Rozalyn 2: Vengeance of the Heart (Rozalyn Series)

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Rozalyn 2: Vengeance of the Heart (Rozalyn Series) Page 21

by Shan

  "The truth about what. What are you talking about?" Taron asked.

  "My nigga I just fuckin’ killed a muthafucka’ in front of my damn house! Somebody that was in my crib walking around like they paid bills in that bitch! How the fuck did he get in there and more importantly how the fuck did they get in my crib and snatch my damn son without you even knowing? Wasn't no doors kicked down, no broken glass none of that shit! Did you let them in there?" I huffed. "Bitch ass nigga! You plotting on me just like Von!" I reached for my glock that was resting on my waist and drew it on Taron. He was his brother's keeper. Always talking about how I needed to make peace with Tavon and my pops after all the bullshit they did to me.

  "Bruh you trippin’. I would never do no bullshit like that! You need to put that fuckin’ gun down!" Taron had his hands up in the air, seeming surprised that I would pull out on him.

  "Tae!" Dmitri yelled upon walking back into the dining area where we were standing. "Put the damn gun down!"

  "I ain’t putting shit down until he tell me where the fuck my son at! You a fuckin’ snake just like the rest of your family man! I ain't never did shit but help you man!"

  "What the fuck is going on up in here?" Money asked walking into the dining area followed by Keylan.

  "Tell everybody you the one got my son kidnapped nigga! And you tried to get Rozalyn killed. If she wouldn't have never seen that nigga walking around in my house she would've been dead and you knew that!" I screamed.

  "Bruh you got your facts wrong. I would never do no shit like that! Look, after I laid Marion down to sleep I left and went to the fuckin’ store. I wasn't even gone but ten minutes man and when I went back to check on him he was gone. I swear Tae I thought you had him. I ain't have no reason to believe otherwise ‘cause shit looked normal."

  "You left him at home by himself?" Keylan questioned.

  "I needed a pack of squares man! I ain't think no shit like this was gonna happen. I fucked up and I'm sorry but I ain't have nothing to do with it. I didn't know nobody was in the damn house! You my fuckin’ little brother..."

  "Fuck that! I ain't shit to you! Fuck all y'all niggas man!" I yelled trying to walk away but was grabbed by Dmitri.

  "Hold up!" Dmitri roared.

  "Get the fuck off of me man!" I pushed Dmitri back.

  "You better check your damn tone! I'm not one of these losers on the damn streets who you boss around! Sit your ass down!" Dmitri demanded tossing an envelope on the table.

  I mugged Dmitri for a few moments before taking a seat at the table. He pushed the envelope in front of me then walked over to the bar area and poured another drink for his self.

  "You have nobody to blame but your fuckin’ self! 2 fuckin’ security guards Tae! You seem to think that you can't be touched or that your family is fuckin’ untouchable! When are you gonna learn that mother fuckers will continue to try you until they take you and everybody around you out! I have told you time and time again that you need an army of mother fuckers around you 24/7. You’re a fuckin’ millionaire, not superman!"

  "This my fault? You saying my brother leaving my damn son, my one year old son at home by his self is my damn fault?" I asked looking Dmitri in his face.

  "You don't get it Tamar! You are so fuckin’ smart but yet you are dumb as fuck! The same people that ran your ass out of Atlanta are the same ones that followed you to fuckin’ Miami!" Dmitri screamed

  "Didn’t nobody run me out of Atlanta! I left so that my girl could get a fresh fuckin’ start!" I stated.

  "Are you hearing me? They followed you down here! They've been here! The bitch you were fuckin’ has been here, plotting on your ass along with your brother and your father!"

  I emptied the contents out of the envelope and instantly felt sick. There were pictures of Diamond hugged up with my pops, pictures of him rubbing on her stomach, and pictures of her, Tavon and my pop's coming out of the store together. The last picture I uncovered was one with Tavon and Keylan standing in between two cars having a conversation.

  "When the hell were these taken?" I asked looking at Keylan.

  "I had my guy take them yesterday after you told me who Diamond really was. He just dropped them off to me a few minutes ago," Dmitri sighed.

  "You working with them?" I asked Keylan not believing that the only person that I knew for sure was in my corner was against me too.

  Keylan exhaled walking towards the table and picking up the pictures. His eyes grew big when he seen the one of him and Tavon.

  "It's not like that. When me and Money followed Diamond I seen Tavon," Keylan said putting both his hands atop his head.

  "Man...," I started to say.

  "I know what you thinking and I couldn't do it. Money tried to and I drove off the moment he started firing on them. That's what I been doing all this time, trying to get up with them and see what the hell is going on."

  "You had an opportunity to kill this nigga and you passed it up. Fuck you mean you couldn't do it? You know what the fuck they put me through and you couldn't do it!" I yelled. "So you find them and now what? Did you tell them where I live? You help them get my fuckin’ son?"

  "No! Ask Money my nigga! I called Money and told him I wanted him to get at them and that I was gonna get him some goons to go with him! I gave him the location to where they were but when you called and told me about the shit that happened with B, I peeled off and went to see about him. Money went to the spot where they were at but by time he got there they were gone again," Keylan looked from me to Money.

  "That's the truth," Money nodded his head.

  "You was talking to him! Why you didn't kill his ass then?"

  "I was trying to see what they were doing down here! I wanted to know if they had something to do with Rozalyn and your shorty being in Beijing. When he told me that they did; I walked the fuck off and called up Money. I knew then Von and Tahj had to go. I went one way and he went another but I had one of the soldiers follow him. The lil’ soldier told me where they were and I went straight there, told Money where they was at then came to B's. That’s the truth man!”

  “If anything I thought they was gonna leave fuckin’ town. I didn't think they was gonna come and take lil’ man like that." Keylan sighed shaking his head. "I should've took care of them fools when I had the chance."

  "Fuck!" I yelled. "The dude that took these pictures, do he know where they at?"

  "No, they lost them as well but we know for a fact they are still in Miami just not sure where at," Dmitri said.

  "I need my son back home and I need him back today. None of y'all ain't got shit to say to me until I get my son back. You right Dmitri I need to get an army of goons on my team ‘cause the ones I got ain't bout shit. Never once did I think you would let a bunch of fuckin’ emotions get in the way of what needed to be done. Something happen to my shorty his blood will be on you!" I said to Keylan. "And you, I said pointing to Taron, get your shit and get the fuck out my house."

  I grabbed my keys and scrambled out of the house, pissed, confused, and not really sure who I can trust at this moment. All I know is I had to get my son back and I had to get him back today.


  3 days after the kidnapping of Tamarion

  "How is he?" I asked Latoya as I walked into Brandon's room that was semi set-up like a hospital room.

  "The doctor said he's doing better. He said that we really need to get him to the hospital to have some testing ran on his brain to make sure that there isn't any internal bleeding," Latoya said fixing the pillow behind her head.

  "Why he can't just check for that here? I haven't even told Tae this nigga still alive yet."

  "The kind of test he needs can only be done in the hospital and I think Tae will be relieved to know that he didn't kill his best friend."

  "Man yea right we just had a falling out the other day about me not killing Von for that nigga."

  "Von? You saw Von?" Latoya sat up in her chair.

  "Yep, I saw him. Come to find
out him and Tahj hooked up with Roz's sister and P.J. to kidnap Rozalyn," I said shaking my head. "I could've bodied all them niggas at once but I let them slide. Now they got Tamarion and that shit is on me."

  "It's not your fault Key that Von them is wilding out like this."

  "Toy, Tae was right man. I let my emotions get involved and that has never fuckin’ happened before. I just didn't wanna believe that he was on that bullshit again trying to get some money that Tae has yet to receive."

  Both Latoya and I were caught off guard when Brandon began to cough and look around the room. I got up and walked to his bedside so that he could see me and see that everything was cool.

  "Latoya go call the doc back out here," I said looking at the monitors that were sitting next to the bed.

  "Where....where am I?" Brandon asked coughing again.

  "Home. We just had to make everything hospitable for you until you got better." Brandon's face was covered in bandages but even then you could tell that he was very swollen underneath.

  "Where is Rozalyn? She a’ight?" Brandon asked.

  "You serious bruh? Nigga Tae almost killed your ass for fuckin’ with Rozalyn and you wake up wanting to know where she at? You been out for four fuckin’ days, missed your fiancé’s funeral and you wanna know where Rozalyn is. What the hell is wrong with you?"

  "Fuck you and fuck Tae. I don't even know why the fuck you here."

  "Fuck me? Tae told me to finish your ass off if you wasn't fuckin’ dead but instead I decided to save your damn life ’cause I know the both of ya'll trippin’!"

  "Fuck you my nigga! You should've let my ass die, don’t act like you did me a damn favor."

  "He said he'll be here in 20 minutes," Latoya said walking back into the room.

  "You and Tae really need to sit down and talk about this shit. Ya'll suppose to be better than this," I said taking a seat next to the bed.

  "Yea and this coming from a nigga that was instigating the whole damn thing; who took Tae side versus stepping back and minding your own damn business. Once again fuck you and fuck Tae. That nigga tried to kill me ain’t no sitting down to talk about nothing!" Brandon coughed.

  "Yo, I took his side ‘cause you were dead wrong. Sleeping with his bitch my nigga! You were wrong!"

  "Yea and he should've checked that bitch...yo, leave me be. I don't want you here, take this bitch with you. I can take care of my damn self. I been doing the shit!"

  Brandon tried to sit up in the bed but was quickly stopped by the pain he was feeling. I couldn't believe he had the nerve to treat me and Latoya like this after we been by his side helping him to get well. Toya had been sleeping in a damn chair 4 1/2 months pregnant and he wanna talk shit to us.

  "Let's go! I ain't about to sit here and take this shit from him," I jumped up out the chair, leaving the room and never looking back. Brandon was the one in the wrong, sleeping with Rozalyn knowing she with Tamar and how crazy he is about her. Brandon should've known going that far with Roz was a bad idea.

  I walked Latoya to her car and thanked her for her help even though we couldn't get a thank you from Brandon's ungrateful ass. I hopped in my car driving around the city again looking out for Tavon, Tahj, and Diamond.

  It's been three days since Tamar got the picture of Tamarion, demanding money to get him back. Shit was all my fuckin’ fault; had I taken Tavon and Diamond out when I had the chance none of this shit would've happened. I wasn't going to stop until I found him and safely returned him to his mama and daddy. I didn't make it home until 4 am that next morning and Starr's little ass was sitting on my couch waiting for me to return.

  "Why you still up?" I asked trying to give her a kiss but she turned her head. “Damn, what's wrong with you?"

  "Do you still wanna be with her or what?" Starr asked.

  "Be with who? What you talking about?"

  "With Latoya, yea she text me several times today telling me she spent the entire day with you, even telling me what you got on and everything."

  I laughed, "I had her take care of some business for me and I didn't spend the day with her. I've been out looking for my damn nephew."

  "What business Key? Why are you even contacting her if ya'll not together no more and you swear up and down that she not carrying your baby?"

  "I needed her to take care of something that I can't tell you about. Something that I don't need getting back to Rozalyn," I sighed sitting next to Starr. "Why you trippin’? I'm not fuckin’ with her like that no more."

  "I can't tell! You still calling her and spending time with her and she told me you’ve been giving her money!” Starr yelled.

  I closed my eyes frustrated that Latoya was being so damn messy; I’m quite sure that Latoya didn’t mention to Starr that I told her that I wasn’t ever getting back with her and that Starr was who I wanted to be with.

  “I gave her money one time and that was to help her get a place….”

  “Why do you need to help out your ex-girlfriend? Let Kevin worry about her and that damn baby!” Starr said cutting me off.

  “Look me and Toya are done! I told your little ass that before! I wanna be with you and I’m not gonna keep saying that shit! Don’t keep questioning me about something that I’ve already told you a thousand damn times,” I yelled.

  “You need to check her ass then.”

  “I will check her. Come here,” I stood up from the couch then pulled Starr up. She was wearing a wife beater and a pair of red booty shorts. “Damn, that ass looking right.”

  Starr playfully punched me then placed her hands on her hip; she bent over in front of me and bounced her ass up and down before walking off towards the stairwell. Quickly I pulled off my shirt and tossed it to the floor and followed her up the stairs to the bedroom.

  She walked over to the dresser and pulled open a drawer that held condoms and other miscellaneous items. I stepped out of my tennis shoes and jeans, then pulled my boxers off.

  “Are you gonna….” Starr started but I grabbed her and pushed my tongue into her mouth to shut her up.

  “I’m a check her ass later today. I don’t wanna talk about that right now though,” I said lying her back on the bed. I pulled her boy shorts off and then climbed on top of her.

  “Okay,” Starr’s mouth fell open when she felt me enter her warmth. “The condom, what about the condom?”

  I ignored Starr and continued to stroke her listening to the gushy sounds we made each time I pulled in and out of her. She felt so damn good to me. Starr and I haven’t even being going out that long and already my feelings were strong for her. I felt like over the past few years I’d been wasting my time on the wrong woman; Starr had been around all this time and I hadn’t even noticed her until she came to Jamaica.

  “Don’t stop baby,” Starr moaned. I pulled her wife beater over her head, took her breast into my mouth, and sped up my strokes. “Ohhh! I’m cumming!”

  “I feel it. Damn girl,” I groaned. I collapsed on top of Starr’s chest after I no longer felt her muscles contracting around my dick.

  “Keylan, I’m not on birth control,” Starr said. She placed her hands on my chest and tried to push me up but hell it was too late.

  “Why you didn’t say nothing before?” I asked.

  “Because I thought you would’ve pulled out. I’ll go get the morning after pill today when the pharmacy opens up,” Starr pushed me off of her, grabbed her shirt off the bed and her boy shorts from the floor.

  “You mad?” I questioned noticing her whole mood changed.

  “No, I’m not mad. I just…damn, I tried to hand you the condom. You making me feel like I’m trying to trap you or something.”

  “Starr, you gotta stop being so damn sensitive for real. Damn, I know you ain’t trying to trap me. You ever think that maybe I’m trying to trap you.”

  “What? Nigga stop playing. I’m going to Walgreens as soon as they open so don’t even worry.”

  “Chill out on that. Let’s just see what happens,” I said
lying my head back on the bed, attempting to catch up on some sleep. If Starr gets pregnant then so be it. After seeing my boy Tae with his shorty and the love that he had for his; being a father may not be as bad as I thought it would be.


  Four days after the kidnapping of Tamarion

  "Rozalyn, Rozalyn!" I heard Kevin say waking me from the deep sleep I was in.

  "Yea," I said yawning. "Damn, how long have I been asleep?"

  "A couple of hours," Kevin said sitting next to me on the bed. "Your boy is in the living room and wants to talk to you. You want me to let him back?"

  "Umm, yea I guess so. Has he said anything about Tamarion?"

  "Nope, said they still looking is all."

  "Damn," I shook my head surprised I had anymore tears to release. I haven't stopped crying since I found out someone had kidnapped my son and was demanding a large sum of money to get him back. "Yea, go ahead and tell him he can come back."

  "A’ight," Kevin got up and left the room and a few seconds later Tamar came back with two duffle bags in his hands.

  "So, nothing yet?" I asked knowing that if he'd found Tamar then he would be carrying him and not two big ass duffle bags.

  Tamar shook his head then came and sat next to me on the bed, he looked down at me and sighed, "I'm supposed to hand the money over to them tonight at six. They finally got back in contact with me late last night so I'm hoping that this ends and I can bring him home."

  "Oh my God, I hope so ‘cause if not we gotta call the police, Tae."

  "Nah, I told you the police can't know about this. I finally got the Feds and everybody else out my life for a short moment. They get wind of this then they will take no time investigating me and the way I earn my money. Everything I've worked so hard for will be gone and I'll be in jail. I'm not having that, he'll be home tonight. I promise you that."


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