Villain (Starlight Book 2)

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Villain (Starlight Book 2) Page 1

by D. N. Hoxa




  Copyright © 2017 by D.N. Hoxa

  This book is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or other unauthorized use of the material or artwork herein is prohibited.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales, is entirely coincidental.

  Also by D.N. Hoxa


  Morta Fox Trilogy




  Chronicles of the Demon Hunter Trilogy

  A Soul's Worth

  Book Two (Coming Soon)

  Book Three (Coming Soon)

  Starlight Saga


  Table of Contents



























  As if to spite me, time seemed to pass very slowly for me in the past week. Ever since I spoke to the Red Rebel Elders, things got pretty boring. Not that I wasn’t happy that I’d decided to stay and help the people I’d hunted for so long. I was glad I’d stayed. It was the right thing to do—I felt it in my bones.

  But there were still a lot of things that needed figuring out. A lot of confusion hung above everything that had happened in the past month, and the harder I tried to put things in order in my mind, the more jumbled they seemed to become.

  I’d already agreed with the Elders that the best thing to do was to concentrate on training supernaturals to fight—as many of them as we could. War seemed to be inevitable, and we had to be prepared. All the other RR Bases across the US had already started. There, in Kentucky, they were still waiting for me to get better and for the new training room that was being built.

  But training wasn’t the only thing I was looking forward to. The Elders promised me their very best in research and intel gathering. It wasn’t like I didn’t trust them—though I didn’t, at least not completely—but I planned to do some digging on my own. And I had meetings to attend, too.

  Samuel Belmont was the half fey who put me into the supernatural world by hiding his secret inside my mind without my knowledge. He was also there for me when it all began and when I was all alone. Or so I thought.

  Turns out, everything I thought I knew was fake. A big, fat, juicy lie that was served to me on the most beautiful platter—and I’d fallen for it like a good-for-nothing amateur. I’d trusted the man with my family, and he’d betrayed me. Not only that, but the guy knew the whereabouts of Illyon, the White Book of Wisdom, the only information source that could give me a clue about what I was exactly, according to the Elders. I wanted that book almost as much as I wanted to face Uncle Sam. I’d go so far as to say that I loved the old man, and he had repaid my love with treason. I didn’t plan to let that go easily.

  Next on my list of meetings was Kyle, my brilliant human hacker. I’d messaged him with the request to dig into the murders of the supernaturals just to see what he could find, and he’d never texted me back. Very unlike him. That was why I intended to pay him a visit, fill his pockets, and of course, make him a new job proposition. A permanent job proposition.

  The Elders didn’t know that. Yet. But information was as important as knowing how to fight in a battle, and no matter the RR sources, Kyle was who I felt comfortable with. Who I trusted. I knew his work, and it was almost as good as Sam’s. And that was saying something.

  Just the thought of being on the move and meeting the people, talking to them again, got me extremely excited. Unfortunately, all my glorious plans of seeing the sunlight again would have to wait until I was well enough to leave the Base without getting killed as soon as I stepped outside. Sure, the golden necklace Queen Tytania had given me and that I wore around my neck kept me protected from any tracking spells, but accidents did happen. If someone found me by chance, I didn’t trust my body to be able to handle a fight like I wanted it to. I would never tell this to anyone, but I knew exactly what was keeping me in bed for two weeks now. Two weeks! It was that damned potion, the one I’d sucked into my own mind from my sister’s. It was messing with my normal healing process, and I had no other choice but to wait it out. My father and Ella, who’d both had the potion in their systems, seemed fine. I guessed the filthy thing only affected the supernaturals so badly.

  So, I was stuck inside until further notice. Ugh.

  My dad was always with me when he wasn’t helping in the construction of the new training area. Ella came to see me every day. She sometimes spoke to me, sometimes kept her headphones on the whole time. She never came close enough for me to touch her, but that was okay. She could have all the time in the world to forgive me, if that was her intention.

  The tea they were giving me turned my headache mostly numb. It sucked to feel so weak because I wasn’t used to it. I’d never been sick before, ever, and let me tell you, it was no fun at all. I felt so isolated, like the whole world was out there enjoying life, and I was stuck inside a small room with too many light bulbs, terrified of having to spend another day in bed.

  That and Aaron never came to see me. It didn’t bother me all that much, if you can believe it. If not, I’ll tell you, you’re onto my bullshit. Negative thoughts filled me with so much negative energy that needed to be let out, asap. That was why that night, I’d lied to everyone and told them I was tired and wanted to go to sleep early. It was still just eight when they left me, and I gave them another half hour to make sure they wouldn’t come back before I finally—oh, God, finally—stood up on my own two feet.

  I was in pale pink pajamas someone had bought me, two sizes too big so I could move easily. I positioned myself at the end of my bed and calmed down. The room was small, but it would have to do. I started with simple exercise to warm up, light movements with my arms and then my legs. Everything hurt, and it made me feel alive. I was sweating like a pig in minutes, but I had a huge smile plastered on my face and I could breathe easier.

  Three hours later and everything came into perspective. I’d had enough of lying around, doing nothing. The sooner I got up and started moving every day, the faster I would heal. And that was why the next morning, I took a shower before anybody had the chance to even come to my room and was as good as new when Nick showed up to ask me what I’d like for breakfast.

  “I’ll have some coffee for now and whoever is in charge of this Base,” I said while he watched my wet hair with wide eyes.

  “You’re not supposed to—”

  “Yeah, yeah, I know. Who’s in charge around here?” I would have to listen to my dad’s lectures, but I could spare myself everything others had to say.

  “Uh…Thomas.” Nick looked away from me. Red touched his cheeks as he tried to make up his mind about what he wanted to do: go tell on me or just let me do my own thing. I smiled.

  “Go fetch him for me, will you? You can tell him I made you and that you tried to tell me that I wasn’t allowed, but I didn’t listen.” There. That should’ve made him feel better.

  But Nick surprised me by raising his brows. “I don’t need to te
ll Thomas anything. I’m just worried that you’ll get sick again if you don’t heal properly.”

  Well, fuck me. Why did that kid always make situations awkward? And why did I kind of like it?

  “In that case, I’ll have a coffee if it’s on your way, and you can tell whoever you want, whatever you want,” I said, and Nick nodded. “And don’t worry about me, okay? Just…don’t.”

  Saying I wasn’t used to people caring whether I breathed or not would be an understatement. Can’t say I hated it, but it was weird and it was going to take some getting used to.

  “In that case, I’ll bring you your coffee and get Thomas.” Nick nodded, and a small smile later, he turned around and left my room.

  Not ten minutes later, someone knocked on the door. I thought I was prepared for the look on his face, but Thomas’s eyes made me shiver. The guy hated my guts. Really hated my guts. He definitely didn’t look happy to be there. His brows were narrowed, and his pressed lips curled downward. It didn’t take long for the feeling in my gut to start warning me that he wanted to hurt me. I already knew that—didn’t take a genius, really—so I turned my senses off fast and offered him a smile.

  “Hello, Thomas.”

  “Star.” He gave me a curt nod.

  “I realize you’re busy, but I had something I wanted to talk to you about.”

  “Of course,” he said, though it sounded to me like he was saying go kill yourself. Still, I just smiled. His hair had grown a couple of inches since the last time I saw him and now touched the middle of his wide forehead. His lips were pressed as he stood with his hands crossed in front of his chest, waiting. The dark blue pants and the black shirt complimented his body perfectly. His shoulders were well built and his arms looked muscled. Suddenly, I wanted to test fight him. He seemed like a worthy opponent.

  “Please, take a seat.” I motioned to the chair at the side of the bed, and when he didn’t even turn to look at it, my smile grew. This guy had balls, I’d give him that. It was something I knew how to respect, so I just kept going. “Nick tells me you’re in charge of this Base.”

  He smiled a bitter smile. “It seems so. I had to leave my home to come here.” Yep, he definitely wasn’t happy to be, not only in my room, but in the RR Kentucky Base.

  I raised my brows, my smile always on my face. “You had to?”

  His bitter smile turned cold. “Yes, I had to,” he said, recognizing the curiosity in my voice and obviously taking advantage of it. He wasn’t about to give me any explanation, but I didn’t really need him to. The Elders must’ve made him come after me. Not sure why though, but I was certain I’d figure it out soon.

  I nodded. “I want to know everything about this place, starting with the blueprint. I also want to know other details, such as the number of supernaturals that live here, who has access to this place and how it’s guarded.”

  Thomas didn’t waste a single second. “I am sure you do,” he said with a nod, narrowed brows and those pressed lips to complete the pretend-serious look he wanted to annoy me with. I almost rolled my eyes. Good thing I was in a good mood, though.

  “I do! I would appreciate it very much if you could provide this information for me, since I’m sure you have it,” I said, my voice too high and my smile too big for his pleasure.

  Thomas actually flinched as he analyzed me, no longer interested in pretend games, it seemed. He knew very well he couldn’t say no to me. I had to know those things if I was going to train the sups of this Base.

  “I will see what I can do.” He took a step back as if he were a robot, not a man.

  “I’ll be waiting,” I said and held his eyes though I knew exactly what I’d see in them. All the hatred and disgust the man—and probably all the other men of the RR—felt for me. It made me want to throw my guts out, yes, but that didn’t mean I’d let Thomas know that.

  He was going to take his sweet time before he brought anything back to me, and that was okay. He left my room without another word, and the day dragged on forever.

  But when night fell, I sent everyone away and I trained. I was slow and weak and just pathetic, but I never stopped until dawn.

  Another night.

  On the third, I was already faster and stronger. That’s why at midnight I got into a pair of sweatpants and left my room. Glorious freedom. It felt like a small victory to step out into a hallway that looked nothing like others I’d seen in the last RR Base I’d been. My senses were on high alert. I could feel every supernatural in there, and most of them were already asleep. Those who were still awake were inside their rooms that I had no doubt looked like mine.

  It took me a few minutes to find my way around. There didn’t seem to be a huge living area like there was in the other Base, but I did find a kitchen. And I found a small training room with ugly yellow mats and terrible weapons thrown in a corner. Perfect. I barely waited for the door to close before I started kicking one of the two dummies that were staring at me with their marker drawn eyes.

  Time was a lost concept for me as I shut down my senses and let myself loose. Pain turned into a sweet, dull ache—the perfect fuel to keep me going harder.

  Until the door behind me opened again.

  I froze in place and listened to the sound of someone breathing inside. When I turned around, I found Aaron standing in front of the door, looking at me like he couldn’t believe his eyes. My mouth went dry, and my stomach filled with psycho butterflies in less than a second. Unfair. He had shorts and a black shirt on, his hair and stubble same as always. His blue eyes shone in the dim lighting of the training room, but I still felt like I saw myself in them.

  I just stood there looking at him in silence. I couldn’t get enough of the sight of him. That square jaw, those ocean eyes, those perfectly defined, cherry-red lips…then he spoke.

  “You’re not supposed to be here.” If his voice were the weather, I’d have been covered in ice by then.

  Subtle way of him to tell me that we were right back at him being a jerk. I rolled my eyes and turned back to my dummy. It was more for my own benefit, actually. I wasn’t sure what I’d do if I looked at him for too long.

  The last time Nick told me about Aaron, he said that he was on a mission and nobody knew when he’d be back. Apparently, he was. I wanted to explode with all the questions I had for him, but I held it together, kicking and hitting my dummy instead. I’d have time for questions later.

  “You’re back,” I said, my voice as bored as I could fake it. Just the sound of his footsteps approaching me made my heart race more than a fight. I had no idea how much deep shit I was in just yet.

  Aaron didn’t say anything. He just stopped and leaned against a wall, crossed his arms in front of his chest and watched me. I continued my exercises, but my whole being was aware of his eyes on me. It was impossible to focus properly. I thought I caught a hint of longing on his face while he watched me put on a show for him, but I was known to flatter myself occasionally so I couldn’t be sure. The feeling was driving me crazy. After everything, I couldn’t believe he still had that effect on me.

  Finally, I couldn’t take it any longer so I stopped and turned to face him.

  “Care for a match?” I said, breathing heavily, trying but failing to play it cool. The cold smile he gave me filled my chest with disappointment, and I had no idea what to do with that.

  He nodded once and walked over to me. He took his position, and when he put his feet closer together like I’d told him to, I swelled with pride. Something was seriously wrong with me, but I didn’t give myself time to analyze it. Instead, we began to move.

  I jumped and blocked and dodged his hits but stood close to him the whole time, just to feel that summer and tangerine scent of his fill my nose. It was heavenly.

  After a few minutes, Aaron sighed. “You’re not trying.” He even sounded a little angry.

  “Sure I am.” Lie. I wasn’t trying to hit him. I was just trying to block his hits and touch him without hurting him. He just felt so

  He aimed for my jaw and I dodged, but I didn’t see his left fist coming and it connected with my shoulder. The pain just took my adrenaline higher, and things started to really get hot. We were both sweating, our bodies slippery so we couldn’t get a good grip on one another’s arms. I was having fun although his hits hurt like hell. He was strong, and once again I burned with curiosity to know what he turned into. He was the first and only sup I couldn’t define, and it drove me nuts.

  After a long while, we stopped to take a break and lay down on the mats, breathing heavily. I was going to be sore as hell in the morning, but I didn’t give a damn.

  “You’re good,” I said, turning to the side to face him. He was staring at the ceiling, his arm under his head and his muscles perfectly visible just inches away from me.

  Aaron smiled. “You’re not so bad yourself.” His voice low and seductive—or it could have been just my imagination.

  “Not so bad? Dude, I kicked your ass!” I said, only half joking.

  He laughed that rich laugh of his, and I melted, unable to stifle a smile. “No matter how strong a woman is, her physical strength is never equal to a man’s.”

  This time I was the one who laughed. “You’re kidding, right? You don’t actually believe that, do you?” I said, giggling. I’d fought against a lot of bigger, stronger men than I, and I’d won. I had their blood on my hands to prove it, too.

  But Aaron didn’t say anything at first. He just got on top on me.

  Holy Mother of God. My mouth went dry, and my body stiffened at the feel of him. His whole body rested on me, his muscles hard against mine. He had my hands pinned in between our chests, and he held my legs with his, making every small part of our bodies crush onto each other. They fit perfectly. His face was a hair away from mine, and his eyes were on my parted lips. I felt paralyzed, unsure of whether I couldn’t or didn’t want to move. Knowing me, it was probably the latter.


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