Master of the Hunt

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Master of the Hunt Page 4

by Mandy M. Roth

Panos tossed Shelton a set of car keys. “Take the unmarked and get her somewhere safe. Call when you do. And, Sparrow, I’m glad ya got wings, man. I was worried there for a minute.”

  Shelby grinned at her brother.

  Aeson stepped closer. “I will take them where they need to go.”

  She waited for Panos to protest. He seemed to consider it before nodding. He put his hand up. “Keys back. Now.”

  “What?” Shelton questioned.


  With a snort he threw them at his friend and then pointed at Aeson. “Fine. But know I’m kicking your ass later for kissing her. Don’t think I didn’t catch that on the video feed before the whole near death experience.”

  Aeson appeared amused. “I would expect nothing less from the brother of my woman.”

  “Your woman?”

  “He’s in need of mental help,” Shelby said, trying to calm her brother. “Can we just go now? I want to get some of my things before I go to your place. Aeson can take us to my house and we can use my car from there.”

  “You are not taking this guy home with you.”

  “Why not? He’s not a serial killer? Take the fun out of your stakeouts.”

  Shelton grumbled under his breath. “Fine.”

  Chapter Five

  Aeson stared around Shelby’s home, noting how eclectic her tastes were. He noted something else, from her oversized balcony one of the many portals to his realm was clearly visible. Of course, one could not actually see the portal, but rather sense it. One could see large winged men appearing and seemingly vanishing if one looked hard enough and at the right moment.

  From everything Aeson knew the portal in question wasn’t heavily traveled because of its close proximity to a densely populated area. Secrecy was important. They dealt with enough “angel” sightings as it was.

  Humans nowadays tended to rationalize what they couldn’t understand.

  Such a simple race of people.

  “Shelby,” Shelton said, sounding agitated. “Can I get rid of your new buddy here? I think he’s more than seen you’re here and safe. He’s welcome to go.”

  Aeson didn’t comment. He focused his attention skyward, knowing if he had a sister, he’d be much the same way if a male, who was clearly interested, was near.

  “Shelby?” her brother repeated, worry creeping into his voice. He went towards the stairs and unease settled over the home.

  Aeson was about to go after Shelby himself when she appeared, making no sound. She wore clothing that was designed to be comfortable but still managed to hug her every curve. In fact, it was just as tempting as the baby doll dress had been.

  It is not the clothing, he thought. It is her.

  “Where the hell is your bag?” Shelton shook his head and went to speak again, but his sister cut him off, putting her hand to his mouth.

  She pointed upwards and nodded.

  Shelton groaned. “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me. Really? On top of the night we’ve already had?”

  Shelby’s gaze darted towards Aeson as she touched her brother’s arm. “Shelton, don’t let them see Aeson. Please. The last time they saw a man near me who wasn’t related—”

  Aeson took a step in their direction. “Who is they?”

  “Listen, buddy, your big bad biker dude image may work with the ladies at that club but it’s not impressing me,” Shelton said. “How about you get in your car and just drive as fast as you fucking can?”

  “How about I not,” Aeson countered, his patience with the man beginning to wane.

  “Aeson, please,” begged Shelby, her blue gaze moistening. “Just go. Now.”

  It would have been easy to take exception to her quick dismissal of him but he picked up on her distress. Her fear.

  For him.

  “Shelby, speak freely with me. What troubles you?”

  Shelton snorted. “Dude, what troubles her is that she knows what’s coming will rip you into iddy biddy pieces.”

  She slapped her brother. “Knock it off. He’s seen too much already. He took what I can do in stride. Too well even. He’s not once asked me about it and he’s not once stared at me like I’m a crazy freak. You will not treat him like this. Am I clear?”

  Shelton grunted. “Fine. But if he doesn’t go now, I can’t be held responsible if they gut him. I mean really now. I think this should be taken as a sign you shouldn’t be around him. You meet him while on a date with a killer, I get slammed into by a semi and now…” He glanced upwards.

  Shelby grabbed Aeson’s hand and tugged, trying to get him to budge. He refused to move, sensing a disturbance.

  Others like him were near.

  Was Shelby aware of shifters?

  Needing to see if she was and if so, what her thoughts on his kind were, he inclined his head and stepped towards the door, his intention to watch over her from a point she could not see.

  Shelton took two strides to the door and Shelby gasped. Twisting, Aeson spotted a man on the balcony. He was shirtless and wearing jeans. Upon closer inspection, Aeson recognized the man.

  Rhios—a fellow bird shifter.

  Shelton grunted. “Shit, Dad, we thought you were someone else.”


  Shelby rushed towards the newcomer, tossing her arms around his neck and hugging him tight. “Daddy.”

  Rhios returned the hug, lifting her off her feet and kissing her temple. “What has happened?”

  Shelton pursed his lips. “Nothing.”

  “Young man,” Rhios said. “I sensed danger clouding over you both on this evening. Do not lie to me.” He looked down at Shelby. “You tell me.”

  She blinked up at him and Aeson could see the man’s hardened exterior melting quickly. “Everything is better now, Daddy. I promise.”

  “I worry,” Rhios said, hugging her again.

  “I know.”

  Rhios glanced in Aeson’s direction and the minute they locked gazes, Rhios gasped, jerking his daughter behind him. His large wings unfurled, snapping outwards, blocking Aeson’s view of Shelby.

  She yelped. “Daddy, no! He can’t see this. He can’t know.”

  Rhios nodded to Shelton. “Come.”

  Shelton eyed Aeson. “Dude, wanna tell me why my dad is flipping out more than you are at the sight of a guy with wings?”

  “Shelton, I spoke,” Rhios snapped. “Come away from him, this instant.”

  “Dad, I’m not afraid of some biker dude wanna be.”

  “Son, should Aeson wish you dead, I fear you and I together might be unable to stop him. He is not a man to be taken lightly and he has witnessed my betrayal of our kind firsthand.”

  Aeson remained calm. “By betrayal I will assume you mean hiding the fact you have a family in the human realm. You mated with a human woman?”

  “She was not my true mate, but I will not apologize for loving her,” Rhios said, his head held high. “She gifted me two fine children before her death.”

  “Daddy?” Shelby asked, her voice sounding so small. “You know Aeson? He’s like you?” She peeked out from behind her father’s wing.

  “I would never harm you,” Aeson said.

  Rhios snorted. “I know the penalty for betrayal. I will die before I allow my children to be harmed.”

  Aeson lifted a hand, silencing the man. “Rhios, if memory serves, were you not in command of the sixth legion of men during the Great Wars?”

  “I was.”

  “And did you not sacrifice much to protect our kingdom from our enemies?”

  The man nodded.

  “Then why would you believe I would order the death of you and your family when you served our people without question or hesitation?”

  “But, my prince, it was forbidden to procreate with humans. To taint our line of shifters.”

  “Prince?” Shelby’s eyes widened.

  Aeson laughed softly. “Rhios, you really must return home more often. Have you not heard the news? Kabril is mated to a human female. She i
s queen of our people. They have three fine sons and I suspect more on the way. Sachin too is mated to a human woman. He was blessed with girls. I believe he lives in fear one day Kabril’s sons will attempt to woo his daughters.”

  Rhios drew his wings into himself and shook his head. “The king is mated to a human? Really?”


  “And what of you, Aeson?” asked Rhios. “Are you mated as well?”

  His gaze went to Shelby. “Soon enough, I will be.”

  Rhios noticed the action and stepped forward. “You seek my daughter’s hand?”

  “Of course not,” Shelby said. “He barely knows me.”

  Ignoring her, Aeson focused on her father. “I do. The Oracle warned of danger surrounding her—of pending death should I not find her. It directed me as best it could to where she would be on this night.”

  “And you are sure the Oracle spoke of my daughter?” Rhios asked.

  “The seers rambled about a sparrow, telling me it was representative of her. And they said the Oracle pushed images at them as it would for a fellow seer.”

  Rhios drew in a sharp breath. He pulled Shelby to him, hugging her again. “I see. I, umm, was not prepared for this day. I have spent so long hiding them among humans I never in my wildest dreams thought she would have a male suitor from our race or that he would be of your standing, Aeson.”

  “Uh, Dad, you sound like you’re actually going to give this dick Shelby.” Shelton stepped closer, appearing anything but amused.

  “Shelton, Aeson is a prince. Show him respect.”

  Shelton snorted. “A prince who had his fucking tongue down my baby sister’s throat less than an hour ago. And he’s not my prince. I’m not one of them, remember? I’m just some half-breed.”

  Rhios looked to his son. “The only difference between you and the males of our race is that you were not born with the ability to fly. But your wings came to you, Shelton. It took sixteen human years but they came.”

  Shelby turned her gaze downwards.

  Rhios touched her cheek. “Sweetheart, just because you have not the ability to fly, it makes you no less of value to our kind. You are a female seer. Such a thing is unheard of back home. Only males are gifted with such knowledge and foresight into the future. You are a prize indeed. If you do not believe me, simply look upon the man the bird gods selected for you—the man destiny picked to be yours. He is a powerful warrior, Shelby. He is also a prince among our people.”

  She glanced at him and then leaned towards her father more. “Daddy, I’m not running off into the sunset with him. I only just met him and really, I’m freaking out on the inside about him being like you and Shelton. Oh, and every time you say the word prince, I want to shriek and run in the opposite direction.”

  Rhios grinned. “I thought all little girls dreamed of growing to wed a handsome prince.”

  She kissed her father’s cheek. “Nope. I used to want to marry a man just like you, Daddy.”

  Her father turned her to face Aeson. “And you shall.”

  “Daddy, no, I’m not—”

  “Shelton, come,” Rhios said. “We will leave them to complete the bonding ritual.”

  “Dad, you’re not fucking serious,” Shelton protested. “You’re not going to let some random guy who shows up out of the blue marry your only daughter are you? My God, as if this isn’t bad enough, there is a serial killer out for her blood. I need to get her to a safe place and then I need to hunt him.”

  “A serial killer?” asked Rhios.

  “It’s a long story, Daddy,” Shelby said.

  “Make it short.” Rhios crossed his arms over his chest and waited as Shelby told him everything she knew. When she was done, he shot a hard look to Shelton. “And you did not come to me with this information?”

  “No. Figured you’d just rip the guy’s head off.”

  Aeson grinned. “I offered to do as much.”

  Rhios glanced at him. “You will keep her safe from this man?”

  “I will.”

  “Dad?” Shelton asked.

  Rhios ignored him. “My prince, she is my only daughter. Your word you will cherish her as she deserves to be cherished and that you will die protecting her should the need arise.”

  “Rhios, call me Aeson. No titles. Not between family.”

  “Family?” Shelton groaned. “No one is letting you marry my little sister.”

  “Shelton, come.”


  “You have seen how males of our kind will do just about anything to try to have a female of our race?” Rhios lifted his head.

  Shelton nodded.

  “Imagine that tenfold. That is what Aeson will be like protecting her. It is what a mate does for his significant other. It is primitive, instinctual and he will do it as though he were drawing in air—automatically. Do you not wish to know she is always guarded? That the man she is with can and will kill all who threaten her? That he is able to provide for her and for any children they may have? And most importantly, that he will never look upon what your sister can do as a curse but rather a blessing bestowed upon her by the bird gods?”

  Shelton cursed under his breath and dragged his feet on his way to his father.

  Shelby grabbed her brother’s arm. “What? No. You can’t leave me here with him.”

  Aeson failed to hide his smile.

  “Peep,” Shelton said. “Dad is right about this. Trust me when I say I wish he wasn’t.” He looked to Aeson. “Roland comes anywhere near her and—”

  “I will pluck the eyes from his head before I disembowel him slowly, telling him the entire time of his mistake in coming for her. With his dying breath, he will know my woman is not to be threatened. Ever.”

  Shelton shrugged. “Works for me.”

  Rhios approached Aeson and they greeted in the way males of their kind did. First they clamped shoulders and then they leaned in, in a hug like manner.

  “May the union be blessed,” Rhios said.

  Aeson kept hold of the man. “With your permission, I would like to take Shelby home with me.”

  “I guess it’s all right by me but, Aeson, it has to be her choice. Already we take her options from her in regards to you. If there is anything you should know about human women or women who are raised human—they don’t take kindly to losing their choices.”

  “Wise words, old friend,” Aeson said, releasing the man. “I will send word regardless so that you do not worry and if I am able to convince her to occupancy me, I believe it would please her greatly for her father and brother to join her there as well.”

  Rhios grinned as he led Shelton to the balcony. The men shared a look before releasing their wings and taking flight. Shelby squeaked again and backed away from Aeson so fast she nearly fell.

  He stayed in place, her antics amusing. “Shelby?”

  “What?” she asked, her voice barely there.

  “Have you anything you wish to ask of me?”

  “After the whole cross thing at the club, I’m terrified to find out anything more. I’m good. You can go now. I’ll, umm, call you later.”

  “I do not have a phone,” he said.

  She gulped. “I’ll write.”

  “And what post man do you know who would deliver such a letter to me in another realm?”

  She touched her throat.

  “Do not be nervous,” he said. “As I told you earlier, I will allow no harm to come to you and none will do what you wish not to have done. This extends to myself as well. I will do nothing you do not wish to have done.”

  She seemed to relax slightly but kept her distance. “I’m nervous.”

  “Do not be.”

  “I’m not really used to chatting it up with guys who know all my dirty secrets. The men I’ve met who can shift forms haven’t been good men.”

  “There are many of us, Shelby. It stands to reason a number of our kind would be unsavory. Is that not true of humans as well?”

  “I guess,” she

  “Tell me something.”

  She perked.

  “When I touched you, you felt the connection between us, yes?” he asked.

  A hand went to her hair. She twirled it absently. “Yes.”

  “Did you not enjoy the feeling?”

  “I did.”

  “And answer me this—when you felt threatened by your date, what did you do?”

  She was quiet a moment before looking directly at him. “I stayed close to you.”

  “And when you were celebrating your brother being unharmed…”

  “I went directly to you,” she finished. Shelby took a step closer to him. “You’re pointing out how even though I only just met you, I’m drawn to you and that I trust you on some baser level.”


  “Because of the destiny thing?” she inquired.

  “I believe so, yes.”

  Chapter Six

  Shelby bit her lower lip, moisture welling in her eyes.

  The sight did him in. He moved quickly to her, pulling her into his embrace as she broke down sobbing. Aeson wasn’t sure how to respond. The thought of being his mate pushed her to this point.

  Shelby trembled in his arms, holding tight to him. “Aeson, this night has been a nightmare.”

  He stiffened.

  She lifted her head, her gaze meeting his. “All but the parts with you.”

  Unable to help himself, Aeson lowered his head, his lips finding hers. She resisted only slightly before her tongue greeted his. Aeson’s body stirred to life, his cock hardening. He wanted this woman. Wanted to push her against the wall and fuck her until she too admitted she desired him equally.

  He drank from her sweet lips as he dragged her against him. She trembled in his arms, her body pressing tighter to his. It was a sign of surrender. He dragged his hands over her shoulders and down her arms before stopping at her hips. He squeezed them, grinding his body against hers as he continued to kiss her.

  Shelby held the sides of his face, whimpering as she returned each of his kisses. He was surprised at her level of passion. She was timid yet fiery all in one. It was much welcomed.

  Aeson eased a hand down her more, resting it upon her bare thigh. Her flesh was warm to the touch and silky smooth. His cock beat at his trews, wanting free. Wanting in her. Shelby tipped her head and he kissed her neck, his hand skimming over her thigh, easing up to her panty line. She stiffened briefly and he waited for a sign it was all right to proceed.


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