Kisses Sweeter Than Wine: Tastes of Seduction, Book 3

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Kisses Sweeter Than Wine: Tastes of Seduction, Book 3 Page 8

by Jess Dee

  Noah’s grip loosened, giving her more freedom, and she used it to slide her pussy up his cock and down again, her ass cheeks clenching with every upward swing and relaxing on the down ones. Moisture slid from her core, easing the ride.

  If heaven existed, Violet was sitting slap-bang in the middle of it.

  Declan moaned. “You taste like Vi.” And then his wet tongue was back on her pussy lips, lashing them as it trailed higher, then higher still, until it wasn’t Noah’s testicles he was licking. It was her clit.

  Declan feasted, laving her over and over, before pulling the swollen, sensitive bud into his mouth and sucking, then laving all over again.

  All the while, Violet rocked. It wasn’t a conscious swaying. She simply couldn’t keep still. The combined sensation of Dec’s devastating tongue on her clit and Noah’s rigid cock in her pussy was sublime. Glorious.

  But it was also selfish. Vi was hogging all the pleasure. And one thing Violet prided herself on was generosity. She tugged on Declan’s ear, urging his head up, and when he looked at her, confused, she managed to whisper, “My turn.”

  Dec straightened and made to wipe his lips, but Noah stopped him. “Wait.”

  Declan halted with his hand on the edge of his mouth.

  “Let me taste. Give me your mouth.”

  And once again, Noah and Declan were kissing, their lips locked together beside Violet’s head. She took full advantage of the situation, first by savoring the increased intensity of Noah’s thrusts, and second by pushing Dec’s jeans and boxers as far down his legs as they could go.

  His cock was wet with precome, and Violet slid her finger through it, relishing the spongy softness of the head of his shaft. She sucked the finger clean, loving the salty tang, but it wasn’t enough. It wasn’t her finger she wanted between her lips.

  She placed her hands on Declan’s abs and pushed, encouraging him to take a step back. This close she had no access. If she bent over, she’d find her head resting on his chest.

  Noah muttered in protest, but the sound quickly turned to a satisfied groan as Violet shifted forward, changing his angle of penetration.

  Vi placed her lips around Declan’s cockhead and swirled her tongue around it, licking off every drop of his pleasure.

  “Aaah, fuck.” Declan tunneled his fingers in her hair.

  Noah thrust into her, sending Violet forward slightly, and she opened her mouth to take Declan in deeper.

  “Feels good, Vi,” he hissed.

  He tasted good. All musky and salty. She settled into the task of tasting every inch of him, lowering her mouth as far as it could go, before pulling back up and repeating the process—several times.

  “So good,” Dec told her.

  Noah’s fingers dug into her hips, moving her in time to his slow thrusts.

  Violet released Declan, but only so she could draw her tongue up the length of his cock.

  Declan’s heavy breathing rattled through her ears.

  “Lemme see,” Noah rasped behind her.

  Declan turned slightly to the side and gathered her hair in one hand, holding it above her head.

  Noah made an unintelligible sound and plunged deeper inside her.

  Vi let out a tortured breath over Declan’s cock and leaned in lower so she could lick his balls—just like he’d licked Noah’s.

  But Dec tugged on her hair, hard enough that tingles of pain and pleasure shot through her scalp.

  She whimpered in delight, and he tugged again.

  “Noah’s the ball man.” Dec guided her mouth up to his cock. “Not me.”

  “It’s all about dick with Dec,” Noah quipped behind her. “Lick it, suck it, kiss it, and he’s putty in your mouth.”

  Hardly putty. Not with an erection as long and hard as Dec’s was. But Violet took Noah’s advice to heart, and lovingly went to work on Dec’s dick, licking, sucking and kissing it.

  “Oh, yeah. Just like that.” Noah’s words and voice were a soft caress down her spine. She relished the idea that Declan’s male lover was giving her tips about what Dec liked.

  “Exactly like that,” Dec agreed.

  Seeking purchase, Violet clasped his ass, a firm butt cheek in each hand.

  “Good move,” Noah said hoarsely. He ceased thrusting, holding Vi still on his lap. Instantly missing the slide of his cock inside her, she clenched the walls of her pussy.

  Noah grunted, but didn’t move. “He… Dec…”

  Violet clenched again.

  “Dec, uh… Fuck, that’s amazing.”

  Violet grinned around Declan’s shaft, squeezing Noah again and again.

  “You need…to know,” Noah struggled to say. “He… Dec’s an…ass…man too.”

  He was? Hmmm.

  She released one cheek and slipped a finger into her mouth, wetting it. Then she slid her hand between Declan’s legs, behind his balls and ran that same finger up the cleft of his ass.

  Declan immediately broadened his stance, allowing her better access. She found his puckered hole and caressed it.

  Dec swore softly and began to rock his hips.

  Vi stilled her head and forced the muscles in her throat to relax. She opened her jaw wider and let Declan set the pace. Hollowing her cheeks and laying her tongue flat on her lower jaw, she sucked him deep as he thrust in and relaxed as he pulled out.

  “Noah, tell her what else I like.”

  Noah let out a rattled breath and gave up his struggle to keep still. He surged upwards, filling Violet so completely she cried out around Declan’s cock. Noah didn’t let up; he kept plunging into her over and over, so Violet bounced on his lap. She had to clutch Declan’s ass tighter to keep her balance.

  Her finger bumped against Dec’s hole, repeatedly.

  God, she was turned on. Excited beyond belief. She’d already come once, yet another orgasm built, pounding inside her, making its way through every nerve ending.

  Violet wasn’t sure she could put it off. Wasn’t sure she had the strength to last.

  “Tell her,” Dec growled, as a light trickle of liquid coated the back of her throat.

  She swallowed it down, and Dec swore again. “Christ, Martin. Say it.”

  “Y-your finger, Vi…” Noah fucked her harder, tightened his grip, and Violet almost wept from the agony and ecstasy of it all. “Shove it inside him.”

  V stilled her hand, her middle finger on Declan’s hole.

  “Shove it inside,” Noah instructed.

  Vi hesitated. It was dry. It would hurt him.


  She pushed the tip in, and Declan growled. His dick lengthened, filling her mouth. The tip touched the back of her throat.

  “Yeah, baby,” Noah cooed. “He loves it. He’d tell you himself, but he’s having trouble talking.”

  Noah obviously loved it too. He thrust deeper than ever.

  Violet’s pussy wept, her muscles contracted. She wasn’t going to last. Couldn’t.

  She pushed her finger all the way inside Declan.

  Declan lost it. His hips moved wildly, shoving his cock into her mouth, thrusting hard, harder. She fixed her lips around his shaft and held on, forcing back her gag reflex. Then she twisted her finger around.

  Declan howled, jerked to a stop…and came. Bursts of semen squirted into her mouth and slid down her throat as his dick pulsed rhythmically.

  She couldn’t hold it all, couldn’t contain it. It spilled over her lips and dribbled onto her chin. Violet swallowed what she could, making Declan howl again as another stream of come jettisoned into her throat.

  The thrill of Declan’s release spurred Violet’s. As Declan shuddered before her, she yielded to the pleasure. Noah thrust his thick, hard cock deep inside her, and the onslaught of bliss overwhelmed her.

  She came, surrendering completely to the passion and the heat and the rapture.

  Noah shouted something senseless behind her and thrust ever harder, ever faster, pushing Violet to new heights. And as the walls of her puss
y clenched and convulsed, Noah too spiraled over the edge. With one last impressive thrust, he came, pulsing inside her pussy like Declan had pulsed inside her mouth.

  While the stream of Declan’s come slowed to a trickle, Noah throbbed inside her, over and over.

  The sensation was too concentrated, the gratification too intense. Violet couldn’t cope. She spun out on a cloud of unbridled joy.

  It took long, languorous moments before she began to find her senses again.

  Declan had pulled out of her mouth and taken a step back, freeing her finger. Noah’s softening dick had slipped from her body and he’d pulled her upright again, propping her boneless body against his arm for support.

  And just when Violet thought she’d experienced the ultimate rapture, and things could not get better, Noah turned her to face him, and she finally got to experience the splendor of his full, soft, sweet lips kissing hers.

  Chapter Seven

  Violet kicked off her red-heeled sandals and planted her bare toes in the soft green grass. She’d lost her skirt in favor of a pair of jeans that fit her like a second skin, and Declan couldn’t keep his eyes off her long, toned legs.

  Those legs would be wrapped around his waist before the weekend was over. He’d make sure of it.

  He looked across the small lake they’d walked to when all evidence of their lunch and lovemaking had been cleared from the dining room. A family of kangaroos foraged in the distance, a duck and four ducklings slipped into the pond and the sun shimmered off the water. All around them endless rows of vines sprouted new bunches of grapes, the buds still too green to contemplate picking.

  Noah was right. The air out here was as fresh as it got. Breathing it in made a man want to take stock of his life. Determine what was important and what was worth fighting for. And at this moment, with reality more than two hundred kilometers away, there was nothing more important to Declan than Noah and Violet.

  His shoulders felt lighter than they had since the aborted wedding. It was as though the weight of worry he always carried around had magically disintegrated.

  It hadn’t. It was still there, biding its time until it sabotaged him once more, grabbing his joy and grinding it down to dust. But in its temporary absence, Declan was making the most of his freedom and of the contentment that had descended when he’d given in to his lust and need for Noah and Vi.

  He removed his Ray-Bans, setting them behind him, and leaned down to where Noah lay on the grass beside him and kissed him—for no other reasons than he wanted to and he could.

  “Mmm.” Noah kissed him back, long and leisurely. “Nice.”

  “Nice indeed.” Dec licked his lips in satisfaction, resting his arm on Noah’s chest.

  “I’ve missed that,” Noah murmured as he looked up at him with languid eyes. “Missed you.”

  The bubble of happiness that had wrapped around him expanded. “Missed you too.” Seeing Noah every day, working with him, was not the same as being with him like this. It never had been.

  Violet didn’t bother opening her eyes. She just lay on Noah’s other side, her fingers entwined with Noah’s and a small smile playing on her face.

  “See?” she said. “Told you that you loved him.”

  Noah ran his free hand over Declan’s cheek. “I never denied it,” he said tenderly, and Declan’s heart soared.

  Vi nodded, eyes still closed. “But Declan did.”

  “Declan loves me.” Noah’s gaze was serene and filled with certainty. “He may not be able to say the words, but he does.”

  “That’s quite an ego you have there,” Declan said with a laugh and rolled over onto his back where he looked up at the clear blue sky and grinned.

  It took him a few minutes to realize something was piercing the side of his face.

  He looked around.

  Violet. Of course. She’d sat up and her steady gaze was focused on him, a million questions evident in her pretty brown eyes.

  Declan frowned. “Did you bring that wine with us on the walk?”

  “Um, maybe. Why?”

  “Because you’re about to ask something I know you’re going to regret asking. And the only time you’ve ever done that with me is after drinking that wine.”

  She grinned and flashed him the bottle. “It’s empty.”

  He sighed in defeat. “Of course it is.” Which meant there was no avoiding her question.

  Declan made a mental note to order several more bottles of the Moscato. She might ask inappropriate things that were none of her business, but Declan kind of liked curious, tipsy Violet.

  “Why can’t you?” she asked cryptically.

  “Why can’t I what?”

  “Tell Noah how you really feel about him?”

  Christ, the woman got right in there, didn’t she?

  “Let’s face it, Dec,” she continued, unfazed by his silence, “it’s obvious you love him. I can see it and Noah can see it, but you refuse to acknowledge it. Why?”

  There was no easy way to answer. “It’s complicated.”

  “So is having sex with one man while going down on another. Especially when the other man is your best friend’s ex. Complicated is my middle name. Hit me with whatever you’ve got. I can take it.”

  Declan contemplated not answering. He even thought about telling her it was none of her business. But the minute he’d accepted her presence in the room while he sucked Noah off, he’d made his personal and sexual life her business. And just for now, while he lay comfortably in that bubble of happiness, he refused to regret his choice.

  The tough part was working out how to answer Violet. How did he tackle the question so he could make her understand?

  Maybe by making it personal? “Tell me about your parents, Vi.”

  “Uh-uh, Dec. We’re not discussing me, or my parents, for that matter. So don’t try changing the subject.” She patted her stomach. “I have wine in my belly, and I’m not afraid to push you.”

  “That wine’s turned you into an interrogation fiend.” Declan flashed her a wry grin. “I’m not trying to change the subject. I’m trying to answer you in the best way I know how. Just…humor me?”

  She regarded him with narrowed eyes before nodding. “Okay, my parents. Let’s see. My dad’s cool. He’s your typical dad, loves me and my two brothers to distraction, thinks we walk on water. He’d do anything for us. Oh, and he’s funny. Really funny. Great sense of humor.”

  Lucky Violet. Declan’s father did not fit her “typical dad” description in any way. “And your mum?”

  Violet sighed. “My mum died when I was fifteen.”

  “I’m sorry.” This from Noah, who brought her hand to his mouth and kissed it gently.

  “Me too.” Vi smiled sadly. “She was the best mother. She had all the time in the world for us. Gave up her job to be a full-time mum. I, um…” She cleared her throat. “It’s been fourteen years, but I still miss her.”

  “It sounds like your parents both love…or loved you unconditionally,” Declan noted.

  “They do. Did. Although they were strict. Don’t get me wrong. If I misbehaved, I heard all about it. I spent a fair share of my time banished to my room.”

  “They sound like good parents. Loving but firm.” As opposed to just firm, like Dec’s parents had been. “Did they have expectations of you?”

  “Let’s see.” She contemplated his question. “They always expected me to make wise choices and decisions, based on logic and not impulse. They expected me to make the most of my life. My dad made no secret of the fact I had to finish school, go to uni and get a degree that would help me earn a decent living. And both of my parents demanded I live life to the fullest and seek happiness wherever I might be able to find it.” She tapped a finger on the side of her mouth. “First and foremost, I think they expected me to be happy. My dad still does, and if I’m not, he’ll move mountains to change circumstances so I will be again.”

  “Noah’s parents are the same,” Dec told Violet. “They wan
t only what’s best for him.”

  Noah nodded in confirmation.

  Noah had the coolest parents in Sydney. Dec had always envied the easygoing, happy relationship Noah shared with them.

  “My parents aren’t like either of yours,” Declan said softly. “They never were. They never loved us to distraction or turned the world upside down so my brother or I would be happy.”

  Noah sat up now and shifted Violet so she sat between his legs, leaning against his chest. Both of them focused their full attention on Declan.

  “They always liked us well enough, I suppose, but work came first. For both of them.”

  “Your father’s Louis, right?” Violet asked.

  “Right.” It made sense Violet knew him. Anyone old enough to vote had heard of Louis Muirfield. He’d served as a member of parliament twice and was still fully involved with politics and his beloved Liberal Party. “He’s the most conservative man I know. Matched in his conventional, cautious beliefs and traditions only by my mother.”


  Declan raised an eyebrow. “How did you know?”

  She shrugged. “Tori told me.”

  Of course she had. She’d probably also told Violet about his mother’s reputation in the courtroom: ruthless, brutal and hell-bent on winning every case she argued. “Did she happen to mention that my mother’s a cold bitch?”

  Violet gasped. “God, no. Tori would never say anything like that. Even if it was true, which she never led me to believe.”

  “My mother is the coldest woman I know. Physically and emotionally.” Dec could not remember hearing the words I love you come out of her mouth. He couldn’t even remember being hugged or kissed by his mother. “My father’s no better. Although he used to be a little warmer and more approachable than she was. But as soon as he began his career in politics, my brother and I played second fiddle to his work.”

  Declan picked at the grass beneath his fingers, methodically plucking out one blade after another. “While the two of you grew up with hugs and unconditional love, and while your parents were raising you to be happy and to make the right decisions, mine were raising us to be the perfect sons. The perfect children. To do the right thing and act in the right way. To always achieve the best results in school so they could brag about their accomplished sons.”


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