Johnny Deeper: A Sports Romance

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Johnny Deeper: A Sports Romance Page 8

by Tabatha Kiss

  “Okay, I’ll talk to you later,” she says, “you cock-hungry minx.”

  I flinch. “Jesus, Daisy…”

  “Sorry,” she says. “Got a little carried away there.”

  “Ya think?”

  “Bye, Rose.”


  I drop the phone back into my pocket and stand up to climb down the bleachers to get a better look. Even in a sea of uniforms all the same color, John stands out to me in the middle of everything with stains on his tights and his head down after taking one too many hits.

  There’s still enough time to turn this around. Coach Bob most likely has a motivational speech to hand down during the twenty minutes of halftime in the locker room but what if that’s not enough? The team depends on John and his fast speed to gain yards and score touchdowns. If he’s not performing well, then…

  Ahh, jeez. I’m really doing this, aren’t I?

  Chapter 15


  I walk towards the locker room with my head down, feeling the hard pats from my teammates as they pass by around me.

  This Rose situation has officially bled into my damn psyche. I can’t get her out of my head. Most of all, I can’t get the mental image of Douglas Floyd taking what’s mine out of my head. And I’ve got the worst imagination possible on that. Flashes of Rose on her knees, on all fours, on her back with legs in the air — if I’ve done it to her, you can bet your ass I’ve pictured Douglas doing the exact same things to her and I can’t do a thing to stop the images from flashing over and over again.


  I turn towards the sound behind me without thinking, instantly halting in my tracks as I see Rose’s face peeking out from behind a classroom door.


  She lays a finger across her lips to silence me and gestures for me to follow her inside as she hides away from the other players.

  I linger back in the hall and wait for the rest of the team to disappear into the locker room before bolting into the dark classroom.

  Rose stands by the desk with pink in her cheeks. “Hey, John,” she says.

  I set my helmet down by the door. “Rose…” I look around the empty classroom. “What’s up?”

  “I, um…” She bites her lip. “Fuck me.”

  I raise a brow. “Now?”



  She steps towards me and pushes up onto her toes. “Come on, Johnny…” She kisses me, flicking her little tongue against mine and I taste the desire on her breath.

  I kiss her back and she guides me towards the desk with her. “Not that I’m not willing and eager or anything,” I say, “but what’s got you so revved up?”

  “Well… I heard that sex is a natural performance enhancer, so…”

  I grow even harder as she unties the strings on my tights. “You think a quickie will help me turn this game around?”

  “It’s worth a shot, isn’t it?”

  I smile, feeling a bolt of warmth from my head to my toes.

  Rose Hawthorne. Once again surprising me. Once again making me feel more alive than anyone else in the world. I suddenly don’t give a flying fuck about what Douglas Floyd wants to do to her — especially considering what she’s willing to let me do to her.

  “You’re fucking amazing, Rose.”

  She twists a condom wrapper between her nails to tear it open. “And you only have ten minutes left in halftime,” she grins, sliding the condom onto my hard cock. “You better fuck me fast.”

  “Bend over the desk.”

  Rose turns around and I lean down to pull her skirt up over her ass. I force her panties down and they slide to the floor as I position my cock against her tight pussy.

  “You gonna go deep for me, Johnny?” she asks, craning her neck back to look at me.

  “Hell yes.” I slide inside, feeling her stretch out around me and she instantly moans as I plunge deeper. “Fuck, you’re wet.”

  She chuckles, tightly gripping the desk as I pound her harder. “I love watching you out there, owning that field,” she moans. “It makes me want you so bad…”

  I grunt, leaning over to grind her even deeper as I kiss her. “Oh yeah?”

  “I wanna see you score, Johnny,” she says, licking the sweat off my cheek. “Score for me.”

  I grip her hair, feeling all of my blood fire south with every dirty word she says. “More…”

  “You gonna get that ball in the end zone?” she teases, tightening her muscles on the inside to squeeze me. “Give me a touchdown.”

  I fuck her faster. “Rose…”

  “Ms. Hawthorne,” she corrects, winking back as everything grows tense in me.

  The tension breaks and I let out a hard groan as I come, continuously pumping her until I just can’t anymore. My knees wobble. My ankles buck. My entire body turns to warm jelly and I feel like I could topple over at any moment.

  “Touchdown…” I laugh, barely standing.

  She cracks up, laughing hard with me as I slide out of her. “Five minutes…” she mutters, glancing at her phone. “You should get going.”

  “Yeah, I’m just gonna need a second…”

  I cup her face and kiss her as feeling returns to my limbs. Suddenly, I’m more alert, easily seeing the through fog in my head and my heart pumps fresh, warm blood all the way from my brain to my toes.

  “Thank you,” I tell her.

  She slides her panties back on. “No problem.”

  I roll the used condom off and toss it into the trash by the desk. “I feel bad,” I say, fixing my uniform and tying my tights. “That wasn’t enough to get you off, too.”

  “You can make it up to me tonight.”


  “Meet me at my place after the game.” She pushes up onto her toes again and kisses me. “I’ll let you get in some extra credit.”

  I laugh. “I’ll be there.”

  “I know you will. Now, go kick some ass for me.”


  I stare into her eyes again, losing myself in her for just a moment longer. She steals another kiss before I can and I commit everything about her to memory. Her touch, her taste. Her scent. The way her lips vibrate against mine as she laughs mid-kiss. All of it. Everything about this moment is mine and hers and no one else’s and always will be.

  I take a step back and grab my helmet by the door. “I’ll see you tonight.”

  Rose waves at me and I step back outside to join the rest of the team as they make their way back onto the field.

  Junior pauses beside me. “You okay, John?” he asks.

  “Yeah.” I nod and slide my helmet on. “I’m fucking great.”


  Victory has never felt so satisfying.

  Well, maybe it will feel better next month when we take that championship, but so far, this one is the best.

  I don’t want to jinx it but the momentum is real. We’ve won every game this season, just like last season, and we did it all without a famous football player coaching us. There’s no placebo effect happening here. Our team couldn’t be tighter or more focused. This is it. This is our year — especially with my good luck charm, Rose.

  I twist the shower nob, blasting myself with a bit of cold water because I’m getting a boner just thinking about it.

  We’re taking home a fucking championship this year.

  I step out of the shower into the surging locker room, positioning my towel so Little John doesn’t make an accidental appearance.

  “Hey, John…” Junior steps over to me as I reach my locker and pulls a square, white envelope from his bag. “For you.”

  I feign a gasp as I break the heart-shaped seal. “Oh, Junior, honey…” I coo. “It’s too early for Valentine’s Day.”

  He chuckles with rolling eyes as he throws his gym bag over his shoulder.

  I slide the card out and read it aloud. “You are invited by Junior Morgan and Eliza Pierce to celebrate with them on their spec
ial day — November 13th?” I look at him. “Why so soon?”

  “Well…” he shrugs, “Eliza took the fall semester off to take care of the baby.”

  “Right,” I nod.

  “Which she absolutely loves doing, but she’s also bored as hell and has spent the last two months planning this wedding from top to bottom.”

  “I see.”

  “Anyway, she wants it over and done with before she comes back to school in the spring and what Eliza wants, Eliza gets, so… November 13th.”

  “Makes sense.” I slide the invitation away in my locker. “I’ll be there.”

  “It’s all happening at her dad’s house and we’re inviting the whole team so, it should be pretty casual and fun.”

  I laugh. “Doesn’t he hate you?”

  “Eh…” He winces. “I think he’s starting to get over the whole I knocked up his daughter thing…”

  “That’s good.”

  “And they’ve honestly never had that great of a relationship. This is his way of finally being there for her and I’m not about stand in the way of that.”

  I nod. “I guess it helps that his granddaughter is adorable.”

  He smiles. “Yeah, that helps, too.” He turns to leave but stops, tilting his head awkwardly at me. “Oh, also… make sure your plus one is…”

  “Classy?” I suggest. “Sophisticated?”

  “The term Eliza used was not-whorish and — preferably — someone that I haven’t slept with before.”

  “Ouch,” I say. “That’s a short list.”

  He blinks. “Yeah.”

  I wave a hand. “Don’t worry. This ain’t my first dance-off, man. I have the perfect girl in mind.”

  “Thanks, John.” He spins towards the door. “Goodnight.”

  “Goodnight, Junior.”

  A classy, sophisticated, not-whorish plus one? There’s only one option I can think of and she’s waiting for me to meet her at her place so I can fuck her brains out tonight.

  It doesn’t get much classier than that in my book.

  I get dressed and rush out the doors, driven by one powerful, primal need.


  The quad is packed with people but I navigate the crowd with my head down, eager to get out of here in one piece. I spot several teammates scattered around, each one surrounded by adoring sports fans. Last year, that was me and I loved every second of it.

  Not this year.

  “Where the hell are you going, John?”

  I pause by the parking lot, tempted to just bolt for my car at the back of the lot but Douglas fucking Floyd catches up with me.

  “I have somewhere else to be,” I tell him.

  “Okay…” He slaps a hand on my shoulder. “I don’t mean to win your challenge for you, buddy, but the quad is full of hot, sexy ladies for you to choose from. This is Homecoming. Freshman and alumni, just sitting there waiting for you and you have somewhere else to be?”

  “Actually, Douglas…” I hear the words fall off my tongue. “I’m out.”

  He blinks. “You’re out?”

  I take a deep breath. “Yeah,” I say, feeling lighter than before. “I’m out.”

  “Out of… rubbers?” he asks. “Because I’ll lend you one. Or two, if needed.”

  “No.” I shake my head. “The trifecta. I’m not completing it.”

  “Really?” he laughs and takes a step back. “Really?”

  I start walking through the lot. “Congrats, man. You win.”

  He scoffs and follows me. “Wow… Of all people, I never expected this challenge to be too much for you.”

  “It’s not,” I argue. “This is more of a lack of interest than a defeat.”

  “Well, I’m shocked… and a little tickled.”

  I unlock my car. “Enjoy it, Douglas.”

  “I certainly will.”

  My eyes fall on a couple leaning against a car down the line from mine and I shake my head at her familiar face. Little Stephanie Gomez certainly doesn’t have trouble finding a plaything on Homecoming night. I look at him and I pause, almost laughing at the ridiculous grin on his middle-aged face.

  Damn, Dr. Zach. Have fun.

  I cast one final glance at Douglas Floyd’s stupid grin before speeding off through the parking lot.

  Yeah. Enjoy it, asshole. I don’t care anymore.

  Maybe now that his competition is gone, he’ll back off of Rose. But if he doesn’t, well…

  Now, he’ll have to get through me first.

  Chapter 16


  A single knock strikes my door and I lay my pen down on my bed.

  Not that I’ve been able to focus too clearly on the ungraded quizzes laying in piles around me after watching the second half of the Homecoming game.

  It was incredible; one of the best and most shocking turnarounds I’ve seen in football in a long time. Even Daisy got excited. Of course, she’s intelligent enough to have put the entire thing together and I was greeted with a slew of fresh texts from her proclaiming that my “pussy was magic.”

  I walk to my apartment door and reach for the knob, but I pause before opening it. A smile creeps to my lips as I peek through the peephole at him.

  John Kirby, the star halfback on everybody’s lips, stands there, freshly-showered and handsome as ever. All for me.

  He knocks again and I notice him step out of view with a smirk on his face.

  I laugh and jerk the door open, instantly poking my head out to look at him. “I knew you were going to do that,” I say.

  He steps towards me without saying a word and cups my face, drawing me in for a soft kiss while I guide him inside.

  I break the embrace and close the door. “I just have a few more quizzes to take care of,” I tell him, walking back to my room.

  “That’s all right.” He makes himself comfortable in my desk chair beside the bed. “I can wait.”

  I lie on my stomach and grab my red pen, easing back into teacher mode so I can finally get them out of the way to focus on John’s extra credit.

  I hear John stand up and his feet shuffle across the floor towards the bed. He kicks off his shoes and I feel the mattress sink near my ankles.

  “John…” I say, peeking back at him.

  “Don’t mind me,” he says, lowering his lips to my feet. “You grade those quizzes.”

  I turn back around as his mouth pecks at my ankles. It takes all of my concentration not to melt in place but I throw my focus on my work as he travels up my bare legs towards my shorts.

  He lays over me, sliding his fingers beneath the back of my shirt and his tongue tickles my lower back. “John…”

  “Shh…” he whispers. “Quizzes.”

  I laugh softly as my spine tingles with each kiss he gives me. My toes curl and my body twitches, utterly pulled away from any hope of getting this work done.

  John hooks his fingers into my shorts and pulls them down to expose my ass. He bites at my flesh and I let out a quiet moan.

  “Are you still grading?” he asks, his hot breath tickling my skin.

  “Yes,” I answer, dropping my pen.

  His tongue draws a line down my crack, firing sparks up to my wrists and I slide my knees beneath me to force my hips higher off the bed.

  John spreads my cheeks and eats away at me as I squirm on his tongue. He fucks me with it, teasing every hole and I can barely contain the moans falling from my lips.


  He stands up behind me and I hear him pull his zipper down. “You want more?”


  “Beg me for it.”

  I crane my neck to look back at him and I watch as he rips a condom wrapper open. Words fail me as he slides it on and presses his wide tip against my dripping entrance.

  “Ms. Hawthorne…” He teases me, flicking his cock against my folds and I purr for him. “Be a good girl and beg for it.”

  “Johnny,” I laugh. “Give it to me. Please.”

  “You w
ant it, don’t you?”


  He smiles. “How much of it do you want?”

  “All of it.”

  John enters me, stopping after only an inch or two and I grip the blanket beneath me. “This much?” he groans, feeling my tightness surge around him.


  He refuses. Instead, he massages me with his tip, slowly drumming in and out with the heaves of his breath. “Surely, this is enough,” he jokes, taunting me with another half inch. “I bet I could make you come with my tip alone. Couldn’t I, Ms. Hawthorne?”

  I mewl, slapping the bed with my palm and he laughs at me. “Deeper, Johnny,” I beg.



  “Come for me and I’ll give you all of it.”

  I moan louder, floored by the pleasure in me. He adjusts his angle, pushing harder against my front wall and everything intensifies. “Oh, fuck. Right there, Johnny.”

  His laugh trembles my spine and he works me over with ease. Each hard thrust bends me to the breaking point; each one sending me just a short step closer to coming all over him.

  “Rose…” he growls. “You want it, don’t you?”


  “You want me to go deeper?”


  His slides a finger over my anus, tempting my nerve endings, and I moan at the taboo twitch. “If you want it, Rose…” he says, “then I’ll give it to you… but you have to give me what I want first.”

  I gasp, taking his finger as he pushes inside up to his second knuckle. “Fuck, Johnny…”

  He massages both of my holes, grinding me over and over again until my muscles jerk and my body goes tense.

  Fire burns in me as I come, completely taking me over as I hear his groans turn to victorious laughter.

  “That’s my girl…”

  “Johnny…” I moan. “Deeper.”

  “Yes, Ms. Hawthorne.”

  John gives me one hard thrust, pushing his cock all the way inside and I scream with delight. He bucks his hips, sliding his entire length in and out of me. “That tight pussy is gonna make me come, Rose,” he whispers.

  He pounds away, flicking his finger in my ass and I open my mouth to speak. No words come out; only various vowels and sounds that could only be described as animalistic. I give myself over to him completely, nearly collapsing in as my senses prepare for second, soul-crushing orgasm.


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