Heiress's Baby Scandal

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Heiress's Baby Scandal Page 9

by Janice Lynn

  “No, Dr. Donaldson and I will be close. No worries,” she assured him, understanding his anxiety as many parents of preemies experienced those same fears. Rochelle’s dad probably more so than most as he’d waited weeks to see his daughter. No doubt the man was terrified that his coming here might somehow jinx his baby girl’s chances. “If anything changes, we will be right here.”

  Ty watched the pleased smile spread across Eleanor’s face and wondered at the pleasure spreading through him. Of course he was happy that Rochelle’s father had finally come to visit his baby girl. But the wonder spreading through him had more to do with the woman he watched.

  “Look,” Ellie whispered, grabbing his shoulder, her voice breaking with emotion.

  Ty’s attention returned to Rochelle and her father. The man held the little girl awkwardly, but his eyes were filled with awe, with love.

  With unshed tears.

  “He’s talking to her. I wish I could hear what he’s saying,” Ellie continued, her voice low, full of just as much emotion as Rochelle’s father’s.

  Ty could almost feel the excitement bubbling through her.

  “They’re bonding.”

  Ellie glanced at him, smiled beatifically. “Isn’t it wonderful?”

  Her smile was wonderful.

  Her touch on his shoulder.

  The light in her eyes.

  He’d missed her.

  Something in Ty’s chest shifted, blossomed, and he realized that if she’d said no to going to Texas, he’d have talked her into it.

  He wanted her with him, wanted to show her his family home, introduce her to his family and, more than anything, he wanted her at his side during the weekend. He’d have begged her to go if that was what it would have taken.

  That thought worried him almost as much as the thought of seeing his father again did.

  On a plane.

  With Tyler Donaldson.

  On the way to his family’s ranch in Swallow Creek, Texas.

  Not feeling a hundred percent as she was fighting a nervous stomach.

  How were they going to get through the next few days?

  Those were the thoughts running through Eleanor’s mind while she pretended to be asleep in the first-class airline seat next to Tyler’s.

  Pretending to be asleep was easier than trying to make polite conversation as they’d done when their paths had crossed since the day Rochelle’s father had come to the NICU. They’d shared a moment of truce when Rochelle’s father had been present, but otherwise the awkwardness lingered and made her stomach churn even now.

  Then again, everything seemed to make her feel nauseated these days. As a child she’d often had stomach issues when she’d got really nervous or upset, but she’d thought she’d outgrown that during her late teens. Recently, that old habit had returned. As if having to deal with her memories wasn’t enough torture.

  She snuck a quick peek at the man she couldn’t keep from her mind.

  And caught him staring at her.

  “Good nap?”

  “Um, yes. Thanks for asking.” Heat infused her face at the way he watched her. As if he knew exactly what she’d been doing.

  He couldn’t possibly know she’d been faking sleep, could he?

  Probably. Somehow Ty seemed to know everything.

  The plane hit a bit of turbulence and her stomach lurched. Her face must have paled, because Ty’s expression instantly grew concerned. His hand covered hers where she clutched at the armrest.

  “You okay?”

  For answer, she unbuckled her seat restraint and hurried to the lavatory, grateful that no one was there or she’d have had to make do with the little bag provided on the back of the seat in front of hers.

  Once inside the small lavatory, she prayed the other passengers couldn’t hear her spilling the meager breakfast she’d forced down.

  She prayed Ty couldn’t hear.

  She delayed in the restroom as long as she dared occupy the only lavatory in first class, but the empathetic gazes that met hers when she left the sanctity of the private space told her everyone had heard.

  That Ty had heard.


  Without looking directly at him, she sank into her seat, closed her eyes and said a little prayer that her nerves calmed down. Spending the weekend with Ty was stressful enough. Spending the weekend with him with an upset stomach just went off the charts of bad luck.

  “I thought it was me,” he mused, “but now I’m wondering if perhaps you just don’t enjoy flying.”

  Her gaze shot toward his. “I’m fine.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” he agreed, his eyes studying her. “I can see that by the ashen color of your skin and the way you’re holding your stomach.”

  Why couldn’t she be suave and sophisticated around this man? Why did she continually embarrass herself?

  She dug through her purse, searching for a breath mint and popping one into her mouth prior to answering him.

  “My stomach acts up sometimes when I get nervous.”

  “You don’t like flying?”

  “Th-that’s not it.”

  He considered her answer, then asked, “You’re nervous about this weekend? Isn’t that my job? You never have to see these folks again. They’re my family. I’m stuck with them.”

  That got her attention, made her stomach lurch. For Ty their relationship was truly temporary. When they returned from Texas, whatever this was between them would well and truly be done. They’d deal with each other at the hospital and nothing more. Which should be just fine by her since she hadn’t really expected more of the weekend than fulfilling her end of a deal, had she? She hadn’t fantasized that Ty was going to take her into his big Texan arms and tell her he’d missed her as much as she had missed him and that they’d go back to New York as a couple. Nope, no way had she been that gullible and naive.

  Willing her stomach to settle because, really, there couldn’t be anything left in there, she watched him. “I know you said you and your dad had an argument, but surely you’re excited to see your family?”

  He didn’t look sure.

  “How long has it been since you’ve been home, Ty?” Her question was soft, but had the impact of someone shaking the plane.

  “Years.” Had Ty made a run for the lavatory and retched, Eleanor wouldn’t have been surprised.

  She placed her hand over his, meaning to comfort him but only managing to send her pulse into orbit at the flesh-to-flesh contact. Would touching him always affect her so? Always pull her back to memories best forgotten?

  They both stared at where her hand covered his, at how her thumb had begun to trace a pattern over his. No, she definitely hadn’t had any false hopes where the weekend was concerned.

  “You’ve told me a little about your family, but I’d like to know more before we arrive.”

  He didn’t speak at first and she thought he was going to ignore her or tell her to mind her own business, but finally that sexy Texan drawl of his began to tell her about his life.

  “My mother is the greatest woman. Kind, loving, strong. There’s nothing the woman can’t do. Growing up, I was just as likely to see her out breaking a horse with my father as I was to see her inside, canning vegetables. She wins the bread-baking contest at the county fair every year and has for as long as I can recall. She worked from dawn to late into the night every day, but always found time for my brother and I.” He smiled as if a good memory was playing through his mind. “Rarely was there a night that went by that we weren’t read a bible story, made to say our prayers, tucked in and kissed good-night by her.”

  Eleanor smiled at his idealistic-sounding childhood. How wonderful it must have been to grow up in such a loving family environment. “You said your brother is three years older than you? He’s your only sibling?”

  He nodded. “Mom wanted more, but there was just us two boys. Probably just as well as we kept her running.”

  “She sounds wonderful.”

is.” Which meant his mother wasn’t anything to do with why he dreaded going home. Then again, he’d already said who it was he didn’t get along with.

  “Tell me about this father who scares you.”

  Leaning his head back against the plush first-class seat, Ty snorted. “I was kidding when I said that.”

  She couldn’t imagine him afraid of anything, but there was definitely something off in his relationship with his father.

  “Your tone changes when you speak of him,” she pointed out in what she hoped was a gentle voice. The skin tightened on his face, too, but she didn’t point that out.

  He sighed, shifted his hand to where their fingers laced. “I don’t talk about my father usually. Life is better that way. Actually, you’re the only person I’ve talked to about him other than my mother and brother.”

  Why did his admission make her feel as if she was different from the other women he’d been with? That maybe she hadn’t imagined just how special their night had been?

  “But,” he said with another sigh, “since I’m dragging you into the middle of my life, I should prepare you. Can’t have you walking in unawares and being blindsided.”

  “Being blindsided?”

  “I told you that the last time I was home my father and I had a disagreement.” His lips twisted and a flicker of hurt flashed in his eyes. “I left swearing I’d never set foot in Swallow Creek again.”

  He still looked at her, but Eleanor wasn’t so sure Ty saw her. He looked lost in the past, a dark, unpleasant place that held a tight grip on his present.

  She lifted a shoulder. “That’s a silly thing to swear about a place where the people you love live.”

  He blinked, clearing whatever had momentarily come over him. He laughed at her comment, but the sound didn’t come out as natural. “You’re right, and here I am headed back, ready to eat my words.”

  Still fighting nausea, she let his admission soak in, trying to understand the man sitting next to her, holding her hand as if she were his lifeline rather than the other way around, as it had been earlier. “Why now? Why go back after all this time? Because of the rodeo?”

  He took a deep breath. “My mom’s been on me from the moment I left to come back, but she understands my love of medicine.” He smiled, thoughts of his mother obviously easing some of his tension. “But lately she’s been pushing more and more. With Dad hosting the rodeo this year, she wouldn’t let up until I promised I’d be there.”

  His poor mother must have missed him like crazy and been frantic to repair the rift within her family. But at no point had Ty sounded as if he wanted this trip home.

  “Why did you agree if you don’t really want to do this?”

  He glanced at her, seeming surprised that she’d pushed further. She knew there was more than he was telling her.

  “Lots of reasons. I do miss my family.” He frowned, then added, “Mostly. Plus, if I don’t come home, she and my whole family are going to come to New York for an extended visit.”

  “Would that be so bad?”

  That lopsided grin lifted one side of his handsome face. “Ask me that again after you’ve met my family.”

  She smiled, glad to see his usual smile back in place and hating it that something he’d said nagged at her brain. Hated it because she suspected when she asked him about it his smile was going to slip, but she wanted to understand this man beside her. Which was crazy. After this weekend, they’d probably go back to barely talking to each other.

  “You said your mother understood your love of medicine.”

  There went the smile.

  “Does that mean your father doesn’t?” she pushed, wondering if her suspicions were correct.

  “Let’s just say I’m not the son who makes him proud.” His jaw working, Ty gave a nonchalant shrug, as if her question was of little consequence, as if his answer was of little consequence. But she saw the clench of his jaw, the quickening pulse at his throat, felt the slight unsteadiness in his hand. His answer revealed a vulnerability in him that made her feel protective, as if she wanted to shield him from anyone who dared to treat him with less than the utmost love and respect.

  Which really was crazy.

  Ty was a six-foot-four Texan hunk. Not some wallflower who needed her to run interference.

  Despite him rescuing her at the ribbon-cutting, the time they’d spent together at the hospital, the fund-raiser and afterward, well, really, they barely knew each other.

  Yet she did feel as if she knew him. That he knew her. Really deep down knew each other.

  Which was even crazier.

  She fought leaning over and taking him into her arms. It was what she wanted to do. She doubted he’d welcome her sympathy, her comfort.

  She settled with giving his hand a gentle squeeze and saying quietly, “Then your brother must be an exceptionally amazing man.”


  THANK GOD HE’D brought Ellie with him, Ty thought for the hundredth time since they’d arrived in Texas. Everyone was so busy falling over themselves to meet the woman he’d brought that no one had mentioned the last time he’d been home.

  His mother’s welcoming arms squeezed him tightly.

  “I’m so glad you’re home, son.” Her voice broke just a smidge, causing his chest to constrict more than a little. Then she pecked his cheek and turned to the quiet, elegant woman standing at his side. “Eleanor, that’s the prettiest skirt I think I’ve ever laid eyes on. Wherever did you find it?”

  First looking at him as if to gauge how he’d responded to his mother’s hug and to make sure he was okay, Eleanor turned to his mother and smiled.

  “There’s this fantastic shop just a couple of blocks from the hospital. It’s owned by a family I met when their son was born a couple of weeks early. We’ve stayed in touch.” Her face became animated as she launched into a tale of some of the other bargains she’d found there.

  Ty couldn’t help but think how pretty she looked. Beautiful, actually. Ellie was beautiful.

  He was so glad she was at his side.

  From the moment they’d arrived at the airport and been greeted by Harry, Eleanor had been truly wonderful. Despite her bout of travel sickness on the plane, she smiled at all the right times. She asked questions at all the right times. Surprisingly, his shy, quiet Eleanor had even kept up the conversation during the few short, awkward moments that had passed between him and his brother when their father had come up in the conversation.

  By the time his brother had helped load their luggage onto the small private twin-engined plane in which Harry would fly them to the ranch, they’d been conversing like, well, like long-lost brothers.

  “I’ll have to fly up to the city for a shopping trip with you,” his mother suggested, still going on about Eleanor’s skirt.

  Harry and Ty both laughed. Their mother shopping in New York City? She was the most no-nonsense woman they knew, rarely even made it into Houston to shop, and that was only a couple hours’ drive away. She rewarded them with a motherly frown.

  Ellie glanced back and forth between them, obviously confused by their laughter. She smiled politely at his mother. “That would be nice, but if you do, I’ll introduce you to my sister. She’s the expert shopper.”

  Based on the dress she had told him that Brooke had arranged for the ribbon-cutting ceremony, Ty couldn’t argue. That dress had accented Eleanor’s curves superbly, but the truth was it didn’t matter what she wore.

  Over the past six weeks, seeing her at the hospital in her shapeless scrubs hadn’t helped one bit. He knew what she hid beneath and just the memory of her curvy body had his hands itching to touch, had him wanting to beg her to reconsider.

  Ty’s mother hustled them toward the large eat-in kitchen. When Ty stepped into the room, he breathed in the smell of being home. The room held a lot of memories. Good memories of sitting in here with Harry and his mother while she cooked their breakfast on school mornings. Not-so-good memories of the last row between
him and his father, which had also taken place in the room.

  Odd, but most of the major conversations of his life had taken place in the Donaldson kitchen.

  As if his mother knew exactly what he was thinking about or, more aptly, who, she patted his shoulder. “Your father hated not being able to be here to welcome you home, son, but he had to go to the rodeo to make sure things are coming along on schedule. He’s swamped with last-minute details.” Her eyes didn’t quite meet his, but she pasted another bright smile on her face and hugged him yet again. “Now, let’s get the two of you fed. I’ve left lunch out because I know you must be starved.”

  Ty’s gaze went from his mother to Eleanor. Her thick lashes swept her cheeks. She probably was starved after her bout of travel sickness on the plane. She’d disappeared into the ladies’ room at the airport long enough to freshen up and to put her contact lenses in. That had surprised him, but he’d been grateful because nothing blocked his view of her face.

  Plus, seeing her without her glasses reminded him of the night of her father’s fund-raiser. Which was really a reminder of what had happened after the fund-raiser.

  Which made Ty realize he was starved.

  But not for food.

  Ellie was all he hungered for.

  Despite the awkwardness between them since the night they’d spent together, he hadn’t stopped wanting her. He missed her and wanted her in his life. And not just at the hospital. Seeing her face light up with a smile did odd things to his insides and he wasn’t in denial now.

  He wanted her, was going to thoroughly enjoy the next few days of her company, and use the time to convince her they’d shared something special.

  “Come along, Ellie. Let’s see what my mother has rustled up for us.” Ty took her hand in his and grinned at her surprised, pink-cheeked expression at his use of her nickname. Along with the entourage of family who tagged along behind them, he led her to the long solid oak table that matched the cabinets and woodwork.

  Harry’s son, William, had taken an instant fascination with Eleanor and climbed into the chair opposite hers, staring at her as if she were some big-city goddess. The four-year-old had almost doubled in size since the last time Ty had seen him.


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