Rozalyn 2: Vengeance of the Heart (Rozalyn Series)

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Rozalyn 2: Vengeance of the Heart (Rozalyn Series) Page 29

by Shan

  At this point I just wanted to spend more time getting to know my son, getting to know my wife better, and help her heal from all the things that's went on in her life over the past few years. Truthfully with the shit that's constantly been happening she's never really gotten a chance to sit back and enjoy a normal life and I wanted that for her more than anything. Even when we went to Jamaica; she got a chance to kick back and be happy for a change but that trip ended up bringing drama. I just wanted us to get away where no one knew where we were at and enjoy life for a change.

  I had more than enough money to take care of her and my kids; all I needed from her was to be a good wife and mother and I would take care of the rest.

  "Hey, I'm having a funny feeling about this deal. I don't know if ya'll should do it," Money said.

  "Everything should be good. We've done business with these guys for a while. My father has approved the deal so no worries," Dmitri said as he puffed on a cigarette.

  "Yea, chill out. This my last time doing this shit and I wanna go in there feeling good about it."

  I turned down a dirt road that led to a farm house that was a couple of miles away from the main road. "Yea, but I really think you need to turn around and just set this shit up another day and time." Money sighed. "just listen to me."

  "Why do you know something we don't know?" Dmitri asked.

  Money shook his head no and stared out the passenger side window. I took note of his body movements and wondered if he did know something that me and Dmitri were unaware of. He was lightly tapping his fingers against his knee and out the corner of his eyes he kept glancing at the time on the radio.

  "What's going on? Why do you have a bad feeling?" I asked slowing the car down.

  "I just don’t feel right about it. Something just not right. I can feel it," Money looked around then back out the window again.

  I tossed Money's feelings up as just being nervousness since he normally didn't go along when deals were done. In the car behind us was a life sentence; if we were caught it was over for every last one of us. No questions asked.

  Once we pulled up to the barn yard there were already a couple of cars sitting in front which meant that the other party was already here.

  "Let's go get this money," I said jumping out the truck. I grabbed my pistol from underneath the seat and tucked it in my back.

  Dmitri grabbed his suitcase before getting out the car and walking over to me. He looked around then over at Money who didn't seem to want to get out of the car.

  "What the hell is wrong with your man?" Dmitri asked.

  "Hell if I know. Shit I guess he ain't never been around this much dope before," I walked over to the truck that was storing all the dope and instructed the driver to back it up inside of the barn's doors.

  Dmitri and I walked over to the barn and was stopped by two guards that were holding onto AR-15s. One of the guards proceeded to pat me down but I grabbed his hand and twisted it.

  "Muthafucka, get your damn hands off of me!" I yelled.

  "Just need to check you for weapons," the guard said.

  "Man you know damn well I stay strapped. Get the hell out the way," I said walking past the two guards with Money and Dmitri following behind me.

  "What up Rico? Y'all ready to do this so I can get the fuck outta here?" I asked giving Rico dab. He was a Puerto Rican cat mixed with black and white. He stood at 5'9, purely muscle and looked scarier than what he really was.

  He was just like Dmitri in certain aspects of the game. His father was the true money maker and brains behind his whole drug operation. Just like Dmitri, Rico built his fortune off his father's legacy and dime.

  They really didn't have to work as hard as the rest of us to make it to the top; a spot had already been reserved for them and they definitely took advantage of it. Some would say that if it wasn't for my pops that I wouldn't have built a drug empire but that wasn't so; he may have started things but I made it bigger and better and made more money than he ever could.

  "You giving all this away for a lil’ bit of nothing. What's up with that?" Rico asked.

  "Like I told you I'm getting out the game. I have no need for the product anymore," I said.

  "So 7.5 is all that you're asking? I feel like I'm either the luckiest man alive or either I'm getting bad product," Rico said.

  "Don't do me my nigga for real," I said. I took a seat at the table that was sitting in the middle of the barn. Dmitri sat in a seat beside me and Money stayed in the background looking like he would go off at any sign of trouble. Rico is cool people and I've never had any problems with him so I wasn't worried about shit at this moment. All I wanted was to collect this lil’ bread, give Dmitri his share and get out the game for good. I've already collected and banked my trust fund and it felt good knowing I had a legitimate source of money. I was looking forward to any amount of money I made in the future being 100 percent legal.

  Rico and a couple of his partners walked over to the truck to check out the dope. They picked up a kilo and walked over to another table where they had instruments that would test it's purity. I reached in my pocket and pulled out my pack of Newports and a lighter and was about to fire it up when Money walked over to me. The entire top half of his shirt was wet with sweat and any color this black ass nigga had in his face was damn near gone.

  "You a’ight? Is you sick or something?" I asked suspiciously.

  "Let me talk to you for a minute," Money said looking at me seriously.

  "What's up? Can it wait until it’s over?" I asked.

  "Hell is wrong with this guy. He's gonna fuck around and get us killed," Dmitri said through gritted teeth then looked over at Rico's men and flashed a fake smile.

  Money pulled me up from my chair, yanked me away from the table, and out of ear shot of everybody else. I pushed Money off of me and mugged the hell out of him; he was starting to make me real suspect about the way he was acting right now. Part of me wanted to body this nigga right now for the bullshit he was doing. We were doing a fuckin’ drug deal where everybody was nervous; the way he was acting could instantly get us killed.

  "Fuck is your problem? Take your..."

  Money cut me off, shocking the shit out of me when he pulled out a gold shiny badge. "Get the fuck outta here Tae," he said through gritted teeth. "2 minutes and they coming in here."

  I placed my hands on my head and let out a deep sigh trying to control my breathing. At that moment everything slowed down except for the beating of my heart that seemed to speed up rapidly.

  "It’s a set up!" I heard somebody yell from the second floor of the barn yard.

  "Shit! Dmitri let's...."


  Gun shots rang from all over; I took off running towards the back of the barn that led to an open field. I didn't have the artillery to deal with Rico's men and their power. I only brought two of my men with me aside from Dmitri and Money thinking everything would go smoothly. Money? A fuckin’ Pig? I thought.

  “Fuck!" I yelled as a bullet entered my right forearm. Dmitri and I ran through an open field when police sirens and more gun fire could be heard from behind us. Can't believe this dude just did me like this man. Not only do I have to worry about fuckin’ Fed time but I also gotta worry about Rico's people coming for me thinking I had something to do with this shit.


  I surrender

  For the past couple of weeks since Rozalyn pulled that hoe move on me at Keylan's wake I've been hiding out at different hotel rooms. I was still very wanted by the MPD and needed to get back out of town but I wanted to try once more to get Rozalyn to leave with me.

  I still believed that she wanted to be with me but was just scared and also still believed that the twins she was carrying was mine.

  I was able to get the location and time of the deal that Tamar set up with Rico through one of Rico's boys. He wasn't aware that I was no longer part of Tamar's circle and freely gave the info I needed out. In t
urn, I gave the info to Tahj being that I couldn't walk into the police station myself and tell them what I knew. Soon Tae would either be dead or in jail and Rozalyn was going to need me. She wouldn't have a choice. Who else would she run to? I was always there when she needed me and this time would be no different. I'd even called her a couple times today to see where her head was. I planned to call her as soon as I heard that Tae had been popped.

  I grabbed the hotel room phone to call up Tahj to see what was going on. It had been an hour since the whole meet was to go down and I know I should've heard something by now.

  After calling Tahj twice and getting no answer I called Taron's number. No answer. I began to pace the floor back and forth wondering what the hell was going on and if I should just assume that things had gone according to plan. Just as I was about to call Tahj once more I heard a loud banging at my door.

  Unsure of who it could be, I grabbed my 9mm and walked towards the door.

  Before I could make it to the door to look out the peep hole, it swung open and there stood Marshalls along with sheriffs from the Miami Police dept.

  "Drop the weapon son!" one of the officers yelled.

  I placed the gun on the floor then turned around and placed my hands behind my back.

  How the hell did they find me? I thought as the officer cuffed, read me my rights, and informed me that I was being charged with the murder of Brittany Wilson.

  47 TAMAR

  Truth or Death?

  Dmitri and I had been running for what seemed like forever; we finally made it to a gas station a few miles away from where the bust happened.

  "Fuckin’ undercover! Can you believe this shit?" I said taking a few deep breaths. I took out my cell phone to dial Taron's number when I noticed my truck pulling into the gas station.

  "I knew something wasn’t right about that mother fucker. We gonna have a lot...." Dmitri took a deep breath then went for his pistol when he saw the same thing I was seeing.

  "Get in!" Money yelled once he let the window down.

  "This bitch ass nigga bold than a muthafucka’. Fuckin’ narc and he talking about get in." I tapped Dmitri on the shoulder and motioned for him to follow.

  "Tae, come on man. Let me get y'all out of here and explain everything. Please just trust me! It won't be long before they come this way looking for ya'll," Money drove the truck closer to us. I walked around the truck trying to get away and called my brother.

  Money has to be out of his damn mind; he flash a fuckin’ badge at me, have my deal raided, and now he wanted me to get in the car with him? Dmitri was ready to kill this fool but bottom line he was a cop and I didn't want his blood on my hands. Especially not in a place as public as this gas station.

  "Dmitri, chill out it's cameras all over the place." I said.

  "We gotta get the fuck outta here! This is crazy!" Dmitri yelled.

  "Come on man! I don't have any weapons on me, one of ya'll can drive! I just wanna help!" Money yelled out the window.

  "No, you get out the car and let us leave if you wanna help!" Dmitri said.

  "I can't, they'll be looking for me too. I went rogue six months ago!" Money said.

  "Look lets just get in the car. Keep a pistol on this nigga and dead his ass if he try something stupid. I gotta get to Rozalyn and my shorty and the fuck out of town before it’s too late," I said placing my hands on my head feeling like we had no other choice.

  "A’ight, you sit in the back, I'll drive. Your arm is fucked up. We can dump this mother fucker along the way or something," Dmitri said.

  I nodded my head then walked to the backseat and got in. Money jumped over to the passenger side then Dmitri hopped in the driver’s seat. Soon as we got in the car I immediately put my gun to the back of Money's head in case he tried some funny shit.

  Money started explaining how it was his job to bring me and Dmitri under from the time I accepted him to my crew and gave him work. He'd been trying to hook up with me ever since I was arrested on the murder charges of Shalea and Tweek.

  He said that prosecution wanted to have a backup plan in case the murder charges fell through. Getting me on drug charges was their next best option. He was responsible for reporting back to his captain once a month to give any info on my whole drug operation, murders, and any other illegal activities I had going on. For months after reporting back with nothing his captain threatened to pull him out but he protested telling them he needed more time. After more time had passed and Money didn’t have any info to give them, he stopped reporting and relied heavily on the money that I was paying him to do jobs.

  According to Money we had become a family to him and even though he could have given his captain details about murders and drug transactions, he never did. The thing that stopped him was the fact that I helped his grandma pay for her AIDs medication. The social security money she got wasn't enough and his salary from the department couldn’t cover all the costs. I had been a lifesaver to him and each day he found it harder and harder to rat me out.

  Just recently his captain had been on him real hard about bringing something in or else he would lose his job and any charges brought against me would be brought against him as well. He ignored his captain and told him that he'd quit. He just found out about the tip the police were given from my pops earlier this morning when one of his friends on the force gave him the heads up. That was why he was so nervous earlier ’cause he knew that he was fair game like everybody else.

  I didn't know what to think at this point; all I knew is that Rico wouldn't hesitate to send his people after me and my family. I had to get Rozalyn and Tamarion along with my mom and Taylana somewhere safe until things were sorted it out.


  “You should’ve did that shit a long time ago,” Dmitri said. “Fuck his explanation.”

  I grabbed my cell and dialed up Taron; getting rid of Money’s body and this truck was gonna have to be done before I could go home. I just killed a police officer; a rule that I said I would never break and until now I never had. Dmitri drove us to a spot that was hardly frequented. By the time we arrived Taron was already there waiting for us. I pulled the plates off the truck, carved the VIN off with a knife that Dmitri always carried and set it to burn. Once the car had been completely incinerated with flames we all hopped in Taron’s ride and never looked back.


  “Rozalyn!” I yelled once I walked into the house. “Ron, go get mama and Lana and tell them to leave everything. We ain’t got time to pack up shit.”

  “Maybe you should just try talking to Rico instead of running. I’m sure he’ll understand and know you had nothing to do with it,” Taron tried to argue.

  “I’m not running Taron, I’ll face Rico in whatever way I have to but not until I got my shorty and Rozalyn safe. Too much shit has been going on and I’m not trying to put her through nothing else. I’m a take them out of town then come back and handle Rico.”

  I ran upstairs looking for Rozalyn but saw that she was nowhere around. This whole scene felt familiar; something like the last time I came home looking for her and she ended up being gone for damn near a year; one of the hardest years of my fuckin’ life.

  “Rozalyn!” I called out again and ran back downstairs.

  “A’ight, I’m a go and get mama them then what?” Taron asked.

  “I don’t know. Just….just. I’ll be over there. Just tell them to be ready to go and I ain’t taking no for an answer.”

  I sat on the arm of the couch and pulled out my cell phone to call Rozalyn and figure out where she was. She wasn’t supposed to be going anywhere since the doctor told her to limit her activities in order for her to carry the twins to full term.

  “Where are you?” I yelled when she answered.

  “I’m coming. I had to go do something. What’s wrong?” Rozalyn asked sounding out of breath.

  “Just hurry up and get here! Do you have Tamarion with you?”

  “Yes I have him, why what’s wrong? You so
und like something is wrong.”

  “Rozalyn I just need you to come to the house now! Stop asking questions and come on!”

  “I’m here Tae. I’m pulling up in front of the house now.”

  I hung the phone up and ran back upstairs to the safe that was located in my office. After putting the combination in I grabbed a few stacks of money then locked it back.

  “Daddy!” Tamarion yelled as he ran into my office. “Baby.”

  "Baby? Yea, mama is about to have 2 babies. Come on we gotta go." I picked Tamarion up and shut the door to my office. As I started down the stairs; Rozalyn was coming up cradling a baby in her arms. "What the hell? Who baby is that?"

  "I was gonna tell you but I know..."

  "Fuck Rozalyn no! Where the fuck you get that baby from?"

  "She's been out the hospital 2 weeks now....she's yours. It's Danesha's baby Shanya."

  "Why the hell....Rozalyn damn it! I told you the damn baby wasn't mine!" I yelled.

  "Oh my God, what happened to your arm?"

  "Look we gotta go! You gonna have to call somebody to come get that baby! I told you it's not mine!"

  "Tae just ‘cause you keep saying that doesn't make it true!"

  I left Rozalyn standing on the stairwell and walked back into my office. I opened a file cabinet that held important paperwork and pulled out the letter that I was looking for.

  "What?" Rozalyn asked as she stepped into the doorway of my office.

  "That little girl is not mine Rozalyn," I said and walked over to her holding the paper in her face. "when you first told me Diamond had that baby, I snuck off and got her tested. You know damn well if she was mine I wouldn't have left her at that hospital like that! She isn't mine!"


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