His Conquered Bride

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His Conquered Bride Page 9

by Sassa Daniels

  Ailis squeaked in surprise as Alexander slid one long, thick finger into her and then another. He pushed deep inside her, stretching that tight channel as he readied her to take his cock. His thumb skimmed over the swollen bud of her femininity, making teasing little circles over that most sensitive part of her. Assailed by a wave of new and intense sensation, Ailis moaned and writhed with desperate desire. She had never imagined anything like this. When she pleasured herself, it came nowhere close to feeling this good. There was a pressure building inside her that was almost too much to bear and yet somehow not enough. She felt a clenching in her womb and a gush of moisture seeped from her feminine core to coat Alexander’s fingers.

  “You’re soaking,” Alexander murmured in apparent awe of her level of arousal.

  Ailis whimpered as he slid his fingers in and out of her, fucking her at a languid pace. She lifted her hips, trying to force him to probe even deeper. Seeming to sense that she was ready for him, Alexander moved over her. He spread her legs further apart and positioned his cock at her virginal entrance. With one quick, almost brutal thrust, he ripped away her innocence. He drove deep inside her, so she was filled by his steely shaft. Ailis winced as she felt a painful pinching sensation. Alexander stilled above her, giving her the time she needed to get past the pain and become accustomed to the odd fullness, the unexpected stretching of her untried channel.

  “You’re so tight.” Alexander’s voice sounded strained.

  Wiggling her hips, Ailis gave a silent signal that he could move. The grimace on his face told her he was holding himself back, taking care not to hurt her. Slowly, he withdrew almost completely from her body before sliding back in again. The glide of his cock over her hot, wet flesh was blissful, but she knew she needed more. Wrapping her legs around his waist, Ailis dug her fingertips into his shoulders. Something inside Alexander seemed to snap and he began to move more forcefully now. He drove into her again and again, fucking her relentlessly as she thrashed around on the bed beneath him, moans of ecstasy emanating from somewhere within.

  Alexander’s hand cupped her breast and his fingers pinched the rosy peak of her nipple. The pain that shot through her mingled with the pleasure she felt and somehow intensified her need to be taken hard and fast. As she cried out incoherent words of delight, his mouth found the sensitive spot at the side of her neck. His teeth nipped gently at her flesh as her womb began to clench and release in a steady rhythm. As she flew toward the edge of a powerful release, she felt Alexander’s cock swell inside her. A moment later, her own body convulsed as she reached the peak of ecstasy. Alexander yelled out her name and a hot spurt of his potent seed spilled inside her. Ailis panted as her pussy contracted around him. A wave of pure joy swept through her body and she collapsed back onto the bed, quivering as her climax slowly subsided.

  “You are truly mine now,” Alexander said as he pressed a kiss to her forehead.

  He fell back onto the bed and pulled Ailis into his arms. She settled against him, her body sore but satisfied. Feeling strangely at home lying next to him, she resolved to start afresh tomorrow and try to make the most out of her marriage. It did have its compensations, it seemed. As she snuggled into the crook of her husband’s arm, she listened to his breathing as it gradually became slower, deeper. Within minutes, he had drifted into sleep. Exhausted after an eventful day, Ailis also closed her eyes and surrendered herself to the comforting darkness.

  Chapter Nine

  Ailis awoke and found herself alone in bed. She hadn’t really thought that Alexander would be the type of man to hold her in his arms all night and wake her with a kiss the next morning, but she was still disappointed when he wasn’t there to greet her. Sitting up, she gave a sigh of resignation and pulled the fur that covered the bed around her shoulders. Although the room was cold, the sun was streaming in through the narrow windows and it looked as though the rain of yesterday was gone. The fairer weather was an auspicious start to her marriage. At least, she hoped it was.

  She got up from the bed and padded across the room to have a quick wash. The water in the pitcher was still warm so someone must have brought it in while she slept. She poured some of the water from the ewer into a bowl and ran a wet cloth over her face, neck, and torso before washing quickly between her legs. She was still a little tender down there and memories of Alexander’s vigorous lovemaking last night made her smile.

  Putting the cloth down, she looked around the room, feeling strangely alone. She was accustomed to spending time by herself but somehow, today, it felt different. Perhaps it was because she was craving Alexander’s presence but that was something she didn’t really want to think about. The last thing she wanted was for him to have the sort of power over her that made her sad when he was not around.

  Looking at the brightness of the light coming into the room, she guessed she must have slumbered long past her usual time. It was unlike her to sleep in, but she had been exhausted last night so that probably explained it. Picking up a comb, she began the arduous task of brushing her hair. As she caught sight of herself in the looking glass, she allowed herself a smile. Her cheeks were just a touch rosier than they had been yesterday and her heart felt a little lighter. Even though she would still prefer not to have been forced into marriage with Alexander de Moray, she felt strangely hopeful about what the future might bring.

  After a few minutes of running the comb through her hair, she decided she had done enough with the tangled mess. She started to dress, putting on the same linen undershirt she had worn yesterday. In the absence of an alternative, she would have to don the surcote she had worn for her marriage ceremony rather than the simple kirtle she would have preferred. She was about to slip it on when there was a cautious knock at the door. Before she had a chance to respond, a young girl came into the room, carrying with her a beautiful moss-green gown. Ailis’ brow furrowed as she stared at the girl, trying to place her very familiar face.

  “You are Ytha, are you not?” she asked as she recognized the girl from the township. “Malcolm MacLean’s youngest bairn?”

  “Aye, my lady. The laird has engaged me as a maid and asked that I attend you.”

  Ailis had never had a maid before, had never needed one. She was amazed that Alexander had found someone to fulfil the role so soon after his arrival. Then she wondered whether there was some hidden insult in her new husband’s decision to make employing someone to help her dress a priority. He had commented on her appearance last night and had seemed to find fault with her clothing. Ailis knew that, in her position as the clan’s premier lady, she would have to pay more attention to how she presented herself, but she would have preferred to make choices about that for herself.

  “Of course,” Ytha said nervously in an obvious reaction to the scowl that had formed on Ailis’ face, “if you’d prefer it, I can always leave.”

  Ailis looked at the girl more closely. She couldn’t be more than thirteen. The grey woolen dress she wore had been patched up a dozen times and the shoes on her feet had clearly seen better days. The leather was almost completely worn away at the heels and Ailis imagined they had been passed down from her older siblings who had probably acquired them secondhand in the first place. Ytha looked as though she hadn’t eaten a decent meal for weeks. Ailis really didn’t want a maid, but this girl was clearly desperate for employment and so she relented. Far better that she be safe within the walls of the castle than out there where some unscrupulous male might use her for his own needs.

  “No, don’t leave,” Ailis said, trying to sound welcoming. “I would be pleased to have you join my household.”

  The sigh of relief that escaped Ytha confirmed what Ailis already suspected, that she was in dire need of honest work. Many families had faced hardship over the long winter months. This year, of course, it had been made all the worse by Gregor taking most of the castle’s food stores with him when he left. There had been nothing to distribute to relieve the people’s suffering. The least Ailis could do now was take
some of the burden to feed his family off Malcolm MacLean’s shoulders by giving him one less mouth to feed.

  “Thank you, my lady.” The girl bobbed a clumsy curtsy. “I promise I will serve you as best I can.”

  “I do not doubt it.” Ailis smiled benevolently and gestured toward the dress the girl had draped across her arm. “Now, what is that?”

  “A gown, my lady, from Lady Margaret,” Ytha said, bursting with enthusiasm. “I never felt a finer cloth.”

  “I see,” Ailis replied, “and why have you brought it here?”

  “His lairdship bid Lady Margaret lend you something to wear until he can see to your new wardrobe.”

  “Did he now?”

  The girl was clearly oblivious to the snarl in Ailis’ voice as she nodded excitedly, her eyes gleaming. No doubt she thought it terribly romantic that a man should wish to arrange for his wife to have new clothing. Many women would probably agree with her, but Ailis really didn’t see the gesture that way. Instead, she thought it might signal a troubling move toward taking control of every aspect of her life. Still, she could hardly express her doubts in front of her new maid.

  “I am to help you dress,” Ytha told her. “When you are ready, the master desires your presence in the Great Hall.”

  The master. So, he was already setting out to exert his control over the clan. It was to be expected, Ailis supposed. He was not the sort of man to wait around once he’d set his mind on something.

  Ailis nodded and allowed Ytha to help her into the gown, which was made from a finer cloth than she had ever worn. She had to admit that it did feel good to wear something that wasn’t so coarse for a change. The dress was a good fit, despite Margaret being a little shorter than her.

  “What about your hair, my lady?” Ytha asked as Ailis moved off toward the door. “Will you not be wearing a kerchief?”

  Ailis thought about it for a moment. Should she cover her hair with a veil now that she was married, just because it was expected of her? She shook her head.

  “No,” she said firmly as a mischievous grin settled on her lips. “I don’t believe I will.”

  * * *

  Things were going better than he had expected. Since rising in the early hours of the morning, Alexander had been busy speaking to his men about his plans for his estates. Some of the men were those who had traveled here with him and pledged to remain with him rather than returning to the king’s army and others were the MacDonnell clansmen who were now his to command. He’d been shocked to discover that Gregor MacDonnell had allowed only four men to stay behind to see to the safety of the women, but his actions seemed to fit with the tales he’d heard about the man’s selfish disregard for others. Alexander hoped that once he was established there, some of the other MacDonnell men who’d gone with Gregor would return and pledge allegiance to him.

  This morning, he had laid plans to shore up the castle’s weak defenses and set the men to work on carrying out the repairs. He knew that Gregor would try to regain the lands he believed were rightfully his when he felt emboldened enough to launch an attack. It was imperative that Alexander be able to ward off any challenge to his authority. The king had granted him this castle and expected him to hold it in his name.

  Once the men had left and only his brothers remained, Alexander sank down into his chair at the head of the laird’s table. It had been a busy morning and he hadn’t had a moment to think about Ailis. Now that there was relative peace, she snuck straight into his mind. He couldn’t help but think how beautiful she had looked last night, how young and innocent she had seemed as he watched her sleep when he woke in the early hours. It made him want to do all that he could to protect her, now and forever.

  “I am pleased to see you looking so well this morning,” Adam remarked. “Married life suits you well, it seems.”

  “He’s been married but a few hours,” Iain countered, “and any man would look smug if he’d just fucked a young, virgin cunt.”

  “Iain,” Alexander cautioned.

  “Did her virgin blood spill all over your cock?” Iain goaded his brother. “Did you make her lick it off?”

  “Enough!” Alexander thumped his fist down on the table. “I’ll not have any man speak that way about my wife. Not even you.”

  Iain’s face darkened, and Alexander rose menacingly from his chair. For a moment, the brothers each tried to stare the other down. Then, suddenly, Iain whirled around and stalked angrily from the room.

  “Forgive him,” Adam said to Alexander. “You know your marriage has raised uncomfortable memories for him. He has never recovered from the loss of his own sweet Isabella.”

  Alexander nodded. He understood quite well but it had been several years now since Iain’s wife had been killed and he was starting to lose patience. His brother had to put his grief aside for all their sakes.

  “Promise me that you will not fight,” Adam said. There was both a plea and a command in his words.

  “Aye,” Alexander replied, “you have my word, I’ll not run a sword through him.”

  “That is all I ask,” Adam said with a grin before his expression turned solemn once more. “I would hate to see my brothers come to blows.”

  “Aye, I know.” Alexander was aware of the importance his older sibling placed on family bonds. It would be truly terrible if he ever had to choose sides between his brothers and Alexander had no intention of ever putting him in that position. “But does that mean you’ll not be here to act as peacekeeper?”

  “No, I must away. Mary needs me at home and I plan to stop off and see my nieces first. I am thinking of taking them back to Glenmarren with me.”

  “That may be for the best,” Alexander said, thinking about the two wee girls who hadn’t seen their father for years. He suddenly wanted to throttle Iain for not paying them more attention. “It would give Mary something to occupy herself.”

  “It would,” Adam agreed, and a sadness passed across his face. “Well, I’ll be off and leave you to your new bride. I hope you are blessed with a son very soon.”

  Alexander nodded, although he secretly hoped that their first child would not be conceived too soon. He wanted his wife to himself for a while. He got up and moved around to the other side of the table to pull his older brother into a warm embrace. Neither man was given to making declarations about their feelings, but Alexander could see the love and pride his brother felt for him reflected in his eyes.

  As Adam strode toward the door, it opened and Ailis stepped into the room. Alexander’s breath caught. She looked every bit as magnificent as he’d known she would in the green dress Lady Margaret had been good enough to offer up for her use. Her hair was loose and a little untidy, but it pleased him that she had not given in and followed the convention of covering it.

  “My dear sister,” Adam said as he pulled Ailis close. “I am sorry, but I will miss the festivities. I must return to my own beloved wife.”

  “Of course,” Ailis replied graciously. She gave Adam a dazzling smile and then turned to Alexander as the other man left the room.

  “Festivities, my lord?” she asked.

  “Never mind that. Come and give your lord and master a kiss.”

  Alexander was surprised when Ailis ran to him. He only just managed to catch her in his arms. Her mouth latched onto his in a passionate kiss. As his tongue stroked hers, she groaned, and it was all he could do to keep control of himself. Just as he was about to deepen the kiss, Ailis pulled away. She took his hand and led him round the table to take the seats they would occupy at the many great events they would preside over in the future.

  He glanced at her and noted the smile on her face as she looked down from the dais and out across the empty room. Perhaps she was imagining the place milling with people enjoying a great feast. She was probably wondering how it would feel to have everybody’s undivided attention, their admiration. She would soon find out.

  “There seems to be a great deal happening here this morning,” Ailis said. “
Everywhere I look, people are hurrying to and fro.”

  “It has been busy,” Alexander agreed. “I have met with my men and your clansmen and I believe they will work well together. Work will begin on new defensive measures for the castle immediately.”

  “That is good,” Ailis said, “although, I would have liked to be involved in the discussions.”

  “What would be the point in that?” Alexander said dismissively. “Such matters are for men to deal with. They are no concern of yours.”

  Ailis reeled back as though he had struck her, and he wondered if she had been entertaining some daft notion that they would rule here together.

  “No concern of mine?” she repeated, her voice a little high-pitched. “Who do you think has been looking after the castle and its estates while we’ve been without a laird?”

  “I imagined your father’s adviser would have overseen things.”

  “My brother dragged my father’s adviser away to help with his ridiculous quest to raise an army.” Ailis inadvertently revealed what Alexander had already suspected. Gregor MacDonnell was trying to muster men. From her phrasing, Alexander guessed that Ailis did not think his chances of succeeding were high. “I have been the one to take charge.”

  “Is that so?” Alexander said in a neutral tone.

  “Aye, it is.”

  “Well, I am here now, so there is no need to trouble yourself with men’s business.”

  Ailis let out a gasp of shock.

  “And what should I trouble myself with instead, my lord?”

  Ignoring the challenging tone of her voice that was putting her dangerously close to another spanking, Alexander shrugged his shoulders.

  “Whatever it is women do to occupy their time. Needlework, prayer.”

  “Needlework and prayer?” Ailis scoffed. “You might as well send me to a nunnery.”


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