needed to enjoy life while I had the chance. “Thank you, ma’am. I think I really needed to hear exactly what you just said. You sound like you know first-hand about losing a great love.”

  “I do, my dear, I do. Learn from my heartache—don’t borrow it.” With that she turned and exited the restroom, leaving me alone to look at myself in the mirror and come to a self-realization. Life was a bull I needed to grab by the horns and ride, every buck, turn and fall. It had gotten me to this point so far, so it couldn’t be all that bad.

  It was that second I decided to dance no matter who was looking. With a renewed spirit, I left the restroom and was striding with a great purpose back to the table, but stopped short by the scene in front of me.

  Brody was sitting at the table, and standing over him, fawning, was an attractive brunette with a tight pencil skirt and a rockin’ pair of Jimmy Choos. She had great taste. In clothes and men. I couldn’t help but stop and watch how she practically drooled over him. And Brody, smiling away with those dimples and that perfect Colgate smile. She kept laughing and touching his arm.

  It was quite amusing to watch how women interacted with him. It also explained his mile-wide ego. Shaking my head and laughing under my breath, I finished the walk back to the table and slid back into my side of the booth without saying a word. Just smiled.

  “Oh, I’m so sorry, Brody, I didn’t realize you were dining with a friend. Well, I don’t want to keep you. I do hope you will think about what I said,” she said, her voice dripping with honey and arsenic. While her words seem innocent, she did not. She was a cobra dressed in a kitten’s clothing.

  “Of course, Alegra, I’ll take it under advisement but I can’t say that my answer will change. Drew will call you with the numbers you requested,” Brody said politely with a slight bow of his head.

  “Thank you for indulging me. Until next time,” Alegra said haughtily.

  Sitting across the table, grinning like the cat who ate the canary, I watched him. He watched the overtly forward woman walk away. Once she was out of earshot, he looked across the wooden table, rolled his eyes and expressed his exasperation. “Why do women think throwing themselves at every young, virile man will get them anything they desire?”

  No longer able to hold back, I laughed out loud. “You’re kidding, right? Please tell me you, of all people, didn’t just ask me that, Mr. Dimples?”

  With a raised eyebrow, he smiled. “Mr. Dimples, huh? I kind of preferred…what was it you called me? Pookie?”

  “Oh God, shoot me now. It was a momentary lapse in judgment. I won’t use it again. I was just trying to find something as cheesy as your sweetness. But hearing you say it solidified the fact that I won’t ever say it again.”

  “No,” he laughed. “I actually like it. It’s cheesy and totally nineties but it’s adorable. Even more so that you just blurted it out. Pookie,” he teased.

  “Okay, enough pookie. Let’s eat. This looks delicious,” I said as I poured soy sauce into the small ramekin.

  “So, you’re not going to ask who she was?” He questioned as he shuffled the plates of sushi around the table.

  Glancing up from my sad attempt at holding chopsticks, I answered simply, “Nope.”

  “Really? Nothing? You’re not the slightest bit curious about the woman who was just throwing herself at me? Right here in front of you?”

  “Nope. That’s your business. If you want to share, you will. Besides, we aren’t married. We aren’t together. We aren’t even dating. You don’t owe me any explanations. I mean, even if we were to be sleeping together, then I’d like to think that you’d be a little more careful about who else you slept with. Sex isn’t monogamy, Brody. Sex is just two people making each other feel good for a little while.”

  As I picked up a piece of the Alaska roll and popped it into my mouth, I looked across at him. He was slack jawed. “You continue to surprise me at every turn, Emmery. You really couldn’t care less if I was fucking her?”

  “I didn’t say that. I just said that if you wanted me to know, you’d tell me. I’m not a jealous person, Brody. So if you were expecting me to play twenty questions in order to find out if you were sleeping with her, you’re going to have to think again. That’s your business. I’m only here visiting for another day or so, and then I’ll be gone and you’ll go back to doing whatever and whoever you normally do.” I paused and took another bite. “This sushi is phenomenal. No wonder you wanted to come here.”

  “So that’s it? You’re going to kiss me like that and then just pretend you didn’t feel the heat between us?” His sapphire eyes bore into me, searching for a sliver of doubt, anything he could use to make his case. I did not waver.

  “I didn’t say I didn’t feel something. But let’s be realistic, Brody, you’re here and I’m all over the place. I don’t date. I told you that.”

  “So where does your boyfriend, Jeff, fit into your non-dating rule?” He leaned back in the booth and crossed his arms defensively across his wide chest.

  “First of all, Jeff is not my boyfriend. He’s my friend—”

  “Your friend, who you’re fucking,” he said in an accusatory tone.

  “Yes, we are friends with benefits when it suits us, but he has nothing to do with you and I am not dating him. We have an understanding that if either of us were to find someone we are interested in, we would just simply tell each other and that would be that. Like I said, sex isn’t always monogamous. Sex is natural and a normal part of life. I have needs and so does he. We’re best friends who scratch each other’s itch. That’s it,” I explained then lifted the glass of white wine from the table. “Now, what kind of wine did you order?” With a deep sigh, he relaxed a little before he told me he ordered Pinot Grigio.

  We finished eating dinner and made simple small talk like where we went to school and for what. He seemed particularly interested in my accounting degree, although he didn’t say why.

  Brody made sure he paid for dinner then we made our way down a few streets to a place called Mynt. It was right in front of a beautiful park. As we walked up to the place, the exterior was misleading. It looked like one of those old five-and-dime stores. But inside—inside, Mynt was modern, full of fun colors and finished off with an LED-illuminated bar top.

  “This was not what I was expecting,” I said, looking around the space. I realized it was early and probably not at capacity, but it was still pretty full for seven p.m.

  “Yeah, the façade doesn�
�t match up with the interior. I think it’s fitting for Charleston. To outsiders, you would think it’s just another city, but the truth is, it’s a pretty warm, inviting place. You should give it a chance here. There are plenty of barns you could train at here. You said Noir should be shown. So why don’t you show him?” As soon as the words were out of his mouth, he turned and strode to the bar. He glanced over his shoulder and tipped his head back, calling me to him. Like a good little girl, I went.

  “What would you like to drink?” he asked as he handed me a short drink menu, titled Mojitos. It’s then that I realized how Mynt got its name. It was a mojito bar.

  “Uh,” I stalled, scanning the list. “I’ll try the Southern Strawberry.” Surveying the room, I told him, leaning in close to his ear, “There are no seats. I mean, it’s not that busy but everyone is sitting and no one is dancing.” He took the opportunity to slip an arm around me and pull me into him. Being that close and tucked into his side gave me the tingles and made my panties wet.

  It’s just lust and arousal. My body does this on its own. It doesn’t mean I have to sleep with him. He produced a money clip from his pocket, tossed a twenty on the bar then grabbed his drink. The arm that had secured me to him released my waist and took my hand. “Here.” He handed over my mojito. “Follow me.”

  Pulling me along behind him, we walked toward the back of the club and went up five stairs toward glass doors. Just on the other side was a beautiful slate courtyard with a mosaic-tiled bar. There were brown wicker couches and chairs scattered about with patio heaters strategically placed for a perfect outdoor December evening. The brick buildings that framed the patio were aged and had fabulous wide, single shutters for the tall, traditional Charleston windows.


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