Love in Xxchange: Miles to Go

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Love in Xxchange: Miles to Go Page 16

by Bailey Bradford

  But to doubt he did implied Max was wrong in believing in him, and so Bo tried to silence that doubtful, nagging voice with the sound of Max’s soothing, reassuring one.

  And now, he was pretty sure there was another ‘big thing’ coming, and even though he didn’t know what it was, he thought it’d be the biggest yet.

  Bo got out of the shower and towelled off quickly, both nervous and eager to see what Max had planned. He rushed from the bathroom into the bedroom and pulled up short to leer at Max as the man bent to pull off his sweats and underwear. “Mmm, baby, you sure have a fine ass,” Bo purred, unable to stay silent when he looked at that firm flesh. His dick sprang to full mast and he palmed it loosely as Max blushed from thighs to cheeks when he turned to Bo. “Any chance you want to mess around a little before you shower?”

  Max arched a brow and looked at Bo’s hand on his cock. “A little? I’m thinking it’d take more than a little to satisfy that hard on you got.”

  “Well yeah,” Bo acknowledged easily. “But what other plans have we got?”

  Max’s cheeks darkened and he grinned that easy, laid back grin that had first drawn Bo in. “You’ll have to wait and see. Why don’t you get dressed and all moisturised and stuff while I shower?”

  Bo was disappointed and so curious he almost bounced with anticipation upon hearing his theory confirmed. He didn’t even argue, although he did grab Max for a dirty grind and a hungry kiss when the man tried to walk past. Bo also added a good slap to one firm cheek that made Max yelp then shake his butt before disappearing into the bathroom. Then he set about getting ready as he hummed the love song Max had sung to him.


  Bailey Bradford


  Chapter Nineteen

  Max was glad Bo had been so excited when he’d seen the horses saddled up and ready to go. This was the most romantic thing Max could think of, and he knew by the sappy smile on Bo’s face and the tender glances from the man that Bo thought it was pretty romantic, too, especially once he realised where they were headed. Bo didn’t say anything, but Max would swear he could see every bit of the joy Bo felt in those pretty hazel eyes.

  They rode together in companionable silence, except for a few words here and there, or when Bo hummed a tune Max had sung to him one night months ago. Max had joined in, humming along for a line or two before singing instead. And damned if Bo didn’t just glow.

  Once they reached the spot by the stream where they’d first made love, Max

  dismounted and helped Bo do the same. Not that Bo wasn’t perfectly capable, but they both enjoyed it when Max helped. There was lots of touching and that long glide of Bo’s body sliding against his once he finally got out of the saddle.

  And kisses, Max wouldn’t trade those kisses for anything. Long and slow, hard and deep, saying so much more than words could sometimes. By the time they stepped apart, they were both breathing heavily and a bit glassy-eyed. Well, Bo was, and Max figured he had to look about the same.

  “Got to tie the horses,” he rasped. Bo nodded and Max took the reins from his hands.

  “Can you get the blanket and pouch from my saddle bags?”

  “Yeah,” Bo murmured, his voice as rough as Max’s. “Do you—can we put the blanket in the same spot?”

  Max nodded as he waited for Bo to retrieve the items. “Yeah, that’s what I had in mind.” He watched closely as Bo pulled a small, prettily wrapped gift from the saddle bag.

  The way Bo frowned was kind of worrisome, but maybe it was just because Bo didn’t know what was in the box. It was long and rectangular, and Max knew Bo would likely have some idea that was close to the truth soon enough. Turning, he sighed and hoped he wasn’t fixing to screw everything up. He led the horses to a thick branch and tied them there then walked to where Bo was now spreading the blanket out.


  Bailey Bradford


  Max helped settle the corners and smooth out the worst of the wrinkles before taking one of Bo’s hands in his. He looked at the gift setting on the ground right beside the blanket then back at Bo, who was frowning again.

  “You’re starting to worry me,” Max told him when Bo’s frown deepened. Bo blinked and looked at him. His lips tipped up slightly and he gestured at the present. “I’m just trying to see through that pretty gold paper. Trying to decide if there’s jewellery,” Bo’s eyebrows arched as his voice hitched higher into a questioning tone. “Or…or what? I don’t know. I’m leaning towards jewellery. A watch, bracelet, or maybe a necklace? It’s driving me nuts not knowing.”

  Now or never. “Well, we can’t have that,” Max said, glad his voice didn’t quaver. “Wait right here.” He squeezed Bo’s hand then went and picked up the box. Turning back around was hard, because his knees seemed to have turned into jelly or something, but Max locked gazes with Bo and found the strength to hold it together and go through with his plan. He just hoped to hell Bo didn’t freak out.

  When Max was a couple of feet away, he slowed even more. Bo’s eyes never left his, and when Max dropped to one knee in front of Bo, those eyes nearly bugged right out of his head. Max’s heart pounded so hard in his chest his ribs hurt, but his voice was steady as he pulled the ribbon off the gift and popped the box open.

  Bo had stopped breathing when Max had knelt in front of him, but seeing the glistening rings in the box had him sucking in so much air his lungs burned. Max had tricked him but good, having the jewellery put in a rectangular box. Bo would have recognised a ring box, even if he’d never been given one before. He’d seen enough of them on TV and such. Then it hit Bo, really hit him what it meant to have Max down on one knee, holding a box with two men’s wedding rings in them, and he got dizzy as adrenalin flooded his system. Joy and a bit of fear chased after it, but before Bo could do more than kind of squeak, Max took his left hand.

  “I’m not the best with words, but I’m just going to say what I feel and hope that’s okay.”


  Bailey Bradford


  Bo nodded, not trusting himself to make another embarrassing sound. He held Max’s hand tightly, trying to blink away tear-blurred vision. He didn’t want to miss seeing a second of this.

  Max took a deep breath then blew it out. “Bo Jenkins, I’ve loved you almost since the day we met. No one ever moved me like you did, and still do. I figured I’d spend my life alone, then one day you came into my world and shook it up in the best way possible. Now, I know it ain’t legal for two men to get married in this state, but I don’t care. We can go somewhere it is legal, and we can have a small ceremony here at the ranch or wherever you want, too.” Max’s Adam’s apple bobbed twice then his eyes glistened with moisture. “Bo, will you marry me? I’ll be the best man I can be, and make sure you’re always taken care of, always loved, if you’ll have me.”

  “Yes,” Bo said without having to think about it. “Yes, oh God, yes!” He dropped to his knees and set the box down beside him so he could cup Max’s cheek. Then he kissed his man, infusing every bit of the love filling him, healing wounds that had yet to mend with each sweet stroke of lips and tongue.

  Max lifted his lips from Bo’s and looked down. He took the rings from the box and held out his hand. Bo’s trembled as he placed his in Max’s. “It’s okay if I put it on you now?” Max asked. Bo nodded, eager to feel that band around his finger. Max slid the ring over the tip of Bo’s ring finger then watched him while he slowly pushed the ring into place. “I love you more than I can ever tell you,” Max murmured.

  Bo gave up trying not to cry and let the tears spill down his cheeks. He took the other ring from Max and held out his hand. As he slid the band into place, he vowed to love Max for the rest of their lives, and if possible, thereafter too. He sealed his vow with another kiss then slowly began undressing his fiancé.

  “Fiancé,” Bo murmured between kisses to Max’s neck. “I like saying that.”

  “Mmm,” Max hummed, �
��I think I’ll like ‘husband’ even better. You just say when and where and we’ll do it.”

  “I’ll think on that later. Right now I want you in me,” Bo said as he worked the shirt off Max’s shoulders. They took their time getting undressed, touching and kissing each other as more skin was bared. Once they were naked, Max gently eased Bo down onto the blanket before picking up his jeans and pulling out a packet of lube. They’d agreed to stop using condoms since they were solid, completely committed to each other.


  Bailey Bradford


  “I’m going to make love to you for hours,” Max promised as he settled on his side by Bo. Any answer Bo might have made was swallowed by Max as he kissed Bo breathless.

  Max nipped at that spot that made Bo boneless. His back arched as Max nibbled his way down to Bo’s nipple. Max worked the sensitive bud with his teeth first while he used one hand to give attention to the other nipple.

  “Please, Max, Maxie,” Bo panted as sharp spikes of pleasure spread from his chest. Max rumbled something Bo didn’t understand, but it didn’t matter because Max finally began sliding down his body, stopping occasionally to suck up a mark on Bo’s skin.

  Bo squirmed and moaned; he fisted his hands in Max’s hair and tried to push him

  down closer to his dick. Max’s chuckle sent goose bumps over Bo’s skin. “Please, pleasepleaseplease,” Bo gibbered, mindless from the pleasure zinging through his body.

  “Soon, honey.”

  Bo sobbed with relief when Max’s head dipped lower, then he whined when Max licked the juncture of groin and thigh, bypassing Bo’s aching dick. Max’s hands slid under Bo to cup his ass, and that felt good, but Bo needed more.

  Then Max pushed, tipping Bo’s hips up, and something wet and firm slicked over Bo’s hole. He shouted in surprise as nerve endings in that hidden place shot to life. “M-Max,” Bo gasped, his lungs pumping like bellows. Max had never done that before, had never even said anything—“Unngh!” Bo grunted as he tried to shove his butt down or up or wherever he could to get that tongue teasing around his opening to actually penetrate him. A puff of warm air wafted over his wet skin, then thumbs pried his cheeks apart and Max began eating his ass like he’d been doing it for years.

  Bo whimpered when that slick muscle shoved into his ass, then keened when Max

  sealed his lips around Bo’s pucker and sucked. He wailed when a thumb slipped in with Max’s tongue, and Bo couldn’t do anything but writhe and make sounds he’d never heard pass his lips before. His cock throbbed and his balls drew tight as Max rimmed him until Bo begged with his body and slurred words for more.

  Only then did Max lift his head and kiss the inside of each of Bo’s thighs. “I guess I did that right,” Max said and Bo just nodded as he trembled with need.

  Bo watched as Max pushed himself up until he was kneeling between Bo’s legs, then he grabbed the packet of lube and opened it. Once his cock was glistening with the thick liquid, Max hooked his arms around Bo’s thighs and hitched his butt right up onto Max’s lap. Bo MILES TO GO

  Bailey Bradford


  tried to help, but he seemed to have lost all muscle control thanks to Max’s talented mouth.

  He felt the prod of Max’s dick at his hole and struggled to keep his eyes open. He might not be able to do much yet, but he sure as hell wanted to see Max’s face as he slid that cock into his ass.

  Then Bo found he could do something as Max began pressing that thick length into him. Bo opened his mouth and let out the words that filled him near to bursting with happiness. “I love you, Maxie.”

  Max shuddered and filled Bo’s ass with one long thrust. “God, honey, I love you too, but I can’t…think. Your ass is so tight and hot…” Max broke off with a moan as he began rocking his hips, burrowing his cock in so deep Bo could feel each push rippling up to his belly. “God!”

  Bo dragged his arms up, holding them open. Max grunted and dropped down on top of him, pressing Bo down into the ground. Bo locked his legs around Max’s waist and arched his back, mewling as Max’s cock brushed over his gland.

  The sound seemed to set Max off. He growled and kissed Bo fiercely before pushing up on his elbows and pounding his dick into Bo’s ass. Bo’s body lit up like a fireworks display on the Fourth of July. He gasped then shouted as Max’s balls slapped his, the bite of pain amplifying the ecstasy swirling in Bo. Max’s stomach ground against Bo’s cock, providing the friction he needed to send him over the edge.

  Bo jerked and whimpered, panting as his cock painted his stomach and chest with cum.

  His inner muscles clamped tight and Max hollered, tossing his head back so the corded muscles and tendons in his neck stood out as his dick throbbed inside Bo. Hot spunk filled Bo’s ass as Max pounded into him one more time then stilled as he shoved his groin against Bo’s butt. His hips jutted in rapid, erratic bursts as he came, whispering Bo’s name over and over.

  Max lowered himself down slowly until he was lying on Bo once again. Bo didn’t mind the weight at all. He loved feeling Max’s body on his any way he could get it. He slid his hands up Max’s sweat slicked skin, pausing only once he reached the tops of Max’s shoulders. There the sunlight on his wedding ring caught his eye, and Bo held Max tightly.

  “As soon as we can, wherever we can,” Bo whispered, knowing Max would



  Bailey Bradford


  Max kissed him softly on the cheek, then more firmly on the lips. His darks eyes glowed with happiness when he lifted his mouth enough to say, “Anything you want, honey.”

  Bo smiled back. When it came down to it, he already had everything he wanted,

  although being married would be awesome. But as long as he had Max, he’d be happy, and he intended to spend the rest of his life making sure Max was just as happy, too.

  About the Author

  A native Texan, Bailey spends her days spinning stories around in her head, which has contributed to more than one incident of tripping over her own feet. Evenings are resounds for pounding away at the keyboard, as are the early morning hours. Sleep?

  Doesn’t happen much. Writing is too much fun, and there are too many characters

  bouncing about, tapping on Bailey’s brain, demanding to be let out.

  Caffeine and chocolate are permanent fixtures in Bailey’s office and are never far from hand at any given time. Removing either of those necessities from Bailey’s presence can result in what is known as A Very, Very Scary Bailey and is not advised under any circumstances.

  Email: [email protected]

  Bailey loves to hear from readers. You can find her contact information, website and author biography at

  Also by Bailey Bradford

  Southwestern Shifters: Rescued

  Southwestern Shifters: Relentless

  Southwestern Shifters: Reckless

  Southern Spirits: A Subtle Breeze

  Southern Spirits: When the Dead Speak

  Southern Spirits: All of the Voices

  Southern Spirits: Wait Until Dawn

  Southern Spirits: Aftermath

  Love in Xxchange: Rory’s Last Chance

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