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Claimed Page 6

by Sydney Lea

  “So...this mating heat…”


  “Recovery time?”

  She laughed at the concern in Evan’s voice. “What’s wrong, love? Afraid you won’t be able to keep up?”

  He growled, nipping her neck. “I’ll show you how capable I am of keeping up.”

  Oh yeah, she was going to like this.


  Since it was the middle of winter, darkness had fallen by the time they had arrived at Sage’s property, the open lands surrounded by dense bush filled with tiger shifters and their families who made up the Pride.

  “Summer!” His eyes widened when an extremely bubbly, young woman came charging toward them, wrapping her arms around his mate. “Oh my God. Are you okay? You’re brother told me what happened to you. I’m guessing they haven’t found that bastard yet?” Before Summer could respond, the newcomer’s eyes slid to him, a sly grin on her lips. “So, does this mean what I think it means?”

  “Evan, this is my best friend, Avery.” Summer laughed as she introduced the perky blonde. “And to answer your questions...I’m fine. Which brother? No they haven’t found him yet, and yes, Evan is my mate.”

  He blinked at both women, feeling out of his element. What the hell just happened, and was he supposed to have kept up with that? Cause that shit was way out of his league. “Ah...hi?”

  “Hi, Evan. Nice to finally meet you properly.” Avery’s grin as she turned back to Summer made him nervous. “And Chase, of course. Your other brothers know how to keep their mouths closed.”

  “I should have known.” Summer shook her head, clearly amused. “All right. We better join the family, but I’ll catch up with you after the meeting, yeah?”

  “Of course,” Avery bid them farewell, joining group of shifters not too far from them.

  Evan couldn’t help but notice some of the odd looks a few of them sent him, and the further they made their way through the crowd the more frequent they became. Though he much preferred them to the expressions of distaste he received from a few others. What the hell was their problem? He knew he wasn’t the only human here.

  Summer walked beside him, her hand firmly in his. She too frowned at the people they passed.

  “Summer. Why are they looking at us like that?” Tension ran through him, every nerve alert.

  She shook her head in confusion. “I have no idea.”

  Moving their way through the crowd, Evan grew more uncomfortable. Tugging Summer close he headed for the Alpha family. He never thought he would willingly want to be in Sage’s presence, however, the looks they were receiving made him thankful the Alpha stood only meters away. Just as they were in speaking distance, Evan suddenly felt claws digging into his side, sharp and painful, right before he was sent flying.

  Evan landed hard on the damp grass, all the air leaving his lungs. The set of claws returned, piercing his skin once again, only this time Evan felt an intense electrical current race through his body, not unlike the one he had experienced the night before with Summer. A loud hiss echoed in his ears and the claws disappeared instantly.

  Snarls reached his ears as he tried to sit up, the noise becoming almost unbearable until the vicious growl silenced the rest. He flinched when something cold and wet nudged him. Turning his head, he was momentarily mesmerized by the stunning snow white creature beside him. Summer. Her fine, silky coat shimmered in the moonlight, and her brilliant eyes sparkled. Those eyes so familiar, he’d know them anywhere.

  “Enough!” the powerful and domineering voice commend the now quiet area. “Sean. Explain yourself, or I’ll rip your throat out for attacking the mate to a member of the Alpha family.”

  Beside him, Summer began to shimmer, her coat fading to reveal the bronze top and black jeans she had been wearing before. It wasn't until just then that he suddenly realized he had worried with the thought of her being naked in front of anyone else. Having never witnessed a shift, he didn’t know if like in the movies they lost their clothing, the material tearing into pieces.

  Relief washed through him that it wasn’t the case. Who knew he could be such a territorial bastard?

  “Are you okay?” she whispered, pulling him into her arms.

  He winced when pain shot up through his side. “Been better. But what the hell was that?”

  Summer growled, her gaze pinning the prick that had taken a swipe at him. “That’s what I’d like to know.”

  Sean, a member of the Pride, dangled from Sage’s grip, gasping for breath. When the Alpha lowered him enough so he could answer, he began to sputter. “H-he attacked Summer.” The man’s gaze darted from Evan, to Summer, and then to Sage. “D-don’t you k-know what he d-did?”

  “What he did?” Sage shook the other man hard enough to force Sean’s eyes to roll back into his head. “Evan never attacked Summer.”

  “B-but Brad s-said—”

  “Brad attacked Summer, not Evan.” Sage brought the man’s face close to his. “He drugged her, tried to rape her. Evan was the only thing that stopped it from happening. Do you hear me?”

  Sean’s eyes widened, his mouth doing a great impression of a fish. “Brad?”

  The Alpha snarled one last time, shoving the other man backwards and to the ground. Evan slowly sat up with Summer’s help as Sage addressed the crowd that gathered. “Listen up. This was exactly why you have all been called here tonight. I have no idea how many of you Brad has gotten to, but whatever he told you was a lie.”

  Hushed voices murmured through the open air. “Last night at the Ashcroft and MacKenzie annual event, he drugged Summer with a narcotic enhanced to affect shifters. We haven’t worked out where he got a hold of it, but we are looking. If it wasn’t for Evan, I think we all know what could have happened. And before anyone says anything else, you should know...Evan is Summer’s mate.”

  “Holy shit,” someone shouted from the crowd. “Does this mean the Prophesy is starting?”

  “Yeah. He is the first non-White Tiger to mate into your family, after all?” another person voiced.

  “We don’t know. And for now that isn’t what matters.” Sage waited until everyone was silent before he continued, “Brad is on the loose. All we know is that he headed straight for the border of Pine Cove Pride.” Shouts filled the night air. “Yes, I know what that means. If any of you have any problems with our neighboring Pride, or Aidan, you let me know...immediately. Understood?”

  There were resounding answers of yes, but Evan was distracted by the tingling sensation he suddenly felt in his side. “What the hell?”

  “What’s wrong?” Summer asked, reaching for his shirt. Her brows knitted together as she lifted the material. “Huh. Well at least we know the advanced healing has kicked in.”

  Her lopsided grin had his cock stirring in his pants. “Well, that’s a good thing. Because that hurt like a bitch.”

  “I’m so sorry,” the man who had attacked him said. “I honestly thought you had hurt Summer. I shouldn’t have believed Brad, but he was so convincing.”

  The man looked absolutely gutted.

  “He deceived us all, Sean.” Sage comforted the man. “You all need to be on the lookout. As much as I wish I didn’t have to, I have no choice but to call for a hunt. If anyone catches sight of Brad you are given permission to take him down by any means necessary as long as he remains alive. We need answers.”

  Evan watched silently as everyone in the Pride agreed to the Alpha’s orders.

  Damn, he was so ready for this day to be over now.


  While the wounds caused by Sean’s claws had healed, Evan’s body still throbbed by the time they arrived back at his place.

  “Dammit,” he cursed, tripping over an eager Ally who he found currently winding her way through his legs. “Would you quit it already?”

  “Hey,” Summer soothed. “She can sense something is wrong. It’s part of being your familiar.”


  “Yes. She probably felt
the moment you were attacked.”

  Evan snorted. “All the way from here?”

  “It doesn’t matter where you are, she will always sense you.” Summer shook her head, leading him into the lounge room. “I don’t think you fully comprehend who and what she is to you.”

  He followed her, thinking about that. Hell, he barely understood who he was anymore, let alone his damn cat.

  Sitting down on the lounge, he let out a sigh. “No, I guess I don’t.”

  “I know it’s frustrating, but I’m here if you want to talk,” Summer reassured him, taking a spot next to him. “I know a bit about witches, or at least certain types. And I think after that little display back at the meeting, it’s safe to say you’re an Electrical type.”

  He chuckled mirthlessly. “Yeah. That was weird as fuck. How the hell did I do that?”

  “It’s your DNA. No other reasonable explanation.”

  He cast her a sideways glance. “Honey, I love you, but since when did any of this suddenly become reasonable. Hmmm?”

  Summer laughed. “True.” He watched as she kicked off her shoes and stretched her long legs out, crossing them at the ankle on top of the coffee table. “What I meant was when a pair of different species mate, their DNA is altered, allowing them to be able to survive in one another’s world. There is a significant change in humans. It’s possible that mating with me has triggered your witch DNA.”

  Evan’s mind spun with the implications of what this meant. “I knew I would grow stronger, heal quicker, but to know I’ll have actual power is mind blowing...and a little intimidating.”

  It killed him to admit that weakness, even to his mate, but it was true.

  “Perhaps we could speak to someone,” Summer offered.

  His brows furrowed in confusion. “Like who?”

  “Well, we have our Elders. There is also our Seer. Maybe they have some of the answers you are looking for.”

  “Seer? Like the one who foretold that Prophesy?”

  Damn. When he thought things couldn’t get any weirder…

  “Yes, I know, it’s a bit weird,” she chuckled as if hearing his thoughts.

  Her face lit up with her smile, and Evan drew in a breath. Summer’s beauty had always blown him away, but now he felt free to actually look and enjoy, she captivated him. The hidden tiger underneath shone through in her glimmering honey-gold eyes, the way they tracked him made Evan feel like the prey being hunted. It was a heady feeling.

  He leaned forward, wanting to kiss her, to sip at her lips until they were both drunk with pleasure, however, a knocking at his front door prevented such a move.

  “Damn people, and their timing,” he grumbled as he stood, making his way over to the front door. Opening it, Evan was wholly unprepared to be confronted by an aging woman with grey, almost white hair pulled back into a severe bun. She only stood around five foot six, however, she had the same predatory gleam in her eyes as Summer and the rest of her family. Whoever she was, she was a tiger. “Can I help you?”

  “Actually, I believe it is I that can help you, young man,” the woman stated matter-of-factly. Holding out a wrinkled hand, she grinned. “My name is Ruth Eversteen. I’m the New Hope Valley Pride’s Seer, and I know you have plenty of questions, Evan. Perhaps if you would be so kind as to allow an old woman into your home, I would be able to answer some of them for you and your new mate.”

  Evan, feeling properly chastised for making her stand out in the cold, stumbled back and held the door open for Ruth to come in. The older woman made it to the edge of the lounge room before Summer leaped up from where she had been sitting and embraced Ruth.

  “Ruth!” Summer exclaimed. “What are you doing here? Wait, never mind, of course you're here.”

  He watched numbly as Summer ushered Ruth over to take a seat.

  “Yes dear, you shouldn’t be surprised,” Ruth chuckled. “Your poor mate however, seems like he has seen better days.”

  Summer peered up at him and he shrugged. There was no point in lying, he was well and truly ready for this day to be over.

  “If you could give us anything, Ruth, I’d really appreciate it.” Summer’s sympathetic, yet worried gaze met his and suddenly Evan felt like a heel.

  She must be thinking he was ready to run. He had known her for so long, and somehow everything between them just seemed so...right, that he forgot it was only the night before that everything had come to a head. Had it really only been twenty-four hours?

  Walking over to her, Evan cupped her cheek, stroking it lovingly. “I’m not going anywhere, honey.”

  “No, he isn’t,” Ruth injected. “Trust in that child.”

  Summer’s eyes watered but she nodded. “I do.”

  The older woman suddenly chuckled, and Evan sent her an inquiring look. “Something funny?”

  “Not really, just hearing those words. I do,” Ruth said, a coy smile on her lips. “Just reminded me of something.”

  Evan stared at the woman, feeling slightly unnerved by the knowing glint in her eyes.

  “I’m guessing that means you’ve had a vision, Ruth,” Summer asked, snapping him out of his thoughts.

  “Yes, I did. However, it was a phone call from your sister that prompted my visit.”

  Summer’s eyes opened wide in shock. “Ella? Is she okay? Is it her friend that’s coming?”

  “Your sister is fine, dear,” Ruth reassured Summer. “She merely had a dream. One that concerned her enough to seek my counsel.”

  “A dream? Like...a vision?” Summer asked sceptically.

  “Yes, like a vision.” Ruth raised a brow. “Do not tell me you haven’t noticed your littermate's unusual ability to know things she shouldn’t?”

  “Well…” Summer bit down on her lip, eyes darting to Evan then back to Ruth. “We’ve talked about it, but nothing serious, you know? Are you saying Ella is a Seer, like you?”

  “That remains to be seen, but she is something unique. More important though, was her dream. She saw you both in danger, she couldn’t tell where you were or who you were with, but it was dense bush area.”

  “That could be anywhere.” Fear skittered down Evan’s spine. It was all well and good to know that something was coming, but he needed to know more. “Have you had this vision? Do you know where, or at least when?”

  “Young man, demanding answers I cannot give you will get us nowhere,” Ruth chastised.

  Evan grunted. “I’m sorry Ruth, but surely you understand the frustration I must feel.”

  “I do, and I’m hoping to alleviate some on that by answering some of your simpler questions like who you really are and what you can do.”

  He peered at her curiously. “And who am I?”

  “You are a descendant to one of the most powerful witches the earth has ever seen,” the Seer stated.

  “Seriously?” He'd not been expecting that.

  “Gaia was revered, loved and worshiped. She was the mother of all witches. She could not only manipulate electricity in its rawest form, but nature itself. Human and shifter DNA had slowly diluted the powerful blood, to the point where no abilities were evident in either your mother, sister or yourself. However, Summer’s White Tiger DNA, so rare and powerful, has awakened the part of you that slept.”

  Evan gaped at the woman. Powers? Him? “So, I’ll have abilities? Like the bolt I shot out tonight at Sean?”

  “You will be capable of doing much more than that.” Ruth chuckled. “Given your ancestor, it is possible you and your children will not be limited by one type of ability, but be able to possess them all. At least, I know your children will...if they survive.”

  Evan stiffened. “What do you mean?”

  “The prophesy, Evan.” The older woman pinned him with a look so ominous he shivered. “You know about it, it is real. There are those out there who will do anything to stop your children from being born, from fulfilling their destinies.”

  “How are we supposed to fight that?” Summer sighed, rakin
g fingers through her long, chocolate brown hair.

  “You will. Because there is no greater power than a parent's love for their child.” Ruth took Summer’s hand in hers, comforting scared Summer. “I’m sorry I cannot offer more, but that is what I have for least for now.”

  “Thank you, Ruth.”

  Evan followed as Ruth stood, making her way to the door. “You are most welcome, my dear.”

  He growled as he tripped over Ally again. “Oh, for God’s sake, Ally. Out of the way.”

  Ruth snickered. “I see you are bonding well with your familiar. Be mindful of how important she is to you.”

  “Yeah, I keep hearing that,” he grumbled. “But I don’t think I have to worry about someone going after her to get to me. She keeps this up, I’ll fall over her and end up breaking my damn neck.”

  Summer and Ruth both laughed, and while it annoyed him, he saw the amusement there.

  Ruth turned as she reached the front door. “Oh, one more thing before I leave…”

  “Yes,” he asked warily.

  “About your incident the other night.”

  Evan bristled. “She was attacked, it was more than a simple incident.”

  “Yes, I agree.” Ruth nodded in agreement. “While there are those who would stop at nothing to stop your children from being born, there are also those who would do even more to be a part of such a Prophesy. Something for you to think on. Hmmm?”

  Summer’s eyes were glued to the door, and Evan noticed she flinched as it clicked shut.

  “Summer?” When she didn’t answer, he grew more concerned. Her skin was unusually pale, and her breathing came quickly. “Honey?”

  “That’s why he drugged me,” she whispered abruptly.

  “Why?” Evan had no idea what Summer was saying, and he feared maybe she was in some kind of shock. It wouldn’t surprise him after everything she had been through and discovered in the last twenty-four hours. Hell, if he weren’t so concerned for Summer, he’d join her.

  “He wanted to be a part of the Prophesy, don’t you see? If I carried his child then it would be his children in the Prophesy, or maybe even…”


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