by John Fox
130-1 Late Classic Maya polychrome vase, St. Louis Art Museum (K5435). Copyright © Justin Kerr.
147 “Ball Play of the Choctaw—Ball Up, 1846-50,” George Catlin (1796–1872). Courtesy of Smithsonian American Art Museum/Art Resource, NY.
153 Onondaga Lacrosse Team, ca. 1902. Courtesy of Onondaga Historical Association, NY.
165 Photograph of Alf Jacques. Courtesy of The Post Standard/ John Berry.
181 Leaves from The Ghistelles Calendar, Flemish, ca. 1301, parchment with ink and paint. Copyright © The Walters Art Museum, Baltimore.
183 “A Little Pretty Pocket-Book—The little k Play.” Courtesy of Lilly Library, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana.
198 Vintage baseball in Washington, D.C. Courtesy of John Fox.
235 Ada, Ohio, high school football stadium. Courtesy of John Fox.
239 Footballs ready to be “turned” at the Wilson Football Factory in Ada, Ohio. Courtesy of John Fox.
252 “Out of the Game,” Harper’s Weekly, 1891. From Dean Hill, Football Thru the Years. New York: Gridiron Publishing.
258 “Football of the Future,” Harper’s Weekly, November, 1889. From Dean Hill, Football Thru the Years. New York: Gridiron Publishing.
273 Spalding basketball advertisement, 1894. Courtesy of Springfield College, Babson Library, Archives and Special Collections.
276 Early basketball action, ca. 1910. Courtesy of Springfield College, Babson Library, Archives and Special Collections.
297 Photograph of Bilqis Abdul-Qaadir. Copyright © Getty Images.
305 “Ball about to be tossed up at centre,” with Senda Berenson officiating at a Smith College basketball game, 1903. From the 1903 edition of Basket Ball for Women. Courtesy of Smith College Archives.
The pagination of this electronic edition does not match the edition from which it was created. To locate a specific passage, please use the search feature of your e-book reader.
Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations.
Abdul-Jabbar, Kareem, 290, 310
Abdul-Qaadir, Bilqis “Qisi,” 295–301, 297, 307, 314–16, 320
Abdul-Qaadir, Yusuf, 298
Abrams, Marshall, 160
Abrams, Roger, 263–64
Acaxee, 134–35
Ackerman, Diane, 28
Ada, Ohio, 234–35, 235, 237, 238
Adams, Daniel “Doc,” 193–94, 196
Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The (Twain), 14
agriculture, 72
Aguilar, Manuel, 135
akraurak, 31–32
Alexander the Great, 44
Amateur Athletic Union (AAU), 289, 296, 298
American Basketball League, 310
American exceptionalism, 228–29
“American game of Base Ball, The” (Spalding), 210
American League of Professional Football Clubs, 231
American Revolution, 148
America’s National Game (Spalding), 204
Anacostia Park, 187–90
Anthony, Susan B., 306
aporrhaxis, 43–44
Archibald, Nate “Tiny,” 290
Armstrong, Andrea, 299
Artest, Ron, 11
Arthur, King, 60–61
Ashe, Arthur, 4
Auerbach, Red, 309
Austen, Jane, 303
Australia, 230
Australian Aborigines, 30–31, 230
Aztecs, 116, 120, 123, 124, 126, 128, 129, 131, 135, 138, 232, 264–65, 271, 325
ba’ (ball), 52, 57–59, 66
ba’ (game), 52, 70, 72–73, 230, 326
Kirkwall, 48–59, 64–74, 76–79, 223, 320
women’s playing of, 67
Baker, William, 76
Ball Four (Bouton), 215
balls, 9–10, 26–27, 232
ba’, 52, 57–59, 66
baseball, 192–94, 199–200, 207
basketball, 269–70, 273, 274–76
dolphins and, 26
football, 232–33, 237–41, 239, 259, 275
lacrosse, 160, 162, 173
pelota de viento, 113, 114
rubber, 114–18, 124, 138–40, 142, 193, 232, 233, 326–27
soccer, 238
tennis, 85–90, 87, 89, 106, 232
ulama, 114–18, 123, 124, 138–40
Baltimore Colts, 236
Barry, Marion, 187–88
Barzun, Jacques, 178
baseball, 171, 174–215, 231, 320, 325
balls for, 192–94, 199–200, 207
bats for, 207
Brooklyn vs. New York series, 203–4
Chadwick and, 189, 192, 202–3, 209, 211
Civil War and, 197–98
clubs, 191–92, 194–96, 203
competition in, 201–2, 204
Doubleday and, 177–81, 210–13
drug use in, 187
early teams, 195–96
fire companies and, 195–96
first uses of word, 175, 182–84
football compared with, 216–17
foul vs. fair territory in, 200
gloves worn in, 190, 199–200, 207
longball and, 154, 180
oina and, 179–80
origins of, 176–77, 179–86, 209–13, 277–78
pitcher in, 189
professional, 204–5, 217–18
rivalries in, 201
rules for, 189, 196, 200–203, 215
Rutgers vs. Princeton game, 218
Spalding and, 204–10
ta kurt om el mahag and, 180
vintage teams, 188–90, 196–200, 198, 213–15
women’s playing of, 303
World Series, 199, 207, 217
Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum, 177, 179, 211, 212
Baseball Reliquary, 178, 187
basketball, 171, 231, 267–316, 276
Abdul-Qaadir and, 295–301, 297, 307, 314–16, 320
balls for, 269–70, 273, 274–76
baskets for, 272, 273
black teams, 309–12
as city game, 308–9
corruption in, 289
dribbling in, 274, 275–76
invention of, 267–71, 275–78, 280, 312–13
Jewish players in, 307–8
women’s, 302–7, 305
Basketball Hall of Fame, 280
bat-and-ball games, 181–84, 181, 186, 200–201
Baylor, Elgin, 308
Beacon Journal, 209
Beers, William George, 155–57
Bekoff, Marc, 15–16, 26
Berbers, 180
Berenson, Senda, 302–5, 305
Bergen County Gazette, 221
Bernstein, Mark, 246, 253
Berua, Dogaka, 325–28
Best, Travis, 288
Bird, Larry, 281
Blanchard, Kendall, 31
Blanchard, Thomas, 279
Blatter, Sepp, 176
Block, David, 180, 186, 200, 210
Boleyn, Anne, 105
Bolivia, 326
bonobo chimpanzees, 27–28
Book of the Courtier, The (Castiglione), 104
Booth, Shannon, 157–59, 160, 163
Boston Herald, 250
Boston Red Sox, 187, 205, 206, 317
Bouton, Jim, 215
Brady, James, 121–23, 138
lateralization in, 33–35
size of, 22–23, 35
Brébeuf, Father Jean de, 144–45, 163
Brill, Karl, 257
Brine Company, 166
baseball’s origins in, 182–86, 209, 211
cricket in, 185–86, 205–6, 208
football in, 222–26, 322–24
football banned in, 74–76
football’s origins in, 60–61
medieval tennis in, 102–3
public schools in, 223–25
Brittany, 62
Brooklyn Excelsiors, 186–87, 194, 204
Brown, Stuart, 14–15
r /> Bucktooth, A. J., 170
Bucktooth, Brett, 149, 160, 169
Bucktooth, Drew, 169, 170
Bucktooth, Freeman, 149–50, 152–55, 160–61, 169
Bucktooth, Grant, 169
Bucktooth, Ross, 169
Bucktooth, Wade, 170
Burchardt, Gordon, 14
Burns, Ken, 178
buzkashi, 32–33
Caesarius, 80–81
Caillois, Roger, 14
Calendar of the Ghistelles Hours, 181, 182
Calvin, William, 33–36
Cambridge University, 225
Cameron, James, 150
Camp, Alice, 246
Camp, Walter, 228, 231, 232, 241–49, 254, 255, 257, 259, 260, 307
Camus, Albert, 283
Canada, 31
football in, 230–31
lacrosse in, see lacrosse
Canadian Football Union, 231
Canseco, Jose, 187
Cartwright, Alexander Joy, 190–91
Castiglione, Baldassare, 104
“cat” games, 184
Catherwood, Frederick, 271
Catholicism, 81, 145
Catlin, George, 147, 148
Cayuga, 151
Central America, 7, 114–15
Chadwick, Henry, 189, 192, 202–3, 209, 211
Chamberlain, Wilt, 290, 308
Charles V, King, 114, 128
Chase, William R., 276
Château de Fontainebleau, 83–84, 90–97, 100–102, 105
Cherokee, 144, 146, 162
Chesapeake and Potomac Base Ball Club, 188
Chesterton, G. K., 228
Chiapas, 118
Chicago Bears, 261
Chicago Bruins, 311
Chicago Cubs, 199
Chicago Excelsiors, 204
Chicago White Stockings, 206
Chichén Itzá, 133, 271
Chickasaw, 144
chimpanzees, 34
bonobo, 27–28
China, 59–60, 176
Chiquito, 326–27
Choctaw, 144, 162
Christianity, 286
Christmas, 63
Kirkwall Ba’ on, 51–52, 53, 67, 79
chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), 261, 262
Cincinnati Red Stockings, 205, 218
Civil War, 174, 179, 188, 197–98, 210, 218, 279
Clark, Dwight, 236
Clinton, Hillary, 150
Cobá, 119, 128–29, 131, 320
Codex Mendoza, 138
Columbia University, 226, 257
Columbus, Christopher, 113, 114, 277
Cook, Travis, 160
Cooper, James Fenimore, 177
Cooper, Tarzan, 310
Cooperstown, N.Y., 175, 177, 187, 210–11, 278
Copper Inuit, 31–32
Cornell University, 226
Cortés, Hernán, 126, 128
Coughlin, Tom, 266
Creek Indians, 144, 146, 162
Creighton, Jim, 204
cricket, 175, 180, 185–86, 205–6, 208, 325
cuju, 59–60
David, Jacques-Louis, 107
Davis, Parke, 220, 221, 244
DC Classic, 188
Deland, Lorin, 249–50
Diaz del Castillo, Bernal, 126
Didrikson, Mildred “Babe,” 306
Diem, Carl, 14
dogs, 15–16
Dohrmann, George, 289
dolphins, 17–21, 22–26, 25, 28–29, 318–19
Doonies, 52–58, 64–65, 68–70, 74, 77–79
Doubleday, Abner, 177–81, 210–13
Douglas, Smilin’ Bob, 309–12
Drever, George, 54
Duck on the Rock, 270–71
Duerson, Dave, 261
Dunbar Community Center, 287–88, 289, 291
Durán, Fray Diego, 114, 124, 135
Durango, 138–39
Earhart, Amelia, 306
Easter, 63, 81–82
Ecuador, 317, 321–28
Edward, Prince, 85
Edward II, King, 74–75
Edward III, King, 75–76
Egypt, 36–41, 40, 180, 232, 320
Elevating the Game (George), 290
Eliot, Charles, 253, 254, 255
Ellis, Dock, Jr., 178
El Manatí, 118
El Quelite, 136
Elysian Fields, 174, 195
encephalization quotient (EQ), 22–23, 24
England, see Britain
English Football Association, 229
ephedrismos, 37, 38, 42
Epic of Gilgamesh, 36–37
episkyros, 43, 44
Erasmus, 93
Erving, Julius “Dr. J,” 288, 290
Essex Base Ball Club, 196–97
Eton College, 224–26, 227, 229, 242
Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA), 11, 176
ferryloupers, 48–49, 53
Fisher, Donald, 146, 156, 159
Foer, Franklin, 229
follis, 113
Fontainebleau, 83–84, 90–97, 100–102, 105
football, 48–79, 81, 171, 216–66, 269, 270, 322–25, 327–28
American exceptionalism and, 228–29
ba’, see ba’ (game)
balls for, 232–33, 237–41, 239, 259, 275
baseball compared with, 216–17
block game in, 245
Boston Game, 226–27, 230
Camp and, 228, 231, 232, 241–49, 254, 255, 257, 259, 260
college, professionalism in, 257
downs in, 245
English, 222–26, 322–24
English monarchs’ banning of, 74–76
fields for, 245–46, 248, 259
first appearance of word, 74, 222
flying wedge in, 249–50, 256
forward pass in, 258–59, 260
head and brain injuries from, 261–63, 266
management in, 241–42
mob, 61, 63, 105; see also ba’ (game)
origins of, 59–61
pasuckuakohowog, 143
protective gear for, 250–51, 260
rivalries in, 55–56
rules for, 226–27, 229–30, 232, 243–45, 248, 260
Rutgers vs. Princeton series, 218–22, 226, 246
scrimmage in, 243–45, 248
la soule, 62–63, 62, 73, 75, 230
specialized positions in, 246–47, 248
Super Bowl, 217, 236, 238, 261, 263
Thanksgiving and, 251, 320
timed game periods in, 246, 248
training in, 247–48, 251
violence and injuries in, 73–74, 248–57, 260–66, 283
women’s playing of, 303
Football Facts and Figures: A Symposium of Expert Opinions on the Game’s Place in American Athletics, 254
Fort Joseph, 145
Fort Michilimackinac, 147–48
France, 60
jeu de paume in, 81–97, 94, 95, 100–102, 105–11, 303
Revolution in, 107
la soule in, 62–63, 62, 73, 75, 230
Francis I, King, 105
Frazer, J. G., 63
French colonization, 144–46, 147
French National Open, 108–9
French Open, 82
Gaedel, Eddie, 178
Galen, 45–47
Gallico, Paul, 308
Galvin, “Pud,” 187
Garza, Sergio, 121, 122
Gay, Timothy, 261
Gee, Capus, 292–95
Geertz, Clifford, 264
George, Nelson, 290
Gilgamesh, 36–37
Gillmeister, Heinrich, 99
Gini, Corrado, 180
Goldblatt, David, 223, 230
Golden Bough, The (Frazer), 63
Goldstein, Warren, 195, 201
golf, 176, 303
Gómez, Jesús, 139–40
Goodyear, Charles, 115, 233
Gottlieb, Eddie, 308
Gould, Stephen Jay, 2
Graves, Abner, 209–10, 211–12
Graves, Minnie, 212
Greece, ancient, 37, 41–44, 320
Green Bay Packers, 263
Guardian, 229
Gulf World Marine Park, 17–21, 23–26, 28–29
Gulick, Luther, 267–69, 275–76, 285–86
Gummere, William, 219
Guttmann, Allen, 41
Hall, Donald, 174
Hall, Mark, 288
Hanson, Glen, 238–39
Harcourt, Robert, 16
Harlem Globetrotters, 312
harpastum, 45, 47, 59, 60
Harper’s Weekly, 252, 258
Harrison, James, 263
Harrow School, 223–24
Harvard University, 219, 226–28, 231, 249, 253, 255–57
Heisman, John, 231–32, 233
Henry II, King, 105
Henry IV, King, 84, 91
Henry VII, King, 93, 99
Henry VIII, King, 105
Heraclitus, 13
Herrera y Tordesillas, Antonio, 127–28, 129–30
Hill, Amos, 288–89, 294
Hispaniola, 114
hockey, 186
Holman, Nat, 308
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 256
Homer, 42
Howard, Dwight, 281
How Football Explains America (Paolantonio), 229
How Soccer Explains the World (Foer), 229
Huaorani Indians, 325–28
Huizinga, Johan, 14, 15, 29
Hulbert, William, 206
hunter-gatherer tribes, 29–33
hunters, 71–73
Huron Indians, 144
Indians, 143, 146, 148, 155
lacrosse played by, see lacrosse
Intercollegiate Athletic Association (ICAA), 258
Intercollegiate Football Association (IFA), 226, 242, 243, 244, 248
Inuit, 31–32, 143
Ireland, 230
Iroquois, 144, 146, 148, 152, 159, 162, 169, 171, 173
Iroquois League, 151, 157
Iroquois Nationals, 149
Irving, Washington, 191
Isaacs, John, 312
Italy, 98
Jackson, DeSean, 265–66
Jacques, Alf, 164–68, 165, 169, 170, 172
Jacques, Louis, 164–65
jai alai, 113
James, LeBron, 281
James, William, 13
Jamestown, 179
Jamieson, Cody, 141–42, 171
Japan, 59
Jesuit Relations, The, 144–45
jeu de paume, 81–97, 94, 95, 100–102, 105–11, 303
John XXII, Pope, 74
Johnson, W. B., 63
Johnston, Davie, 53–54, 58–59, 65, 69, 78, 79
Johnstone, David, 78
Jordan, Michael, 280, 281, 320
Journal of the American Medical Association, 253–54
Keller, Joe, 289
King, Graeme, 53–57, 65, 68, 69, 78
King Football (Oriard), 256
Kirkwall Ba’, 48–59, 64–74, 76–79, 223, 320
Kirsch, George, 191
Knickerbocker Base Ball Club, 191–96, 200–202
Konner, Melvin, 17
Korea, 59