A Mysterious Quest of a Seductive Lady: A Regency Historical Romance Novel

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A Mysterious Quest of a Seductive Lady: A Regency Historical Romance Novel Page 11

by Lucinda Nelson

  “What’s that?” Caroline asked as she followed Magnolia up the stairs.

  “We are going to find James’ journal.”

  Caroline stopped. “Your brother’s journal? Are you certain that you would find helpful clues inside?”

  “Of course I am! Now, come with me. We must find it as quickly as possible!”

  * * *

  Adam Avery, the Earl of Strickland

  Adam dismounted from his stallion and handed the reins to one of Richard’s grooms. Then he walked to the white mansion where the butler, a liveried young man by the name, Jacob, stood by the door.

  “My lord,” he said, bowing and taking his jacket.

  “How do you do, Jacob?” he asked as he walked inside.

  “Very well, my lord. He is in his library. Do you wish me to call him for you?”

  “Oh, no. I will go and see him myself.” With that, Adam walked inside the house and rounded the corner that led to his friend’s library. The door was opened by a servant, who bowed on seeing him.

  Adam found Richard sitting behind his desk, with piles of papers in front of him. “I see you have your hands full,” Adam joked.

  Richard sighed, holding his head in his two hands. “Getting my hands full is an understatement, my good friend. It is strange seeing you in my library at this time of day. Tell me, what brought you here?”

  Adam sat down as a servant brought him a small tray with a hot cup of tea and a little bowl of grated sugar. “Nothing much. Just continue with what you are doing and I shall stay here until you are done. Were you able to resolve the problem you had last week?”

  “I found one of the culprits,” said Richard. He had once complained to Adam about someone stealing from him among his business partners.

  “Culprits?” asked Adam. “Are you saying they are many?”

  “Of course. Lord Harrison made me realize he was not the only one involved in the theft, but he wouldn’t tell me the second person.”

  “That’s ludicrous,” blurted Adam. “Why would he not? Did you threaten him at all?”

  “Of course not. You know I do not indulge in threats.”

  “Nonsense. Sometimes you must be harsh, especially when it comes to your business. Does his wife know about this?”

  “Of course not. She would be most displeased if she knew.”

  “I must say you are too gentle with your business, Richard. Be stern. Threaten to tell his wife if he does not tell you who the second person is.”

  Richard was quiet. “I think that is a good idea. Thank you, Adam. I shall do exactly that.” He closed the open file in front of him. “And that was how you solved my problem. Now, allow me to tend to yours.”

  He leaned back on his chair and signaled to the servant in the room. “Get us a bottle of wine with two glasses, please.” The servant nodded and left.

  “So, tell me, how was your outing? With the way you look so relaxed, I suspect you had a fine time with Magnolia and were not tongue-tied?”

  They both laughed. “I did,” Adam replied. “It was indeed an enjoyable time, Richard. We were finally able to talk after all this time.”

  The servant came in and served them each a glass of wine.

  “So, did you also talk about why she has been running away from you all the while?” Richard went on.

  “Of course not. We did not go in-depth. I would not want to push her away after finally getting her to confide in me.”

  Richard chuckled, raising the glass to his lips. “You are right. So, what did she show you?”

  “Magnolia took me to her father’s study. She thought we might find some clues that would enable us discover whoever was responsible for the accident.”

  “And what did you find?”


  Richard shrugged. “I’m not surprised. You both had best be very careful. Do you not think that such a person would have taken enough measures to cover his tracks?”

  Adam sighed. His friend was right. “Magnolia later said we could find his journal.”

  “James’ journal?”

  Adam nodded.

  Richard sighed. “If you must find the journal, then do it soon before more damage is done. I am certain that whoever is responsible will be working hard to stay as hidden as possible.”

  “Yes. You are right. But I am afraid for Magnolia. I have a hunch she is not safe. I think I should keep a watch on her, to protect her.”

  His friend nodded. “How are you going to do that? Do you plan to be visiting her every day or are you going to stop her from going about?”

  “I am thinking of asking her to move into my house.”

  Richard choked and coughed. He stared at his friend to be certain he had heard him right. “You want her to move in?”

  He nodded.

  “Do you think she will agree to that? What about her aunt? Scandal would surely flourish if this was made public since you both are unmarried. People would assume the worse.”

  “She may agree, if she realizes I am only trying to protect her. As for her aunt and society, I will have to think of something to combat that.”

  Richard chuckled. “Well, good luck with that, my friend.”

  Chapter 15

  Miss Magnolia Richmond

  Magnolia was having a walk with Lord Jonas Eddington that evening. She would have forgotten about it if not for Aunt Dorothy, who kept ringing it in her ears.

  If Magnolia had her way, she wouldn’t go. But she knew it was important to make her aunt happy.

  “There! I’m done,” Mrs. Clarke, said as she buttoned up Magnolia’s gown for her. “You can check the mirror now, Miss Richmond.”

  She sighed and turned to see her reflection in the mirror. She was in a blue evening gown with a pair of white gloves. Her hair was curled and piled to the top of her head before being rolled into a large bun which sat comfortably on her head.

  “You look beautiful,” said her aunt as she came into the room. “And Lord Eddington is around.”

  “I hope I do not regret this,” said Magnolia.

  “Oh, come now, dear. Be hopeful. Besides, he does seem like a nice man.”

  She grimaced.

  “Be nice, dear,” her aunt warned, and then they left the room together.

  * * *

  Adam Avery, the Earl of Strickland

  “What is she doing with that man?”

  “Adam! You are not listening to me, are you? I am in desperate need of a new valet and you have been woolgathering rather than offering suggestions. I daresay you are beginning to frustrate me. Besides, threatening Lord Harrison turned out to be a good idea after all.”

  Adam glanced at his friend Richard as they walked down Dalia’s street. Without her knowledge, Adam was keeping a careful watch over Magnolia, and he watched her now as she walked ahead of them and across the street with Lord Eddington.

  It was coincidence that they all happened to be walking on the same street this very morning. Richard had asked that Adam take a walk with him and surprisingly, the street had turned out to be rather crowded.

  “A brilliant idea, I must say,” Richard prodded.

  Adam fought to focus on his friend. “I beg your pardon?”

  Richard fixed him a stern glare. Given that his usual manner tended towards jovial, this was a little alarming. “Where is your head? You have been out of sorts all morning.”

  Adam grunted. He had no intention of explaining himself. His thoughts were sinful ones, ones that would lead him to the center of the pit of hell. All because of Magnolia.

  For some days now, he had been trying to fight his attraction to her. He couldn’t deny how much he wanted her the last time they were in her father’s study together. If it was any other woman, that would have been the time to seduce her and have his way.

  But Adam had long known, deep inside, that Magnolia was not just any woman and was actually quite special.

  It had been two days since he’d last seen her, but it felt like forev
er. He had tried to control his desire to see her by forcing himself to take a walk with his friend that morning – but that had become an impossible task, seeing as she was just a few yards away from him with Lord Eddington.

  What was she doing walking with him? Who was he to her?

  Adam had written to her two nights to ask to see her that evening, but she had turned his request down . . . all because she had wanted to walk with Lord Eddington instead.

  He fought his desire to spit.

  She was halfway up the street on the opposite side of the road, a beacon of beauty standing out from all the women around her. A footman dressed in a blue-black outfit trailed diligently behind them with a large box in his arms.

  Magnolia should not be out traipsing about at a time like this, when a murderous madman could be watching her every move. And she should not be walking with any man except him, not only to protect her but to make her smile the way she was smiling now.

  It frustrated Adam greatly to think she was risking her life for the sake of spending time with that man. It frustrated him even more that she would choose to spend time with someone aside himself . . . and that he was so concerned about it.

  “I know you are not listening to me, and it is obvious our stroll is merely a ruse. I cannot help but notice we have stopped several times, matching the pattern of a certain lady of our acquaintance across the street.”

  So, Richard has been watchful after all. Adam shouldn’t have been surprised. Apparently, he had not done his best to conceal his interest in Magnolia Richmond, but it was too hard to fight the natural pull of her gaze when she was near. She was just twenty-one years old, yet he couldn’t help but notice the way she carried herself with the natural grace of a mature and educated queen.

  Not many women would achieve such a feat, but for as long as he had known Magnolia, she had been just that way.

  While growing up, she had been nothing more than a little sister to him. Even then, she had struck him as more wise and steady than most of the other women he had known. That was why Adam was deeply troubled when she stopped spending time with him and James. He loved the way she drew the conversation whenever he was around.

  He couldn’t forget the moment they had shared in the library. They had never been alone together, as they were that day. Even when James was alive, he was always the third person in the room.

  Spending time with her that day uncovered many things he had ignored, and to Adam, it was as though he were seeing her clearly for the first time.

  He loved the intimate glances they shared. There was something about her eyes, the way her eyes held him rooted to the spot with intelligence, curiosity, and . . . in these past few days . . . attraction.

  “You had better stop staring,” Richard said quietly. “People are beginning to notice.”

  “She should not be out walking at a time like this.” Adam tugged his leather gloves tighter, hoping to get rid of the lingering effects of jealousy lancing through him. “She has no idea what she is doing.”

  Richard burst into laughter, loudly enough to draw the attention of passersby. “She is not a little girl. She can spend time with whosoever she pleases and at whatever time she is comfortable with. I must say you are turning green, are you not?”

  Adam realized there was far too much truth in that statement, but he chose to remain quiet. He could see Magnolia pausing to admire a shop window displaying an array of poke bonnets nestled on stands. Her partner nodded smartly as she pointed out a particular bonnet.

  Adam was tempted to venture forth and speak with her, possibly luring her into an alley to have a little privacy. Even if he only spoke with her, he was afraid what he might be tempted to do if they were alone. He knew that his action could possibly get him a bullet through his heart if her brother was alive.

  “If this is how you mean to spend the day, then consider me gone,” Richard said. “I could be at Rosalind’s Salon. Or, better yet, savoring the favors of the fine ladies at the Caunterbury Garden.”

  Adam knew he was not being a good friend at that moment, but he couldn’t help it. He was supposed to apologize and ask him to let them go back, but he could not. Yet he didn’t want to be alone for fear of embarrassing himself. He felt that he must keep an eye on her!

  Or maybe that was just his jealousy talking.

  “If you think you want to talk to her, I think you should go ahead. I would like to pause here for a while.”

  Adam was happy to hear that. “Thank you,” he said, and with relief watched Richard walk away.

  Then he turned to see that Magnolia had evidently spotted him and was looking right at him, even as she whispered something to Lord Eddington.

  And before he could move, she left the man standing alone and walked straight across the street to Adam.

  “Good day, Lord Strickland,” she said, with a curtsey. It grated his nerves that she still chose to be formal with him. “I was not expecting to see you at all today.”

  Of course you were not! You are too busy spending time with Eddington!

  “Yes, it is quite a coincidence,” Adam replied, raking a hand through his hair. “Though I can see the reason why you turned down my request to see you.” He looked at Lord Eddington, who nodded to him and he nodded back.

  “You see, I was supposed to take a walk with Bob. That was why…”

  Bob? How could she offer such intimacy with someone she barely knew, and yet treat me with such a frustrating formality?

  “I see,” he replied.

  “I have yet to find James’ journal,” she quickly said.

  “Well, that is not a problem as an idea came to my mind.”

  She frowned. “What is it?”

  “It is about James’ journal and finding out who the killer is. Magnolia . . . why do you not just step aside and let me take over?”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “I mean, it is risky. What if someone is already watching you?”

  “The only one stalking me today, was you, my lord” said Magnolia.

  “I do not want anything to happen to you. Besides, you should not be out walking around at times like this. It could be dangerous.”

  “As you clearly can see, I am accompanied. By a fine gentleman, I might say,” she replied.

  “Miss Richmond. I think you should stop the digging and leave me to handle matters of this sort.”

  “I am afraid I cannot do that,” she said, angrily. “How can you ask me to step aside? This is my family we are talking about!”

  “Your parents and your brother were like a family to me as well,” Adam replied. “I am just trying to look out for you.”

  “I appreciate your concern, my lord, but I can take care of myself. Please do not worry yourself about me.”

  She was about to walk away but he grabbed her hand. “I care about you, Magnolia. I understand you are a woman who is capable of taking care of herself but, I beg of you: Forget about this revenge and let me help you.”

  “I would certainly appreciate it if you would stay out of my affairs from now on, my lord!” Magnolia pulled her hand away and walked back to Lord Eddington.

  Adam watched her as she and Lord Eddington got into the next carriage, and then the vehicle left.

  “What was that all about?” Richard asked, walking towards him.

  “I think I have managed to make her hate me,” he replied.

  “What did you do?”

  Adam sighed. “I have merely been very, very stupid.”

  * * *

  Miss Magnolia Richmond

  Magnolia was angry and moody all the way home. Adam had just managed to ruin a perfect day! She hated the fact that she had to turn down his request to spend time with her because of her planned outing with Lord Eddington. But it was important to please her aunt and so, that was what she had done.

  The past few days had been so difficult, for she could not stop thinking about Adam. She was beginning to think that perhaps, her aunt and Carolin
e were right.

  Maybe Adam really did have feelings for her. If not, would he have said those things to her the last time they were together? What about those intimate looks they had shared?

  Magnolia was certain that those looks had meaning. She could see it in the gleam of his eyes and she had responded. She couldn’t help it. Her body always responded to him that way. There was no way to control that.

  Now, though, she believed she may have taken things rather far. How dare he tell her to stop her quest for revenge? Who does he think he is?


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