Arsonist: The Most Dangerous Man in America

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Arsonist: The Most Dangerous Man in America Page 65

by Nathan Allen

  Vicesimus Knox, Marcus Tullius Cicero, Pliny (the Younger), William Melmoth, et, al., Elegant epistles: being a copious collection of familiar and amusing letters, selected for the improvement of young persons, and for general entertainment. F.C. and J. Rivington, 1822. Page 180.

  Benjamin Martyn, Andrew Kippis, The life of the first Earl of Shaftesbury: from original documents in the possession of the family, Volume 1. R. Bentley, 1836

  Peter Oliver, Origin and Progress of the American Rebellion (Stanford, 1961 ), 40-45.

  W. G. Brooks, “Rank of Students in Harvard,” Massachusetts Historical Society, Proceedings. IX (1366-1867), 252-255.

  Faculty College Record and Room Assignment Records, Harvard Archives.

  David Bederman, “The Classical Constitution: Roman Republic Origins of the Habeas Suspension Clause.” (Southern California Interdisciplinary Law Journal, Vol. 17:405, 2008) Pages 405-456.

  Edwin A. Miles, “The Young American Nation and the Classical World.” (Journal of the History of Ideas, Volume 35, Issue 2, Apr. - Jun., 1974). Pages 259-274.

  James Otis, Jr. to James Otis, Sr., September S, 1740, Otis Papers, Massachusetts Historical Society.

  The Allyne name appears variously as Allen, Allin, Allyn, and Allyne; “Records of Wethersfield,” New England Historical and Genealogical Register, XV (1861), pages 241-246 and many other places in the Genealogical Register.

  John Langdon Sibley, Clifford Kenyon Shipton, Conrad Edick Wright, Edward William Hanson, Biographical Sketches of Graduates of Harvard University, in Cambridge, Massachusetts (Charles William Sever, University Bookstore, 1873-1886). Sketches includes biographies of many of those involved in this narrative.

  Tutor Flynt’s Diary. Houghton Library, Harvard University, Cambridge (January 17, 1741).

  James Otis, Jr. to James Otis, Sr., February 7, 1743. James Otis, Jr. to James Otis, Sr., April 4, 1743.

  James Otis, Jr. to James Otis, Sr., May 9, 1743. James Otis, Jr. to James Otis, Sr., June 3, 1743. James Otis, Sr. to James Otis, Jr., Boston, June 10, 1748. Joseph Otis to James Otis, Sr., Barnstable, January 8,

  1750. James Otis, Jr. to James Otis, Sr., Plymouth, January 3, 1750, Otis Papers, Special Collections, Butler Library, Columbia University, New York.

  James Otis, Sr. to James Otis, Jr., May 2, 1743, Otis Papers, Massachusetts Historical Society.

  James Otis, Jr. to James Otis, Sr., June 17, 1743, Harvard University Archives.

  “A Satyrica1 Description of Commencement. Calculated to the Meridian of Cambridge in New England,”

  Chapin Library, Williams College.

  James Otis, Jr., to James Otis, Sr., June 17,1743, Waterston Collection, Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston.

  Barnstable Town Records, II, 115, 119, 142.

  Journals of the House of Representatives of Massachusetts, December 12, 1744, pages 120-135 and Journals of the House, 1745-1746. May 29, 1745, pages 3-4, June 7, 1745, page 20, July 23, 1745, page 73, January 4, 1746, page 139, and April 25, 1746, page 245. Generally, all Massachusetts House activity is referenced from the Journals of the House of Representatives of Massachusetts.

  William Douglass, A Summary, Historical and Political of the First Planting, Progressive Improvements and Present State of the British Settlements In North America, 2 vols (Boston, 1755).

  John A. Schutz, William Shirley, King’s Governor of Massachusetts. (Early American History and Culture at Williamsburg, Va., by the University of Noth Carolina Press, 1961).

  Justin Winsor, History of the town of Duxbury, Massachusetts: with genealogical registers. Crosby & Nichols, 1849.

  James Otis, Jr., to James Otis, Sr., July, 1745, Otis Papers, Massachusetts Historical Society.

  James Otis, Jr., to James Otis, Sr., October 2, 1745, Otis Papers, Massachusetts Historical Society.

  J. K. Reeves, “Jeremy Gridley, Editor,” The New England Quarterly, XVII (1944), pages 265-281.

  Sir William Blackstone, Commentaries on the laws of England: In four books. Printed at the Clarendon Press, 1770.

  Henry R. Spencer, Constitutional Conflict in Provincial Massachusetts (Columbus, 1905), pages 55-59.

  John Adams to Charles Cushing, April 1, 1756, quoted in Kinvin Wroth, and Hiller B. Zobel, eds.,

  Legal Papers of John Adams, 3 vols. (Cambridge, 1965).

  Jonathan Sewall to Thomas Robie, September 1773, printed in Massachusetts Historical Society, Proceedings, 2nd Ser., X (1896), page 409.

  F. W. Grinnell, “The Bench and Bar in Colony and Province (1630-1776),” Commonwealth History of Massachusetts, Albert B. Hart, ed., 5 vols. (New York, 1928), II, 161. .

  Charles Henry James Douglas, The Financial History of Massachusetts: From the Organization

  of the Massachusetts Bay Colony to the American Revolution. (Cornell University, 1892)

  James Otis, Jr., to James Otis, Sr., December 1,1746, Otis Papers, Special Collections, Butler Library,

  Columbia University, New York.

  John Adams’s worrying about the abatement of his first writ, Lyman H. Butterfield, ed., Diary & Autobiography of John Adams, 4 vols. (Cambridge, 1961). Vol I, pages 64-65 (December 29, 1758).

  Oxenbridge Thacher Papers, Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston.

  James Otis, Sr., first appears as “Colonel” in Journals of the House of Representatives of Massachusetts, August 30, 1747. The location of the original appointment documents is unknown.

  Evarts Boutell Greene, The Provincial Governor in the English Colonies of North America. 1898.

  Dockets of the Plymouth County Inferior Court of Common Pleas, Court House, Plymouth, 1745-1749. (Particularly Vol. 9.) March term, 1748; Record, Vol. 9, 465, 474-475.

  William T. Davis, Ancient Landmarks of Plymouth (Boston, 1899), 190

  Francis R. Stoddard, Jr., “The Old Warren House at Plymouth,” The Massachusetts Magazine, IV (1911), 104-109.

  Polly Lang, "America's Oldest Courthouse," Boston Herald Traveler, July 7, 1968

  Books of the Superior Court of Judicature, Office of the Clerk of the Supreme Judicial Court for Suffolk

  County, Fourteenth Floor, Suffolk County Court House, Boston. Vol. 10, Plymouth, 1748 Term, New

  Entry no. 23; Superior Court Record (1747-1750), page 116.

  Early Court Files and Miscellaneous Papers, Office of the Clerk of the Supreme Judicial Court. Court

  File 67989.

  Journals of the House of Representatives of Massachusetts, January 6, 1748 [1749], page 172, 1715-1761 (Second Session), Reprinted by Massachusetts Historical Society (Boston, 1919, 1967). 1761 (Third Session) 1765-1766, Early American Imprints, 1639-1800, ed. Clifford K. Shipton.

  Bernhard Knollenberg, ed., “Thomas Hollis and Jonathan Mayhew, Their Correspondence, 1759-1766.” (1949)

  Emory Washburn, Sketches of the Judicial History of Massachusetts (Boston, 1840), pages 151-164, 186-225, 276-290.

  John Henry Wigmore, Ernst Freund, William Ephraim Mikell, Select Essays in Anglo-American Legal History, 3 vols. Little, Brown, and Company, 1907-9. Vol III, pages 259-303, 417-445.

  Jonathan Mayhew, A Discourse concerning Unlimited Submission and Non-Resistance to the

  Higher Powers: With some Reections on the Resistance made to King Charles I. And on the Anniversary of his Death: In which the Mysterious Doctrine of that Prince's Saintship and Martyrdom is Unriddled (1750). University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2008.

  George Washington, The Journal of Major George Washington (1754). University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2007.

  Statement of Account, James Otis to James Otis, Junior, December, 1748 to June, 1759, and James Otis corrections thereto, Otis Papers, Columbia.

  George L. Beer, British Colonial Policy 1754-1765 (New York, 1907).

  Peter Oliver to James Otis, Sr., Boston, August 3, 1750, Otis Papers, Massachusetts Historical Society.

  Boston Evening-Post, January 8, January 2 , February 5, May 14,1750.

  Boston Gazette, September 4, 1750.

  Boston News-Le
tter, September 6 and September 20, 1750.

  James Otis, Jr. to James Otis, Sr., September 10,1750, Otis Papers, Massachusetts Historical Society.

  John Adams to Thomas Jefferson, May 3, 1816. Charles Francis Adams, editor, The Works of John Adams, Second President of the United States: Life of John Adams (Little, Brown, 1856)

  , X, 214.

  William Fletcher, The state of the action brought by William Fletcher against William Vassall, for defaming him: trial in the Superiour Court at Boston, August term, A.D. 1752 : and now pending by appeal to His Majesty in council, 1753.

  Fletcher v. Vassall, Plaintiff's Declaration, Court Files, Suffolk, 68,677.

  William Fletcher to John Cushing, May 1, 1752, Cushing Papers, Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston.

  Sup. Ct. Minute Books, Suffolk County, November 1752 Term, Cases 26 and 140.

  James Otis, Jr. to William Vassal1, September 1, September 28, and October 22, 1753, MS American 1250, Houghton Library, Harvard University, Cambridge.

  The Respondent’s Case, 2; British Museum Add. MS., 36,217, Folios 44,72, 73, 736, 78-83.

  Order in Council, Court Files Suffolk, 73,510 (3), 72,594.

  Petition of William Vassall, Massachusetts Archives, State House, Boston, XLIV, 8-9; Court Files Suffolk, 73,510

  Agreement, John Tudor and William Fletcher, March 21, 1761, Dana Family Papers, Massachusetts Historical Society.

  Essex Institute historical collections, Abstracts of English Shipping Records Relating to Massachusetts Ports , Essex Institute historical collections, Volumes 1-40 (Salem, 1905).

  George Louis Beer. The Old Colonial System, 1660-1754. (The Macmillan company, 1913)

  William Bourne to James Otis, Jr., March 1, 1754, Court Files Suffolk, 72423.

  Halifax Gazette, September 28, 1754, November 8, 1754.

  Thomas Beamish Akins, editor. Selections from the public documents of the province of Nova Scotia: Pub. under a resoltion of the House of assembly passed March 15, 1865 Volume 1 of Nova Scotia archives Public Archives of Nova Scotia (C. Annand, 1869)

  Vice-Admiralty Proceedings, Public Archives of Nova Scotia, 492, 171

  Beamish Murdoch, A History of Nova-Scotia or Acadia, 3 vols. (Halifax, 1866)

  Commander Kinsey Report, Colonial Office Papers, Class 217, Public Archives of Canada

  Parkman Papers, Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston; Lawrence to Governor Shirley, November 5, 1754. Volume 40. Massachusetts Archives, Vol. 65, 48-50. Acts and Resolves, III, 814, Province Laws, 1754-55.

  Boston News-Letter, December 11, 1754 (arrival of the ship Delap)

  James Otis, Sr. to Joseph Otis, December 18, 1754, Otis Papers, Massachusetts Historical Society.

  Samuel Adams Drake, Walter Kendall Watkins, Annie Haven Thwing, Old Boston Taverns and Tavern Clubs. (W. A. Butterfield, 1917)

  Philip Henry Stanhope (Lord Mahon), History of England from the peace of Utrecht to the peace of Versailles: 1713-1783, 7 vols. (J. Murray, 1836)

  Chapter Three

  I will kindle a fire

  Ellen Elizabeth Brennan , “James Otis: Recreant and Patriot.” (The New England Quarterly, Vol. 12, No. 4, Dec., 1939). Pages 691-725.

  Michael Harris, “Historians Assess the Impact of Print on the Course of American History; The Revolution as a Test Case.” (Library Trends, Oct 1973)

  Samuel Mather to Samuel Mather, Jr., April 26, 1760 and June 7, 1760, Samuel Mather's Letters to his Son, Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston.

  Boston News-Letter, August 7, 1760, April 7, 1763.

  Edward Channing, Archibald Cary Coolidge, eds, The Barrington-Bernard correspondence and illustrative matter, 1760-1770: drawn from the “Papers of Sir Francis Bernard” (sometime governor of Massachusetts-Bay). (Harvard University, 1912)

  Edmund S. Morgan and Helen Morgan, The Stamp Act Crisis -- Prologue to Revolution (New York 1965)

  Albert Carlos Bates, editor, The Fitch papers: correspondence and documents during Thomas Fitch's governorship of the colony of Connecticut, 1754-1766 (Connecticut Historical Society, 1920)

  Peter Orlando Hutchinson, editor, The diary and letters of His Excellency Thomas Hutchinson: captain-general and governor-in-chief of Massachusetts Bay in North America (S. Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington, 1883)

  Charles Francis Adams, editor, The Works of John Adams, Second President of the United States: Life of John Adams (Little, Brown, 1856)

  Boston Gazette. September 15, 1760, March 9, 1761, January 4, 1762, April 4 and April 11, 1763.

  Jonathan Mayhew, Two discourses delivered October 25th. 1759: Being the day appointed by authority to be observed as a day of public thanksgiving, for the success of His Majesty's arms, more particularly in the reduction of Quebec, the capital of Canada. (Printed and sold by Richard Draper, in Newbury-Street; Edes & Gill, in Queen-Street; and Thomas & John Fleet, in Cornhill, 1759)

  Alden Bradford, Memoir of the life and writings of Rev. Jonathan Mayhew, D. D.: pastor of the West Church and Society in Boston, from June, 1747, to July, 1766 (C. C. Little & Co., 1838)

  Massachusetts. Superior Court of Judicature, Josiah Quincy, Horace Gray, Reports of cases argued and adjudged in the Superior Court of Judicature of the Province of Massachusetts Bay, between 1761 and 1772 (Little, Brown, 1865)

  Ellen Elizabeth Brennan, Plural office-holding in Massachusetts, 1760-1780: its relation to the "separation" of departments of government (The University of North Carolina Press, 1945)

  Thomas Hancock to Thomas. Pownall , September 24 , 1760. Hancock Papers, Baker Library Harvard University, Cambridge

  Samuel P. Savage Papers, Massachusetts Historical Society; see particularly Thomas Lechmere to Benjamin Barrons June 20, 1761.

  Charles Paxton papers, Massachusetts Historical Society.

  Arthur M. Schlesinger, “The Colonial Newspapers and the Stamp Act.” The New England Quarterly, Vol. 8, No. 1 (Mar., 1935), pp. 63-83.

  William Gordon, The history of the Rise, progress, and Establishment, of the Independence of the United States of America: including an account of the late war ; and of the thirteen colonies, from their origin to that period. (Printed for the Author, 1788)

  Israel Williams Papers, Massachusetts Historical Society.

  Thomas C. Barrow, Trade and empire; the British customs service in colonial America, 1660-1775. Harvard University Press, 1967

  Lawrence Averell Harper, The English navigation laws: a seventeenth-century experiment in social engineering. Columbia University Press, 1939

  William Threipland Baxter, The house of Hancock: business in Boston, 1724-1775. Harvard University Press, 1945.

  Court Files Suffolk, 100515b, printed in Quincy.

  Charles Janeway Stillé, The life and times of John Dickinson, 1732-1808. The Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 1891

  Maurice Henry Smith, The Writs of Assistance Case (University of California Press, 1978).

  John Rowe Letter Book, Baker Library, Harvard University, Cambridge. Letters to William Catherwood, July 6 and July 27, 1761.

  Anne Rowe Cunningham, editor, Letters and diary of John Rowe: Boston merchant, 1759-1762, 1764-1779. (W.B. Clarke Co., 1903)

  Boston Post-Boy and Advertiser, March 20, 1760.


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