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Rozalyn 2: Vengeance of the Heart (Rozalyn Series)

Page 4

by Shan

  “Yea whatever bruh, you always wanna take credit for something,” Taron said.

  Yo, this nigga is trippin’ for real. Need to hurry up and drop me off so I can get to my damn girl.


  The minute Taron and I bodied Peaches I jumped on a plane and headed back to Atlanta; I was really trying to get Toya to move down to Miami with me being that's where I been mainly laying my head at lately. She wasn't trying to hear that shit though; her main thing was me getting out of my line of work, marrying her, and having a few kids. I was ready to stop killing muthafuckas everyday but I knew I had to keep at this shit as long as my boy Tae was at it. He didn't really have a lot of thoroughbred cats in his corner so I couldn't just abandon him in the game.

  I put the finishing touches on the bedroom I shared with Latoya whenever I was here; couldn't believe I was doing this extra romantic shit right now. I had rose petals spread across the bed and floor, a good thirty candles lit up across the room, and Gerald Levert playing soulfully through the speakers. A bottle of Cristal was sitting on ice and two perfectly rolled blunts were sitting in the ashtray waiting to be smoked.

  Latoya was due to get off at ten p.m. after closing the store at the Walgreens she managed; it was now ten minutes after midnight and she hadn’t come in yet. I wanted to call her and see what was taking her so damn long to get here but that would mess up everything I had planned. I decided to wait it out for a little while longer before cleaning up and surprising her another day; it took a lot of courage for me to be here as it is about to do what I was about to do so I could only hope that she would show up soon.


  “Oh my God!” I heard Toya yell waking me from my sleep. I sat up in the bed, wiped my eyes and glanced at the clock on the nightstand; it read three-thirty a.m. Hours had passed me by and I hadn't even noticed I was asleep until now. I looked over at Toya and saw that she was dressed in a one piece pants suit and rocking a pair of Christian Louboutin heels. She looked around the room in amazement and I looked at her wondering where the hell she had been, and why the fuck was she coming in at three-thirty in the damn morning. “Oh my God Key, why didn't you tell me you were coming home?”

  “It was supposed to be a fuckin’ surprise Latoya, where the fuck have you been?”

  “I went out after work with Brian and Starr, if you had told me you were going to be here then I would have come straight home after work.”

  “Then it wouldn't have been a surprise Toya!”

  “I'm sorry! You don't have to yell at me Key. What is this….oh my God,” Toya covered her mouth with one hand then reached for the ring box with the other but I snatched it before she could grab it.

  “Nah, it's not what you think it is,” I said then got up from the bed.

  “Oh really? You pissed ’cause I decided to go out and have a little fun instead of sitting up here in a lonely ass bed wondering when you were gonna come home! I haven't even talked to you in a month Key! A whole damn month and it's been two whole months since we fucked! Now you wanna be mad at me ’cause I ain’t sitting at home waiting for you to get here!”

  “You supposed to come in the house at a decent hour whether I'm here or not! Ain't nobody out this late unless they doing shit they ain’t got no business doing!”

  “Whatever, I'm going to take a shower. I hope you'll be….”

  “You going to take a shower? I can't get a hug or a kiss? The first thing you wanna do is take a fuckin’ shower?”

  “Don't even go there Keylan ’cause I know what you getting at! Yes I wanna take a shower! I'm sweating from dancing all damn night, my feet hurt, and I wanna take a shower to relax if you don't mind!”

  Toya walked away to the bathroom; I turned around and swatted all the rose petals to the floor pissed that she'd fucked everything up. I know I haven't been home in two months but she knows that the work I do sometimes calls for me to be gone for long periods of time. I expected her to respect me the same way she would if I was here. Coming in late like this wasn't acceptable.

  Let me find out she got somebody on the side while I'm out making this money for the both of us.


  My Man?

  “Mmgh, baby. Damn that feels so good. Damn you know how to fuck me! Shit!” I yelled.

  I don't think I've ever had dick this good and this shit was tremendous. He sure knew how to find my spots and hit them right. The way he was hitting it had me feeling like an inexperienced virgin. He had me climbing the walls and screaming like I was about to lose my damn mind or something. “Shit nigga, don't you stop. Give it all to me!”

  We had switched to every position you could think of going at it like two little rabbits for over an hour. I found myself looking up to Jesus and thanking him for leading me to the best dick in the damn world. I was addicted to this shit and just couldn't get enough of it.

  “I'm cumming! Cum with me baby girl!” he yelled.

  “You just bring it! I'm cumming too daddy! Ohhhhhh…..shitttttt!”

  We both collapsed on the bed with sweat dripping from the both of our bodies. Once I was able to catch my breath I climbed on top of Kevin and kissed him from his neck all the way down to his now soft penis; I used my mouth to clean him up like I was a little kitten. I ran my hands across Kevin’s caramel skin, looked into his chinky eyes, and smiled at his long wavy hair. He was so damn fine to me. From the six-pack of steel hard abs to every dent in his body that were molded into solid muscles. Prison sure do know how to do a body good.

  The minute Keylan stepped back onto that plane back to Miami I ran to Kevin's house to get me a fix before I went to work. I was strung the fuck out, like a damn heroin addict or something. It had gotten to the point where if I didn't get dicked down by Kevin then I would start having withdrawal symptoms and shit. I was so glad that Kevin cancelled the plans we had last night or else I would have had to fuck two men in one night and that was a definite no-no for me.

  “So, you ready to explain to me why you all of a sudden rocking that fat ass diamond ring?” Kevin asked.

  “There's nothing to explain,” I said as I looked at the fat ass rock that practically weighed my hand down. I was now rocking a thirty-two thousand dollar diamond engagement ring that Keylan put on my finger after I made up with him last night for ruining his surprise.

  “I'm not trippin’ Toya; I know you got a man. I just ask that after you married you still let me hit every now and then.”

  I laughed and hit Kevin on the shoulder then prepared to go and clean myself up, “He wants me to move to Miami with him. Atlanta is my home you know?”

  “Man if that dude taking care of you, you better go wherever he tell you to go.”

  “Really Kevin? You know damn well he is not taking care of me. I have a job that pays me well. I can take care of myself.”

  “Yea I know you getting your own money but his money allow you to rock them seven hundred fifty dollar shoes with the red bottom you love so much. I know them thousand dollar big ass bags you carrying wouldn't be bought if it wasn't for the paper he throwing you.”

  “Yea that's true but I don't have to be with him to live a good a life,” I said as I walked into the bathroom and shut the door behind me.

  Once I was in the bathroom I turned the shower all the way towards the H and gave the water a minute to heat up. Going through my overnight bag I came across the pregnancy test that I've been meaning to take for the past week. My heart was racing in my chest and the steam from the shower was causing me to sweat like a whore in church just thinking about what Keylan would do to me if he found out I was pregnant, by another man.

  I went ahead and removed the test from my bag and placed it on the counter figuring I might as well get it over with. Keylan and I haven't had sex in two months before last night and we hardly ever had sex without a condom. Keylan was practically my damn OB-GYN; he knew my body better than me and the real damn doctor.

  He knew exactly when my cycle was supposed to come and
when I would be ovulating. While I was ovulating we would either refrain from sex period or he would double up on the strap not taking any chances. I guess I made it like that though from all the times I lied to him about taking my birth control and ended up pregnant. I wanted to have his baby so bad and couldn't see why he didn't want me to.

  I removed the cap from the pregnancy test, sat on the toilet, and let the urine flow on the tip. For surely if I was pregnant right now I would be stirring up a lot of hell. If Kevin found out I was pregnant he would definitely want me to keep the baby. Even though he wasn't too happy about his sister Rozalyn being pregnant at such a young age with her second baby at that; he was excited and ready for her baby to come like he'd been expecting one. She and the baby was all he talked about when she was living in Miami with Tamar and now that she was gone having a baby was a regular subject between him and me. Damn I missed Rozalyn and fuckin’ hate I missed her funeral. I thought while waiting for the results of the pregnancy test.

  I glanced over at the pregnancy test seeing that there were two pink lines notifying me that I was truly in fact pregnant. I grabbed the test, wrapped it in tissue, and placed it in the bottom of my bag. I wasn't sure what I was going to do but I knew I wasn't going to tell anyone just yet. I just had to wait and see what I wanted to do. I loved Keylan; I've been with him for five years and he was my everything; or at least I thought he was. Ever since I met Kevin and started sleeping around with him I was starting to think that maybe what Keylan and I had was superficial.

  Kevin was broke, didn't have a pot to piss in and I'm in love with him regardless of it. The apartment we're in now is being paid for by me; we came too close to getting caught when he was living with his dad so I suggested that we get him his own apartment so we can have sex anytime we wanted without anyone knowing. The car he was driving was paid for by me; the clothes he rocked were purchased off my dime. I was taking care of Kevin and I didn't mind it one bit. I had feelings for Kevin that I've never had for any man not even the man I just promised to marry on yesterday.

  After showering and removing any sex funkiness from my body, I stood in front of the mirror brushing my hair, and applying a little make-up. Out of nowhere Kevin rushed into the bathroom with a deranged look on his face. He ran over to me, grabbed my night bag, grabbed me by my arm, and yanked me out of the bathroom.

  “Kevin, what the hell is wrong with you?” I asked looking at him like he was crazy.

  Kevin ran over to the closet tossed my bag in the back and closed the closet door; I noticed that the bed was made up; he was fully dressed, and was sweating drastically. Kevin pulled me from the bedroom into the living room and just as I was about to open my mouth to say something there was a knock at the door.

  “Toya, what are you doing here?” Kayla asked the moment Kevin opened the door for her to enter.

  “Oh, she just came to see how Rozalyn’s funeral was and see how was dealing with things. She was just leaving,” Kevin answered for me.

  Furiously I rolled my eyes especially when I saw the two of them share a kiss that Kevin and I have never shared. Until now it hadn’t dawned on me that Kevin and I have never kissed each other using our tongues; he always gave me a quick peck and left it at that.

  “Yea, well I’m doing everything I can to get him and Tamar where they need to be. This is hard for all of us,” Kayla said.

  “Yea, it’s definitely hard,” I said.

  Kayla looked from me to Kevin then cleared her throat, “Baby the plane leaves at one tomorrow and I wanna stop by the condo to make sure everything is packed before we leave.”

  “Where ya'll about to go?” I asked wondering if shit was really serious enough for her to be calling him baby.

  “I'm moving to Miami with my cousins. Kevin and I will be helping Taron run the club he and Tamar purchased a couple of months ago. We found a place to rent a few weeks ago. Hopefully soon we will find something reasonable to buy. Girl you and I need to go out so we can catch up. I miss hanging with you.”

  The look I gave Kevin was nothing shy of a deadly one; if my eyes could shoot bullets right now his ass would have four holes in the center of his head. Is that why he was all about me moving to Miami because he knew he was going to be moving there too? When the hell did he plan on telling me about his relationship with Tamar's cousin? I've been fuckin’ his ass for almost a year now and I really thought that I was the only one.

  “Yea we really need to go and hang out ’cause I did not know you and Kevin were dating, damn girl how long this been going on? You seem happy.”

  “I am happy. What we been going out for about year Kevin?” she said waving her finger in the air showing off an engagement ring. What the fuck? I thought. I cannot believe this shit. This muthafucka’ don't even have any money so where the fuck did he get the money to buy her an engagement ring and why the fuck is he proposing to her so quickly? It took Keylan years. Kevin should have been proposing to me! I was so damn mad right now that I didn't even think about shoving my bigger and more expensive ring her face. I eyeballed her ring as quickly as possible trying to figure out what it was worth and if it was even real. I knew he was broke. Maybe the bitch bought her own damn ring. I thought.

  Kevin cleared his throat and both Kayla and I looked to him for an answer. He looked up at the ceiling as if God was going to give him the right answer to say. I couldn't wait until he was alone because I was going to light his ass up. I hope this muthafucka’ ain’t been sleeping with this bitch in this damn apartment; not the fuckin’ apartment that I pay the rent on every month. When the fuck was he going to say something to me about it? I whined to myself.

  “Ki-Ki, maybe I'll see you when I'm in Miami again since you about to move and shit. We will definitely have to go out and catch up but anyway Kevin I'll talk to you later.”

  “A’ight Toy,” Kevin said and I could sense the urgency in his voice to get me out of there so he can go on with the second part of his life.

  I left the apartment, snatched my keys from my purse, and headed to the car fuming mad. I was so fuckin’ pissed right now I swear I could feel steam blowing from my ears. This fool got his fuckin’ nerve; I mean what did he plan on doing; moving and not telling me? What was he going to do? Leave a note on the bed and say ‘By the way Toya I forgot to tell you that Ki-Ki and I are engaged and I decided to move to Miami with her.’ “He got me fucked up. For real!” I yelled out loud.

  Once I got to my car I called my job and told them that I would be running a little late, I pulled my car to the back of the parking lot, and waited until Ki-Ki came down. I wondered if this little bitch would still keep her plans to move with my man once she found out someone else was pregnant with his child.


  Bam! Bam! Bam!

  “Who is it?” Kayla asked.

  Bam! Bam! Bam!

  “Damn, I said who the fuck is it?” she yelled then unlocked the door to open it, “Girl, what the hell are you doing?”

  “Bitch, I'm pregnant. Kevin is my man and you ain’t about to move nowhere with him,” I blurted out. That wasn't supposed to happen. On the way over here I planned to tell her some lies about Kevin having a baby on the way with another chick; not about me and him fuckin’ and me being pregnant with his baby. Shit.

  “What? What the fuck are you talking about Toya?” Kayla asked.

  “Kevin and I have been sleeping together for over eight months now and I'm pregnant with his damn baby! You ain’t about to take him to no fuckin’ Miami, he is in love with me,” I said going all in since I’d already exposed myself.

  “You know what Toya you have lost your damn mind. Girl is you crazy fuckin’ around on my damn cousin? You know damn well he gonna fuck your ass up for this shit,” Kayla laughed. “Bitch get the hell away from my damn door!”

  “Bitch that apartment Kevin is living in is paid for by me, I paid for that car he drives, and them muthafuckin’ clothes he wears. That's my man!” I bragged. I wanted to see if she would
laugh now.

  Kayla tried to close the door on me but I stopped it with my foot, pushed it open, and rushed her. I knocked her to the ground then punched her dead in her nose; a squirt of blood flew from her nose landing onto my work shirt. I punched Kayla again this time in her right eye; I went for another punch but she blocked it and threw a debilitating blow to the left side of my head. She rolled me onto my back then delivered blow after blow to my face; I kicked her in the stomach then jumped up to my feet. I grabbed a vase that was sitting on the table near her sofa and threw it at her; it missed. I turned around to grab the lamp sitting on the table next to me and was about to throw it at her when I saw she was pointing a 4-4 towards my chest.

  “Now what bitch? Throw something else my way and I guarantee I'll dead your bitch ass!”

  “He's mine Ki-Ki! I'm pregnant!”

  “So what bitch! I'm pregnant too now what?”

  That shit sent shock waves through my damn body, I hoped like hell this bitch wasn't telling the truth. I reached down, picked up my purse along with my bottom lip from the floor, and made my way around Kayla out the front door. She still had the gun pointed towards me as I exited her condo and went out to my car parked in the driveway.

  I sat in my car for about five minutes crying my eyes out not believing what I'd just done. This was not like me; I can't believe I’m here fighting over a man when I had a man of my own, a fiancé at that. A fiancé whose choice of career was to kill people for money; a fiancé that considered Kayla to be family.

  What the hell was I thinking?


  Trial and Error

  “What's wrong?” Diamond asked. She crawled over to where I was seated on the edge of the bed and began massaging my shoulders and nibbling on my ear.

  “Just got a lot of mind; couldn't sleep. I ain't mean to wake you,” I said.


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