His Royal Princess

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His Royal Princess Page 10

by Jessica Clare

  She was silent as he got up from the bed and headed for his bag. He rummaged around until he found condoms in the hygiene kit his assistant had packed for him back in California. Thank god for assistants who thought you were a big horndog. He ripped one free from the strip and tore the package open, heading back to bed as he did. On the bed, Alex had grabbed one of the pillows that had been shoved aside and was artfully covering her nudity. Clearly she had no idea how lovely she was.

  Clearly he’d have to show her again.

  Luke slid the latex sheath over his cock, dragging it down to the base of his shaft. He noticed Alex was watching his movements, so he might have exaggerated them a little to give her a good show. Just a little. He moved back toward the bed and pushed the pillow aside. “No hiding that gorgeous view from me.”

  Her responding giggle was light and airy. So carefree. God, he loved hearing that. The world needed more of happy, smiling, lighthearted Alex instead of serious princess Alex. That would be his mission, then. To make his princess dimple with pleasure. To make her laugh. To keep her from becoming too lost in her manners to enjoy herself. Luke positioned himself on top of her again and kissed her, careful to balance his weight on his elbows so as not to crush her. One of her legs slid to the side and she rubbed her foot along his thigh as they kissed, a silent urge for more.

  He nipped at her mouth again. “You’re my princess, aren’t you? All mine.”

  Alex’s eyes were shining. “All yours.”

  He entered her carefully. Her body tensed under him, but she didn’t move, just stared up at him with big, trusting eyes. She was tight, but he went achingly slow, until little by little, he was seated deep inside her hot, wet warmth. Luke inhaled deep, trying not to lose control. Alex was very still under him, and he didn’t want to start moving until he knew he wasn’t going to hurt her.

  Luke kissed her again. “You okay, Princess?”

  She nodded, her expression a little dazed. “It just feels . . . strange.”

  “Painful?” If he was hurting her, he’d pull out right now, even if it killed him.

  “No, just strange. I feel very full.” She shifted her hips, and everything tightened around him.

  He smothered a groan. “I’m going to move now. Tell me if you hurt.” He rocked against her, testing her reaction. When she smoothed her hands over his shoulders, he began to move in a slow rhythm. His hips pushed against hers, his cock dragging in and out of her. Each movement felt so good he wanted to growl, but he held back. For now, his focus was on Alex.

  Alex . . . who didn’t seem to be all that impressed. She had her eyes closed and her expression was one of patience more than lust.

  So he leaned in and kissed her. “How do you feel?”

  “It’s nice.”

  Well, if that wasn’t a dick-shriveler, he didn’t know what was. Nice? Here his nuts were about to explode because he was working so hard to contain himself, and all she thought was that it was nice? Just nice? He changed rhythms, speeding up and then swiveling a bit more with every thrust. She gave him a look of intense concentration and then frowned. “Luke, am I doing something wrong?”

  “Not you, Princess. Me.” Alex probably needed a bit more in the way of stimulation for her first time than just him shoving his dick at her. All right, then. It was time to find her G-spot. He pressed another quick kiss to her mouth and then got off of her. “Let me get you a pillow.”

  “A pillow?”

  “Yes, ma’am.” He grabbed one off the floor, and then on second thought, grabbed a second. “We’re going to change things up a bit.”

  “But it was fine?” Her brows drew together.

  He didn’t want fine. He wanted to blow her mind. He instructed her to lift her hips and he pushed the pillows under her bottom, elevating her slightly. He moved back on top of her and kissed her, then pushed his cock inside her again. She sighed against his mouth, as if utterly content. That foot started rubbing his thigh again. He pushed into her, thrusting deep, and she gasped.

  “That felt different.”

  Good. He grazed one nipple with a hand before pressing it back on the bed and then thrust into her again. She gasped once more, and from there, he began to pump slowly into her, determining what she liked. He noticed that she responded to short, shallow thrusts, and so he began to give her that. Alex began to gasp with every stroke, and her fingers dug into his arms.

  “I need . . .” she breathed. Her mouth opened and closed silently as if he’d just hit a rather sensitive spot. “I need,” she began again, only to trail off into a breathy cry.

  Luke could feel her tightening around him. Her body seemed to shiver every time he thrust into her—which was good, because his balls felt so tight he was pretty sure he’d explode soon. But he wanted Alex to come first, so he held tight to her hip and began to pound into her faster, the entire bed shaking.

  “Oh, god!” Alex arched on the bed, nearly flinging him off her. Her hands were all over him in the next moment, desperate. “Oh, Luke! I need that again! I—” She broke off into a small cry, her hips rising to meet his.

  He gritted his teeth, dangerously close to spilling his seed. If she gave another one of those startled, breathy cries—

  And then she did, and he felt her clench around his cock like a fist, her entire body quivering. She made another soft, gurgling noise that sounded more startled than sexy, and he came like a goddamn rocket. With a hiss of breath, Luke thrust into her harder, stars flaring behind his eyes as he emptied himself into her.

  He collapsed onto the enormous bed next to her a moment later, sweaty and replete. Next to him, Alex stared up at the ceiling and toyed with a lock of her hair, a dreamy expression on her face.

  “You okay?” He rolled onto an elbow to look at her.

  “Mmm,” she said with a nod, and then gave him a mischievous look. “I liked that.”

  He blew out a breath. “I hope you enjoyed it more than just like.”

  “Then you won’t think I’m weird if I say I want to do it again?”

  Luke chuckled. “Have mercy, woman. Let me get a drink and a fresh condom and you can use me to your heart’s extent.”

  She gave him another one of those shy smiles that made his chest ache, and he leaned in and kissed her fiercely.

  Because she was his princess.


  Two Weeks Later

  “Wake up, babe.” Luke’s mouth brushed against Alex’s ear. “It’s almost dawn.”

  She groaned and snuggled down deeper under the blankets, nestling against him. “I don’t want to go.” She pushed her knee between his legs and slid her hands down to his butt. His delicious, delicious butt. Mmm.

  He blew a warm chuckle against her ear. “I don’t want you to go, either, but I’m pretty sure the staff would flip out if they found us in bed together.” He kissed her neck. “Though we could give them something to really freak out over, if you want.”

  Drat. Alex stifled her second groan and peeked an eye open. She had to get back to her own bed before anyone found out where she’d been last night. And the night before. And every night for the last few weeks.

  And today was his last shooting day in Bellissime. After this, they were moving on to Poland for the rest of the movie.

  His hand slid to her breast, teasing her nipple, and a curl of pleasure moved through her belly. “You’re not fair,” she breathed, even as she twined her arms around his neck. She wouldn’t think about him leaving. Not now. They’d figure out a way to get together. Right now, there was only Luke. “So unfair.”

  “I’m selfish,” he agreed, nipping at her collarbone. “I want to fling you down on your back and fuck you again. I’m tired of sharing you with Nick.”

  She gave an unladylike snort at that, her hand skimming down his side. Her nights were spent with Luke, but her days? When she wasn’t obliga
ted for a personal appearance in Bellissime, she spent her time on set. And when she was on set, Nick was hovering, telling her yet another story about one of his movies or trying to impress her with his clout. “He’s just jealous of you.”

  “Mmm, he should be. I made you come three times last night.”

  Four, really, but who was counting? Alex sighed and rubbed his jaw, then gave him a small kiss on the mouth. “I suppose I should go back.”

  “I’ll miss you.” He sucked on her earlobe. “Think you can sneak into my trailer for an afternoon quickie at lunch?”

  Alex smiled. “Maybe.” They’d managed that twice so far, an incredible feat considering the paparazzi seemed to be hounding them at every corner. The palace itself was the only place that Alex felt truly relaxed, and even there, she had to be careful.

  “Mr. Houston?” A maid knocked at the door. “Your wake-up reminder, as requested.”

  “Give me a moment,” he called as Alex scrambled from the bed.

  Drat. There was never enough time with Luke. She snatched on her robe, shoved her feet into her slippers, and looked back at him one last time. He gave her a wink and she blew him a kiss, then opened the secret panel and escaped down the hall.

  They’d been lovers for two weeks now. Two glorious, wonderful weeks of sex, kisses, and more orgasms than she could count. Two weeks of sneaking out of her room every night and into his. Two weeks of constantly wishing that they were both just normal people, so they could spend a day lazing in bed together instead of hiding.

  But that wasn’t who they were. She yawned as she headed back to her room. Her staff had instructions to wake her up fifteen minutes later than Luke’s, so she’d have plenty of time to sneak back to her own bed. Once back in her room, she kicked off her slippers, tossed aside her robe in favor of a prim nightgown, and crawled under the blankets. She couldn’t resist another yawn—all the sex with Luke was exhausting, if wonderful. Better than wonderful. Earth-shattering, maybe.

  Alex hugged her pillow close, waiting for the inevitable knock at the door. Being with Luke had been the happiest time of her life. And now he was going and she . . . well, she was going to have to figure out how to date him long distance, she supposed.

  Surely this wouldn’t be the end. Luke hadn’t indicated anything to her, and she assumed he would have told her. Still, the twinge of doubt remained. Should she have insisted on something more between them? Something concrete? She wasn’t very good at dating.

  “Your Grace?” There was a gentle knock at her door. “You wanted to wake up early to be on the set?”

  “I’m up,” she called out. It was time to start the day. “Enter.”


  The sedan pulled up to the warehouse/studio and as usual, the crowd of paparazzi was there waiting for her behind the barricade. She was no longer bothering to hide her coming and going, since her dating Luke was now on the front page of every magazine and newspaper in several countries. There wasn’t anywhere that she would have a moment’s peace from them, so there was no point in hiding.

  Lady Margaret gave an irritated sniff at the sight of all the cameras. “Don’t they have better things to do with their time?”

  “Likely not,” Alex said cheerfully. She couldn’t help it. She’d been in a good mood for weeks now. Since having sex or since Luke? She suspected it was since Luke, but she was also self-aware enough to know that regular sex probably helped things. She pressed her fingers to her cheeks, feeling a bit overheated at the thought. “You can go back to the palace if this bores you.”

  “Not at all, Your Grace.” Lady Margaret adjusted the hem of her plain black skirt. “Besides, this is the last day they are shooting here. I might as well see things through to the end.”

  Alex’s smile didn’t waver, but inwardly, she flinched. The last day. After today, everything changed.

  Security piled out of the building, directing the photographers off to one side so Alex could exit her car. Once they were clear, she nodded at her driver, and a moment later, he opened the door for her.

  The flood of shouts began as she stepped out of the car.

  “Princess! Princess! What’s it like dating Luke?”

  “Princess! Are you jealous of Pamela? Is it true the movie’s rating has been moved to PG-13 because Luke won’t shoot sex scenes?”

  “Princess! Are you going to follow the movie to Poland or will Luke be flying back to visit you?”

  “Are there wedding bells in the future?”

  “Will you be in the movie?”

  She ignored the questions and gave them her most serene smile, raising her hand in a gentle, rehearsed wave. Then she stepped forward and headed into the building, ignoring their shouted protests as if they weren’t there.

  They had good questions, naturally. Questions that made her want to answer them. Problem was, she didn’t have any answers.

  Alex kept her serene smile on her face as she entered the set and met with Nick and his entourage. There were new people in the studio today, and some of them seemed to be part of a tour, though a cute, chipper woman paced a few feet away, her phone to her ear, and two men in sports jackets chatted nearby. In the distance, she could see Luke on set, his shirt off as someone painted dust and sweat on him. Her heart fluttered at the sight of his broad shoulders. Even though she’d kissed—and licked, and caressed, sigh—every inch of him, she never got tired of looking at Luke. He was hers.

  “Would you like coffee, Your Grace?” Margaret’s disapproving tone spoke volumes about how the day was going to go. “Shall I round up one of the caterers and inform them that you’re waiting? I cannot believe no one is here to greet you with a drink. The manners of these people.” She huffed.

  “Just tea, black. Thank you, Margaret.” Alex smiled at her companion. It wasn’t that she was thirsty, but a chance to distract Margaret for a few moments would help things.

  Her companion went off with a loud click of her heels. Alex turned to Nick, but he was busy poring over the script with one of the writers, so she tucked her clutch purse under her arm and strolled (oh so casually, she hoped) toward the waiting set, where Luke was ready to film.

  “You’re the princess, aren’t you?”

  The quick, American voice caught her attention and Alex turned. The woman who’d been on the phone snapped it shut and practically galloped toward Alex, extending her hand. Thank goodness Margaret was gone, Alex thought as she graciously shook the woman’s hand. She would die of mortification if she saw Alex shaking someone’s hand like a commoner and being addressed as princess instead of Your Grace.

  But it was rude to correct people, and so she smiled at the woman. “I’m afraid we haven’t met.”

  “Oh, no, I just flew in today.” The woman pumped her hand. “I’m Beckee. Beckee Stadler. Luke’s publicist. And can I just say, I don’t see how he managed this?” She hooted. “That boy’s a genius, isn’t he? I love him.” She took Alex’s arm and began to steer her away from her destination and toward the two men in sports jackets. “You’ll want to meet Luke’s team, of course. That’s his manager and the other man’s his agent.” Beckee seemed to talk a mile a minute. “This picture’s screaming box-office smash and we haven’t even finished filming it yet, so everyone’s practically peeing in their pants, they’re so excited.”

  “That’s wonderful,” Alex said.

  “I don’t suppose you’d want to do a joint interview, would you? You and Luke together? Talk about the movie?”

  For a moment, Alex almost forgot her composure and gaped at the woman. She recovered, but not fast enough.

  “No?” Beckee went on. “I didn’t think so. Thought I’d try! I bet Oprah would talk to you two. That’d be magazine fodder for months on end. And Luke’s career would be set.”

  His career? “Oh?” Alex paused, wanting to hear more about this. The two men in the distance were l
ooking in her direction, but she wanted to hear more of what this small, nosy woman had to say.

  “Oh, yes,” Beckee declared. “I’ve been telling him for years that it’s make or break based on who you date. He didn’t believe me, of course, but last year he lost that role to Thomas Gunnar and I think that opened his eyes, you know? I tried to set him up with an actress who’s looking for a red carpet partner, but he said he had something else in mind.” Beckee winked conspiratorially at Alex. “Didn’t realize it was you.”

  “It was me,” Alex echoed, her smile feeling tight on her face. Her stomach flipped and she felt a little . . . ill.

  “You know Hollywood,” Beckee said with a cheery wave of her hand. “It’s all about who you climb into bed with. That’s how you get the good roles. I told him Vicky Stanton but he really one-upped me by dating you!” She hooted. “And now he’s a megastar. His next six movies could flop and it wouldn’t matter.” She squeezed Alex’s arm. “This is a dream come true.”

  Or a nightmare.


  Luke wasn’t interested in Alex because of Alex. He was interested in Alex because of what she could do for his career. Things like . . . getting him on the front page of every tabloid known to mankind. He’d told her all about the big roles he was offered recently, and she’d been overjoyed for him because she genuinely liked his acting.

  It seemed like Alex had been responsible for getting him those roles.

  It’s all about who you climb into bed with.

  He really one-upped me by dating you.

  And she’d practically thrown herself at the man.

  She felt sick. Sick, and full of disbelief. She didn’t want to believe it was true. That wasn’t her Luke. Her Luke was funny and sweet and smart and knew just where to kiss her . . .

  And was a professional actor who lost himself in his roles.

  Was dating Alex just another role to him? They’d never talked about what happened next. Alex had just assumed . . .


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