Johnny Deeper: A Sports Romance

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Johnny Deeper: A Sports Romance Page 5

by Tabatha Kiss

  “Like…” She hesitates and looks down, hiding the blood in her face again. “I don’t know. It doesn’t matter.”

  “Like who, Ms. Hawthorne?”

  “I hope you found this helpful,” she says. “I’ll see you in class.”

  I grab the door and push it closed, making her jump in her chair. “Stand up,” I tell her.

  Her chest heaves beneath her cardigan.

  “I said, stand up.”

  “John…” She takes a deep, calming breath. “I think the two of us need to establish a few boundaries here—”

  I take a wide step towards the desk and she jumps out of her chair.

  “John, stop.”

  “Why?” I ask. “You obviously don’t want me to.”

  “That’s not true,” she says, her voice breaking. “Even if it were, what you’re doing is very inappropriate.”

  I take another step around the desk. “I know.”

  She moves in the opposite direction. “If you know, then you should stop.”


  We circle the desk, staying on opposite ends the whole time we move.

  Her eyes shift towards the closed door. “Please don’t do this here.”

  I raise a brow. “Do what exactly?”

  “Whatever it is you’re trying to do right now.”

  “I’d be happy to meet up with you somewhere else,” I smirk.

  “That’s not what I mean.”

  “But that’s what you said,” I argue, spinning in the other direction. She jolts to the side, caught off guard by the quick change in momentum. “You said, don’t do this here.”

  “You know what I meant, John. Don’t twist my words. I am a TA. You are my student. This can’t happen.”

  “What can’t happen?” I ask. “Be specific.”

  She exhales a frustrated sigh and stops dead in her tracks. “This is ridiculous. John, leave. Now.”

  I walk up to her and she doesn’t budge, unless you count her shaking fingertips as I move in closer. “It sounds a lot like you’re trying to convince yourself more than me, Ms. Hawthorne…” She trembles, her eyes full of reluctant desire. “I want you to say it. I want you to tell me, in very specific detail, what you and I can’t do.”

  She rolls her eyes at me but they quickly freeze in her skull as I lay a finger beneath her chin. “Don’t do that…” she says, her voice weak and not nearly as protesting as she wants it to be.

  I lean in closer, letting my breath slide over her cheek as I whisper in her ear. “We’re not allowed to touch each other, right?” She twitches as my fingers glide down her neck. “I’m not allowed to do this…”

  “John…” She lets out a sigh as I cup her breast.

  I smile, feeling her nipple poking hard against my palm, even with the thick cardigan between our skin. “I’m not allowed to tell you that I sit in class with a huge erection. I’m not allowed to tell you that I’ve thought about fucking you over that desk a thousand times since I first saw you…”

  Her eyes flutter closed and I graze my lips against her cheek, inching closer to her mouth. I feel her fighting her instincts, fixing her neck in place to keep from leaning into the kiss and it fires even more blood towards my groin.

  “And you’re not allowed to admit…” I move my hands down her body, reaching around her to find her sweet, perfect ass, “that you want it as badly as I do.”

  She inhales a sharp breath.

  “Go ahead, Ms. Hawthorne…” I linger in front of her lips. “Tell me I’m wrong. Tell me you don’t want me to kiss you right now. Tell me you don’t want to come all over my cock. Tell me you’ve never thought about giving in to this just once.”

  “I…” She bites her lip.

  “You’re my obsession, Rose,” I whisper, leaning down to grip the bottom of her skirt. I scratch softly up her thigh and raise it to her waist.

  “John…” she breathes.

  “I can’t think about anything other than that sweet, tight pussy—”

  “John.” She grabs my probing hands and opens her big eyes, taking a moment to curb the lust in her. “Not here.”

  “Then where?” I ask, our lips barely touching.

  She hesitates, falling to pieces in my hands. “My apartment.”

  I smile. “Now?”


  I crush my lips on hers and she kisses me back, moaning softly as my tongue overwhelms hers. She releases my hands and I move one between her wicked thighs, feeling her entire body grow tense as slide my fingers along her sensitive skin.

  “Wait, no…” She turns away and sighs. “I have to stay here. Office hours.”

  “Skip them,” I urge, kissing her neck.

  She chuckles. “I can’t. Some people might actually need help.”

  I pull her back to me, unable to control myself as I kiss her again. She wraps her hands around my waist, clinging to me as I do to her until neither of us can even breathe.

  Those lips, that body, that taste. I’m like a fucking caveman; hell-bent on claiming this perfect creature that wandered in from the next camp over. I want to take her here and now but she’s right, we can’t do it here without someone taking notice.

  Finally, she lays her palms on my chest to push me away.

  “Right, yeah…” I say, wiping my mouth. “Not here.”

  “You should go,” she says, pleading to me with those perfect eyes.

  I bite my lip in disappointment. “Meet with me tonight, Rose.”

  Her chest heaves with a deep hesitation.

  “Please,” I say, staring back. “No one will ever know.”

  “John, I…”

  I see the rational thinking run over her eyes. Her conscience is getting the best of her but I’m so close to nabbing this piece of my trifecta. I can’t let it go so easily.

  “How about I just stop by later?” I suggest. “No expectations, no pressure. I won’t even try anything.”

  She raises a brow. “Then, what’s the point of you coming over?”

  “Okay, how about this?” I smile. “Tonight, I’m coming over to your place at eight. I’ll knock twice on the door. If you don’t answer, I’ll leave and we’ll pretend like none of this ever happened. I won’t say a word. But if you answer, then…”

  She doesn’t know it, but she leans forward slightly. “Then, what?”

  I look down her body, from her pretty head down to her pointed shoes. “Well, let’s just say that you really want to answer that door.”

  Her lips press together as I reach into my pocket for my phone. I swipe open the contact book and hold it out to her. She stares at it for a moment, the wheels spinning in her head, until she finally takes it from me and taps out her number and address.

  “Okay,” she says.

  I drop my phone back into my pocket and grab my backpack off the floor by the door. “Have a good day, Ms. Hawthorne,” I smirk. “This has been very helpful.”

  She says nothing as I step out into the hall. My lips buzz so badly, I bite down on them to feel the pain instead but even that just revs me up a little more.

  Rose Hawthorne. She tastes even better than I thought she would. Her skin is softer. Her scent more satisfying. Just one lap of her pussy must be like drinking from the holy grail itself.

  My cock throbs, just begging to feel her but I resist the urge to jerk myself off. A few cold showers might be necessary between now and eight o’clock tonight but they’d be worth it.

  If she answers the door, that is.

  Who am I kidding?

  Of course, she will.

  Chapter 10


  I won’t answer the door.

  I don’t bother calling Daisy for a second opinion because I know exactly what she’ll say. She’ll tell me to go for it and to enjoy myself and to call her afterward to tell me how it went. The last thing I need right now is a cheerleader shouting my name as one of the best halfbacks in college football charges right into my end zone.
br />   Dammit. Now she has me saying it.

  No, what I need right now is a decent book, maybe a hot bath and a glass of wine, and a good night’s sleep — hopefully, dreamless. I can pretty much guarantee that John Kirby’s wicked tongue will make an appearance in my nighttime fantasies at least once. I could feel it on me all day; that strong flick he did against my neck, traveling up to my earlobe and back. I haven’t been able to stop trembling since he left the office. I’m still walking on jelly-filled knees around my apartment but that’s nothing a little hands-on solo therapy won’t take care of.

  Or I can just answer the door.

  No one will ever know.

  I hate how right he was. I have thought about giving in just once. What harm would that be, really? Just once. And maybe Daisy’s right, too. Just one, casual hook-up might do me some good.

  It’s not like everyone follows the rules anyway. Dr. Zach was definitely a little too close to that girl at the football game. Maybe ethical guidelines really are just guidelines and not strict rules. I won’t lose my job over just one infraction. That’d be ridiculous.

  Dammit. I need to stop thinking about this and run that bath.

  The first knock hits my door and I freeze, my eyes instantly turning towards my clock. How is it eight already? Have I really been pacing through my living room for two hours?

  Man, I am wound tighter than a monkey’s butthole.

  I move silently towards the door and squint to peek through the peephole.

  Fuck, he’s gorgeous.

  He definitely cleaned up. Even with the distorted view, I can tell he styled his hair before coming over. He shaved, too.

  His eyes flick knowingly towards the peephole and I jolt back as he smirks.

  Don’t answer the door, Rose.

  I hold my breath but that just makes the throbbing worse. My skin heats up and my cheeks burn. The air is so warm and suffocating, I’m not even sure I’ll be able to breathe if I tried. The room feels smaller; the walls shrinking in on me. Just one poke and it’ll all disappear and I’ll breathe free again, kind of like…

  A bubble.

  The second knock rings in my ears.

  I live in a safety bubble. Opportunities come and go all the time, each one hanging just a little too far off the edge for me to risk reaching out and grabbing it. I don’t want to fall. I don’t want to fail. But I don’t want to look back and say I never tried, either.

  Just once.

  I peek through the hole again.

  The hall is empty. He’s gone.

  My chest sinks. I slide the lock and throw the door open to try and catch him before he’s gone for good.

  I take one short step out and stop, my breath catching in my throat.

  John stands there, smiling wide, leaning casually against the wall beside the door waiting for me.

  I cross my arms in annoyance. “How did you know I’d do that?”

  He says nothing. He just pushes off the wall and lays a soft hand on my cheek as he gazes down at me. I move back, leading him inside and his eyes stay on me the whole time. He closes the door behind us and presses me against it, leaning in close enough to brush his lips against mine.

  I give in to temptation and kiss him first.

  His hands cup my face, then slowly descend, passing over my shoulders and down my arms to tease my fingers. I quiver as he lays them on my hips, moving up towards my breasts and I split my lips to let his tongue massage mine.

  He lifts me up, cradling me as if I weighed nothing at all and the rush attacks my brain. It makes me laugh and he smiles as he carries me across the room to the couch.

  What the hell am I doing?

  John towers over me and lays a hand beneath my chin to make me look up at him. His thumb presses against my lips, finding its way between them and I bite down softly on his knuckles as my conscience tries to intervene.

  I should stop this.

  He drops to his knees and he leans forward, slowly forcing my skirt up to my waist.

  I should definitely stop this…

  He spreads my knees wider and settles between them, softly kissing my inner thighs as he travels inward.

  Okay, maybe just a little more.

  I grip a throw pillow, digging my nails into it until my fingers turn numb but it does little to quell the shaking inside of me. Everything throbs, everything aches, and I just know the second his tongue touches my clit, I’m going to come like crazy.

  He hooks his fingers into my panties. “Rose…” he whispers, sliding them down to my knees. “When you come, I want you to scream my name.”

  I laugh, blissfully overwhelmed by the mere thought of it. It’s been so long since anyone other than myself has given me an orgasm. I’ll do whatever the hell he wants me to do, just as long as I can’t feel my toes until tomorrow morning.

  “Sure,” I say.

  He licks my skin, traveling back up my knees and thighs while burrowing his hands beneath my bare ass to jerk me closer to the edge of the couch. The sudden motion of it makes me dizzy and I close my eyes to bring the room into focus again.

  “When we’re together…” his hot breath touches my clit and I bite my lip, barely able to contain it and he chuckles up at me, “call me Johnny.”

  I open my eyes and nod at him, twitching as he draws a line between my folds with his tongue. He stops just short of my clit and smiles at me, knowing exactly what he’s doing and I shiver against his touch.

  “Johnny…” I beg.

  He retreats away, leaning up to look me in the eyes and I groan with frustration as he kisses me, hard and fast. “You’re going to come right now, aren’t you?”

  I hesitate. “Yes.”

  “I bet I don’t even have to touch you…” he says, smiling. “You’re so turned on, I probably just have to demand it of you and you’ll come as hard as I want you to.”


  John moves down, keeping a twinkling eye on me as he inches slowly towards my pussy again. He puckers his lips and blows a soft bit of cool air, striking my clit and I bite my tongue as pleasure soars through me. He laughs, watching me twitch on command and he blows on me again.

  I arch my back and he lays his hands on me to hold me down. “Make me come, Johnny,” I beg.

  “Oh, I will,” he whispers. “You can be sure of that.”

  He kisses my wet lips, tonguing them softly while I struggle to breathe. I moan with each gentle lap, praying that he’ll make his way up but he slowly crawls down to penetrate me instead. I squirm on his tongue, feeling the strong muscle fuck me over and over until I start to tremble in my skin.

  John closes his eyes and immerses himself in me, sucking and nibbling and moaning along with me. I feel everything he does; each quick swipe of his tongue towards my clit sends rockets through my body.

  I run my fingers through his hair, urging him to put me out of my misery and he winks up at me.

  Finally, his lips latch around my clit and climax surges through me, firing harder and harder with each firm suck he gives it.

  “Johnny!” I moan his name, just as he wanted me to, and he laughs at my domination.

  He leaves the sensitive bud alone but keeps kissing me, sucking lightly on my folds as I come back down and my breathing settles. “Wow…” he whispers, staring at me as he leaves wet kisses along the freckles of my inner thigh.

  Blood rushes to my cheeks. “What?”

  “You look so beautiful when you come.”

  I cover my red face with my hands. “Okay…”

  “No, no…” He sits up and reaches for my wrists. “Don’t do that…” He forces my hands down and he smiles as he studies my face again. “Never do that.”

  I bite my lip, overwhelmed and warm, as he descends me again. “What are you doing?” I chuckle.

  “I want to see it again,” he says, lifting my knees over his shoulders.

  “Johnny— Oh!”

  He flicks his tongue against my swollen clit, varying the speed a
nd firmness until my thighs start twitching around his head. I close my eyes, letting the ecstasy fill me up as he reads me like a damn book, touching and tasting me exactly where he needs to make me come all over again.

  When I do, I feel him watching me, gazing into my face as the muscles contort and my lips tremble with moans and cries of pleasure.

  “Goddamn…” he whispers, sliding my knees off his shoulders. “You’re fucking beautiful, Rose…”

  He kisses up my body, fishing his hands beneath my top as he raises it over my head. I’m so numb already, I can barely feel his lips caress my skin but the blooms of pleasure they leave behind radiate down to my knees.

  He buries his face in my cleavage and I reach for his shirt; as eager to experience his flesh as he is mine. He raises his arms and lets me tear it free and I chuckle as it ruffles his hair to the side. I kiss him, pulling him closer as he pulls my skirt off my waist.

  I reach for his belt, feeling that firm bulge hidden beneath the zipper and my imagination goes wild. It’s such a sizable protrusion but there’s no way he’s as large as I’m imagining him to be.

  I slide a hand inside and my jaw drops.

  “What?” he smirks.

  “Holy crap,” I say, wrapping my fingers around him. “You’re huge.”

  “Thank you.”

  I find myself stroking him as the scientist in me takes over but he doesn’t seem to mind at all. “Whoa…”

  John laughs. “It’s okay. You finish what you’re doing. I can wait.”

  I drop him and jut back. “I’m sorry…”

  He keeps his smile but tilts his head. “You’re not a virgin, are you?”

  “Oh, no!” I shake my head. “I just… wow.”

  “Because I did wonder for a second there…”

  “Nope.” I force a chuckle. “Not a virgin. Technically not a virgin.”

  “Technically not a virgin?”

  “I mean… I’ve done it,” I stammer. “… Once.”

  He raises a brow. “Once?”

  “Yeah, once.”

  “Just once?”

  I cringe and cover my face. “Is that bad?”

  “No, Rose—” He laughs and grabs my hands to pull them down. “That’s not bad. No answer to that question is bad. Believe me.”

  I feel the blush in my cheeks. “Wow, I really killed the moment, didn’t I?”


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