Inheritance With a Catch: An Enemies to Lovers Romance (Billionaire Inheritance Series Book 1)

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Inheritance With a Catch: An Enemies to Lovers Romance (Billionaire Inheritance Series Book 1) Page 11

by Denise Daye

  A loud slam shook him back to the present. “Here!” his mother had slammed her hand onto the hood of the car and snapped her fingers at one of the workers who came jostling down like an obedient, albeit frightened, pet. “Have this piece of trash towed immediately. I have important friends coming over and by God this thing better be gone by then.”

  Benjamin bolted over, the hot coffee spilling onto his hand and burning him.

  “I am tired of walking all the way down to the gate every morning and then all the way back up at night. I have to get up twenty minutes early to do so,” Ava announced, stepping closer to Lucy. A man jumped into the car and started revving the clanking engine so hard that it burped out thick smoke. Lucy coughed, exaggerating each exhalation like a naughty child seeking attention.

  “Mother!” Benjamin tried to sound calm as he had finally made it to the scene.

  “Thank the Lord, Benjamin!” Lucy coughed trying to make it look as if Ava was trying to kill her with her car. “Tell your wife that I don’t ever want to see this piece of trash again.”

  Ava crossed her arms ready for Ben to do just that, but instead, Ben pursed his lips and turned to his mother.

  “It’s just a car,” he said in a calm voice. Lucy’s eyes widened.

  “Just a car? It’s barely a vehicle! It is nothing like the other cars in here!”

  All eyes stared at Ava’s car which coughed and clanked, the metal body trembling as it was reversed down the long driveway to the gate. Even Ava seemed a little less confident in her case.

  That is true… Benjamin wanted to say, but the thought of taking sides with his mother didn’t exactly appeal to him. Especially not after he spotted Ava’s disappointed look on her face when she saw Benjamin enter the picture and thought she would now be insulted by two Radcliffs. Their eyes met and he was somewhat startled by their sadness. Does she really think he hated her so much that he would actually side with his mother, even if she was overreacting?

  He walked over to his mother and put a hand on her shoulder. “Mom…” he said and paused to take in a deep breath. “Ava lives here now. It makes no sense for her to have to walk all the way to the gate every day.” Benjamin braced himself for an explosion, but instead his mother threw Ava a nasty look and stormed off mumbling: “This is not over yet…”

  Benjamin turned to Ava who was looking at him as if he was a rare species from a faraway land.

  “T-thank you…” she almost whispered. He nodded.

  “Not that I am trying to justify my mother’s temper, but you know that you can use any car that’s parked in the garage, right?”

  “Yes. I do. But they are… well…” Ava pursed her lips. Was she trying to find the right words to be nice about it?

  “Too fancy?” Ben smiles.

  “…Too attractive,” Ava said with a faint smile. “It’s better if I don’t drive a nice car into a run-down neighborhood.”

  “Fair enough. Maybe we can get you something else then. Something normal,” he joked.

  Ava wanted to decline the offer, but Benjamin cut in before she could. “Something used that’s more reliable. “

  Ava scratched her head, almost convinced. “I will take it out of your final cut of the marriage deal, of course,” he teased her. She laughed.

  “In that case… why not.”

  For a moment, they both just stood there smiling.

  “Sir!” the man that had just driven her car to the gate shouted up to them from far away. “Do want me to park the car at the gate or behind it?”

  “I gotta go to work,” she said.

  “Yes, me too. I’ll see you at dinner.”

  Ava nodded, still smiling, then turned to walk down the driveway to her car. Benjamin looked after her, all the way until she disappeared behind a line of trees. This actually wasn’t too bad of a morning. Was it possible that they could just be civil with one another for the next few months? So far, he thought that his marriage with Ava was going to be all about building sturdy forts and launching insults after insults. But maybe it didn’t have to be that way…

  Ava lay on the bed staring at the ceiling. It had been six weeks since she had moved in and although it had seemed for a while that things were getting better after the car incident, she still felt like she was fighting on multiple fronts. Lucy was definitely out to get her, and Benjamin was not always around to help. Everything Ava did or said was wrong and worthless in the eyes of Lucy Radcliff, and she found herself under the constant attacks of that dragon.

  One time she had the audacity to call a meeting when Benjamin had to work late. When Ava had shown up for it, she announced that the house was starting to smell like homeless people and that Ava was expected to change her clothes and shower before she entered the house. Ava was about to quit right there and then, tell Lucy all she had on her mind, when Lorena stepped forward and told Lucy that they had found a dead mouse in the wall in the library. Any decent person would have apologized to Ava, but not Lucy. Oh no. She had stormed off to plan her next attack, hating Ava even more.

  “At least Benjamin is on your side,” her father had said to her in an attempt to encourage her. Strangely enough, the thought of Benjamin helping actually did calm her. Filled her with hope and energy to keep going. The dinners with him were going a lot better. They did not insult one another any longer and even laughed here and there. Topics were kept superficial, nothing deep; but who cared, as long as it was peaceful?

  Suddenly, music in the far distance tore Ava away from her thoughts. She rubbed her forehead, listening. The sounds—screams, laughter, loud music, and cheers--seemed to increase. The voices drifting high and low, as if from wandering ghosts. She peeked at her phone. 9 P.M.

  “What’s going on out there?” she muttered, walking over to the door and opened it slightly. She peeked down the hallway but only saw shadows that matched the cheerful voices coming from the entrance hall downstairs. She walked up to the stairway and leaned over the dark, oak railing. There were people moving around dancing and drinking.

  “A party? Seriously?” She was about to go back into the safety of her room when her eyes spotted Lucy Radcliff. She was dressed like she was at the Oscars, sharing an artificial laugh over something the two women standing with her had said. The two women also looked extremely overdressed and were about Lucy’s age. One of them seemed to have noticed Ava and looked over. Lucy now also noticed her. That fake laugh vanished as her brows shot together. She hectically waved at Ava to demand that she return to her room immediately.

  Oh…you don’t want me here, huh? Ava lay back on the bed and considered her options. Laughter rose from beyond the door and for some reason brought up the memory of Lucy embarrassing her in front of the whole staff, demanding that she shower before entering the house. Ava got up and changed into one of her summer dresses. It was white with little flowers on it. Nothing compared to the gowns the other women here wore, of course, but still pretty in its own way.

  “Let’s party,” Ava grinned as she left the room.

  Most of the people were moving about in the living room. Rich people, from the look of their clothes and from the array of gleaming cars parked outside. They were all laughing and having a good time, each one looking more important than the other.

  “Oh boy,” she sighed as she glanced at herself in the one of the tall mirrors above one of the fireplaces. The very dress that looked cute to her moments ago now seemed quite plain.

  I’m gonna stick out like a sore thumb, she thought and feverishly ran her hand through her hair, wrapping a few strands around her finger as she did whenever she felt uneasy. Calm down. You’re a confident woman; who cares if a group of spoiled people thinks you’re different?

  She marched down the hallway and into the ballroom that always reminded her of a period drama. The room was filled with strangers, all of which were obviously from an upper-class section of society. At the end of the ballroom was a band playing live music wit
h a few brave souls dancing to it. Not far from the band she found Lucy who without a second to waste made eye contact with her. Even from this far Ava could see Lucy’s eyes narrow. With a huge grin, Ava grabbed a glass of champagne from a server who walked by and held it up to cheers Lucy. The look on her face was priceless. Worth a billion dollars. Ava turned before Lucy could try to get to her and end her life right there and then.

  As she walked back into the hallways, she noticed how people peeked over to her than turned away to whisper to each other. It was clear that the partygoers were gossiping about her. Of course, her sham marriage would be the talk of night.

  Ava started looking for Benjamin. Somehow deep down, she knew that having him around would make her feel more comfortable; that he would make some jokes to put her at ease. She was about to walk out into the garden to look for him there when she felt a hand on her shoulder. With a bigger smile on her lips than she would have liked, she turned.

  “I wasn’t looking for you,” she joked. Her smile vanished. In front of her wasn’t Benjamin, but some guy in his late twenties. He was wearing a tux and had blonde, short hair. Some would consider him handsome, but Ava was by no means in the mood for whatever this guy wanted from her.

  “Why not?” the man said replacing her empty glass of champagne with a full one.

  Benjamin walked out of the kitchen followed by two ladies who looked like supermodels. He must have been saying something funny because they threw their heads back and laughed a little too loud, their huge breasts (probably implants) shaking, their cleavage displayed to dramatic effect with plunging necklines. He had tried to get rid of them, but they clung to him like paint to a wall. He looked up to the stairway towards the direction of Ava’s room.

  Ever since the car incident, things had been going better. Not great either, but at least they were able to share some dinners together without constantly putting each other down and fighting over the tiniest of things.

  He was wondering if he should get her. Not that this party was anything special—just another Radcliff gathering his mother had thrown together. He actually had totally forgotten about it as his mind was occupied with other things these days—mostly his wife, it seemed. Too often he was lost in the depths of his mind, just to pull out of it and suddenly find himself somewhere he didn’t remember walking to. Just like now when he realized that he was already standing in front of Ava’s room. He knocked.


  Nothing. He waited a moment than knocked again. “Are you awake?”

  Maybe she was already asleep. He returned to the party, thinking she was not missing out on much anyways as he walked by a group of older women and overheard them talking about the most expensive purses in the world. He found his mother standing close to the garden entrance, elegantly leaning against the wide-open glass doors that would lead outside.

  “If it’s okay with you I will now retire,” he said to her returning the smile of the older woman who were talking to her.

  “What? already? The party has barely started. We will have a raffle at ten.”

  Benjamin smirked. “I think I will survive without being there for that.”

  His mother frowned. “Fine, but don’t forget that you have promised to keep an open mind about the barbeque at Anne’s this Sunday.”

  Great. Another event with old, rich ladies drinking too much and talking about their money.

  “An open mind…” He reassured her not promising anything more than that. Ben was about to leave when he felt his mother’s nail burry into his arm. Ben’s face grimaced as a painful moan almost escaped his lungs. Gosh dang, were those tiger claws?

  “Oh…my…God…” his mother whispered; her eyes torn open wide. Ben followed her gaze out the veranda doors and into the garden. There was Ava—with a man.

  “Is that Milly’s grandson? With your wife?” the older lady muttered to Benjamin as she too had curiously looked for the cause of Lucy’s distress.

  The three of them watched Ava trying to move away from Milly’s grandson, who blocked her path and said something to her with a big grin. They were too far to hear what was being said but it was clear that this guy, was clearly out of line. Ava’s face looked a mix of desperate and angry as she tried once more to get away from him.

  “I hope she is not going to cause a scene,” Lucy said with an irritable tone crossing her arms. “This girl is nothing but trouble,” she added talking to her older friend who was nodding in sympathy. Did they blame Ava for this? Ben didn’t have much time to wonder if they were actually watching the same incident, as Milly’s grandson now grabbed Ava by her arm to pull her closer to him. An incredible wave of heat flushed through Benjamin as he loosened his collar and he bolted over there.

  “Please let me go,” he now heard Ava say. She had maintained her calm and, once again, tried to move.

  “I just want to talk,” Milly’s grandson muttered back at her in a slurred speech and held a bottle of champagne to her face. “Want a drink? No?” He shrugged and took another sip. The liquid dripped down the side of his mouth. Ava pushed him aside.

  “What’s going on here?” Benjamin cut in and asked calmly, standing right beside her. Milly’s grandson looked up and immediately recognized him.

  “If that isn’t Benjamin Radcliff. Great party. Just getting to know this lady here,” he said drifting back and forth.

  “Sorry but she happens to be with me,” Benjamin said. Milly’s grandson scratched his head.

  “I thought you got married and stuff…”

  “I did. This is my wife.” He put his arms around Ava’s waist pulling her in a little closer. She let it happen. Milly’s grandson straightened and glanced between the two, before shrugging.

  “Didn't see no ring. You sure you don’t want a drink?” He tugged at Ava’s arm but this time, Benjamin grabbed it and twisted it. Milly’s grandson let out a loud cry. The first heads started to turn toward them.

  “Ah there you are Joseph,” Lucy entered the scene with a huge grin on her face. “Your grandmother is looking for you,” she added interlocking her arm with his. Joseph wanted to say something, but Lucy already pulled him away throwing Ava and Benjamin a hateful glance.

  Suddenly, Benjamin realized that he was still holding Ava close against his body. A weird tingle replaced the heat of anger that had rushed through him not too long ago. He let go and stepped back.

  “I . . . uh, I’m sorry about that,” he apologized, rubbing the back of his head.

  “It’s fine,” Ava whispered. They stood there staring at each other, awkwardly.

  “I think—” she started to say and stopped when her words clashed with his.

  “You go first,” he offered, smiling. A real smile, not a smug smirk.

  She nodded. “Uhm, well, thank you,”

  “For what?” he arched his eyebrow and pursed his lips. Her neck twitched, her eyes moving away from his. “Oh, you mean that idiot? It’s nothing. I think you had it under control.”

  She shrugged. “Maybe, but you still came and put him in his place and for that I am grateful.”

  “Well then, you’re welcome.” He dug his hands in his pocket and raised his shoulders, trying hard not to look into her big blue eyes. “For what it’s worth,” he spoke silently, hesitating a bit when he saw her watching him, “…you are my wife.”

  “What?” she asked, looking up at him.

  “Oh uhm, I’m sorry. I know we are not really…”

  She shook her head. “Not that. I Just didn’t hear what you said.”

  The words clicked in his head and he laughed in relief. He thought of asking that they went for a walk, away from the noise and the people, but then the voice in his head raged: What are you doing? She hates you.

  Raising his voice above the loud music he repeated as if his lips had its own mind, “I said for what it’s worth, you are my wife.”

  She blushed and looked away, pretending to gaze at some
guy laughing his lungs out.

  “I guess it has its ups too.”

  “Let’s not go overboard, Lucy Radcliff is still your mother-in-law,” he joked and ran his fingers through his hair, her eyes following her every move with a warm smile.

  “True that,” she said.

  “True that,” he repeated.

  Before the awkwardness festered, Ava said a curt goodnight and headed upstairs.

  Benjamin followed her with his eyes, like he was hypnotized until he felt a tap on his back.

  “She is unbelievable,” his mother said, walking over in front of him and blocking his view of Ava. “Did she at least apologize?”

  “I don’t think I follow.”

  Lucy frowned. “Are you drunk? For the scene she caused of course.”

  He rolled his eyes. “Just do me a favor and go over your guest list next time? Everybody knows Milly’s grandson is trouble.”

  Lucy’s face grimaced and she was ready to throw a fit when Benjamin added: “Or you can hold your gatherings at a different estate… not mine.”

  With that being said, he left. He tried really hard not to upset his mother even more and fuel her fiendish thirst for petty cruelties, but he couldn’t let her run wild either. As much as everybody disliked the current situation, they had to make the best of it. Ava was his wife, and as such he owed her a certain level of decency.

  Besides, she wasn’t quite the monster he had thought she’d be when she first moved in. Not that the last few dinners had been romantic love stories, but they showed a different side of Ava: Energetic, kind, and smart. And beautiful in a way he had never noticed in any other woman before. Not the kind with long legs and immaculate facial features, but a sparky attraction in her eyes that made him melt when she looked at him. He always had noticed that about Ava, even when they were still little.


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